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Dr Strangetroll : or how I learned to stop arguing and be amused by the intransigence

It's pretty simple really .... natural immunity is immunity achieved by getting Covid and then recovering. That immunity has been proven to be much more effective than vaccine immunity ... yet, those people were being force to get vaccinated or loose their jobs.

Makes no logical sense.
How would an employer verify they had covid and recovered from it?
There are tests for that too.
Sounds to me like the insurance companies don't want to pay for millions of tests. Its $42 + $6 + whatever your doctor visit costs.

I'd be interested to know what SCOTUS has to say about it. Forcing people to undergo vaccinations doesn't seem constitutional to me, but I'm not a legal expert. On the other hand, they're not really forcing them.

Then of course, there's the problem of fraud where you pay a dirty doctor to provide a covid antibody positive sample. We saw that a lot of doctors took money for pain killers.. so that's always an issue. Beyond that, there is the issue of testing capacity.. Big difference between running a few thousand antibody tests and running tens of millions of them.

The rule might not be a medical decision, but might be one based upon practicality. People lie steal and cheat.. They even have fake vaccination cards now.
Sounds to me like the insurance companies don't want to pay for millions of tests. Its $42 + $6 + whatever your doctor visit costs.

I'd be interested to know what SCOTUS has to say about it. Forcing people to undergo vaccinations doesn't seem constitutional to me, but I'm not a legal expert. On the other hand, they're not really forcing them.

Then of course, there's the problem of fraud where you pay a dirty doctor to provide a covid antibody positive sample. We saw that a lot of doctors took money for pain killers.. so that's always an issue. Beyond that, there is the issue of testing capacity.. Big difference between running a few thousand antibody tests and running tens of millions of them.

The rule might not be a medical decision, but might be one based upon practicality. People lie steal and cheat.. They even have fake vaccination cards now.
People have been doing fake vaccination cards all along .... They just caught a couple nurses in NY who made 1.5 million selling vaccine cards.

This is the kind of crap that is going to happen when you try to either mandate ..... or prohibit things.

I don't think ignoring natural immunity had anything to do with the cost of antibody testing.

The supreme court struck down the attempt to use OSHA as a mandate vehicle.

I have no idea why they would still be wanting to mandate a vaccine against a variant that not very dangerous .. and the vaccine has very little efficacy.
They will be pushing the new vaccine designed for Omicron soon .... but by the time they get it here there will be new variant.
People have been doing fake vaccination cards all along .... They just caught a couple nurses in NY who made 1.5 million selling vaccine cards.

This is the kind of crap that is going to happen when you try to either mandate ..... or prohibit things.

I don't think ignoring natural immunity had anything to do with the cost of antibody testing.

The supreme court struck down the attempt to use OSHA as a mandate vehicle.

I have no idea why they would still be wanting to mandate a vaccine against a variant that not very dangerous .. and the vaccine has very little efficacy.
They will be pushing the new vaccine designed for Omicron soon .... but by the time they get it here there will be new variant.
Because the virus is learning and evolving.. Double the infection rate, then it might double or triple its mortality rate.. More infections = more mutations.. If the virus strikes gold and hits the right mutation, watch out..

Imagine a virus with omicron's infection rate, a 7 day incubation time and a 30% mortality rate.. it would fundamentally change the world... That probably won't happen, but there's always a chance.

No doubt they're fighting an uphill losing battle.. they were probably hoping people would act smartly and they could beat it, but that obviously didn't happen.
Because the virus is learning and evolving.. Double the infection rate, then it might double or triple its mortality rate.. More infections = more mutations.. If the virus strikes gold and hits the right mutation, watch out..

Imagine a virus with omicron's infection rate, a 7 day incubation time and a 30% mortality rate.. it would fundamentally change the world... That probably won't happen, but there's always a chance.

No doubt they're fighting an uphill losing battle.. they were probably hoping people would act smartly and they could beat it, but that obviously didn't happen.

We'll all have to wait and see what the next variant brings .... but we know Omicron isn't all that bad and the vaccine doesn't work very well against it .... the early treatment protocols, however, still work just fine.

I think the future HAS to be treatment.
5 hour of testimony condensed to 38 minutes .... 25 minutes at 1.5 speed.

Ask yourself if all the doctors in this panel as well as the others around the world .... have they all taken some sort of looney pill that caused them to all think the same thing.
Why would they be risking their careers over this .... why would they be bucking the establishment and frantically trying to get people to listen.

Maybe we should be listening to them .... and not the establishment.

They ARE trying to save lives .... and have already treated and saved many.
None of this dismisses what we know, what we will know, nor the fact that an unprecedented coverup began before election day even started.
Trump was saying the election was going to be rigged in the summer before the vote occurred. There is ZERO proof anything nefarious occurred. Even Trump's lapdog Bill Barr said so before the Trump shit show on jan 6th was going to happen.

