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diy solar

Growatt SPF 5000 ES - 3 phase parallel setup doesnt use battery for loads


New Member
Nov 4, 2023
Hi all,

i would need some help with my growatt spf setup - i have tried now i guess most things

The setup doesnt use the battery to provide to the load of the house, only for the inverters themselfs at night.

They charge the battery up with solar but never take anything from it (except the inverters personal load needs at night) but not the load of the house.

I allready tried SOL and SBU Mode its the same in all modes even in SUB all modes seem to behave like SUB.

I let them run after each setting change a day to see if something changes but no luck.

Additional not so fun fact - the moment the batteries are charged to 100% even solar isnt used to provide power for the loads of the house. In all Modes SOL SUB SBU - battery Full no Solar is used to provide power for the loads of the house. i really have no explaination for it.

What i didnt do is after changeing the settings switching all of and on again - but i checked if the master synced to all slaves and all settings where replicated.

And as most know (i read in the forum) there are some serious bugs in the Firmware in SBU mode where it charges at night by utility even when not allowed, If i set ac2B to 30% it will be ignored and charged up to 100% by utility. - i could only limit the utility Chargetimes but in case of low battery at night it may be needed or all SPFs go offline because of the BMS disconnect when it gets to low. Therefor my value for AC2B = 56% thats enough for the 6 inverters own power needs so battery never gets below 8% because for there own needs they even go below the cutof Value of 20% and if that happens all SPFs shutdown and disconnect (i found no way to hold them online because they are still GRID connected but the BMS disconnected is treated like a harderror.

in BMS communication Mode the Growatts limit the charge A to 6 A/SPF the Battery has a max of 100A but if i dont use the BMS communication and set it manually the SPFs charge works fine but overloads the Battery on Discharge so high that the BMS disconnects,

With BMS mode they charge battery but they dont use the Battery to provide for the load so no discharge for houseload.

my setup
6 x Growatt SPF 5000 ES setup 3 Phase - parallel connected 2 on each phase
Firmware = 067.01/058.01
200 aH 51,2v Lifepo connected via BMS
BMS Communication is working

Overload Bypass is configured in case of a Spike that needs to be taken from the grid
(2) CHG.I = 6 A (set by BMS cant be changed)
(11) B2Ac = 25%
(12) ac2b = 56%
(14) CHGPR = OSO
(21) CUT OF BATTERY = 20%

Whats important to know
only 3 of the 6 Growatt SPFs have PV Connected to them (4,3 kwp) each
all 6 Growatt SPFs are connected to the battery

Im really open for suggestions what i could try to get it going:
I have set the slaves to off so that only the PV connected ran - but that didnt change anything

My next plans are

- firmware upgrade to 67.03/68.03
- has anybody done that sucessfully so far - i read some horror stories like bricked devices after the upgrade

Another guess is maybe because of the bypass Mode the inverters never use the battery only to charge it but that wouldnt make much sense for me if its a setting to protect you for overload .To deactivate battery and solar when battery is charged if this setting is on.

For poweroptimizations does anybody has expirience with setting 50

50 AC output time (Which AC output is meant there? Inverter, Grid, Pasthru, All)

if i would limit that to lets say 05-24 would that limit only the inverter AC output solar/battery or the passthru/bypass Output too?
If you need any additional information im open for suggestions

Thanks in advance wish you all a sunny day
i have 3 inverters in 3phase mode with 113, 114, i have similar issue ones a month
would like also to update firmware , but scared

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