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diy solar

Opinion on Fuse Setup


New Member
Jan 3, 2022
Has anyone used or have an opinion on using the Fuse Boxs in the photo , obviously with larger fuses to suit the system . The fuse box itself is well made and substantial and on the face f it ideal for connecting up to 3 batteries to a Bus bar .

I have incorporated one in my system a year ago and although with just one battery so far its worked as i had hoped , a fuse did blow when i i exceeded the 60amps that it came with however since increasing the fuse rating to 80amps all has worked well and i have never noticed any heat build up at all .

I check and monitor my own system daily but a friend is changing his batteries from 1 to 2 and intends to buy the same fuse box so i feel responsible should something go wrong , the reason forOpera my post today .

Any advice would be very much appreciated .

no way.
when you start connecting multiple batteries, part of the danger is one short will back feed ALL the batteries to the short, if the fuse melts into a fireball of plasma the fuse fails to cut off the flowing current, and fire is typical result.
No way would I use the linked fuse holder or fuses as a safety device for batteries. Use Class T fuses, of the correct size, in a proper holder.
Friends don't let friends burn down their home. ;)
I never use it .
I use Cube Fuse.
Direct by the battery self .
Than i know for sure the battery is save and the gear .
Cube Fuse are use on boats if a wire break in a metal boat we have a big problem.
A Cube Fuse is for this reason use.

Other like to use t-fuses .
But never i gone use those things on your picture.
Its more use for audio amplifier in cars.
So your saying that not only is the Fuse box no good even if connected to only one battery and using only one fuse that the fuses are no good for the application either . I am surprised because before buying the Fuse box i did read about ANL fuses and everything i read says they are good for Audio , vehicle and Solar system circuits .
I have used ANL fuses for some locations, but for ultimate fuse protection in LFP battery system (which can output thousands of amps, perhaps 10's of thousands) Class T are the way to go, in a correct holder.
Car audio and LFP batteries don't mix well. For only one battery use a MRBF fuse with holder on the post. Then you can take the wire from that to another fuse panel of any type you like.

If you decide to put another battery in parallel another MRBFon its post too.

If you parallel 3 or more batteries then additional fuses besides MRBF are needed, like the class T.

ANL fuses run hotter than MRBF because the have more resistance at a given amperage. They also don't have as high an AIC rating as a MRBF. And the time verse current curve is 10x slower.

And last but not least as mentioned above, in a short circuit situation they tend to explode into fragments and plasma. If the battery vents first and the hydrogen is in the area it can act as an ignition source. See the house burned down thread in up in smoke for an example of Mega fuse and vent. Not an ANL but similar..

I have used ANL fuses for some locations, but for ultimate fuse protection in LFP battery system (which can output thousands of amps, perhaps 10's of thousands) Class T are the way to go, in a correct holder.
Well if you do not use bms .
A bms will have limit so Really i do not see a point to use a t-fuses with a good bms systeem.

I have see it by my self by the first start of a inverter.
That my max 600a bms shutdown the systeem.
And my fuses that are lower dit not burn.

A Cube Fuse is a slow blow fuse.
Well if you do not use bms .
A bms will have limit so Really i do not see a point to use a t-fuses with a good bms systeem.

I have see it by my self by the first start of a inverter.
That my max 600a bms shutdown the systeem.
The best practice is to not rely on the BMS as a single point of failure. So the fuse or breaker is there as a backup in case the BMS fails with mosfets fused.
The best practice is to not rely on the BMS as a single point of failure. So the fuse or breaker is there as a backup in case the BMS fails with mosfets fused.
I agree with that .

Some more information.
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