He also said that Cruz rigged the Iowa caucus in 2016. He is an egomaniac that doesn't like that he lost.

You are a conspiracy proved it from what you believed in the past. Maybe there were some people with energy weapons who zapped you in the head.

You also sound like a Qanon nutjob like BMCL. You believe there is a ring of pedophiles run by the deep state too?
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Trump was saying the election was going to be rigged in the summer before the vote occurred. There is ZERO proof anything nefarious occurred. Even Trump's lapdog Bill Barr said so before the Trump shit show on jan 6th was going to happen.

He also said that Cruz rigged the Iowa caucus in 2016. He is an egomaniac that doesn't like that he lost.

You are a conspiracy proved it from what you believed in the past. Maybe there were some people with energy weapons who zapped you in the head.

You also sound like a Qanon nutjob like BMCL. You believe there is a ring of pedophiles run by the deep state too?
I have learned that if we want to know what dirty tricks the republicans plan to use, we simply need to listen to them as they usually make their plans clear... by accusing the democrats of it.

Fake republican Electors in Michigan

And 7 other states..

I hope long prison times are handed down..
What is EXTREMELY dangerous .... is denying life saving early treatments ... while fudging the numbers on hospitalization and death numbers .... while the vaccine effectiveness fades to nearly zilch.
Unless I am constantly getting completely made up numbers from multiple countries, it shows that the vaccine efficacy, depending on type, timing, etc ranges between 0 and 60% effective. That is secondary to how well it has prevented hospitalizations and reduced death rate. I would imagine people should still finish the current vaccine regiment based on those #'s, but I guess it could be argued that multiple countries are coordinating on that as well?

I agree that early treatments are key, the problem is there isn't a true consensus yet and people are still throwing things at the wall to see what sticks. Even those Dr's in the video each mentioned a different combination of medications they used.
Trump was saying the election was going to be rigged in the summer before the vote occurred. There is ZERO proof anything nefarious occurred. Even Trump's lapdog Bill Barr said so before the Trump shit show on jan 6th was going to happen.
I kinda stop paying attention to people when they accuse me of being part of the cover-up. Since I know I do not have evidence that I am withholding, then them claiming I do undermines their entire argument.

I wonder what would happen if a large undertaking was made by a GOP led group to review the results in one of the areas that might have made a difference to the election, hence, most likely to have been tampered with?

I kinda stop paying attention to people when they accuse me of being part of the cover-up. Since I know I do not have evidence that I am withholding, then them claiming I do undermines their entire argument.

I wonder what would happen if a large undertaking was made by a GOP led group to review the results in one of the areas that might have made a difference to the election, hence, most likely to have been tampered with?

Hey thats great what does that have to do with the zuckerbucks story, which doesnt involve irregularities in Arizona ballots?
Hey thats great what does that have to do with the zuckerbucks story, which doesnt involve irregularities in Arizona ballots?
By zuckerbucks, I assume you refer to facebook? What does facebook have to do with our election??
I was just referring you to what batvette was accusing the zuckerbergs of, though this is probably the mildest terms they would have put it in.
And batvette sees this as a problem of some sort? I'd like to hear from him and have him tell me why this is a problem or unfair in some way...
Unless I am constantly getting completely made up numbers from multiple countries, it shows that the vaccine efficacy, depending on type, timing, etc ranges between 0 and 60% effective. That is secondary to how well it has prevented hospitalizations and reduced death rate. I would imagine people should still finish the current vaccine regiment based on those #'s, but I guess it could be argued that multiple countries are coordinating on that as well?
Probably the best way to get some good immunity would be to be vaccinated, get Omicron ..... be prepared and treat it early ..... That's the situation I'm in .... except I haven't gotten Omicron ... and have no intention of getting it on purpose .... although I have to admit, with Omicron it has entered my mind.
I agree that early treatments are key, the problem is there isn't a true consensus yet and people are still throwing things at the wall to see what sticks. Even those Dr's in the video each mentioned a different combination of medications they used.
That's kinda the point with early treatment ... there are a number of the re-purposed drug cocktails that are effective .... The EARLY part is probably the most important. That and recognizing that new symptoms after the first week of onset must be treated immediately with strong measures .... not waiting til you need hospitalization.
Dr Chetty in South Africa doesn't use either Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine so he can stay away from the politics of it .... he is still extremely effective by using his 8th day protocol .... I have posted that protocol before.
So what's the problem?
His problem is that more people voted. Batshit wants less people to vote like most of the RepubliKlan members in government are trying to do.

If your strategy is to get less people to vote, their is something wrong with your messaging.
His problem is that more people voted. Batshit wants less people to vote like most of the RepubliKlan members in government are trying to do.

