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diy solar

A different way to think about climate change

LOL...I was wondering when you were going to bring in Forbes. They can't write a thing that doesn't quote studies funded by oil companies.

Ever hear of the Manhattan Institute?
Source is merely used to document Bidens executive orders. Are you also denying he did not make them? Are you denying his campaign promises to enact policies to curtail fossil fuel use?

Attacking reliable sources, personal attacks... Not a good look. Sycophants of your position may not care, but thats not everyone reading.
I wonder how many people who are dead set against EVs are the same people still using flip phones and believed back in 2007 there was no way this iPhone thing is going to go anywhere.

EVs are in their infancy just like autos were at the end of the 1800s. Same thing happened back then as people didn't want to give up their horse and buggies and go with this gas or diesel powered car technology that was so foreign to them. The good thing, most of the people that have a death grip on their gas powered cars probably won't still be driving in least I hope they aren't!
Source is merely used to document Bidens executive orders.
Curious...did you even read the article?

Last line:

"For those who are worried about your gasoline prices going up, this is definitely not the reason."
Curious...did you even read the article?

Last line:

"For those who are worried about your gasoline prices going up, this is definitely not the reason."
Thats the opinion of the author, plenty of credible sources say otherwise.
As I stated the source was provided to document executive actions you flatly denied.
Tell me what the purpose of an order which halts new gas and oil leases on federal land, "until the effects on climate change is understood" would be other than to restrict fossil fuel production? And youre arguing this had no effect on fuel prices? Since Biden made curtailing fossil fuel use part of his platform please stop patronizing us by pretending he didnt do exactly what he said he would do, and it hasnt had disastrous consequences.
I wonder how many people who are dead set against EVs are the same people still using flip phones and believed back in 2007 there was no way this iPhone thing is going to go anywhere.

EVs are in their infancy just like autos were at the end of the 1800s. Same thing happened back then as people didn't want to give up their horse and buggies and go with this gas or diesel powered car technology that was so foreign to them. The good thing, most of the people that have a death grip on their gas powered cars probably won't still be driving in least I hope they aren't!
You mean like poor people?
I dont care what powers the car I drive but I am not going to be happy if its performance, cost, reliability and ease of use are compromised by some peoples' emotion driven misguided political agenda.
Why would you care if people drive electric vehicles or not by 2035? Why is it any of your business?
Seriously? Please tell me how electric cars are destabilizing the economy?

You need to get off the right wing conspiracy web sites.
And you need to quit regurgitating the "conspiracy" buzz word that the left tosses out when you do not agree with them.
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You mean like poor people?
I dont care what powers the car I drive but I am not going to be happy if its performance, cost, reliability and ease of use are compromised by some peoples' emotion driven misguided political agenda.
Why would you care if people drive electric vehicles or not by 2035? Why is it any of your business?
EVs will eventually be way cheaper than driving gasoline powered vehicles.

And as usual you missed my point about not driving still in 2035.
climate change

Two primary inter-related questions.
q: Can we do anything about it?​
If we can't do anything about it we should probably not try do anything about it.​
Jordan Peterson points out the obvious: the politics and science have become intertwined.
Nuclear appears to be the only solution we could agree on, and we haven't been able to.

EVs will eventually be way cheaper than driving gasoline powered vehicles.

And as usual you missed my point about not driving still in 2035.
For now theyre not, theres no charging infrastructure in place, and constructing it will create more GGE than you will save over 100 years.
They will only be cheaper with continued government restrictionon s on petroleum production.
As for that 2035 thing I cant miss what doesnt exist. LOL everyone who prefers ICE cars will be too old to drive in 14 years.
Off in our own little world I see.
If we only believe and wish hard enough EVs will save us all and anyone injecting reality into the discussion is a conspiracy theorist.

NEVER MIND the current electric generating infrastructure is nowhere near the capacity needed for a fraction of the ICE conversions theyre proposing.

NEVER MIND the distribution networks in most cities were designed in the 50s and 60s when use was half what it is now and to support the proposed use would take massive civil engineering projects with a staggering cost both financial and in carbon emissions.

NEVER MIND much of the technology being used in charging stations is far less reliable than getting gas from a pump. We will save the planet by making people drive for hours all over town to find a working charge station.

These are the people that claimed they would enact policies to reduce fossil fuel use, did so, but now claim those policies had nothing to do with rising gas prices.

Lets go, Brandon!
Jordan Peterson points out the obvious: the politics and science have become intertwined.
Nuclear appears to be the only solution we could agree on, and we haven't been able to.

