diy solar

diy solar

Preparing for WW3

The ‘conservative’ (sic) nutcase far right or whatever you want to call it is a small percentage of what people actually feel and do. It is divisive, inaccurate, and inappropriate to broad-cast that net as if these media-emblazoned minority groups are common or large in number.

I am pleased to see that, in the news we only get to see people like Trump and his ilk. It makes me worried for our neighbours down South.
I am pleased to see that, in the news we only get to see people like Trump and his ilk. It makes me worried for our neighbours down South.
And being clear visioned I have an open-eyed view of trump. And biden. I formulate my own conclusions.

While I’m not sure if you mean mexican or southern US citizens but no matter. I’m gonna say something.

Don’t forget that there’s plenty of trump “supporters” that don’t like trump and are inside hoping for better choices than hillary/trump/sanders/biden/harris in 2024.

I know a lot of trump supporters that aren’t trump supporters- they’re just frustrated conservatives and moderates and libertarians that want hope. Trump is different so he looks like hope because the status quo- doesn’t. Look at all like hope.
Right or wrong, good or bad, they think they want trump because they don’t want a bush, bernie, or biden even more.

A lot of my ‘conservative’ friends don’t understand my position. Some think I’ve “gone liberal.” Nope. I just don’t care for red, green, OR blue koolaid.
I understand the written language definition just fine. Literally.

To say that being ‘conservative’ by definition when one is discussing a political, social, or cultural expression of thought in 2022 means the same thing as ‘conservative southerners’ in 1860, 1900, or 1782 is myopic at best.

Conservatives hold to the constitutional process and provisions as originally penned by The Framers. These tenets are even reflected in the thoughtful muse of Thomas Jefferson who once wrote- in his mind questioning a contemporary position of certain citizens holding that blacks were not equal (thereby maybe not men) nor intelligent compared to whites- his observation that a black slave was as astute and capable as himself. The constitution was the basis for anti-slavery thought long before 1861, led to women’s suffrage, and is the plumb-line the States and Supreme Court is supposed to look to today. Further, the pattern of limited government, independent states, no government mandated religion, and economic freedoms is protected by the constitution and amendments.

Conservatives adhere to the constitution which was intended to solve the then unknown future challenges to freedoms.
Not even close.. Neither party adheres to the constitution.. They may violate and attack it in different ways, but neither of them come even remotely close to adhering to the constitution.

What they have done is to create categories for you to base your identity on, and then push the required buttons to manipulate that identity.

Would you like me to quote some of the unconstitutional key decisions made by the conservative supreme court that were pushed by republicans? Like those giving police immunity for violating your constitutional rights? Like those allowing the government to take your land and give it to someone else for their profit? Like those allowing corporations to be treated like people and afforded the rights meant for people? I could go on if you wish. and I could do the same for the liberals.

I would say its disturbing you think that way, but the truth is, it is not unusual and is actually the normal for most people. If they can get you to place yourself in a category, then they can manipulate that placement as they see fit. Without that categorization, they have no idea what to say in order to push your buttons.. and that would be a problem. Sales people do the same thing.. they ask questions about you so to tailor their sales to your identity.

To warp a cultural definition of ‘conservative’ with a literal, liturgical definition by assigning distasteful meanings - even if ‘exclusionary’ qualifiers are added- is neither accurate nor acceptable. It casts aside the dignity and equality of a large subset of people who usually and often don’t intellectually and religiously fit the definitions assigned to them. One visible example of this cultural ‘sin’ of net-casting was the 2016 ‘deplorable’ incident. The net didn’t fit most people it was thrown upon.
I think it fit perfectly.. I find white supremacist, kkk, etc to be deplorable.. The conservatives were upset because they had to deal with the fact that these subgroups were part of their own...

Sure, our history isn’t perfect! To name just two tragedies, what happened with the Native American indians and the way “we” approached Vietnam are shameful. They both fly in the face of God and the constitution.
And there's the problem.. "the face of God". If the word of your god is your guiding principle, you'll have to explain why you endorse the enslavement of other humans..

So when you cast out the net to encompass the evil in the world and include ‘conservative’ as one of the definition evils it disgusted me. The constitution isn’t done with its work, yet. If we return to those values with vigor the intent of the constitution to ensure we are a successful nation because of our commonalities- all men are created equal; the State shall not establish a religion; the people have rights to self-direct- our nation can and will successfully move forward correcting the divergences from our constitution as they become evident.
Sure, that sounds great.. and I agree. But now you'll have to explain the conservative push for including Christianity and GOD in our public schools and government property. And thus your argument falls apart..