If your strategy is to get less people to vote, their is something wrong with your messaging.
Personally, I'm ok with less people voting.. I think everyone should be required to pass some type of standardized intelligence test in order to vote, get a drivers license, have children, etc...
Personally, I'm ok with less people voting.. I think everyone should be required to pass some type of standardized intelligence test in order to vote, get a drivers license, have children, etc...
The entire election cost around 14 billion, zuck spent 3 percent of that amount in a smart way and it was enough to sway the results supposedly.

Most people vote based on ads paid for by non average citizens. The dollars spent directly influence elections, I find it hard to condemn the "get out and vote"message when republicans, who do not represent the majority of this country, work so hard to prevent people from voting.
The entire election cost around 14 billion, zuck spent 3 percent of that amount in a smart way and it was enough to sway the results supposedly.

Most people vote based on ads paid for by non average citizens. The dollars spent directly influence elections, I find it hard to condemn the "get out and vote"message when republicans, who do not represent the majority of this country, work so hard to prevent people from voting.

I suspect he will do the same again...

What I'd like to know is why battshett crazy has a problem with it.
Wholly $hit.. You really do think you're being challenged when someone asks "How stupid can you be". Seriously, you think mathematics is useless ? WTF is wrong with you?

That is obviously not true.. I just discovered someone who licks ivermectin lolipops and thinks mathematics is a useless career..

First off genius, no intelligent prepper stores MRE's.. I know some misinformed people do, and we have plenty of misinformed people.. The idea that MRE's last for a long time in storage is a myth, the truth is that their average shelf life is about 3 to 5 years, and that's assuming they're stored in temperatures approaching refrigeration levels. For MRE's stored at room temps, the shelf life is more like 1 to 2 years.

To be honest, I have no idea what other preppers really think or why.. I've been a member of prepper forums and they are filled with wack-a-doodle uneducated idiots.. most of them are a bit like you in that they prefer to consume horse dewormers, or they think the government is out to get them by hiding secrete chips in the vaccine.
Basically, they're a bunch of bible thumping paranoid psychopaths.... and damn, they have guns and like to polish them too.. freaking scary.

Yes, I agree completely.. Instead of being prepared to be as independent as possible, you should depend on the kindness and generosity of others when society collapses. Good luck with that.. sounds like a great strategy..

May I suggest you explore this link?
Just because you misunderstood my point hardly means something is wrong with me.

Of course mathmatics is useful, what is NOT is a person in an alleged institution of higher learning, injecting his partisan philosophies into a biased analysis which includes a different and subjective field....
Then calling the turd they give birth to scientific.

You wasted a lot of time trying to support a patently absurd argument- that this work of speculation should be taken seriously.

The rest of it is you posting in the same ass**** manner that has left you convincing nobody here of anything other than.your inability to post without confused abusive rants, not knowing whose points you are addressing or what youre replyng to.

To wit, I have posted countless dozens of replies in this thread.
I challenge you to copy and paste a SINGLE ONE where I even describe much less promote the use of ivermectin or horse dewormers, or chips in vaccines. A SINGLE POST. ONE SENTANCE OF ONE POST.

Do you have frikkin altzheimers?. Did you attend the Gary Busey school of motorcycle safety? Maybe your parents loaned your head to the Harlem Globetrotters for their exhibition games?

Thats the only explanation for your utter incompetance in summarizing the arguments of other users.

Like I will do with perfect accuracy here.

You state that no intelleligent prepper stores MREs, then go on to describe preppers as a whole in insulting ways.

This is a circular argument with no coherence. We are left with your disqualifier of what an intelligent prepper is, as rebuttal to my point? Then you go on to convince us that preppers are mostly unintelligent?

Youve just convinced us all that preppers store MREs for a long time

The fact is that storage of food supplies is a foundation of preppers, and MRE specifically were coveted by preppers years ago when they were amongst the best available. Indeed though some civilian versions have improvements over actual MREs, their advertisements still reference their similarities to MREs.

The fact is MREs have NO expiration dates, only production and inspection.dates, and in some cases have been safe for consumption 25 years after production. It indeed depends on product and temperature.

Theres a guy on youtube who opens up MREs or similar that predate WW1.


Its not dissimilar to the stocks of napalm munitions at that depot in fallbrook, since they didnt use them theybl had to lose them.
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The entire election cost around 14 billion, zuck spent 3 percent of that amount in a smart way and it was enough to sway the results supposedly.

Most people vote based on ads paid for by non average citizens. The dollars spent directly influence elections, I find it hard to condemn the "get out and vote"message when republicans, who do not represent the majority of this country, work so hard to prevent people from voting.
What are republicans doing to prevent people from voting? Why would that matter if they did? If you somehow prevented half the population from voting, the outcome would be the same right?
Is this where you now assert the absurd notion race is involved? Please expand upon your point, its just bizarre.

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