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diy solar

Preparing for WW3

Unfortunately your information is outdated. There is absolutely no way to survive modern nuclear blast, specifically the ones from Russia, because they are coated with Cobalt 59 which on explosion turns to cobalt 60 and has a half life of 100 years. One bomb with I think 500lb of this stuff could theoretically wipe out all life on earth. Russian wouldn't even need to do this. A direct hit on single Tesla battery pack would do the same thing. Imagine two, or a parking garage/charging station full Tesla's. Or a battery factory.
Well, such stupidity would explain the current thinking in our search for alien life in the cosmos... The latest hypothesis is that almost all civilizations destroy themselves.. separated by space and time, they never find each other because of this principle.. its been named "the great filter".

Any species that would willingly assure total destruction doesn't deserve to advance.
Unfortunately your information is outdated. There is absolutely no way to survive modern nuclear blast, specifically the ones from Russia, because they are coated with Cobalt 59 which on explosion turns to cobalt 60 and has a half life of 100 years. One bomb with I think 500lb of this stuff could theoretically wipe out all life on earth. Russian wouldn't even need to do this. A direct hit on single Tesla battery pack would do the same thing. Imagine two, or a parking garage/charging station full Tesla's. Or a battery factory.
Ok.. Well that was some interesting research.. an hour of reading and two phone calls.. Whew. You had me worried there.

A cobalt bomb is possible, but not practical. While it would be possible to put one on a plane or a boat, it would not be currently possible to put an effective cobalt bomb on the top of an ICBM. Even if Russia did lace all their warheads with cobalt, the weight limitations of the ICBM payload delivery system would limit it to such a small amount as to be ineffective. (this is mostly true, but not completely accurate see Exception 1) It would leave some long lived radioactive trace elements spread around, but it would not be a tactically or strategically effective weapon. In layman's terms, the result would be orange road cones pot marking the landscape where cobalt particles are detected. Simply stay away from them and your exposure is insignificant.

Exception 1) An ICBM could be made to carry a larger amount of cobalt, but they would have to remove the other warheads and shorten its effective target range.. and even under these conditions, the effected area would be either small (like a zip code) with intense radiation, or large (like an entire city) but with only pot-marked areas of low level radiation.
The fact is, you can't neatly disperse the cobalt atom for atom.. Not all the cobalt is going to convert, and what does convert isn't all going to spread out evenly.
This would also limit the number of nuclear warheads they could deliver since each ICBM has only one and ICBM's are stupidly expensive.

Fallout from such a weapon would not be evenly distributed.. there would simply be strips of land area we'd have to stay away from.. Kind of a slap in the face after being shot with a gun.. its just going to piss off the enemy even more than what is needed.

You could load an effective cobalt bomb onto a boat, or carry it in a plane.. But boats are limited to the coastal areas (still kind of nasty), and no plane would ever make it to the USA as it would be shot down long before it got close.

Russia is known for leaking propaganda. Facebook and youtube are filled with fake Russian weapons, CGI altered videos, etc etc.

Their military budget is only about 1/10th what ours is.. not that such things matter in the face of an all out nuclear exchange, but if we believed all their propaganda, one would have to conclude they have made unrealistic significant technological advances.. all the while the science from those advances have not percolated down to civilian markets or products for profit.. That's not realistic.

And judging from their current pitiful performance in Ukraine, I'm going suggest its all horse crap.

One other thought.. I have serious doubts their military would allow Putin to start a nuclear war unless we crossed their boarders.. I don't think some educated commander is going to start WW3 just because his leader can't have his piece of cake.

And for your further consideration, not sure how this really applies but I'm going to throw it out. I was in Ukraine and Moscow a few times.. the people are really nice. During the cold war in the 70's and 80's, the Russians were more scared of us than we were of them. Americans were the crazy unstable violent society as viewed by their population. We were the sneaky SOB's likely to strike first.

I don't know how much of that was government propaganda or how their leaders really viewed us, but that is how a lot of their population viewed us or were told to view us. That is no longer the case obviously.. I was there at a time when the internet was still running on 56k modems and AOL and Prodigy were the big providers. The Russians and Ukrainians went out of their way to be nice to me once they knew I was an American. They were enjoying their new found freedoms and I doubt they're very happy with what Putin is doing right now. Ukrainian-Russian cultural relationships aren't like America and Mexico, its more like Ohio and Michigan. Its all the same people.. Putin is, in effect, telling family members to shoot at other family members..

