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Problems with Valence software scanning battery

Thank you, that's great advice!

I've been worried about the cell voltages & not knowing what's going on inside the batteries. I will try that asap

What BMS do you recommend?

I had planned to use those cheep battery Equalizers to keep the modules balanced, & then keeping it hooked to a laptop to keep the cell blocks balanced. Does that sound like it should work?

A video would be awesome. I'm sure a lot of people would really appreciate it.
Technically that would work but you're missing out on the cell protection the BMS offers. For now I'll recommend the actual valence brand BMS. But you'll probably need to pay someone to flash it for you or at least send you a flash file because figuring it all out was a multi-month pain in the ass.
im having the same issues with my software. has anyone figured out the problem? I can't seem to get past the error "no battery found" when i click "locate battery". the computer seems to be talking to the USB just fine but i cant seem to get in touch with the battery.

Is this cable wired correctly? I get port not found. I cannot get it to get past the port not found.
This is the same 2 connectors someone else in this thread used.
I hope I am 1 pin off. That said I could not get it to work when the wires were shifted to the other side.
Did you figure it out Russ? Im having the exact same issue as you. Error "battery not found" although the adapter flashes like its working fine. I have the same 5pin adapter as you. Need help please!!
I have 4 hooked in parallel. There is 2 banks of 2 hooked to a Perko switch. Today I hooked the communication cables to the top back and the lower bank So just the top 2 are hooked to each other and the bottom 2 are hooked to each other. No terminator. I was able the read Bat 1 and 2 of the top bank and bat 3 and 4 of the lower bank. Pretty cool. I'm going to make a long cabinet to connect them all so all I have to do is plug into on of the bats and be able to read all 4 with a single connection!
Instead of building new cabinet just build extension cable
Has anybody seen this issue?
I'm running as Administrator, with a single battery connected. When I hit "Scan", a battery with module ID 1 shows up immediately, but when I hit "Start Read" with Module ID 1 selected, I always get the error message "Please check the Com Port or ModuleID".
It's clearly communicating fine since it returns the battery serial number and other info with a Scan. The battery itself has a flashing green light that transitions from every 30s to every 5s when it gets scanned, so that seems fine too. Any ideas?
Has anybody seen this issue?
View attachment 39469
I'm running as Administrator, with a single battery connected. When I hit "Scan", a battery with module ID 1 shows up immediately, but when I hit "Start Read" with Module ID 1 selected, I always get the error message "Please check the Com Port or ModuleID".
It's clearly communicating fine since it returns the battery serial number and other info with a Scan. The battery itself has a flashing green light that transitions from every 30s to every 5s when it gets scanned, so that seems fine too. Any ideas?
click the "locate battery" button and then click the "start read" button. it should show you the info.
Trying to connect directly without the external connectors. Usb stick recognized on com3. Valence software likes com3 but no battery located. Ideas? Is it OK to connect directly?Screenshot_20210304-164726_Gallery.jpgScreenshot_20210304-164710_Gallery.jpg
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Trying to connect directly without the external connectors. Usb stick recognized on com3. Valence software likes com3 but no battery located. Ideas? Is it OK to connect directly?View attachment 39562View attachment 39564
that should be fine as long as you hooked all the wires up correctly. the the black and red should be your power wires and the white and blue should be the communication wires. communication wires in the middle and power wires on the ends. look at the diagram that came with the adapter.
If anyone else is following this thread... just to let you know that the 5pin adapter the 4 pin adapter are not the same. they have different chipsets. I just got ahold of the 4 pin adapter and it communicated to the batteries first time with absolutely no problems. The adapter that Russ and I used does not work.
click the "locate battery" button and then click the "start read" button. it should show you the info.
Thanks for the reply!

When I click the "Locate Battery" Button it gives me the connected battery ID of 1 and sets the Module ID box to 1 like it should:

But when I hit the "Start Read", I still get the "Please check the Com Port or Module ID" message:

I'm sure I'm communicating since a "Scan" gives me the battery serial number, firmware revision and such, so any other ideas on what I'm doing wrong?
I woke up this morning and was having some communication issues myself for whatever reason. went to bed and everything fine, woke up and having troubles seeing all the batteries in the string. I messed around with the connector for a while and hooked the batteries up in a different order and seemed to work.