Kkk and self-importance is the polar opposite of conservative.
Right, the KKK just always votes conservative why? I noticed you left out the white supremacist...

The ‘conservative’ (sic) nutcase far right or whatever you want to call it is a small percentage of what people actually feel and do. It is divisive, inaccurate, and inappropriate to broad-cast that net as if these media-emblazoned minority groups are common or large in number.

The Constitution should bring us forward by our commonality and rights as citizens and not be seen as giving freedom to create discord and polarity within the citizenry. THAT’S conservatism.
I agree, the nutcase far right is a small percentage.. but how small? or better said, how big of a percentage? Judging by what I've seen, its somewhere in the 20% range now... (just a guess)..

While the principles of what you say are correct, that is certainly NOT conservatism.. its libertarian, not conservative.

Conservatives are authoritarian.. its that simple.. Its why police are republicans.. and you can't be aligned with authoritarian principles AND the constitution at the same time. In fact, our constitution was written to stop the authoritarians.
History will tell what the truth is and it looks like that is how this conversation will have to end because you can't consider any other possibility as possible. Very close minded but some people are that way. I have believed exactly the same as you once before but now I see things differently.
You'll have to figure this out on your own and no one can do it for you.
I am very closed minded when it comes to wishy washy, he said-she said, emotional thinking type subjects.

The term "keep an open mind" is just code for "accept my irrational beliefs" Which is why, in the history of this forum, facebook, and any other social media, I have never once uttered that phrase.

Keep an open mind applies to food, sexual experiences, vacations, and other subjective experiences..

If you want to affect my opinion, you need evidence... not opinion, not emotions, and certainly not mythology or magical invisible sky fairies.
A lot of my ‘conservative’ friends don’t understand my position. Some think I’ve “gone liberal.” Nope. I just don’t care for red, green, OR blue koolaid.
That's a good position. Everyone should divest themselves from political ideology and stick to the facts, the evidence, and the constitution.

You won't ever see me calling myself liberal or conservative.. although I may say one party or another might agree with my position on something, I don't base my identity on someone else's politics.
Not even close.
I exit now. You didn’t read or understand a thing I said. And I get the impression you don’t believe I’m entitled to my own opinions.

I am and so are you.

It appears that while I’m ok with disagreeing you, you want me to just be wrong.
I exit now. You didn’t read or understand a thing I said. And I get the impression you don’t believe I’m entitled to my own opinions.

I am and so are you.

It appears that while I’m ok with disagreeing you, you want me to just be wrong.
It can be very difficult to convey concepts within simple forum messaging boxes. And I think we can both agree that entire volumes of books have been written on the subject matter.

We can agree to disagree.. I hold no animosity, I just wish people would step back from their beliefs.. challenge their perceptions, and dump the religion.
Ok Back to underground bunkers and post apocalyptic scenarios. Throw some zombies in the mix, why not?
I'd have to agree with you. He makes too many assumptions and most of them are wrong on top of that he tries to bring in his background and wife to try to bolster his position. What kind of person has to do that on a public forum? Someone who is losing the argument and is desperate. Yet he will disagree even with that!
Oh man.. the stupid things people say on forums just never ceases to amaze me.

Let me guess:
Global warming = fake
Pandemic = freedoms being taken?

I bet I got everyone of those correct for you.. 5 of 5 ?
just wish people would step back from their beliefs.. challenge their perceptions, and dump the religion.
Well I gotta respond to that. It’s remarkable that you make reasoned statements and then drop a smidgelet of something irkfull.

People have a right to practice religion. Or not practice religion. They get to create their own orderly citizenship for themselves. Being Jewish, or Catholic, or Athiest, or Buddhist… how does that factor into challenging their perceptions?

Alienating oneself from beliefs in some form of absolute is a narrowing of the mind to possibilities; a reduced capacity for perception. To deny the possible in favor of the preferred is a willful intellectual lobotomy. Even the constitution is rife with absolutes: certain unalienable rights.

-signing off
And being clear visioned I have an open-eyed view of trump. And biden. I formulate my own conclusions.

While I’m not sure if you mean mexican or southern US citizens but no matter. I’m gonna say something.

Don’t forget that there’s plenty of trump “supporters” that don’t like trump and are inside hoping for better choices than hillary/trump/sanders/biden/harris in 2024.