Just something to think about..
Feels like a lot of people in this thread should watch Threads.
It has been called "a film which comes closest to representing the full horror of nuclear war and its aftermath, as well as the catastrophic impact that the event would have on human culture."

Honestly, you will be better off getting immediately vapourized in the initial blasts, than surviving such an event.
Let's not keep attacking each other. And you're not going to change his mind anyway.
I want to, but I'm not because I think this thread has gone afoul of the site rules and I don't want to get too far into that. The thread is not about yelling at each other. It is preparing for the worst. His opinion is "it won't be that bad" - well, maybe he's wrong, but getting all personal doesn't help anything or change that.

For the record, I agree with you more than him, but this just is not the place for it.
Case in point that again illustrates this perfectly is this paragraph:
Their military budget is only about 1/10th what ours is.. not that such things matter in the face of an all out nuclear exchange, but if we believed all their propaganda, one would have to conclude they have made unrealistic significant technological advances.. all the while the science from those advances have not percolated down to civilian markets or products for profit.. That's not realistic.

History shows that the germans had significant advances not in civilian markets during ww2. The jet engine, rockets -v2, Radar was not in civilian markets. The atom bomb or atomic energy wasn't in civilian markets. You spout off more crap than anyone here and it's all false and without proof of anything. This is fact!
Never argue with an idiot.. they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with stupidity.
ROFLMAO Oh.. thank you.. that was hilarious.

You have the scientific knowledge of an 8 year old.
Never argue with an idiot.. they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with stupidity.
ROFLMAO Oh.. thank you.. that was hilarious.

You have the scientific knowledge of an 8 year old.
Insults and talking down to people doesn't help your case either. Treat other people like stupid, don't expect anyone to respect your opinion much.

Proper discourse is a lost art. Devolving into petty insults is ridiculous.
The problem with that is no one else is challenging this guy's judgment. WHY? Are you guys asleep?

It is fatally flawed because he himself is a narcissist which inherently makes his judgments flawed and foolish.

If any country thought like him, it would be taken over easily. This is the whole point of this thread. Smart countries don't start a war they know they can't win. Good chance they are holding advances back just like the Germans. Is there any wonder why the Germans thought they'd conquer the world? It's because they had a lot of aces up their sleeves and even had Einstein until he left for the USA.

Security is serious business and you don't underestimate anyone or what they can do based on dumb reasoning you come up with that doesn't match with the truth.
I suggest you go to college and get an education... Join the military and serve your country, then travel the world a bit.. at least go more than 50 miles from your own home.

Until then, you're another keyboard snowflake who enjoys the freedom guys like me provide you.. Stop acting like an 8 year old.
Some people think they know something. All that posturing and puffing. Dear lord. Some people should just read more and post less, especially in a place like this. Save it for your cocktail party. Seriously. You're not in charge of ANYTHING, and we're all really thankful for that.
Thankfully we have an ignore feature on this site - I get to block my first one!!
Your advice against yourself being the proven fool shown many times and your childish insults prove yet again that you are a narcissist only believing you are the best when WW2 history proves your statements absurdly false yet you won't admit you're wrong again proving you're a narcissist.

Again you make a lot of assumptions about everything including people. I may be writing this from Antarctica and you'd never guess it but you're the fool proven many times over. You have no idea what education I have or where I've traveled or what kind of wife I have and how many languages she speaks.

You just assume you're better than I am in all cases. What is obvious is that a fool will give out way more information than is necessary and in this case the fool has done that.
Yes, actually I would.. No one who says such idiotic things would ever find themselves in Antarctica. I guessed at your profile ( 5 of 5 remember?) and it pissed you off so much it was funny.. which means I nailed it.

Stop smoking pot and drinking alcohol... put the bible down and get a real book.. Go to college and get an education. Then, when you can explain the difference between a covalent bond and an ionic bond, or discuss how something like spectroscopy is used, come back and we can have a realistic conversation..

Until then, its like I'm talking to a 9 year old, who apparently knows everything.

Young, dumb, and full of...
Since this thread is about WW3 or the end of days as some people think and you've brought up the bible and religion many times already and I have not, I figured since you talk about the bible so much maybe you wanted to hear a verse that applies directly about you that I've heard many people use regarding people like you and the current times we are in. This pretty much exactly describes your behavior here. And you're not a god, just a man who is a narcissist. As such we should avoid you!

