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diy solar

WWWS (what would Will Say) EG4 vs SOK server rack battery

Over 20,000 SOK 12v & 24v batteries sold, which are specifically for RV's and boats where vibrations are high, we have never had a single issue with a bolted connection whatsoever. SOK also can attribute this to extreme attention to detail during assembly.

Bolts can be easily inspected and re-torqued to ensure connection strength. In fact due to the user-serviceable nature of the SOK products, a customer could do this maintenance on a scheduled basis if they were worried of this issue or their facility required such inspection. If a connection did fail causing damage, only the few parts affected would need to be replaced rather than the whole entire pack, drastically reducing downtime.

The bolted connections allow for a much thicker and far more conductive flexible copper bus bar, which more than makes up for the increased connection resistance claimed. The flexible bars also allow for far less stress on the terminals. For a laser connection, an aluminum connector must be used in order to actually get it to weld together (can't weld copper to aluminum). We all know copper is more conductive than aluminum.

When a laser weld develops a crack due to fatigue, game over. The issue now relies on warranty to deal with, assuming the company providing the warranty will honor it. It seems across the board no company wants to honor their warranty when things go wrong...

The bolted approach allows for preventative maintenance and user service whereas laser-welded connections only allow for full replacement, reactive maintenance, with serious downtime, and it requires the assumption that the company selling the product will honor fatigue cracks as a warranty issue, not blame the customer for using it in an unsuitable environment.

I bring this point up because it isn't just SOK vs EG4, it applies to all the big names, Jakiper (bolted), Trophy Battery (laser), fortress power (laser) etc....
No standard user is re-opening their packs after install, bolts have the potential to loosen, welds do not.
No circumstances should a new cell be mixed with an old, any company that does that is not professional.
we expect that in the cases of failure the packs will be reclaimed, and binned according to resistance, then the units can be reassembled as refurbished and resold.
Of the 100 courtesy return/exchanges we have done only one was a cell issue.
No cracked welds in our history, don't even know how that would happen if not a red herring in this convo
We've been on the bolt side of the fence and got off of it, if you're focused on long term you should too.
give us specifics please
You want me to do that again and again.??.
Just asking the same in a diffrent thread come on this is unprofessional .
You want me to do that again and again.??.
Just asking the same in a diffrent thread come on this is unprofessional .
I've specifically asked people with this issue to message me so I can troubleshoot. I've gone through and verified you have not messaged me. 90% of your posts are simply bashing our company instead of offering any practical solutions. Here it is again: Message me directly with your issue and we will troubleshoot. I'm ready to look at pictures of your set ups, videos of the issue, and help. Feel free to PM me or post here with any information and evidence. Happy to work with you.
Just curious, but are you willing to tell us what the failure rate of the SOK batteries is? How does Current Connected handle warranty returns, for example, who pays shipping? By this I mean how painless (or painful) is it for the customer, if they have problems, and need to return product?

Please don't feel singled out... I am going to ask this of all the manufacturers I am considering. I don't think these are unreasonable questions given folks can be looking at $10,000+ for a new battery bank
I'm glad you asked! Luckily we've been refining our process over the few thousand 12/24v SOK batteries we've already sold, and we think we've got this going pretty smooth by now...Especially compared to the competition.

Our office line is (725) 258-2700. First thing we do is get on the phone and discuss the problem to troubleshoot. Emails suck and take too long, and can be lost in spam folders, so we really prefer to call and have a person to person conversation. Our priority #1 is to fix the issue as quickly and painlessly as possible. We also have done facetime/video calls in the past to get a better idea of what's going on.

Often times by working through the installation over the phone we can find a parameter set incorrectly, or something simple to get the system back up and running. This is why we have trained our team on various different pieces of gear and have highly qualified engineers at our disposal, because more often than not, it's an issue with the implementation with the system that is easy to fix, rather than an actual fault / failure with the battery. We wouldn't want to get the battery back on our bench to find out nothing is wrong with it and we've just wasted a ton of time and money on shipping and the new batteries have the same problem!