I know a lot of trump supporters that aren’t trump supporters- they’re just frustrated conservatives and moderates and libertarians that want hope. Trump is different so he looks like hope because the status quo- doesn’t. Look at all like hope.
Right or wrong, good or bad, they think they want trump because they don’t want a bush, bernie, or biden even more.

A lot of my ‘conservative’ friends don’t understand my position. Some think I’ve “gone liberal.” Nope. I just don’t care for red, green, OR blue koolaid.
I am North of you, don't spend much time on your politics, just the little bits that I do see are disturbing to put it mildly. To be clear I have not voted in any election in decades.

And I understand the frustrations, the problem I see is a growing income inequality and a bunch of people terribly confused on how to deal with that, lashing out at governments, minorities and any one more liberal, stoked by fake news. Not unlike what we witnessed during the rise of Hitler and WW2. The good news is that there is at least lower unemployment today, than in the 1930's and there is better social security, although not always adequate. If you are interested in economics, I could recommend "Capital in the Twenty-First Century" by the French economist Thomas Piketty. It focuses on wealth and income inequality in Europe and the United States since the 18th century.

The problem is that the people who are negatively effected by all of this are voting against their self interests, part of the fix is to increase taxation on the wealthy, it would lower the top income and balance the inequality somewhat. (people tend to get upset about mega yachts and the likes) In addition you would balance the budget. You guys have the most expensive healthcare system per capita in the world, but don't even rank in the top 10 in outcomes, education is another problem. U.S students consistently score lower in math and science than students from many other countries. According to a Business Insider report in 2018, the U.S. ranked 38th in math scores and 24th in science.

I don't want to tell you what to do or who to vote for, but whatever you guys are doing, I think you might want to change course. The republican party used to be the left wing party, but that has changed since Reagan. Since then you have had two right wing parties, although people like AOC are pulling the liberal party to the left.

With your politics more like two cults fighting each other, I am more concerned you guys will end up in a "civil" war and a split of the various states into different countries, then I am of WW3.
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Well I gotta respond to that. It’s remarkable that you make reasoned statements and then drop a smidgelet of something irkfull.

People have a right to practice religion. Or not practice religion. They get to create their own orderly citizenship for themselves. Being Jewish, or Catholic, or Athiest, or Buddhist… how does that factor into challenging their perceptions?
No, actually they don't really. Religious practice is to brainwash the child at an early age to take away those rights.

"Give me the child for 7 years and I'll give you the man". _Ignatius Loyola sometime around the year 1500. (or that might have been Aristotle, I forget)

This is why your religion is based upon your geography. What religion would you be if you were born and raised in Saudi Arabia or Iran? What religion would you be if you were raised in Israel? And you think its a "right to practice or not"? Did you ever wonder why religion is included with the "do not discriminate" list of attributes? Race, color, sex, age, nationality, religion. Remember that game in school? Which of these do not belong?

Its a perfect example of the narrow perception problem most people have.

Alienating oneself from beliefs in some form of absolute is a narrowing of the mind to possibilities; a reduced capacity for perception. To deny the possible in favor of the preferred is a willful intellectual lobotomy. Even the constitution is rife with absolutes: certain unalienable rights.

-signing off
Nope.. that is just dead wrong.. Beliefs come in two forms.. Irrational and rational. Rational beliefs are based on evidence, math, science, etc. I believe the sun will rise in the morning sky.. is a rational belief. I believe I will need gas for my car tomorrow.. is another rational belief.

I believe in god almighty is irrational.. I play the lotto because I'll win someday.. is irrational.

Irrational beliefs are greater than half the problems we have in this world.
Narcissism is characterized by a grandiose sense of self-importance, a lack of empathy for others, a need for excessive admiration, and the belief that one is unique and deserving of special treatment.
You just described Christianity perfectly.

Lets see.. We have
"grandiose sense of self importance" = Children of an all powerful mighty god. Similar to being the child of an emperor or royalty.
"lack of empathy for others" = the endorsement of slavery, boarder issues, and the list goes on.
"Need for excessive admiration" = churches, people boasting about their prayers, the pope, etc. Have you seen all the gold the pope has? LOL
"Belief that one is unique and deserving of special treatment" = heaven, repentance, saving of one's soul. I think the Muslims would refer to the harem of virgins waiting for them.

The concept is called "Psychological projection" It basically means a person applies subconscious moral issues they experience to other people.
You bring up religion every chance you can against others yet you spout off about your wife with 5 languages and your big job and company like it matters. As far as I can tell your religion is yourself. You think you are better than anyone and because you have a wife with 5 languages and you traveled the world your opinion is better. Now you want to change the subject to talk about drugs and alcohol or whatever else to take the focus off what you said.
You sound jealous and butt hurt.
I've found the definition for what you are and you just proved it again.
Hey man, I just want to know my score..

