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diy solar

Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

You seem to have a VERY poor memory

Read ALL of post 479
That view is so biased it is ridiculous.
It is biased against not having actual studies or at least articles that have the underlying studies. Yes. That is my bias. It is called science. It is also called not wasting my time on BS.
I'm not going to look to any of those sources for accurate information.
So .... When Stephen Hawking does a YouTube video is is all nonsense?
There are exceptions. For instance, I asked you to review the slides and listen to the actual conference of the advisory committee. However, they also do have underlying citations.
It is risk benefit. That population is being done last exactly because the risk appears lowest, it is difficult to run trials and there is always heightened concern about medications and children.

The goal of vaccinations is to prevent infections. No doubt they will someday vaccinate for the common cold.

Vaccinations have two purposes:

1. protect the individual

2. protect the population

It is on the second that the vaccination of under 4 may have the most benefit except for those at high risk.

But we don't know which is why they have trials and why vaccines need .
You dont have to explain all that.
You could explain why you called someone a hillbilly for their position on vaccines for young children when that position is shared by many experts.
She was not in a room she was in a hall. They were breaking through the door into the chamber. There is video. There were still congresspeople in the chamber. You can see them in the video.
Where were the people allegedly threatened? Not even in the building.
Youve not refuted my reply.
You dont have to explain all that.
You could explain why you called someone a hillbilly for their position on vaccines for young children when that position is shared by many experts.
I liked it better when you weren't around batshit.

I called him a hillbilly as he self admittingly is one. I have not argued with him about childhood vaccinations. He thinks ivermectin is a cure all and vaccinations, for anyone, is a scam.
Is there any one here who has suggested that they will rather take Omnicom then a vaccine?
I'm not going to look to any of those sources for accurate information.
Here is your source since you couldn't find it. Of course she cites nothing and look carefully at her langauge.

"his is one example that you see, people make it out like it's the Republicans who don't want to take the vaccine. In fact, 61 percent of the people who are hesitant about the vaccines are not Republicans"

She is NOT talking about the percent of actually vaccinated on that date which was much higgher for Democrats.

She is NOT saying that 61% of the vaccine hesistant are Democrats (remember we have independents).

She is only saying that of the "vaccine hesitant" population 61% are not Republicans. Again no cite.
I liked it better when you weren't around batshit.

I called him a hillbilly as he self admittingly is one. I have not argued with him about childhood vaccinations. He thinks ivermectin is a cure all and vaccinations, for anyone, is a scam.
FWIW got the double jab the week my age group came up.
Is there any one here who has suggested that they will rather take Omnicom then a vaccine?
Noenegdod appears to be suggesting that above.

"why are we now talking about boosters, especially for kids. Every time you run into it is a booster in and of itself."
FWIW got the double jab the week my age group came up.
Well then he would consider you the victim of a conspiracy.

As he told all of us online, even though allegedly his son is a doctor, he illegally imported ivermectin from an online overseas source. He believes putting the vaccine in your arm is dangerous but taking whatever they sent him makes good sense.
Noenegdod appears to be suggesting that above.

"why are we now talking about boosters, especially for kids. Every time you run into it is a booster in and of itself."
Your seem to have a challenge with comprehension and as a leftist you like to attempt to misrepresent by omitting parts of the statement

As usual you wont answer the question like the weak pathetic loser you are. lets try again

Lets see if you have the balls to actually answer this:

If Covid 19 is so transmissible and we are going to keep running into it, why are we now talking about boosters, especially for kids. Every time you run into it is a booster in and of itself.
Noenegdod appears to be suggesting that above.

"why are we now talking about boosters, especially for kids. Every time you run into it is a booster in and of itself."
Surly he did not mean it that way?
I'm not going to look to any of those sources for accurate information.
Here you go BOB. Nov 18, 2021 Fox news poll. OOPS. Loser. By the way over 4,0 cases in Uttar Pradesh today. OOps Loser.
I have never had to struggle with being stupid> What does it feel like or don't you even notice cause of Dunning Kruger and all that?

See detail at end 40. Do you believe the coronavirus vaccine is safe and effective, or not?

Surly he did not mean it that way?
He is being a moron as usual.

If you are vaccinated and get exposed to omicron, and then get exposed to omicron, and then get exposed to omicron and then get exposed to omicron, repeat indefinitely......., why the hell are you lining up to get a booster? You are constantly getting a booster.

Again @Dhasper , quit being such a coward and answer the question!
He is being a moron as usual.

If you are vaccinated and get exposed to omicron, and then get exposed to omicron, and then get exposed to omicron and then get exposed to omicron, repeat indefinitely......., why the hell are you lining up to get a booster? You are constantly getting a booster.

I am getting the boosters because I do not want Omicron, symptoms for Omicron are much worse than for the boosters. It can even lead to death.

I take the flu vaccine every year as well even though the flu is far less deadly.

I am not afraid of the vaccines, never have been.
By the way over 4,0 cases in Uttar Pradesh today.
Yeah .... they are doing SO much worse than we are. 5.8 cases / 100,000 to over 1400 for us

Nothing else you have posted is worthy of response .... but you seem to be wanting to keep torturing yourself with this.
Your seem to have a challenge with comprehension and as a leftist you like to attempt to misrepresent by omitting parts of the statement

As usual you wont answer the question like the weak pathetic loser you are. lets try again
I had started a response to you but BOB B stupidity demanded I drop everything.

First, I partially reject your premise. I am seeing a debate amongst actual legitimate, epidemiologists, virologists and immunologists where we should go from here. There is no consensus for a booster train. Part of the question is whether we should strive to maintain a high antibody level (which looks like a 4-month interval) or whether we can rely on our secondary immune system response that will not prevent infections but "hopefully" lower hospitalizations and deaths. Israel has started the 4th shot but, unlike with the third, there is uncertainty in the mainstream US scientific discussion. I think most of them think it is at least time to move on to a new vaccine (making less sense to have a vaccine based on Wuhan original virus) or maybe just boost prior to winter. There are also other nonspike protein vaccines in development that may prevent the variant immune escape problem. So I don't know the answer to your question. Clearly, we need to be prepared because as Omicron proves there is little time to react. There is also in development a nasal inhalant vaccine which not only will be easier to distribute but it is believed will be better at blocking transmission.

Second, the overwhelming consensus is that we should avoid infection and not try to get immunity for infection by getting infected.

In addition to vaccines, I am very hopeful we can get much wider use of N95 masks and better overall ventilation. We need indoor air standards for disease prevention just like water standards.

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diy solar