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diy solar

Cheap Chinese junk: I'll trow my 3 Daly controllers in the garbage bin. ANGRY!!!

for your ref :

you mean like the nsa did in cisco a juniper networking equipment , had that installed at a belgian datacenter and used it to spy on the EU ?

Note, those ate allies ..
If they did then yes. I wouldn't put up with it from my own government much less a foreign one.
Just goes to prove more and more the whole system is FUBAR and needs a reboot.

I mainly dealt with Humint not Sigint. We have for years taken advantage of weakness in Comms and Human Greed.

If we were contracted to make System X for a company for worldwide distribution and stuck in our own little call home chip then its wrong.
They did it with the express purpose of undermining our country and taking IP.

Its no longer about information to keep your country safe. Its about power, money and staying in power.
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for your ref :

Taking advantage of Weakness is different than purposeful installing of spyware on components that you are contracted to produce.
Then it was wrong and so is China for doing the same thing.
the reason the US went off on huawai is not because it contains leaks, rather that they were not allowing backdoors in their hard/software for those 3 letter agency's to misuse..
Also it is a tech powerplay...
The chinese are rapidly surpassing the US in both tech innovation, ip and production...
but you're right, the chinese are doing the same, and all of them are wrong, however, that does not warrant the bashing of them.

most of the issues i've seen here , by folks bashing the chinese , were because of their own desire to pay nothing and think they will get the world...
a universal truth is : pay peanuts and you'll end up with monkey's
I hope we dont need to explain the vast difference in the levels of oppression between China and the US. I will admit I dont know exactly how it works there but I got a pretty good idea from the footage of the protests in Hong Kong. That **** doesnt happen here.
That is all the off topic I will go.
Off topic,
I've been in China and the USA.
Immigration in China were really nice, in the USA they shouted at me for stepping over a line.
Airport security, in China there was none I could see, in the USA they wanted to X-ray my shoes and go through a body scanner.
Probably because immigration and security in China are considered premium employment, in the USA it's done by down and outs.

Chinese police don't shoot motorists either.
the reason the US went off on huawai is not because it contains leaks, rather that they were not allowing backdoors in their hard/software for those 3 letter agency's to misuse..
Also it is a tech powerplay...
The chinese are rapidly surpassing the US in both tech innovation, ip and production...
but you're right, the chinese are doing the same, and all of them are wrong, however, that does not warrant the bashing of them.

most of the issues i've seen here , by folks bashing the chinese , were because of their own desire to pay nothing and think they will get the world...
a universal truth is : pay peanuts and you'll end up with monkey's
I think you're correct about the Production. Not so sure about the innovation and IP. I have seen too many companies IP get reversed engineered or just outright taken and grey marketed.

Since they are the only "production facility" in the world really now it will remain to be seen if Europe and the US stop sending them stuff to be manufactured if they will innovate on their own.

Bashing because they want a lower price is uncalled for however if they pay agreed upon price and the product is crap then some complaining is relevant.
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I think you're correct about the Production. Not so sure about the innovation and IP. I have seen too many companies IP get reversed engineered or just outright taken and grey marketed.

Since they are the only "production facility" in the world really now it will remain to be seen if Europe and the US stop sending them stuff to be manufactured if they will innovate on their own.
huawai is the world leader in 5G mobile and networking IP, not to mention battery tech ( LIFEPO4) will be fully in chinese hands until either this or next year

Most patents registered in the US in the tech/software sector the last couple of year do not contain any actual innovation, rather are held by patent scam co's , again lobbing here hasn improved innovation, rather held companies hostage to silly and unworthy patent registrations

The chinese have started realizing about a decade ago that just being the production facility of the world will not get them where they want to be...
thus this has become a power struggle between the "once was" ( US ) and the "will be soon" ( china) of tech
huawai is the world leader in 5G mobile and networking IP, not to mention battery tech ( LIFEPO4)

Most patents registered in the US in the tech/software sector the last couple of year do not contain any actual innovation, rather are held by patent scam co's , again lobbing here hasn improved innovation, rather held companies hostage to silly and unworthy patent registrations

The chinese have started realizing about a decade ago that just being the production facility of the world will not get them where they want to be...
thus this has become a power struggle between the "once was" ( US ) and the "will be soon" ( china) of tech
Is every 5G Company in the US buying Chinese Phones? Nobody else has a clue how to make a 5g Phone?

Our Government needs to get off its arse and start being serious about it..

The Chinese Government plows $$$$ into production.

If the whole country is Service based and nobody wants your services. guess what?

When you depend on another country for your products they own you.

When I was born in 1957 there wasn't one thing Americans used that came from anywhere else.

Do you want Chinese steel making your Submarines or Aircraft carriers?

