diy solar

diy solar

Building a 24v battery

Docan has always been good to me and I think I'm about 32 or so cells from them over the years.

Tools are an investment, llike any other tools. You don't need uber top of the line stuff, but don't go cheapest unpronouncable either if you can avoid it. Sometimes good enough is good enough.

Once you start building your own batteries you start finding more projects that need batteries.

Drop in 100ah's aren't really worth the investment to DIY, but once you get into the higher capacities it really starts to save money.
For me 230ah cells was a sweet spot to start with DIY. Had enough capacity plus was a little cheaper than 280ah.

Now that I’ve had my 230 cells for 2+years I’m adding 280 cells to the mix and that should do it for my storage needs.

*check back in 2-3 years and see if I walk back this statement.
@Steve_S Beware of folks with 1 line advice that is not clear, or those who have no info posted about their own systems, implementation & gear.

Point taken I forgot
@Steve_S Beware of folks with 1 line advice that is not clear, or those who have no info posted about their own systems, implementation & gear.

Point taken I forgot
I don't mean to be a hardass but seen too many get phookered - Caveat Emptor applies.
Critical thinking & calm reflection on advice provided is always essential for success.
I picked up 4 REPT 280ah from Docan power.$75 a piece US stock
Maybe put some of these together and start a high current test bench Like I am , more the merrier pls

I have limited space round my house and funds but if a true searcher after truth might put together a 5000A/24V rig (or combinations such as 2500/48 etc) we might get some real info (away from the biased interests of commercial peddlars MC4 Cheap Charlies etc) The Cousins (God bless) have a huge enthusiast fan base probably 1000x bigger than EU and our antipode pals down under.

Could we crowd fund-it? Independent Solar Research Center. Get a big barn away from state/big corp interference and taxes. Which State has the most relaxed attitude to innovation Colorado? Lots of OGs there?

You tell me guys, I'll join.
Beware of folks with 1 line advice that is not clear, or those who have no info posted about their own systems, implementation & gear. There are now unfortunately Ghosts with supposed knowledge that have no gear... Edumacated Experts from YT and no practical exp.

Just Like to point out that many people don't post a description of their setups in their signature line. Many possible reasons for that.

So, it takes critical thinking and understanding to weed out those that don't know what they are talking about
So, it takes critical thinking and understanding to weed out those that don't know what they are talking about
Quite Right.
On Average, It takes a minimum of 6 months of Concentrated Study or 1 year casual study to understand the overall basics & fundamentals. More if you want to get technically deep into it. Even worse with this, is the differences between chemistries & being able to discern what "truly" applies to the chemistry you are using.
Every day is a study/learning day for me. I have now reached the stage where I know how little I know. More work needed. When I teetered on the abyss of academic research encouraged by the selfish interests of a devious Professor, I met with some really smart people. They were not just say 5x smarter - more like 50x smarter and quite out of sight from my league. I quickly side-stepped and went into Petrochem and a profitable career gaining several patents on the way and so on. Its a bit like meeting an Olympic athlete - never going to be one of them.
So - pond life here muddling through.

diy solar

diy solar