Sounded good until that chernobyl/japan tsunami/yucca mtn nimby thingy.
Chernobyl is far from over. Fascinating that containment dome though. 40 ft thick steel a football field highx widex three long. 100 years to robotically disassemble, IF the core cooperates. They had to build it because it wasnt.
Jordan Peterson points out the obvious: the politics and science have become intertwined.
Nuclear appears to be the only solution we could agree on, and we haven't been able to.

Only a complete moron would listen to a psychologist about climate change..

Did you insert the wrong link? Maybe you didn't check your copy-paste buffer? I ask because its obviously a mistake, no rational or intelligent person would listen to a psychologist about global warming.

Our of curiosity, I watched part of the video and found his false statements within the first 30 seconds.. didn't need to watch more after that.

Why are some people in the USA so ignorant? We have an entire demographic that has less than a grade school understanding of science...

My 8 year old daughter knows the first two lines of the periodic table.. do you? Let that sink in for a moment.
For now theyre not, theres no charging infrastructure in place, and constructing it will create more GGE than you will save over 100 years.
They will only be cheaper with continued government restrictionon s on petroleum production.
As for that 2035 thing I cant miss what doesnt exist. LOL everyone who prefers ICE cars will be too old to drive in 14 years.
Off in our own little world I see.
If we only believe and wish hard enough EVs will save us all and anyone injecting reality into the discussion is a conspiracy theorist.

NEVER MIND the current electric generating infrastructure is nowhere near the capacity needed for a fraction of the ICE conversions theyre proposing.

NEVER MIND the distribution networks in most cities were designed in the 50s and 60s when use was half what it is now and to support the proposed use would take massive civil engineering projects with a staggering cost both financial and in carbon emissions.

NEVER MIND much of the technology being used in charging stations is far less reliable than getting gas from a pump. We will save the planet by making people drive for hours all over town to find a working charge station.

These are the people that claimed they would enact policies to reduce fossil fuel use, did so, but now claim those policies had nothing to do with rising gas prices.

Lets go, Brandon!
You still use a flip phone? When the iPhone came out, the networks didn't have close to the required bandwidth to support smart phones if everyone had one.

2035 is over 13 years away. Technology will be magnitudes different by then. I am actually hoping that by 2035, most electric cars will be autonomous as well.

Think about that for a little while Bozo!
For now theyre not, theres no charging infrastructure in place, and constructing it will create more GGE than you will save over 100 years.
They will only be cheaper with continued government restrictionon s on petroleum production.
As for that 2035 thing I cant miss what doesnt exist. LOL everyone who prefers ICE cars will be too old to drive in 14 years.
Off in our own little world I see.
If we only believe and wish hard enough EVs will save us all and anyone injecting reality into the discussion is a conspiracy theorist.

NEVER MIND the current electric generating infrastructure is nowhere near the capacity needed for a fraction of the ICE conversions theyre proposing.

NEVER MIND the distribution networks in most cities were designed in the 50s and 60s when use was half what it is now and to support the proposed use would take massive civil engineering projects with a staggering cost both financial and in carbon emissions.

NEVER MIND much of the technology being used in charging stations is far less reliable than getting gas from a pump. We will save the planet by making people drive for hours all over town to find a working charge station.

These are the people that claimed they would enact policies to reduce fossil fuel use, did so, but now claim those policies had nothing to do with rising gas prices.

Lets go, Brandon!
You come up with your Never Minds all by yourself?

You seriously think a charging station is less reliable than a mechanical gasoline pump.

I like Bruceb58's new name for you. From now on, we should all refer to you as Bozo the clown since you like to produce names that make you look like a moron.
For now theyre not, theres no charging infrastructure in place, and constructing it will create more GGE than you will save over 100 years.
That isn't even remotely true.. Every home has its own charging infrastructure, and commercial fast chargers are easy to install.

They will only be cheaper with continued government restrictionon s on petroleum production.
As for that 2035 thing I cant miss what doesnt exist. LOL everyone who prefers ICE cars will be too old to drive in 14 years.
Off in our own little world I see.
If we only believe and wish hard enough EVs will save us all and anyone injecting reality into the discussion is a conspiracy theorist.
EV's alone won't save us, but you've completely missed the point. Let me guess, no college, no science, and church on Sundays?

