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Preparing for WW3

Hard to say how this goes so a DIY fallout shelter isn't a bad idea on the cheap.

Another consideration is that all the countries have to consider sea level change at some point regardless of what is causing it. Most models predict 200ft or so or more of sea level change once it kicks off just from ice melting. No one knows for sure when all that fully happens but it will some day as sea levels go up and down over time is accepted fact of earth. One interesting thing is that almost all of the ghost cities are well above that elevation if not above 600ft. China is a big loser of land with most of their big cities under water in that scenario.

Considering their long term plans, they may have ambitions of more land acquisition that is higher elevation with resources as well. Granted the USA is not a lot better for sea level change with large cities on the coasts but there's quite a bit of high elevation in the plains and midwest that is mostly agricultural which is perfect for food and settlers.

In any case this also leads to less real estate world wide and a lot of people and less places to grow food. Not a great scenario. May cause pressure on leaders at some point to think ahead and make a land grab before it all happens. I don't know but I throw that out as a possibility to think about.

I think John Kerry said recently in the news that climate change was more important than the Ukraine war going on now. So these people seem to think its important as does Biden.
Hopefully it doesn't happen quicker than they expect.

Karl Rove reacts to John Kerry claiming climate crisis is worse than war in Ukraine: Where is his decency?​

I'm not into what Kerry says much. While he probably has good intentions, he's no scientist.. and it seems that every time he opens his mouth he does more harm than good. He's kind of like these 2nd amendment supporters who sit there and polish their guns while talking about killing people in defense of the constitution.. Not really the 2nd amendment's best spokes people...

Sea level is going to keep rising, but your 200 foot number is pretty far into the future.. and it will happen really slowly. There might be 200 buildings a year that crumble to eroding shorelines over the next century or something like that. Its not just going to catastrophically rise up 10 feet one Monday morning.. Of far more concern from my point of view is the food supply. Look at what happened to our own corn belt a few years ago when we had that 90+ degree summer and no rain.. then a couple years later, the rain came and wouldn't stop and flooded everything. We can expect more of that. In fact, I'm seeing it already myself on my own property. During the spring we get lots of rain, then nothing significant for 60 to 90 days.. then once crops are picked, we get rain again.

We get the same amount of water more or less, but it doesn't come evenly like it used to. I put in 3000 gallons of rain water capture back in 2012 and it was a good investment. Its easy and fast to water our garden now and I don't have to run the well pump. Next to the solar system, the rain water system was one of my best decisions.

They have pushed global warming as something that is making the planet hotter.. and while that's a fact, every time winter comes around, the millions of morons in this country think to themselves "What the hell are you talking about, its freezing outside".. never trust a scientist to name a problem or a mystery. (don't even get me started on dark matter or dark energy)

They should have called it something to the tune of "global precipitation instability" or something like that. Some name that people can relate to when they get 5 inches of rain or 4 feet of snow, or they see nothing for 3 months at a time.

So now, I'm probably going to spend the summer and $20,000 to make myself a shelter.. which will most likely just become a subterranean storage shed and is hopefully never needed.
if you guys can't get that link to work go on youtube and search for
Science of the Pole Shift -01-
by Kent Crandall...there's 6 short videos. I'm telling you guys will be blown away.
Some won't buy it but its the best presentation that is short and concise and he doesn't even go into talking about the need for depopulation like John Moore does but I challenge anyone to watch it and not think differently after learning all the lies of Covid.

How did you survive puberty?
Mr Murphy I may have been a little harsh on you and I do apologize for reacting to your assumptions so negatively and assuming you've already bet the farm. Maybe you haven't. People can do whatever they want with the information and believe whatever they want. I do think your culvert bunker is not a bad idea considering everything that could be possible proven or unproven. It does match with what the billionaires of the planet are doing along with the US government for decades so maybe they know something we don't.
No need to apologize....the guy is an idiot....

But back to the subject.....Army and National Guard are moving around a lot of equipment in my area....they are prepping...
Getting back to Ukraine here...

this is a good article I just found which effectively describes what was already discussed here about the inability of Biden/NATO to agree to not put missiles in Ukraine and not allow Ukraine into NATO. I presume that is the same as the 1997 NATO borders.
It appears this article was written a few days before the war started but must be edited 3 days ago.

