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The vaccinated are more likely to catch Covid

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If you want to have your eyes wide open ..... watch this video. I have no doubt that this guy knows exactly what he is talking about ..... I found it easier to watch at 1.5 speed.

The best strategy now ..... whether vaccinated or not ... is to have a plan for early treatment of Covid if you get it ..... Yes, the treatment is easier if you have been vaccinated.
My wife is in the medical field and I can confirm that the statements about myopericarditis being caused by the vaccine being directly injected into the veins has been just about proven. Since new guidelines went out the cases have plummeted. That is why they are jabbing that needle almost down to the bone, it eliminates any chance of it going directly into the veins but does cause more muscle soreness. All in all I was pretty amazed out how a needle could be jabbed that deep and I felt almost nothing. Thank the lord for these very fine needles, because the ones they used when I was a kid could be considered a weapon :)

I just wish those Antibodies remain around for longer than 2-3 months. It's still very comforting to know that the T-Cells and B-Cells seem to keep a lasting memory of the Virus so it will just take a bit longer for the Antibodies to build up again when you come in contact with the Virus.
I just wish those Antibodies remain around for longer than 2-3 months. It's still very comforting to know that the T-Cells and B-Cells seem to keep a lasting memory of the Virus so it will just take a bit longer for the Antibodies to build up again when you come in contact with the Virus.

Covid vaccination coming soon to a kid near you.
3 weeks between 1st and 2nd Pfizer jab, just like when they were in a hurry developing this over a year ago.
That should help the antibodies wane. A chance to sell 50% more product?

Israeli study shows immunity from vaccination (3 weeks between doses) leaves people 6x more likely to get a breakthrough infection than does naturally acquired immunity from infection. That was with similar timeframe of vaccination or prior infection.

U.K. study show immunity from vaccination (12 weeks between doses) only slightly more likely to get infection than unvaccinated population (with very high percentage antibodies indicating prior infection in vast majority of unvaccinated, like 90%+.)

My wife is in the medical field and I can confirm that the statements about myopericarditis being caused by the vaccine being directly injected into the veins has been just about proven. Since new guidelines went out the cases have plummeted. That is why they are jabbing that needle almost down to the bone, it eliminates any chance of it going directly into the veins but does cause more muscle soreness.

Have any link referencing the new procedure?

Bottom of page 11 just says, "Administer the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine intramuscularly."
These are updated, mention myocarditis. I read the prior instructions but didn't save a copy.

I'd be interested to see the phase 3 trial instructions too. But that would have been performed by skilled practitioners.

Slide 7 has number of cases of myopericarditis vs. expected
Slide 13, as high as 71 cases per million (16 & 17 year old males)

Good news is VAERS is catching this data and investigations occur, as intended.
My wife is in the medical field and I can confirm that the statements about myopericarditis being caused by the vaccine being directly injected into the veins has been just about proven. Since new guidelines went out the cases have plummeted. That is why they are jabbing that needle almost down to the bone, it eliminates any chance of it going directly into the veins but does cause more muscle soreness. All in all I was pretty amazed out how a needle could be jabbed that deep and I felt almost nothing. Thank the lord for these very fine needles, because the ones they used when I was a kid could be considered a weapon :)

I just wish those Antibodies remain around for longer than 2-3 months. It's still very comforting to know that the T-Cells and B-Cells seem to keep a lasting memory of the Virus so it will just take a bit longer for the Antibodies to build up again when you come in contact with the Virus.

You want antibodies to wain after a while. All this hype about antibody levels dropping is stupid marketing or fear mongering. Imagine what your blood would would be like if you maintained antibodies floating around for all the pathogens you have been exposed to. There would be no room left for RBCs. That is the whole purpose of T and B cell immunity. Clear out the antibodies after an imminent circulating threat but keep it on record so you can pull out and create antibodies in short order if threat re appears later. Circulating antibodies means you are on High alert. You dont want to be on high alert all the time.
Well I’m not comfortable being unvaccinated

I’m more uncomfortable about getting the vaccine at this point.

I still think we need to spend factors more time and money on treatment protocols than infection. But there’s so little profit in that?
“The vaccine maybe costs around $20, monoclonal antibodies over $2,000,”

"For a majority of people who receive a five-day treatment of the drug using six vials (based on current patterns), the total charged to hospitals for patients with private insurance in the U.S. will be $3,120"

Not enough people end up receiving these treatments to make them more profitable for drug companies than vaccines.
The labor involved in antibodies limits how many can be given. But if the same process was called "IV drip", not a big deal? Apparently just monitoring the patient.

Only by helping patients develop a chronic condition can you really have a cash cow.
Or, ongoing prophylaxis.

Given "Long Covid", better for the patient to not catch it in the first place. Unfortunately, "breakthrough infections" still have significant rate of that.

Unless you can remain out of circulation and avoid exposure until this thing blows over, risks from mRNA vaccine seem so much lower than the illness. Even for those who do recover.

Chance of Bells Palsy is 5x above background, for 2 months. Same chance as you face living another year.
For certain age juvenile males, chance of myocarditis is 70x above background, for 1 week. Same chance as faced living 17 more months.
Given "Long Covid", better for the patient to not catch it in the first place. Unfortunately, "breakthrough infections" still have significant rate of that.

