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diy solar

ShunBin Battery Packs: 12V/24V 100AH and up ! A Complete RIP-OFF ! AVOID

We're writing to let you know we processed your refund of NZD145.56 for your Order 112-3290342-2537069 from SHUN BIN.

This refund is for the following item(s):

Item: 3.2V 40ah 60ah 100ah lifepo4 battery cell car battery lithium battery solar storage (3.2V 100ah �1pcs (73mm�400mm))
Quantity: 1
Reason for refund: Account adjustment
I must say I never thought I would get a refund. Amazon did surprise me.
We're writing to let you know we processed your refund of NZD145.56 for your Order 112-3290342-2537069 from SHUN BIN.

This refund is for the following item(s):

Item: 3.2V 40ah 60ah 100ah lifepo4 battery cell car battery lithium battery solar storage (3.2V 100ah �1pcs (73mm�400mm))
Quantity: 1
Reason for refund: Account adjustment
I must say I never thought I would get a refund. Amazon did surprise me.
I have NOT replied to them about their request to remove my reviews on Amazon CA & COM in order to get a refund.
ShunBin Email on Dec.8th.
Did you test the battery performance?This is of high quality,This is 100% enough for 400AH,How about I refund you the difference of 40AH?Can you revise the evaluation?
$4000 ÷ 400AH = $10 per AH X 40AH = $400 in Canadian Dollars as the pack is $2999USD/$3999CAD BUT to delete the review ? I do need the money as this wasn't planned or budgeted for but.... At least this thread exists and seems like over 5000 views and growing, so the info is out.
I have NOT replied to them about their request to remove my reviews on Amazon CA & COM in order to get a refund.

I got emails from Amazon saying was this helpful. I clicked no, When asked why I said that to get a refund I had to remove my comments and photo and that I thought it was bullshit. Then out off the blue I got the you are getting a refund email.
I got emails from Amazon saying was this helpful. I clicked no, When asked why I said that to get a refund I had to remove my comments and photo and that I thought it was bullshit. Then out off the blue I got the you are getting a refund email.
I am NOT getting a refund email, re-read. I complained, Posted an HONEST Review with photo's and then they offered a part refund. GET'S BETTER, the Amazon mail says respond to their emails directly BUT that fails, non-sendable ! This entire experience has REALLY PUT ME OFF ! and it's not even the damned 13th ! (insert cursing & swearing in 5 languages) So now it's a freakin run around with Amazon playing monkey in the middle with both thumbs stuck up you know where... also pissed off cause I just go my battery busbars... freaking thin steel hardware store specials WTF ! 75 Bux ~! NOT
I am NOT getting a refund email, re-read. I complained, Posted an HONEST Review with photo's and then they offered a part refund. GET'S BETTER, the Amazon mail says respond to their emails directly BUT that fails, non-sendable ! This entire experience has REALLY PUT ME OFF ! and it's not even the damned 13th ! (insert cursing & swearing in 5 languages) So now it's a freakin run around with Amazon playing monkey in the middle with both thumbs stuck up you know where... also pissed off cause I just go my battery busbars... freaking thin steel hardware store specials WTF ! 75 Bux ~! NOT