I for one do not want to be a colony of China.
Is every 5G Company in the US buying Chinese Phones? Nobody else has a clue how to make a 5g Phone?
itś not the phones, the phones are of little consequence, itś the backbone and transmitting equipment

Our Government needs to get off its arse and start being serious about it..
maybe, but dont forget it were companies, stimulated by the government who started this outsourcing in the first place, based on misguided "capitalism", or rather pedatory " make 1/2 a buck more at all expense mentaility

The Chinese Government plows $$$$ into production.

If the whole country is Service based and nobody wants your services. guess what?
i agree, Europe is not different btw
When you depend on another country for your products they own you.

When I was born in 1957 there wasn't one thing Americans used that came from anywhere else.
beg to differ, you were using loads of stuff from Europe ( actually nasa's rocket program was entirely based on Nazi V2's and headed by their chief techno idiot, werner von brown
Do you want Chinese steel making your Submarines or Aircraft carriers?
does it matter who makes low tech stuff ?
as long as competition is at the same levels, with the same rule of enagement , it don't matter, and you'll find shipping costs make offshore production much less interesting.
I for one do not want to be a colony of China.
where does that come from ?
the us in the past was a colony of europe, and a hard fight was fought to get away from that, as in most colonies.
Why don we first try to play as equals
Off topic,
I've been in China and the USA.
Immigration in China were really nice, in the USA they shouted at me for stepping over a line.
Airport security, in China there was none I could see, in the USA they wanted to X-ray my shoes and go through a body scanner.
Probably because immigration and security in China are considered premium employment, in the USA it's done by down and outs.

Chinese police don't shoot motorists either.
I have had plenty of contact with police and there is zero chance I will ever be shot, and it has little to do with race and everything to do with compliance. How was the food in China? Does the cooking oil really get recycled from the sewer?
Im also fascinated by the empty cities, how does that work? Theres no homeless that want to go there?
itś not the phones, the phones are of little consequence, itś the backbone and transmitting equipment

maybe, but dont forget it were companies, stimulated by the government who started this outsourcing in the first place, based on misguided "capitalism", or rather pedatory " make 1/2 a buck more at all expense mentaility

i agree, Europe is not different btw

beg to differ, you were using loads of stuff from Europe ( actually nasa's rocket program was entirely based on Nazi V2's and headed by their chief techno idiot, werner von brown

does it matter who makes low tech stuff ?
as long as competition is at the same levels, with the same rule of enagement , it don't matter, and you'll find shipping costs make offshore production much less interesting.

where does that come from ?
the us in the past was a colony of europe, and a hard fight was fought to get away from that, as in most colonies.
Why don we first try to play as equals
A faction within the Government at the highest levels who wanted to weaken America and succeeded.

The same people or their protege are still in power today. Different faces same story.

The CEOs of all companies all went to school with all the politicians.
It’s a big club and you ain’t in it.

The elites want a world Government with them at top and you being a good little peasant.

The other party is bad. Vote for me.
All the while dumbing down the populous and taking more and more.

Common core, lowest common denominator, lowering test score, make it easier so people can pass and feel good about themselves.lowering entrance exam requirements. On and on..

The Chinese on the other hand think.
Well America and Europe have told us what do long enough now it’s our turn.

Our forefathers would have slapped us if they saw us today.
Nobody has any idea what it’s like to work for something.

Nobody can save or wait for anything. Got to have it right now. Put it on the credit card.
We have lost the drive that made us who we were.

So nobody here knows how to make the transmission equipment?
All the technical minds here know nothing.

Every country sends their people here to school.

Braun was the impetus for the rocket but that’s one thing.

Everything was made here. I lived it. I saw it.
Nothing came from Europe except maybe raw product.

Does it matter who makes the steel?
Yes it does. A foreign country is never going to give you its best. It will keep it for itself while giving you substandard product.
If you don’t manufacture it or know how then you say . Ok looks good to me.
Already happened. Trying digging into why the MIC doesn’t use steel from China anymore.

Because it will never be equals.
It’s human nature. It will never be a world economy. The elites want that but there are still enough of us to keep Kicking that can down the road.

When all of us are dead who remember what it was like 200 years ago or were taught that and the population has been dumbed down enough and programmed enough then maybe.

The EU couldn’t even hold it together and they were all right there together.

It naive to think that everyone is going to play fair.
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A faction within the Government at the highest levels who wanted to weaken America and succeeded.

The same people or their protege are still in power today. Different faces same story.

The CEOs of all companies all went to school with all the politicians.
It’s a big club and you ain’t in it.

The elites want a world Government with them at top and you being a good little peasant.

The other party is bad. Vote for me.
All the while dumbing down the populous and taking more and more.

Common core, lowest common denominator, lowering test score, make it easier so people can pass and feel good about themselves.lowering entrance exam requirements. On and on..

The Chinese on the other hand think.
Well America and Europe have told us what do long enough now it’s our turn.

Our forefathers would have slapped us if they saw us today.
Nobody has any idea what it’s like to work for something.

Nobody can save or wait for anything. Got to have it right now. Put it on the credit card.
We have lost the drive that made us who we were.