Did I get all 5 correct? You didn't answer..
Let me guess:
Global warming = fake
Pandemic = freedoms being taken?


And here someone accused me of stereotyping and "lumping people in together"....
You just described Christianity perfectly.

Lets see.. We have
"grandiose sense of self importance" = Children of an all powerful mighty god. Similar to being the child of an emperor or royalty.
"lack of empathy for others" = the endorsement of slavery, boarder issues, and the list goes on.
"Need for excessive admiration" = churches, people boasting about their prayers, the pope, etc. Have you seen all the gold the pope has? LOL
"Belief that one is unique and deserving of special treatment" = heaven, repentance, saving of one's soul. I think the Muslims would refer to the harem of virgins waiting for them.

The concept is called "Psychological projection" It basically means a person applies subconscious moral issues they experience to other people.


C'mon. Back to the zombie apocalypse caused by Idiot Putin and Idiot Biden playing stupid with nukes.
Good question. You should take the test here:
People with narcissistic personality disorder often present with five or more specific symptoms, including:

  • grandiosity and self-importance
  • sense of specialness and uniqueness
  • fantasies of perfection and superiority
  • need for praise and attention
  • strong sense of entitlement
  • lack of empathy
  • jealousy, envy, and distrust
  • arrogance and scorn
  • a pattern of manipulating others
Damn.. I think those describe Trump perfectly... and Putin.. the guy in North Korea too.

I'm seeing a pattern.
I am a Christian and went to bible study on Friday, then read John and Isaiah on Sunday.

I took the narcissistic personality quiz.

I scored "0-11" on the Narcissistic Personality Quiz and "4" on Self-Sufficiency

I don't think we can survive nuclear war but was wondering if I can get some info from folks here on making
1) Bio diesel from scratch using kitchen equipment
2) Kerosene from coal made from firewood

that would be awesome if I could somehow grow hemp and press it into oil, then convert it to bio-diesel. I don't want to run straight vegetable oil in my cummings diesel. And it would be awesome to ferment hemp sugars from the stems into ethanol. I think I can do that. And it would be awesome if I could use kerosene for light and cooking. But I am clueless how to do this.

Anyone know?
I am a Christian and went to bible study on Friday, then read John and Isaiah on Sunday.

I took the narcissistic personality quiz.

I scored "0-11" on the Narcissistic Personality Quiz and "4" on Self-Sufficiency

I don't think we can survive nuclear war but was wondering if I can get some info from folks here on making
1) Bio diesel from scratch using kitchen equipment
2) Kerosene from coal made from firewood

that would be awesome if I could somehow grow hemp and press it into oil, then convert it to bio-diesel. I don't want to run straight vegetable oil in my cummings diesel. And it would be awesome to ferment hemp sugars from the stems into ethanol. I think I can do that. And it would be awesome if I could use kerosene for light and cooking. But I am clueless how to do this.

Anyone know?
I have designed biodiesel equipment and can tell you whatever you want to know.

To my knowledge, you can not make Kerosene from coal (charcoal) that comes from firewood. You can however make methanol from wood.. The methanol could be used in an alcohol stove, or if run through distillation or a (2A?) molecular sieve , could be used in the biodiesel process.

You can make biodiesel using ethanol, but the process is finicky, difficult, and really only works well with brand new oil. Its also a lot more work to set up which means more expensive and more effort.
Making biodiesel from ethanol is a horrible way to go... methanol is so much better..

Unless you are in the blast zone, you most certainly can survive a nuclear war.. Really only two basic things to worry about.. 1) Being in the blast zone, and 2) Being downwind of a power plant after it melts down due to the loss of grid power.

A Geiger counter would be pretty useful in that situation. I got lucky and was able to get my hands on a brand new AN/UDR-13, but am also considering purchasing one of the cheaper GQ units.
Unless you are in the blast zone, you most certainly can survive a nuclear war..

Unfortunately your information is outdated. There is absolutely no way to survive modern nuclear blast, specifically the ones from Russia, because they are coated with Cobalt 59 which on explosion turns to cobalt 60 and has a half life of 100 years. One bomb with I think 500lb of this stuff could theoretically wipe out all life on earth. Russian wouldn't even need to do this. A direct hit on single Tesla battery pack would do the same thing. Imagine two, or a parking garage/charging station full Tesla's. Or a battery factory.

diy solar

diy solar