If we can fix it, great! If the issue is identified as a real fault with the battery, then there are two routes the warranty can take, based on the customer's strengths and comfort level of course. We proceed as follows:

For example purposes, let's say a BMS failed regardless of if the customer caused the fault or not. This is rare, but the most likely circumstance as we use very high quality cells. If a customer feels that they can take out 13 screws, unplug 5 connectors, and disconnect 2 wires, then we will overnight (on our dime, yes, even if the customer blew up the BMS and it's their fault) a complete new front panel assembly, which includes the BMS, screen, connectors, etc. and they can swap it out the next day and be back up and running like new. The failed BMS assembly is then returned to us (with prepaid return label) for analysis and product improvement. The 10 year warranty is maintained even though the customer serviced the battery. There is no "warranty void" sticker anywhere on the battery, nor has SOK ever installed one in any of their products.

If the customer does not feel up to the task, or time isn't a constraint, we can ship the pack back to our facility for repair. The cost of this shipping however varies. If the customer is the one who caused the fault, due to improper installation or negligence, then they would be responsible for round trip shipping. If the fault is caused by a defect, flaw, or quality/workmanship issue, then we cover the round trip shipping in its entirety.
Hi Richard, remember when I PM'd you a practical solution for your autotransformer issue, offered help and you didn't reply or even acknowledge the suggestion? I just checked, it's still in my conversation history.
Hi Dexter, yes I still have the message as well. I'll be honest - I didn't know who you were or anything about you specifically at that time, and it was in the middle of dozens of others asking specific questions I was trying to get answers for. I appreciate that you reached out but you have to admit, the way you worded your offer was a bit off putting to an employee working at the company of the person you mention in your PM, right? That being said, I didn't really know how to respond to your message from that point of view. I'll actually send you a PM now just so maybe we can have a good relationship as members of the forum, regardless. Also - I love the fact that you are here in the middle of it with me, and your interaction on the forum is definitely the way I want to see the industry move. Cheers!
I woukd like to know the start up sequence
I've specifically asked people with this issue to message me so I can troubleshoot. I've gone through and verified you have not messaged me. 90% of your posts are simply bashing our company instead of offering any practical solutions. Here it is again: Message me directly with your issue and we will troubleshoot. I'm ready to look at pictures of your set ups, videos of the issue, and help. Feel free to PM me or post here with any information and evidence. Happy to work with you.
I would be posting no worries.
As soon as i have the time
Hi Dexter, yes I still have the message as well. I'll be honest - I didn't know who you were or anything about you specifically at that time, and it was in the middle of dozens of others asking specific questions I was trying to get answers for. I appreciate that you reached out but you have to admit, the way you worded your offer was a bit off putting to an employee working at the company of the person you mention in your PM, right? That being said, I didn't really know how to respond to your message from that point of view. I'll actually send you a PM now just so maybe we can have a good relationship as members of the forum, regardless. Also - I love the fact that you are here in the middle of it with me, and your interaction on the forum is definitely the way I want to see the industry move. Cheers!
Assumation is the mother of all mess ups

"Assume" - Ass - U- me.
Hope you guys get that
Over 20,000 SOK 12v & 24v batteries sold, which are specifically for RV's and boats where vibrations are high, we have never had a single issue with a bolted connection whatsoever. SOK also can attribute this to extreme attention to detail during assembly.

Bolts can be easily inspected and re-torqued to ensure connection strength. In fact due to the user-serviceable nature of the SOK products, a customer could do this maintenance on a scheduled basis if they were worried of this issue or their facility required such inspection. If a connection did fail causing damage, only the few parts affected would need to be replaced rather than the whole entire pack, drastically reducing downtime.

This actually brings up a question I was going to post so I'll ask here: Do you have any customers using the server rack SOK in a mobile workshop type setup? Would they be ok in that higher vibration environment (with proper mounting and inspection) as the 12/24 packs?
... If a customer feels that they can take out 13 screws, unplug 5 connectors, and disconnect 2 wires, then we will overnight (on our dime, yes, even if the customer blew up the BMS and it's their fault) a complete new front panel assembly, which includes the BMS, screen, connectors, etc. and they can swap it out the next day and be back up and running like new. The failed BMS assembly is then returned to us (with prepaid return label) for analysis and product improvement. The 10 year warranty is maintained even though the customer serviced the battery. There is no "warranty void" sticker anywhere on the battery, nor has SOK ever installed one in any of their products.