I don't see alot of normal people even talking about this fact or knowing about it. I think its propaganda driving all the media to not show this at least in western media. I haven't looked on RT to see what they are saying however. I would imagine Putin understands the truth about what is going on better than most americans. This is why he had to do something much like JFK threatening to take action in 1962.
The inferior targeting accuracy and flight range of missiles in 1962 meant that siting in Cuba was a very big step up in threat and risk. Further, the amount of time needed to respond and intercept an attack was longer then and missile siting in Cuba decreased the USA's ability to respond in time.

Now in 2022...weapons are faster , smarter and much more accurate than in '62 so that a missile site in Ukraine is not really any different than one a nearby existing NATO country like in Poland or Germany. To me, this means that the argument that Ukraine in Nato is seen by Russia as equivalent to USSR in Cuba back in '62 is not supportable.

However, Ukraine's belonging to NATO Is seen by Russia as allowing installation of equipment and manpower that any Russian INVADING force might not want deal with, not increased risk of missile attack by NATO.
The inferior targeting accuracy and flight range of missiles in 1962 meant that siting in Cuba was a very big step up in threat and risk. Further, the amount of time needed to respond and intercept an attack was longer then and missile siting in Cuba decreased the USA's ability to respond in time.

Now in 2022...weapons are faster , smarter and much more accurate than in '62 so that a missile site in Ukraine is not really any different than one a nearby existing NATO country like in Poland or Germany. To me, this means that the argument that Ukraine in Nato is seen by Russia as equivalent to USSR in Cuba back in '62 is not supportable.

However, Ukraine's belonging to NATO Is seen by Russia as allowing installation of equipment and manpower that any Russian INVADING force might not want deal with, not increased risk of missile attack by NATO.
Yeah, I'm not convinced of your explanation. Estonia and Latvia are already NATO (2004?) and right on Russia's boarders, and I don't recall Russia throwing a temper tantrum and threatening war when they Joined NATO.

Maybe your explanation is part of the reasoning that added to the reasons for his invasion.... like the final straw.. but I think it has to do with his energy supplies. I remember years ago, like almost a decade.. where Russia and Ukraine were having problems with agreeing on the charges Ukraine was imposing on Russia for pumping energy (oil and gas?) through Ukraine. Ukraine was charging a lot more than other countries and Putin was throwing a fit over it.

Who knows what he's thinking.. I'm just worried he's getting old and cranky and has nukes..
Ukraine's belonging to NATO Is seen by Russia as allowing installation of equipment and manpower that any Russian INVADING force might not want deal with, not increased risk of missile attack by NATO.
Which still makes no sense considering NATOs history of invading foreign countries ?‍♂️
I listen to "Hair Nation" on satellite radio in my van. I have noticed for the last month or so they placed in heavy rotation Tesla's Modern Day Cowboy, which was written during Reagan's presidency. The story describes men through history posturing and killing each other for little reason other than their need for violence.
The final verse, as the song reaches a crescendo of energy, goes as follows:

Here we are and we've come this far,
But it's only getting worse.
The foreign lands with their terrorist demands,
Only 'cause the good to hurt.

The USA the USSR, with their six guns to their sides.
I see the message written on the wall,
Too much anger deep inside.

The verse referenced the nuclear threat at the time, where Reagan was seen as the agressor. (What he was doing was provoking the Soviets into making mistakes that would turn world sentiment against them. KAL007 for example.)

I found it interesting that some 35 years later the song had found such relevance, and that the provocateur had reversed.

While Tesla has been uneven in their songs, that was the first song I heard from them and I went out and bought the cassette the day I heard it.

Love the first comment.
"Theres not a stereo in the world that can play this song loud enough."

(Edit. Its been decades since Ive seen that video, probably produced by the same people that made all the MTV videos telling a story in a comical but cheesy way. Along with footage from Kubrick's brilliant Dr. Strangelove, it depicts a nerdy scientist controlling his nuclear toys with as much thirst for death as Al Capone and Billy of the old west)