I think he meant that HE got the refund email.
Ohh the muck get's deeper too ! I just got an email from them... get this load of hooey !
Hello, how about I refund you 150usd, we have no profit, our price is very low, you can test the quality, there is no risk , You can use it for seven years
Seriously ?
So next step, I contacted Shunbin Coporate in Schenzen, this is going to get weird !
Well after cranking music up full volume for 4.5 hours in the desert, my battery monitor displayed 80% state of charge. I wish I had the full ah/kwh reading but apparently I did not have the Balmar SG200 display fully pressed in (I still can't get connector to snap using hands, need channel locks). So even if my battery is 450ah not 500...I'm content. BMS possible problem but if there is really a 3 year warranty screw it. I'm buying three more for 48v. So $6k for 48v 450 ah....I'll take it.
Well after cranking music up full volume for 4.5 hours in the desert, my battery monitor displayed 80% state of charge. I wish I had the full ah/kwh reading but apparently I did not have the Balmar SG200 display fully pressed in (I still can't get connector to snap using hands, need channel locks). So even if my battery is 450ah not 500...I'm content. BMS possible problem but if there is really a 3 year warranty screw it. I'm buying three more for 48v. So $6k for 48v 450 ah....I'll take it.
Well you have followed the thread & discoveries, so your eyes are wide open I hope and you are willing to take the risk. But if you did the math on those BYD Packs and a good BMS, you'd be way ahead of the game. Even the Samsung ESS packs from EVWest. My own should'a, could'a, would'a, flags are flying now in hindsight.
Well after cranking music up full volume for 4.5 hours in the desert, my battery monitor displayed 80% state of charge. I wish I had the full ah/kwh reading
I am in similar boat, literally lol. I have been using the "200ah" to run the refrigerator and even with a cheap inverter it's doing just fine. Like you I can't verify the ah, I bought a columb counter but can't seem to get it calibrated, just supposed to run battery to low cutoff and press the down button for 3 seconds, then charge to full and press the up button for 3 seconds. I guess I have to wait until I do the permanent install and connect it to the Victron BMS.
Well the weirdness scale just gained a couple of kilo's !
I sent a message to ShunBin Corporate in Shenzen with some of the information & details. Haven't heard back from William Chen but time zones & such could be at play there. BUT I got this email as a response I sent to the vendor via amazon. It's a BEAUTY !

After they offered the $150 USD (Wednesday @ 10:35) I replied to them with the following:
@ 14:00 hours on the 11th as well, I sent them this below:

We are talking Canadian Dollars here: $3999 ÷ 400AH = $10 per AH X 40AHRS = $400 CAD /$302 USD. That would cover the new BMS and related equipment. But does not address the downtime and issues resulting from this “adventure”.

Considering my options, I “hate” to see people get ripped off because of Frauds or False Advertising and then covering that with poor “stories”. THAT is as bad as listening to an American Politician, no truth to be found anywhere on any subject at any time.

After further reflection and having sent a message to ShunBin corporate I followed up with the Amazon Vendor @ 15:15 hrs on the 11th to their $150 usd offer for silence.:

Interesting MATH & See how that works with an Honest Review. I'll also be in contact with Shunbin directly, advising them what you are doing to their name & I imagine they will not appreciate it very much. You are effectively harming the Made in China brand which is something your government really does not appreciate.

ShunBin Amazon reply Friday the 13th 22:09 hrs:
Hello, I agree to refund you 302usd, can you delete the forum post and comment now? I can give you a refund now,Thank you

SO THERE WE HAVE IT... more or less... They obviously used a proper calculator and figured it out. The time delay is simple enough because the time differences, so that's no issue BUT something happened along the way.... A Peculiar Happening TOO ! Coincidence ? Maybe. Since their response on Wednesday, email got weird.... My email would not send messages (got stuck in outgoing) so I had to manually push it from gmail web "drafts" itself. The text in the emails all got split with spaces between every character. (I fixed the responses for readability above), their response came in with very odd formatting & characters and had to also be cleaned up, but it's through the Amazon mail engine. So now to CClean & Purge everything out and cleanup whatever got planted. BUT, been surfing many foreign sites too so.... can never be too safe eh.

On the REFUND.... The amount is now correct BUT they still want me to remove the Review and NOW the forum post too (sorry forum post won't ever be deleted unless Will decides it should for some reason), dunno if the software allows it otherwise anyways, many don't after replies have been posted. Well I don't think so ! Sure I need he money to cover the extra unexpected costs of this debacle BUT to facilitate them to continue to defraud folks just rubs me WRONG in the worst of ways... I guess I am going to eat that much needed refund because, I cannot with any conscience let people get screwed up the wazoo !

A) Should I take the money (bribe for silence?) and do as they ask & remove the reviews ?
B) Eat the $302 usd which causes me $ stress and leave everything as is / where is ?
C) See if an answer from ShunBin Corporate comes with anything of value (have my doubts) ?
D) open to ideas / suggestions.