NEVER MIND the current electric generating infrastructure is nowhere near the capacity needed for a fraction of the ICE conversions theyre proposing.
Wrong again genius. The current electric grid could easily support all the EV's for the next decade. The moron propaganda pushers said something similar about the solar panels on homes about twenty years ago.. How'd that work out? Are you seeing massive grid disruptions due to power imbalances? NOPE..

NEVER MIND the distribution networks in most cities were designed in the 50s and 60s when use was half what it is now and to support the proposed use would take massive civil engineering projects with a staggering cost both financial and in carbon emissions.
No again. The design of our power grid makes it easy to build out with more capacity. Where the heck do you get your information from?
NEVER MIND much of the technology being used in charging stations is far less reliable than getting gas from a pump. We will save the planet by making people drive for hours all over town to find a working charge station.
Why would someone drive for hours to find a charging station when their own home is a charging station? Reliability of a charging station is no more or less a problem than a gas pump..

These are the people that claimed they would enact policies to reduce fossil fuel use, did so, but now claim those policies had nothing to do with rising gas prices.

Lets go, Brandon!
Ah! The "lets go Brandon" phrase.. That indicates that you are easily manipulated by social fads and you follow what others give you like a farm animal.. I think the technical term is "sheepole".. Do you go to church were a shepherd guides you? (that might be a light bulb moment eh?)

Let me guess a few attributes about you:
1) You know who won the Superbowl last year but you couldn't recite the first line of the periodic table of elements?
2) Church on Sundays?
3) No college, no science education?
4) Smoking pot and drinking at least a couple of six packs every week?

There's one lesson I've learned in life that applies to people I find in forums repeatedly spouting off false statements.. "You can't fix stupid"
You still use a flip phone? When the iPhone came out, the networks didn't have close to the required bandwidth to support smart phones if everyone had one.

2035 is over 13 years away. Technology will be magnitudes different by then. I am actually hoping that by 2035, most electric cars will be autonomous as well.

Think about that for a little while Bozo!
This guy is calling me names while he just made a direct comparison of adding capacity to cell networks and electrical generating and distribution.
This is why its dangerous to have leftists forming policy. Reality doesnt enter the picture.
This guy is calling me names while he just made a direct comparison of adding capacity to cell networks and electrical generating and distribution.
This is why its dangerous to have leftists forming policy. Reality doesnt enter the picture.
Bozo the Clown,

You against building up infrastructure now? Building infrastructure is somehow leftist? BTW, been a Republican my entire life although it appears the Republican party is leaving many of us centrist behind in the dust. The uneducated on the far right are the danger to this country. You definitely prove that.

As a Republican congressman Madison Cawthorn said to an audience of mostly college students recently: “I think you should home school. I was home schooled all the way through. I am proudly a college dropout. Unless you are becoming a doctor or lawyer or engineer, I highly encourage you to drop out.”

This guy is the future of the Republican party and the voters were stupid enough to elect this guy? God help us.
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My 8 year old daughter knows the first two lines of the periodic table.. do you? Let that sink in for a moment.
I'm supposed to be in awe of your intellect ? I made more in the stock market than you earned in the last two years.
I also never use Calculus, but I had to take 3 years of it in Mechanical Engineering.
Nothing is less impressive than a know-it-all.
I'm supposed to be in awe of your intellect ? I made more in the stock market than you earned in the last two years.
I also never use Calculus, but I had to take 3 years of it in Mechanical Engineering.
Nothing is less impressive than a know-it-all.
ROFLMAO... You are apparently in awe of my 8 year old....

Sometimes its just better to keep your mouth closed than to open it and look foolish.
ROFLMAO... You are apparently in awe of my 8 year old....

Sometimes its just better to keep your mouth closed than to open it and look foolish.
Its really to bad that you do not heed your own advice.............
Bozo the Clown,

You against building up infrastructure now? Building infrastructure is somehow leftist? BTW, been a Republican my entire life although it appears the Republican party is leaving many of us centrist behind in the dust. The uneducated on the far right are the danger to this country. You definitely prove that.

As a Republican congressman Madison Cawthorn said to an audience of mostly college students recently: “I think you should home school. I was home schooled all the way through. I am proudly a college dropout. Unless you are becoming a doctor or lawyer or engineer, I highly encourage you to drop out.”

This guy is the future of the Republican party and the voters were stupid enough to elect this guy? God help us.
My point about infrastructure was clearly stated, and I have little desire to have further discussion with someone who avoids clearly stated points and hurls personal insults.
User ignored. As well as "murphy guy"...

diy solar

diy solar