Anyway, its well documented that Reagans primary goal as president, was to end the cold war, moreover, the larger problem of two superpowers with their fingers on the button of enough nuclear weapons to destroy all of humanity several times over, and enough anger in each of us to go through with it.
We thought he might have succeeded, pity he did not.
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We thought he might have succeeded, pity he did not.
As parallel with some elements of the constitution he did succeed and was lauded by liberals and conservatives both at the time. It took 100years+ for politicians to erode some power of the constitution yet only 20 years +/- for politicians to erode the power of ending the Cold War.
As parallel with some elements of the constitution he did succeed and was lauded by liberals and conservatives both at the time. It took 100years+ for politicians to erode some power of the constitution yet only 20 years +/- for politicians to erode the power of ending the Cold War.
Im sure it never ended in the mind of the most significant figure of this current conflict.
Bizarre that its reported that he wants Russia to regain its "stature" of cold war era USSR. A communist state, with most citizens starving while he is reportedly the worlds richest man at ~$400billion.
That must be some security force he has. Most countries would have had a torch and pitchforks party long ago. Or long ago he would be drawn and quartered... the pieces drawn and quartered...his head placed upon a pike ("not the fish!").

Hey so there are various YouTube videos of people building cheap simple inverters with just mosfets and fancy soldering

is it possible to buy a bag of these in case SHTF? Or what type of components would you have in a SHTF bag to fix an off grid setup, chips and what not? Absent of opening stuff up and writing the component numbers, ordering online, is there general advise or an all-in-one mosfet to get? Kind of an open-ended question, but what would you think?
what would you think?
The sudden ‘charge’ would blow the dependent components in its path- mosfets, capacitors. But that’s irrelevant imho. Because an EMP would act on any electromagnetically reactive elements down to the chip and pcb level and probably leave them inoperable. A military EMP event is somewhat quick, but the sun flare thing in ?1882? that interrupted telegraph transmission basically heated the transmission lines to the point they sagged to the ground and/or failed in other ways.
Imagine that today, 2022, and you suddenly will imagine that some of those crazy preppers maybe might not be crazy.
No refrigerator, no gas, no banks, and maybe diesel 1954 farmalls will be the only vehicles that could run.

Or take your chances. I guess that’s the place I’m at by default. But at least I know it.

Imagine Chicago or Boston or LA if all infrastructure quit- total failure with no recovery. Suddenly. Like maybe with only a few hours warning at best. How many days after would food people have on hand be gone- or no water or water treatment.

WW3 is one thing- while a natural disaster though unlikely is possible. We’ve come so far that WW3 will be devastating to civilians in a way war never has been before. Water, food, shelter: you are a target within and without. Better not have light at night!
The sudden ‘charge’ would blow the dependent components in its path- mosfets, capacitors. But that’s irrelevant imho. Because an EMP would act on any electromagnetically reactive elements down to the chip and pcb level and probably leave them inoperable. A military EMP event is somewhat quick, but the sun flare thing in ?1882? that interrupted telegraph transmission basically heated the transmission lines to the point they sagged to the ground and/or failed in other ways.
Actually, the damaging component of a nuclear EMP is called the E1 pulse. It is a nanosecond event that mostly fries very small semiconductors within IC Chips.
A nuclear EMP generated by a standard weapon can generate up to 50,000 volts per meter of conductive surface. That translates to (50,000 divided by 100) = 500 volts per centimeter. This assumes you are located in the "hot spot", which itself is an exceptionally complex subject involving altitude, time of day, soil conductivity. and physical orientation to the magnetic field lines of the planet.

Outside of this "hot spot", the E1 intensity drops and sort of levels off to between 10,000 and 30,000 volts per meter, with most places being on the lower end of that range.

Computers and anything else with an IC chip is very unlikely to survive, but power electronics, such as a battery charger or other relatively crude devices have a chance..

Of course, that assumes a standard fission or fusion bomb and not one designed for the purpose of producing an EMP. Replace the neutron reflector (called a tamper) in the bomb with a more suitable material, and the explosive yield of the weapon can decrease by a factor of 10, but the gamma yield can increase off the charts. It is the gamma rays produced by the weapon slamming into the molecules of our atmosphere that produce the EMP, not the weapon itself. A weapon designed for an EMP, under the right conditions, can generate up to 200,000 volts per meter..
Not even your flashlight inside a trashcan Faraday cage is likely to survive that unless you cage is a multi-layer design.

The Sun produces a very different type of electromagnetic event.. Calling it an EMP is really a poor label because its not a "pulse" but more of a tsunami. Its classified as an E3 pulse and the event happens very slowly over a long duration measured in minutes and hours. There is NO sudden nanosecond spike in voltage. There is no radiative component that can damage your car or your phone, or anything else that is NOT plugged into the grid or a long conductor. You could be browsing the internet on the beach with a laptop and it would not be affected.