If the customer does not feel up to the task, or time isn't a constraint, we can ship the pack back to our facility for repair. The cost of this shipping however varies. If the customer is the one who caused the fault, due to improper installation or negligence, then they would be responsible for round trip shipping. If the fault is caused by a defect, flaw, or quality/workmanship issue, then we cover the round trip shipping in its entirety.
After speaking with Dexter, I went ahead and ordered 6 of the SOK batteries and a couple racks from Current Connected. I think it says something when a company will let you work on their products and still honor the warranty OR just send it to them.

I also think it says something about a company, when they will only sell you their products, if you buy the balance of the system from them. Maybe they do this because they have limited quantities, but it's just one step towards "locking" you into their product line.
After speaking with Dexter, I went ahead and ordered 6 of the SOK batteries and a couple racks from Current Connected. I think it says something when a company will let you work on their products and still honor the warranty OR just send it to them.

I also think it says something about a company, when they will only sell you their products, if you buy the balance of the system from them. Maybe they do this because they have limited quantities, but it's just one step towards "locking" you into their product line.
Anything you need, please let me know!

And you have a great point! We don't try to trap people with requiring them to buy the balance of the system from us because we know there are other great products that we don't carry, often times we refer customers to someone else...for example we really like the MPP Solar LV 6548 and LVX 6048, neither of which we have in stock. We really like Watts 247 and send customers there all the time because we know they also will take care of customers! We always focus on the best solution, not just "our solution".
I got a Sol-Ark 12K up and running 2/2022 on 3 EG4LL's open loop with no real problems. I'd love to get closed loop communications up and going but not holding my breath. Only issue I'm having is a low capacity light when my computer is connected to the BMS when batteries are charged and in stand by. Am working with Signature to try and figure that one out.
SOK 48v100ah battery now supports communication with SMA Sunny Island. Have been testing the last few days and finally got things working & documented

To summarize, SOK now fully supports communications AND HAS BEEN TESTED/PROVEN IN-HOUSE with:

Victron (Via GX Device)
Sol-Ark (All Models)
Growatt (Models that support protocol "L52")
MPP Solar (All 48v Models)
SMA (Sunny Island)
Solar Assistant

Xantrex/schneider systems do not support communications, as they use proprietary protocols. The battery still works in an open-loop configuration with these systems.

If you would like to see another inverter added to this list, please let me know your recommendations!

One final note; the default pre-charge settings on the SOK needed adjustment for the Sunny Island due to a massive capacitor bank. We will be continuing to test the pre-charge function and once we get the perfect setting, we will be updating the firmware on every single pack prior to shipping to ensure no problems arise in the field (and conducting field-tests with known difficult systems to confirm.) We are glad to learn from the mistakes of others, and will continue providing a solution to these nuances prior to them becoming a mess in the customer's hands.
SOK 48v100ah battery now supports communication with SMA Sunny Island. Have been testing the last few days and finally got things working & documented

To summarize, SOK now fully supports communications AND HAS BEEN TESTED/PROVEN IN-HOUSE with:

Victron (Via GX Device)
Sol-Ark (All Models)
Growatt (Models that support protocol "L52")
MPP Solar (All 48v Models)
SMA (Sunny Island)
Solar Assistant

Xantrex/schneider systems do not support communications, as they use proprietary protocols. The battery still works in an open-loop configuration with these systems.

If you would like to see another inverter added to this list, please let me know your recommendations!

One final note; the default pre-charge settings on the SOK needed adjustment for the Sunny Island due to a massive capacitor bank. We will be continuing to test the pre-charge function and once we get the perfect setting, we will be updating the firmware on every single pack prior to shipping to ensure no problems arise in the field (and conducting field-tests with known difficult systems to confirm.) We are glad to learn from the mistakes of others, and will continue providing a solution to these nuances prior to them becoming a mess in the customer's hands.

Dexter, what about Magnum Energy inverters? I'm specifically working with the MS4448PAE, but I thought those were like one of the old standards.
Dexter, what about Magnum Energy inverters? I'm specifically working with the MS4448PAE, but I thought those were like one of the old standards.
It's a definite no for communications, this would only work in a voltage-controlled method.