Unless you can remain out of circulation and avoid exposure until this thing blows over, risks from mRNA vaccine seem so much lower than the illness. Even for those who do recover.
Im going to push a little on these two points (I do agree with them but with exceptions).

In terms of "long covid" and "breakthrough infections". Which segment(s) of the population do you think is most susceptible to these? Age and gender are the only ways that the population is divided up. Personally I find that to be of very little use. I have beat the health drum to death but age has little to do with health and IMO that is by far the most important factor in determining risk. I know for a fact that I am in better health now than a lot of kids, regardless of age and they, again, IMO are at far greater risk than I am.

I have wondered numerous times about "remaining out of circulation". I am not vaccinated and have not had symptomatic infection of any kind in the past 8 years. Been a bit under the weather, kind of, just low energy, for a day or two here and there but nothing that came even close to taking me out. This gives me pause because as time goes on I have to wonder, is my immune system just kicking a$$ and taking names or am I just good at avoiding exposure.

I have change nothing to do with my life style at all since this started so I dont consider myself as being taken out of circulation. The risk of "staying out of circulation" is that as herd immunity builds and the virus mutates to survive in a hostile environment it will tend to become more devastating to the segment of the population that has had no exposure. Case in point is the north american native population. They were devastated by the arrival of Europeans and I assume it was not because they were eating fast food and sitting on their butts being lazy watching netflix. It was a novel virus and it was devastating to them then but now is no big deal as they have been exposed and its all old hat.

For these reasons I will be vaccinated at some point unless I can get tested and confirm I have been exposed in which case I wont but it certainly makes me think.
Well I’m not comfortable being unvaccinated

I’m more uncomfortable about getting the vaccine at this point.
Why are you not comfortable being unvaccinated?

If it is because of external pressure to do what others want you to do, just stop.

However if it is because you are compromised, then stop being uncomfortable and go get vaccinated as your chances of living are higher being vaccinated than not at that point. Better solution IMO is fix the problem instead of sticking a band aid on a bullet wound.
From my connections, I've heard of athletes needing multiple organ transplants following Covid
These are just reports of occurrences, don't give us statistics to see odds of serious outcomes for the very healthy vs. average unhealthy American.
We do hear "co-morbidities" regarding covid deaths, but it seems to harm a lot of healthy people too. It attacks many parts of the body.

Why are you not comfortable being unvaccinated?

It appears properly worn N95 mask is quite effective.

Supposedly Delta can spread in 15 seconds of breathing someone else's air, vs. 15 minutes for earlier variant.
While the pandemic is still raging, careful precautions around others would be particularly important for the unvaccinated.
Advisable for the the vaccinated, too.
For these reasons I will be vaccinated at some point unless I can get tested and confirm I have been exposed in which case I wont but it certainly makes me think.

I never stopped hugging family, friends or even those who reached out for one or stopped shaking hands. Went to the gym 3 times a week and only wore a mask into the supermarket because it wasn't a big deal. After 18 months I got COVID and now have a prescription of Ivermectin on hand, for those who may need it.

Hopefully, someday they will accept natural immunity but doing so now ruins their push for everyone to get it.

Never will I accept an mRNA vaccine.
I never stopped hugging family, friends or even those who reached out for one or stopped shaking hands. Went to the gym 3 times a week and only wore a mask into the supermarket because it wasn't a big deal. After 18 months I got COVID and now have a prescription of Ivermectin on hand, for those who may need it.

Hopefully, someday they will accept natural immunity but doing so now ruins their push for everyone to get it.

Never will I accept an mRNA vaccine.
People like you are the ones clogging up the hospitals crying "I was so wrong"
People like you are the ones clogging up the hospitals crying "I was so wrong"

Oh boy, aren't you nice.

I haven't been in the hospital, had COVID and recovered. You're one of those who denies science and natural immunity aren't you.
From my connections, I've heard of athletes needing multiple organ transplants following Covid
These are just reports of occurrences, don't give us statistics to see odds of serious outcomes for the very healthy vs. average unhealthy American.
We do hear "co-morbidities" regarding covid deaths, but it seems to harm a lot of healthy people too. It attacks many parts of the body.

We tend to want to believe "athletes" are healthy and if you can convince everyone that being an athlete makes you healthy then when one gets sick you can point to them and say "Look! Health does not matter."

Fact is that as a rule, anyone competing in endurance athletics are not healthy. It is simply to much load on the body and they are not healthy.

Being thin also does not make you healthy. There are many skinny people that are metabolically obese.

I know this from personal experience as well as observing many of my friends (some of whom are dead) from when I was a teen and well into my 20s when the wheels started coming off. I was a body builder and cycled well over 20,000 km every year. Ate everything that was in arms reach and had so many issues I eventually had to give up sport. Still never got fat, but was sick as hell. Didnt get it figured out until I was 40.
I never stopped hugging family, friends or even those who reached out for one or stopped shaking hands. Went to the gym 3 times a week and only wore a mask into the supermarket because it wasn't a big deal. After 18 months I got COVID and now have a prescription of Ivermectin on hand, for those who may need it.