Both EMP's will take out the electric grid, but only the nuclear EMP will take out devices not plugged into the grid.

Imagine that today, 2022, and you suddenly will imagine that some of those crazy preppers maybe might not be crazy.
No refrigerator, no gas, no banks, and maybe diesel 1954 farmalls will be the only vehicles that could run.

Or take your chances. I guess that’s the place I’m at by default. But at least I know it.
As a prepper myself, and someone who used to be part of the prepper world in social media, I could write a book on how dumb some of these people are. They do things because they're told to do them, but they don't understand any of the science behind what they're doing or why they're doing it.
As for running vehicles, most off-road equipment built before 2000 will work just fine if you have fuel.
Imagine Chicago or Boston or LA if all infrastructure quit- total failure with no recovery. Suddenly. Like maybe with only a few hours warning at best. How many days after would food people have on hand be gone- or no water or water treatment.
The general consensus is 3 days before things start to go south.. After a week, the crime in the highest population centers will increase 10 fold.. After 2 weeks, it will be a war zone. It will take about three weeks before these "war zones" start to migrate out into the suburbs, and slightly longer before they make it out the rural areas.

WW3 is one thing- while a natural disaster though unlikely is possible. We’ve come so far that WW3 will be devastating to civilians in a way war never has been before. Water, food, shelter: you are a target within and without. Better not have light at night!

It doesn't take much to make a cheap and effective Faraday cage.. Its actually really easy.. and prepping mostly involves making sure you have a year of food stored. Actually, any extra food is helpful, but buying 50 lb bags of beans, rice, oats, split peas, etc, is pretty cheap and easy to do. You won't be living on gourmet food, but you'll be healthy and alive.

City folks are screwed no matter what they do.. Folks in mid-scale suburbia could do well if they band together and help each other..

Out here in the countryside, people will be far better off.. and those migrating out of the cities will most likely find they are very unwelcome in the rural areas under such conditions.
Most stupid preppers think they're going to "head for the hills" or the woods and survive off the land.. Problem is, these idiots have never considered who owns that land or the fact that they're not going to be alive very long if they start squatting on some wooded area of a farmer's property.
Russia has come a long way since the fall of the USSR..
View attachment 86917
Have you actually been to Russia? I have. Extensively. 95% of it is more poor and decrepit than the poorest place in the US. St. Pete and Moscow are NOT Russia. The corruption is just everywhere in Russia. Nothing gets done without a “gift” It’s not uncommon to be in a commercial building and see bare, uninsulated wires strung between room, down hallways, and joined with scotch tape. This is everywhere.
Have you actually been to Russia? I have. Extensively. 95% of it is more poor and decrepit than the poorest place in the US. St. Pete and Moscow are NOT Russia. The corruption is just everywhere in Russia. Nothing gets done without a “gift” It’s not uncommon to be in a commercial building and see bare, uninsulated wires strung between room, down hallways, and joined with scotch tape. This is everywhere.
I've been to Moscow and Kiev a few times. What you say is true.. but I didn't say it was a prosperous country, I said they've come a long way, and they have.
My wife is from Kiev (married for 22 years), her mother is currently in the middle of all the bombs.

Corruption is most certainly routine.. almost an official function of their government. Its basically a giant mob rule environment like what used to be Chicago back in the 30s with organized crime.
if i should buy some mosfets to replace inverter parts long term
No.. While I'm not entirely sure how the mosfets in an inverter would do, you'd need to purchase any IC chips in there and probably replace them as well.. In simpler terms, while the mosfets might be blown, there might be other stuff that gets blown as well.

Better to keep the inverter in a Faraday cage when not being used.

My own generator is an older coleman and I looked up the part numbers and bought the bridge rectifier and cap.

EDIT: You should make sure your generator can run on propane, gasoline, and natural gas.. and store the propane.. You can't store gasoline very long but you can store propane forever.
One other note for anyone reading this stuff.

If we do get hit by an EMP and the power goes out, don't go opening up your Faraday cages right away.. wait two or three days and rough it.. it is possible we get hit by a double-tap.

In fact, if we do see such an attack, all your equipment should stay in a Faraday cage permanently when not being used.

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diy solar