I feel that Magnum quality has gone down drastically in recent years, for the price point and functionality, you are better off with a Victron that is much more efficient and can do so much more.
It's a definite no for communications, this would only work in a voltage-controlled method.

I feel that Magnum quality has gone down drastically in recent years, for the price point and functionality, you are better off with a Victron that is much more efficient and can do so much more.
Well, at least I know. My Magnum is 10 years old and running strong...doesn't make sense to just toss it and spend more money :)
We have @Koldsimer's batteries, they run all of the schneider 5548, 6048, 6848NA and 6848 pro on hand.
One of the largest Schneider dealers in the USA (Zonna Energy) has bought thousands of packs from us since last year (BTW their wholesale price model is the best value by far on Schneider, Outback and Victron currently
That website is frustrating. Everything I clicked just said, "Become a dealer"

Couldn't price a thing.
Wow! Glad to hear the CurrentConnected / SOK server rack battery is capable of (and has been bench tested for) closed loop communication with Sunny Island (as well as multiple other inverters mentioned by High Tech Lab).
I'm off grid with a DC coupled Sunny Island set-up, and have been looking to upgrade my old FLA battery bank. Since I lack the expertise to build my own battery pack, am unwilling to pay the excessive price for the SMA "recommended" LiFePO4 batteries, and am unwilling to risk a cheaper Chinese branded server rack battery, I limited my search to those batteries reviewed by Will.
So I contacted Energetech, Signature Solar, Jakiper, Trophy, and Current Connected / SOK ( as well as Sigineer and a couple Chineese branded batteries just for comparison).
The responses could not be more different.
Dexter at Current Connected / SOK was by far the most responsive to my emails and was actually willing to go out and get a Sunny Island for testing. (As a result I placed a pre-order for 4 SOK batteries). I feel confident that even with the pending firmware update, if I have a problem Current Connected will be available for assistance.
Dan at Trophy Battery also deserves special mention. (After ordering the SOK batteries), I received an email that Trophy also supports CAN Bus communication with Sunny Island.
Everyone else was less than helpful, and some just blew me off!
Since the build quality of all these batteries is pretty similar, I think those that distinguish themselves with superior service and compatibility will be the most successful.
Wow! Glad to hear the CurrentConnected / SOK server rack battery is capable of (and has been bench tested for) closed loop communication with Sunny Island (as well as multiple other inverters mentioned by High Tech Lab).

Here is our video showing how to establish the communication with an SMA Sunny Island. Super easy!!!

EDIT: See post on page 4
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Thank you for the video, Dexter. It seems setting up the Sunny Island (SI) with the SOK battery will be easier than with my old FLA batteries.
One thing I would mention is to make sure the SI firmware is updated to at least version 7.3 (P.44 of the owner manual). SMA has a nice video on how to do this.
I'm assuming the "first batch" of batteries you will be shipping later this month will have the updated firmware to accommodate the SI.
I'm also assuming the batteries will be shipped partially charged. I don't own a Li battery charger. Will it be acceptable to hook up the batteries (4 in parallel) partially charged to the SI, and then allow the SI to fully charge the batteries?
Thank you for the video, Dexter. It seems setting up the Sunny Island (SI) with the SOK battery will be easier than with my old FLA batteries.
One thing I would mention is to make sure the SI firmware is updated to at least version 7.3 (P.44 of the owner manual). SMA has a nice video on how to do this.
I'm assuming the "first batch" of batteries you will be shipping later this month will have the updated firmware to accommodate the SI.
I'm also assuming the batteries will be shipped partially charged. I don't own a Li battery charger. Will it be acceptable to hook up the batteries (4 in parallel) partially charged to the SI, and then allow the SI to fully charge the batteries?
We will update all batteries before shipping, and the factory is already updating the settings on the 3rd batch. Yes, this does mean a lot of extra work to get these shipped, but it will be totally worth it.

They ship at 30% SOC. You can connect in parallel no problem and then use the SI as your charger. The batteries have a current limiting circuit inside, so even if you connected a pack at 0% with a pack at 100%, the limiter would kick in and reduce the charging current to 10a on the over-discharged battery.
Has anyone actually gotten their hands on the SOK server rack battery other than Will?

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diy solar