2 Timothy 3

Perilous Times and Perilous Men​

3 But know this, that in the last days [a]perilous times will come: 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 unloving, [b]unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, 4 traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!

So you believe in and support the enslavement of other humans eh? That says a lot about you..

Leviticus 25:44-46
As for your male and female slaves whom you may have: you may buy male and female slaves from among the nations that are around you. You may also buy from among the strangers who sojourn with you and their clans that are with you, who have been born in your land, and they may be your property. You may bequeath them to your sons after you to inherit as a possession forever. You may make slaves of them, but over your brothers the people of Israel you shall not rule, one over another ruthlessly.

What kind of evil SOB would support an ideology that endorses the enslavement of other humans?

You're a full grown adult with instant access to the sum of human knowledge at your fingertips, and you think magical invisible sky fairies are real..

Go ahead.. take a moment and let that sink in.
Ok.. Well that was some interesting research.. an hour of reading and two phone calls.. Whew. You had me worried there.

A cobalt bomb is possible, but not practical. While it would be possible to put one on a plane or a boat, it would not be currently possible to put an effective cobalt bomb on the top of an ICBM.

Exception 1) An ICBM could be made to carry a larger amount of cobalt, but they would have to remove the other warheads and shorten its effective target range..

That's why its a torpedo.

Here it is... 2019 test

what we know about it

Fallout from such a weapon would not be evenly distributed.. there would simply be strips of land area we'd have to stay away from.. Kind of a slap in the face after being shot with a gun.. its just going to piss off the enemy even more than what is needed.

You could load an effective cobalt bomb onto a boat, or carry it in a plane.. But boats are limited to the coastal areas (still kind of nasty), and no plane would ever make it to the USA as it would be shot down long before it got close.

it spreads fall out via nuclear tsuanmi

there's a russian submarine off of san diego right now I believe because you can see our military air craft flying in circles the past few weeks

2010 USA/NATO simulation of Ukraine conflict, result 1 billion dead due to nuclear exchange


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Matthew 7:6
“Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.”
Yes this is definitely a Reverse Cuban Missile crisis. We should absolutely NOT have NATO on Russian's border. I believe this entire thing would go away if Biden, NATO just did that, and it was sincere. However, they are not and doubling down.

But then yes there is something else going on. The target is destruction of western civilization by our own political leaders. There's no benefit from putting our entire way of life in danger to a real threat for such little gain. The goal is total destruction of the west (Christiandome) and satanic 'Great Reset', you owe nothing, and you're happy. Everything is a subsidized subscription, and your life can be canceled at any time via digital wallet --or something. They want to kill God's people at any cost even non-believers.

There's a concept called 4th generation warfare. You're at war, but you don't know it. Then, you think you know the enemies, but it is your self. If you try and talk about peace and solutions, you are branded as the enemy yourself. This literally translates to, in 2014 Obama, Biden, and McCain implemented an overthrow of the Ukraine government George Soros color revolution. Including snipers shooting protestors on boths sides and killing hundreds of police and 1000s of troops in the follw up. They then bombed civilians that had dual citizenship in Russia, considered Russian's people. That with putting NATO bombs next to Russia's border, they had no choice but to invade. On top of that, the Ukraine was taken over by Neo Nazi funded by a billionaire. Our government along with George Soros is supporting the neo-Nazi and taking every step in the direction of escalation.

But in the meantime, low information people are told something different. We are told we are the good guys, and they are the Nazi, even though they actually have Nazi flags on their uniforms. The propaganda is so thick there is absolutely no scenario where somebody like MurphyGuy can come to understand this (sorry buddy). Basically their perception has been compromised via 4th gen warfare. If you try to explain it to them, they call you a white supremacy neo nazi anti-vaxxer white male evil yada yada yada hate hate hate. For no reason, he openly attacks Christian. The end goal, to destroy Christiandome, is that there is no solution except total nuclear war. You can see this because in the propaganda saying nuclear war isn't so bad, you can survive it. I saw one article headline saying nuclear war would be good for global warming. Literally MurphyGuy is repeating exactly these talking points, because doesn't have free will to think otherwise, because he can't perceive these ideas, because his perception has been compromised for 4th gen warfare.

I think I just broke ever rule on the forum trying to be respectful but I must call evil out.

I really just wanted to know how to brew diesel, kerosene, LOL

Sorry buddy God loves you

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diy solar