Hopefully, someday they will accept natural immunity but doing so now ruins their push for everyone to get it.

Never will I accept an mRNA vaccine.
You deplorable POS! :LOL: (Just a joke)

Try to not make never statements. In 2, 5 or 25 years you may want to change your mind but refuse to accept something that at that point in time is proven and in your best interest to accept.
We tend to want to believe "athletes" are healthy and if you can convince everyone that being an athlete makes you healthy then when one gets sick you can point to them and say "Look! Health does not matter."

Fact is that as a rule, anyone competing in endurance athletics are not healthy. It is simply to much load on the body and they are not healthy.

Being thin also does not make you healthy. There are many skinny people that are metabolically obese.

I know this from personal experience as well as observing many of my friends (some of whom are dead) from when I was a teen and well into my 20s when the wheels started coming off. I was a body builder and cycled well over 20,000 km every year. Ate everything that was in arms reach and had so many issues I eventually had to give up sport. Still never got fat, but was sick as hell. Didnt get it figured out until I was 40.

Too much stress can kill you as well as not enough.

I've been bodybuilding for over 40 years and started as a powerlifter. Excessive exercise or sport is very traumatic to the body. Many bodybuilders are dying young because they went too far.

There have been obese people that have amazed me with their athletic abilities as well as those who are at 5% bodyweight.
You deplorable POS! :LOL: (Just a joke)

Try to not make never statements. In 2, 5 or 25 years you may want to change your mind but refuse to accept something that at that point in time is proven and in your best interest to accept.

Everyone is entitled to admit they were once wrong, or right!
Everyone is entitled to admit they were once wrong, or right!
I dont think you are wrong. You are making a choice right now based on the information you have right now. As we collect more information we can change our mind. Saying never closes the door and some people will refuse to open it again. They will "cut their nose off to spite their face" Its just a mind set thing but is helpful.
I dont think you are wrong. You are making a choice right now based on the information you have right now.

In 2, 5, or 25 years I could admit I was wrong now making my decision to not get the vaccine. Not sure I want to be around at 90.

It could also prove to be the right choice.

Didn't think that you implied I was wrong.

I once vowed to NEVER become involved with an Italian woman after my first divorce but subsequently changed my mind.
There have been obese people that have amazed me with their athletic abilities as well as those who are at 5% bodyweight.
100% . Being obese does not preclude some pretty impressive athletics any more than it means that they are suffering a chronic or acute disease.

One of the most striking things I personally have learned about perception over the last 18 months is the idea that most people seem to believe that the absence of a chronic or acute disease means the presence of health.
the virus mutates to survive in a hostile environment it will tend to become more devastating to the segment of the population that has had no exposure
The virus or any virus does not intelligently improve itself- it may or may not mutate into something that the ‘hostile environment’ of resistance isn’t resistant too. Mutations that happen to be resistant are not a guaranteed occurrence. People who have had no exposure? Equally as devastating to them whether ‘resistant’ or not.
100% . Being obese does not preclude some pretty impressive athletics any more than it means that they are suffering a chronic or acute disease.

One of the most striking things I personally have learned about perception over the last 18 months is the idea that most people seem to believe that the absence of a chronic or acute disease means the presence of health.


I know this from experience. I started out life with fucked up health issues, had acute asthma attack at age 2 and remember them giving me a shot in the heart. Later was diagnosed with Crohn's at 18 and told I would never see 30. I was a big jock and looked perfectly healthy until mononucleosis hit, that shit did me in for a year.

I was in the emergency room once in my adult life with a kidney stone but you know, it's people like me clogging up the system.
glad you're doing well these days and beat COVID

fudge doctors saying "you have X years". that type doesn't know how to heal people, they have only learned from watching other doctors fail.
It appears properly worn N95 mask is quite effective.

Supposedly Delta can spread in 15 seconds of breathing someone else's air, vs. 15 minutes for earlier variant.
While the pandemic is still raging, careful precautions around others would be particularly important for the unvaccinated.
Advisable for the the vaccinated, too.
I wear a 3M N95 1860 Mask when I go to visit my wife's workplace.
I can tell you straight up that those things should not be worn for more than an hour or maybe two at the most.
You should not be doing any strenuous activity like even lifting a 25 pound box while wearing one.
The reason is that the Mask keeps IN a lot of the CO2 that you breath OUT and the longer you wear it is the higher the CO2 levels become in your blood stream. I kept one on for 4 hours while helping to clean out a room that someone with Covid had been recovering in. I was completely light headed, I finally could take no more and went outside to get some air, it took almost an hour to recover.
Just to get a bit of perspective though...
I wonder how many people have done the simple arithmetic and come to realise that this "incredibly dangerous" virus - that caused so much grief - killed (in the USA) less than 1.2 people in ten thousand - a month. Worldwide, less than 0.5. The vast majority of them with dismal life expectancy to start with.

Sure, without the draconian containment measures, it would have killed everyone... or maybe not, actually. There were no draconian measures in Sweden - just sensible ones.
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