I would check to make sure your drivers are installed correctly, make sure all your connections are good, restart your computer, check everything and try again. I would also try switching your communication wires around and see if that helps. the "change module ID" is always 1 unless you change it. Are you sure the battery is actually number 1? usually they have different ID numbers unless someone has already changed it, or it was really the first battery in the string. My batteries all have stickers on them that have the serial number and the module ID number on it. double check everything cause you are almost there.
I may also have this issue however it relates to a particular battery (36v version). The same cable and software work ok on a 12v version but on the 36v I can locate battery and perhaps change the ID but when I hit Read I get the same error as the OP. I think I have an older version of the software I can try. As the fault follows the battery I'm worried that the BMS Comms hardware might be damaged? Either that or it has newer firmware that my software doesnt support.

What is the very latest version of the Valence software?

If anyone needs a working RS 845 to usb adapter with the right connector for the battery already wired to it I sell them for $35. The wires are molded into the USB connector so there's no tiny screws to come loose. So many other possible issues to cause it not to work it's best to get a cable from me so you know for sure the cable is not the problem. I'm in the USA
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Hi. There is no problem with my cable as it too is soldered and Raychem adhesive lined heatshrunk. I can offer these cables for £29.95 posted in the UK. Would offer Europe for a fiver more but Brexit and paperwork it is too much hassle until they streamline it a bit!
I suspect the battery or the software application version as it works flawlessly with 12v ones
Has anybody seen this issue?
View attachment 39469
I'm running as Administrator, with a single battery connected. When I hit "Scan", a battery with module ID 1 shows up immediately, but when I hit "Start Read" with Module ID 1 selected, I always get the error message "Please check the Com Port or ModuleID".
It's clearly communicating fine since it returns the battery serial number and other info with a Scan. The battery itself has a flashing green light that transitions from every 30s to every 5s when it gets scanned, so that seems fine too. Any ideas?
Did you find out why this is happening? I have the exact same problem with a P30-36C. Comms is definitely working. Locate Battery works. Scan works; it finds the ID, serial number, F/W rev& date. But hit "Start Read" and it returns "Please check the Com Port or ModuleID" I'm guessing the battery is incompatible with this version of the Valence Module Diag program. Can anyone shed any further light on this? Thanks!
Did you find out why this is happening? I have the exact same problem with a P30-36C. Comms is definitely working. Locate Battery works. Scan works; it finds the ID, serial number, F/W rev& date. But hit "Start Read" and it returns "Please check the Com Port or ModuleID" I'm guessing the battery is incompatible with this version of the Valence Module Diag program. Can anyone shed any further light on this? Thanks!
I think you are right in that the battery firmware version and the Diag program are incompatible. I have not found a way to update the battery firmware or even if it is possible. It would be great if someone knowledgeable could chime in.
I think you are right in that the battery firmware version and the Diag program are incompatible. I have not found a way to update the battery firmware or even if it is possible. It would be great if someone knowledgeable could chime in.
I know all the knowledgeable people in this area and although it may be possible to decompile and reflash the firmware from the green battery into the black ones I don't think anyone sees enough value in figuring it all out. Better to just delete the internal board in the black battery and replace it with an aftermarket BMS.

I think they increased the size of the bleed off resistors in the green batteries so the hardware is also different which means you have to rewrite the whole code in order to run the green software in the black battery. And trust me that's not going to happen. If the same amount of temperature sensors and same values are present there though maybe the board from the green battery could be installed into the black battery? But where oh where might you find boards from Green batteries?
I was cursed by this "everything works, but it won't connect" thing today. Thanks for all the other helpful comments.

What fixed mine was those little pins in the tyco connector were backing out when I pushed the whole connector onto the battery's connector.

I took a precision flathead screwdriver to the back of my homemade connector and pushed them in one by one. Voila! The program connected.

Hope this helps someone.

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diy solar