I prefer to help people & like doing so whenever possible but I also can't afford to take $ hits but I will if it has to... conundrum... I do know that this thread has been seen by MANY and it pops up in google, duckduck and likely others as well. There is also links to this thread in other sites as well ! some put by me and by others too !
Time for :coffee: #2 and some pondering.
Have you contacted your credit card company to see if the can assist? Has Amazon CA washed their hands completely at this point? I would never take option A but would wait to see what happens with the other choices.
I haven't contacted VISA as yet as that would further complicate the steps. This is going through the amazon message engine and kept as part of their process. But with the wonky email reformatting, I feel they are trying to kludge the system by making things unreadable by spacing out the letters with 2 spaces. Example-> T h I s I s a n e x a m p l e o f w h a t I g o t. which breaks the scanning tools and more used by the automated engines... pretty lame IMO. BTW, I am a retired MS Core Engineer and was doing IT Sec for Military for years... BTDT know the tricks. It is a poor attempt at obfuscation.

Good Faith ? OK, Rule of Three IS applied, chances expended. 3 strikes your out, 3rd time is NOT a charm ! They have repeatedly >3 times pulled out the phooey excuses topped off with demands to modify / delete reviews & now this Forum Thread as well...

Option A) not interested really, I cannot lower my standard to that, even if many on the planet feel it's ok in the 21st century, I do not.
I now have a migraine (something I haven't had in 3 years) and need to lay down and calm down.

As for deleting the thread... I seriously cannot imagine that @Will Prowse would think that's a good idea either... more likely as a disservice to all the members here. s everything posted here by myself & Delta V and others are based on our findings and backed by photo's etc, it's all credible, factual, verifiable & tangible as well. I had a friend suggested I file a complain with the Chinese Trade & Commerce Ministry, apparently that would be carrying a Big Stick because they don't take stuff like this well and have laws they enforce against it. Chinese laws are not to be screwed with ! They don't furtle around with lawyers, like the western nations do. I think that is a bit much though. I just hate to see good folks get screwed out of their hard earned cash by sheisters.
Steve, I share your distaste for being extorted into deleting a review of these batteries that alerted others to ShunBin's fraudulent advertising.

Unfortunately, I was outside of Amazon's refund window when we became aware of the 174Ah batteries being used. Even still, I requested a full refund from ShunBin, which they refused.

Shortly thereafter, ShunBin became aware of my Amazon review which showcased their deception, and asked that I remove it, in exchange for a very small refund. I informed them that they had shorted me 10% of the advertised battery capacity, so any refund would have to be at least that amount... and that the refund would have to be received BEFORE my review was removed, as once the review is altered, it is permanent, and I've lost my bargaining chip.

Within a day, my account was credited to the tune of $456.82 US, for the two 400Ah batteries. And so, I kept my word... removing my review.

I was then shocked to find an email from Amazon asking that I review the batteries for them! (Apparently, my first review was for but one of the two batteries purchased, and Amazon wanted the second battery reviewed)

This was the best of both worlds... I was able to keep my word by removing the review that accused ShunBin of engaging in fraudulent and deceptive trade practices, while also affording me the opportunity to insure that other shoppers might go into the transaction fully informed.

My new review reads:

The pride of workmanship is readily apparent in the stainless steel case that houses these LifePO4 batteries. All wiring and fasteners are glued in place within. My only concern was the 174Ah printing on each cell, rather than the 200Ah that each cell should have been, to provide the 400Ah that the two batteries that I purchased should be comprised of.
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I'm not opening my battery. The case is great and the handles are good for the 98 lb weight. However, I need to order my remaining three in case Amazon pulls the plug. I mean free shipping hell yeah!! Ordering a Kilovault would have cost me $400 in shipping. I'll take that hit in AH and say thank you sir may I please have some more.
Steve, I share your distaste for being extorted into deleting a review of these batteries that alerted others to ShunBin's fraudulent advertising.

Unfortunately, I was outside of Amazon's refund window when we became aware of the 174Ah batteries being used. Even still, I requested a full refund from ShunBin, which they refused.

Shortly thereafter, ShunBin became aware of my Amazon review which showcased their deception, and asked that I remove it, in exchange for a very small refund. I informed them that they had shorted me 10% of the advertised battery capacity, so any refund would have to be at least that amount... and that the refund would have to be received BEFORE my review was removed, as once the review is altered, it is permanent, and I've lost my bargaining chip.

Within a day, my account was credited to the tune of $456.82 US, for the two 400Ah batteries. And so, I kept my word... removing my review.

