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diy solar

Where did the shill go?


New Member
Oct 10, 2019
It seemed so odd for someone to tell us they were a very happy customer of their own company and not expect to be called out on it. He must have been a WC Fields convert.

Why would he use such a similar name for his own handle/website as the name of the site he was shilling. :unsure:

Would have been a lot smarter business practice to have given out a few free memberships and we could have bought what we needed, and then he could have let real customers "shill" for his business, if they were great prices, he could probably have made a lot of money. -Bill
If you REALLY want to get my attention,
Forget the price, have a 100%, no BS money back guarantee, and have the products ON THE SHELF.

In sales, you can have 2 of these three,
1. Low Price
2. High Quality
3. In Stock

All three together are mutually exclusive.

The 'Shill' thing is pretty common, and old as the hills,
Either someone Hawking the products they sell,
or the worst are the 'Fan Boys' that don't know the difference between the same product with a different brand name sticker or just plain cheap construction,
Because THEY used it, there is 'Nothing Better'...

The issue I see WAY too much is 'Gimmicks',
Build a truly superior product that's a work horse, don't make wild claims, and the world will find you.
Watch ANY tear down/comparison video, and it's pretty easy to see the difference.

The thing I'd like to see more of is failure analysis videos...
You learn more by what failed and how often than 'Comparison' videos with someone guessing what is better or worse built, see what actually fails in real life service.

If there is a device you can't find a failed unit... Then someone built a unit that doesn't fail and I'd like to know about that one in specific!
While 'Bullet Proof' is more expensive to build, and may be slightly less 'Efficient', if it's still working 25 years down the road THAT'S what I want to know about & spend my money on!
I think the real business there was the membership fee. Looking into the program you can sign up, recruit others and make money yourself. Pyramid schemes are nothing new and any business that makes a secret of their pricing pending shelling out cash first reeks of nefarious scheming to me.
I blocked him from the forum after I looked into his past post history. It was so obvious what he was doing.

I thought he served as a great example of future shills that will try to join this forum. There will surely be more to come.

There are so many "cash grab" opportunities with off grid solar right now. So many companies/distributors produce crappy products and do not expect it to catch up to them. That "membership" being a prime example. Such a rip off.

He tried to make a new username with the same IP, and I blocked that as well.
I blocked him from the forum after I looked into his past post history. It was so obvious what he was doing.

I thought he served as a great example of future shills that will try to join this forum. There will surely be more to come.

There are so many "cash grab" opportunities with off grid solar right now. So many companies/distributors produce crappy products and do not expect it to catch up to them. That "membership" being a prime example. Such a rip off.

He tried to make a new username with the same IP, and I blocked that as well.
Be sure to hit the report button when you see it!
I had someone on a post trying to direct me to a site w/$40 per month blueprints. Is that the same one, bc I see him here still. (I think.)
I just want it on record that although it (siiiigh) appears that we (Bay Marine Supply) are the primary suppliers of the guy (people order from him and he orders from us), we do not support the sales tactics or business ethics demonstrated in all that nonsense, nor do we in any way vouch for the site or user.

...personally I voted for ceasing all business with him, but eh... his credit card is just as good as anyone else's, I suppose.
I just want it on record that although it (siiiigh) appears that we (Bay Marine Supply) are the primary suppliers of the guy (people order from him and he orders from us), we do not support the sales tactics or business ethics demonstrated in all that nonsense, nor do we in any way vouch for the site or user.

...personally I voted for ceasing all business with him, but eh... his credit card is just as good as anyone else's, I suppose.
So you guys obviously give him enough discount to make money undercutting other dealers retail prices including your own? How much mark-up is on this stuff that it could pass through so many hands making a profit at each stop? Why not just give all customers the better pricing you give to this doofus?
So you guys obviously give him enough discount to make money undercutting other dealers retail prices including your own? How much mark-up is on this stuff that it could pass through so many hands making a profit at each stop? Why not just give all customers the better pricing you give to this doofus?
Well, we literally can't. MAP pricing is rigorously enforced by Victron and the other manufacturers we distribute; the only manufacturer-approved way around this is in doing kit discounts, which we do, and in commercial accounts, the standards for which are usually set by the manufacturer (ie, if X commercial customer does $xxx.xx in sales per year, they qualify for X% discount).
The fact that this guy is trying the "paid membership" way around this is between him and the manufacturers... if they want to shut him down, they will... I'm not touching that with a ten foot pole. He's basically saying that you can buy a commercial account, which isn't the way I think it works but, again, isn't my place to say.

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