So nobody here knows how to make the transmission equipment?
All the technical minds here know nothing.

Every country sends their people here to school.

Braun was the impetus for the rocket but that’s one thing.

Everything was made here. I lived it. I saw it.
Nothing came from Europe except maybe raw product.

Does it matter who makes the steel?
Yes it does. A foreign country is never going to give you its best. It will keep it for itself while giving you substandard product.
If you don’t manufacture it or know how then you say . Ok looks good to me.
Already happened. Trying digging into why the MIC doesn’t use steel from China anymore.

Because it will never be equals.
It’s human nature. It will never be a world economy.

It will be countries in a world economy.
You will never break that them against us. Too ingrained.

Human nature and power drive the people that run the countries.
Power over people. That’s why it will never work.
The EU couldn’t even hold it together and they were all right there together.

It naive to think that everyone is going to play fair.
I have NO idea why the current administration has open border policies while the homeless population explodes. Its as if they intend to make us a third world nation.

Global socialism.
I have NO idea why the current administration has open border policies while the homeless population explodes. Its as if they intend to make us a third world nation.

Global socialism.
It’s not just this administration. It’s been all of them for a while. You can’t have a world government with a strong sovereign nation.

This administration just went for broke because Trump got elected and it scared the shit out of them.

They wanna make sure that never happens again.

Simple as that.

Every candidate has been from within their ranks for as long as I can remember.

They are all together and just make up stuff to keep us fighting among ourselves rather than them.
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I have NO idea why the current administration has open border policies while the homeless population explodes. Its as if they intend to make us a third world nation.

Global socialism.
it actually started during the reagan era, and was intensified during Bush I ...
it actually started during the reagan era, and was intensified during Bush I ...
Bush 1 I believe. Reagan not sure. I think he was another one of those Surprises like Trump.
Although he did close all the federal mental health facilities.
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I have had plenty of contact with police and there is zero chance I will ever be shot, and it has little to do with race and everything to do with compliance. How was the food in China? Does the cooking oil really get recycled from the sewer?
Im also fascinated by the empty cities, how does that work? Theres no homeless that want to go there?
Wayyyyy of topic,
There doesn't appear to be many homeless in many Asian countries.
Certainly not in Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, China.
There is in the Philippines, but nowhere like America or the UK.

Homeless people appears to be a western problem caused by restrictive planning permission and building regulations.
I have no experience of India, Japan, Korea.
Wayyyyy of topic,
There doesn't appear to be many homeless in many Asian countries.
Certainly not in Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, China.
There is in the Philippines, but nowhere like America or the UK.

Homeless people appears to be a western problem caused by restrictive planning permission and building regulations.
I have no experience of India, Japan, Korea.
Well yeah when homes consist of straw huts or old plywood sheets leaned up against each other, or old US military landing strip steel, I guess nobody is gonna be homeless. I go to home depot and look at the $4k storage sheds in the parking lot and wonder whats wrong with living in that? Los Angeles has a solution on the table, apartments that coat $750k per. WTF?
(I know the mods will move this discussion to off topic so we should just let it play out)
It’s not just this administration. It’s been all of them for a while. You can’t have a world government with a strong sovereign nation.

This administration just went for broke because Trump got elected and it scared the shit out of them.

They wanna make sure that never happens again.

Simple as that.

Every candidate has been from within their ranks for as long as I can remember.

They are all together and just make up stuff to keep us fighting among ourselves rather than them.
I think you will find this interesting. I bookmarked this 18 years ago during the 2004 election.

Later I found an acknowledgement on the CFRs own website about the authors larger work on them, "the most imortant piece on the CFR." so they were admitting its all true.

Its also funny that GW Bush has more royal blood than any president in history and close ties to the house of Windsor.
I think you will find this interesting. I bookmarked this 18 years ago during the 2004 election.

Later I found an acknowledgement on the CFRs own website about the authors larger work on them, "the most imortant piece on the CFR." so they were admitting its all true.

Its also funny that GW Bush has more royal blood than any president in history and close ties to the house of Windsor.
Like I said they are all related all the way back.

Every candidate they have is all part of the same group.

Thats why it’s imperative to get someone outside of their ranks elected.

The media, the head of all the media companies all went to the same schools.

They all have the same agenda. Destroy America.
Like I said they are all related all the way back.

Every candidate they have is all part of the same group.

Thats why it’s imperative to get someone outside of their ranks elected.

The media, the head of all the media companies all went to the same schools.

They all have the same agenda. Destroy America.
Thats probably an unavoidable by product of their real agenda which is getting rich and ensuring their ability to do so indefinitely by increasing their grip on power. Maybe the more left leaning ones would include self defeatism.
Thats probably an unavoidable by product of their real agenda which is getting rich and ensuring their ability to do so indefinitely by increasing their grip on power. Maybe the more left leaning ones would include self defeatism.

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diy solar