I was then shocked to find an email from Amazon asking that I review the batteries for them! (Apparently, my first review was for but one of the two batteries purchased, and Amazon wanted the second battery reviewed)

This was the best of both worlds... I was able to keep my word by removing the review that accused ShunBin of engaging in fraudulent and deceptive trade practices, while also affording me the opportunity to insure that other shoppers might go into the transaction fully informed.

My new review reads:

The pride of workmanship is readily apparent in the stainless steel case that houses these LifePO4 batteries. All wiring and fasteners are glued in place within. My only concern was the 174Ah printing on each cell, rather than the 200Ah that each cell should have been, to provide the 400Ah that the two batteries that I purchased should be comprised of.
Sadly I did not see that review and had I seen it, I would have built my own pack OR bought a couple of the BYD or Samsung Packs which are available.... After all of this, it actually would have cost me the same IF I had built a fresh pack from scratch but without lingering doubts.
Or post a link in the review to THIS thread... we shall see what pops in the next couple of days.
OK i've been following along here and have to chime in, Steve_S a very BIG thank you for sharing your experience with "shit bin" and their dubious practices but Sir i believe you have suffered enough so squeeze those bastards for every dime you can get outta them to recover some of your hard earned money.
Received a message from Willian Chen @ Shunbin Shenzen Corporate via Alibaba mail, it IS the same company and again he asked I remove this thread & change the reviews. NEITHER IS HAPPENING ! I will NOT participate in supporting a fraud after the fact, sorry but I look out for my Fellow Human Beings and do not want to see anyone else get scammed.
Just do it on amazon and get your money. Then repost it with refund and post renoval info. like solar rat said. Doesnt need to be this hard.
I've been camping out in my trailer for a few days now. Cranking up toons, lights on, using coffee pot....I just ordered three more 500 ah (or less, whatever) batteries. Not doing Battleborn. Maybe on my next solar setup (I have two properties in Cabo) I will try something different. So that's $8k in these batteries.
I've been camping out in my trailer for a few days now. Cranking up toons, lights on, using coffee pot....I just ordered three more 500 ah (or less, whatever) batteries. Not doing Battleborn. Maybe on my next solar setup (I have two properties in Cabo) I will try something different. So that's $8k in these batteries.
Your a brave soul... considering they sold me a 400AH pack but it has 174AH cells as opposed to 200AH so I got 348AH (gross - maybe) but if I bought three packs would they be the same ? would they charge / discharge the same ? What mix of cells are in the pack and do they match up (most unlikely) Remember I discovered Three Different types of Cells in my single pack ! Mix'n Match !

All parts are in finally, just have to drill the holes into the custom busbars and I'll be redoing the pack and taking photo's to post here.

FYI: After checking these updated deals here and crunching the numbers, could have built the same pack for equal money with "Known Good Parts" and much less hassle an angst.
What testing?

If you want to bet your money on an unknown china cell, go for it. I've been buying from China for decades and have been screwed more times than I care to admit, but at least it was mostly cheap stuff and I was expecting it (I was lubed up). I've bought many many li-ion 18650 cells from unknown suppliers in China and not a single one tested anywhere near specs. Some were laughably bad. Some started out ok but lost 75% of their capacity in a year. BUT, my Samsungs, Sonys, Panasonic's, LGs and Sanyos are mostly all still working great after a decade of use. You DO sometimes get what you pay for, especially with battery brands!

I'm trying to save naive people from possibly making a huge financial mistake. If they still want to chance it that's up to them. I hope they are the real deal, but the odds are less than 50/50. Just know the odds before playing the game....someone has to remind people here that... Being a fanboy helps no one. I saw just one test of these mystery batteries on here and they failed miserably (the real manufacturer said his cells were meant for the trash heap). I don't consider "I got them and they are great!" from a fanboy an actual test.

Time will tell and we will see. If you've got the cash to try them, great, go for it!...just don't gamble the kid's college fund. ;)
We used to scoff at "Made in Japan" equating it with cheap stuff until it became a symbol of quality. You need to know a manufacturers reputation prior to buying if that's possible but the facts are the highest quality parts, batteries, electronic components and solar panels are mostly made in China. The fact is the cheap new or used lifepo4 cells made in China usually measure out to spec and work well. Based on Will's latest teardown you may have to build your own battery to be sure your wire gauge and BMS and its connections are good but cheap cells themselves from China are preforming pretty well in most of Will's testing.

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diy solar