diy solar

diy solar

Solar isn't magical

Mike, you've been a member for 3 months. Not long enough to have a voice.
Earn your voice.
You've got 121 posts as I read this, and it seems like half of them are in this thread. Even then, instead of making one post with several points, you've done a bunch of posts in a row. Seems you are padding your stats, and don't really have anything to say to @Mike 134.
Contribute? I started the thread.
Starting this thread was anything but contribution. Sorry.
As for padding my there some upside for that??
What is the upside to numbers?
I'm not sure what the upside is, but you seem to think you can tell @Mike 134 that he has to "earn" his voice, so maybe you want to appear like you have "earned" yours. Not in my book.
I posited questions.
You posted some very troll-like junk meant to get a reaction.

diy solar

diy solar