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Schneider xw pro 6848 not powering up with eg4 lithium battery

I think the cells are listed, they use cells likely from the same manufacturer we use. I don't know of any other server rack batteries that are fully UL Listed as a complete unit like ours are. Also, fun fact, Signature Solar just partnered directly with Schneider after several months of working together - they just finished training on site this last week at SS offices and showing the staff there all about their products, and I had the pleasure of working alongside them for demos with our batteries and connecting to about 10 different units (there were no issues in startups at all). SS now offers Schneider products directly from their website.
Congrats to Signature Solar for picking up a Professional line of Solar equipment, Schneider. So with this new partnership, when can we expect the EG4 LL and EG4 LifePower batteries to have closed loop communication with the XW PRO line of inverters? Surely that is a top priority, now that you are selling Schneider inverters and bragging about them working with your batteries..
Congrats to Signature Solar for picking up a Professional line of Solar equipment, Schneider. So with this new partnership, when can we expect the EG4 LL and EG4 LifePower batteries to have closed loop communication with the XW PRO line of inverters? Surely that is a top priority, now that you are selling Schneider inverters and bragging about them working with your batteries..
There are tons of factors that go into play for closed loop comms (who changes programming parameters, settings, etc) plus the time it takes to remanufacture updates and develop a firmware package as necessary. It's work we are investing in though.
Just wanted to update this thread and let everyone know that i had the chance to try the new SOK 48v 100ah battery on my system. Long story short, one battery fired my system right up and it even powered a 5kw load with no problem.

I couldn't be more impressed with this battery. The build quality is by far the best in the industry and it has some really nice, unique features- better bms interface with more info, better cell packaging, end user serviceable cells, post style terminals that offer more thread engagement for less susceptibility to stripping threads, factory inspection sheet, etc..

Not to mention the obvious- it fires up my system perfectly with zero issues.

Even if it had issues with the pre-charge timing, i'm confident that @HighTechLab has the ability to change these and other parameters to suit any system.
Thats is what lithoum is suppose to since most have a 2c rating
Just saw Wills video review of the SOK 48v rack mount battery. He mentioned a very specific starting procedure for the batteries pre-charge feature. He also mentions the bms is the same as the eg4. I wonder if there is a turn on procedure with the reset button that the eg4 lifepower requires that we are not aware of?
I wondered the same thing way back in January and never got any advice or answers from Signature Solar on this specific question.

Unfortunately, i had already got the inverter running via my scc and didn't want to risk more startup issues for the sake of experimenting.

I don't ever remember him using that specific procedure to activate the pre-charge function in any prior videos using the lifepower 4 batteries. I'm curious when he learned about that function and how to use it properly. Care to comment @Will Prowse ?
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None of us knows how the EG4 battery pre-charge works exactly.
Signature Solar told us early in this thread it's timer based, but we don't know how long, how much pre-charge current is supplied, when it activates "breaker on?" etc.. The manual makes me scratch my head even more, as it's startup procedure for them says to turn all your batteries on one by one, THEN turn your inverter on.. That seems like it would defeat the pre-charge timer completely turning the batteries on first then closing a breaker on your inverter.

For my EG4LL batteries with my Schneider XW Pro 6848, I powered the battery BMS up with the small switch, then closed the breaker on the battery. The inverter instantly jumped to life and worked. Did it pre-charge it any or just give her full power? Who knows, but it worked that one time....

Signature Solar isn't doing themselves or us any favors by not publishing detailed information on how their pre-charge circuit works. It should be documented in the manuals.
Looks like they might have finally figured it out.
I wondered the same thing way back in January and never got any advice or answers from Signature Solar on this specific question.

Unfortunately, i had already got the inverter running via my scc and didn't want to risk more startup issues for the sake of experimenting.

I don't ever remember him using that specific procedure to activate the pre-charge function in any prior videos using the lifepower 4 batteries. I'm curious when he learned about that function and how to use it properly. Care to comment @Will Prowse ?
I did try with vague results. I didnt try it back because of the same reasont but i still think there are some limitations to the bms.
So it may not work for very large inverters
I never heard of an issue starting and LV6548 with the Lifepower battery so I don't know what was learned.
I never heard of an issue starting and LV6548 with the Lifepower battery so I don't know what was learned.
Check out how will uses the reset button to initiate the pre-charge function. Just like the SOK.

Its kinda funny, @Mr-Sandman must have asked Richard at least half a dozen times to explain how the pre-charge feature functions, what controls it, what initiates it etc.. Never really did get a solid answer.
Check out how will uses the reset button to initiate the pre-charge function. Just like the SOK.

Its kinda funny, @Mr-Sandman must have asked Richard at least half a dozen times to explain how the pre-charge feature functions, what controls it, what initiates it etc.. Never really did get a solid answer.
When i experienced this problem my fist thoughts was the pre charge .
But it was completely shot down from all ends.
I am not an electronic engineering but i so have some common sense
Based on what will has done here(,a semi manual/automatic precharge) i think this also ensures a proper precharge because i am sure the battery does not do this on its own when using on and off of the battery breaker.
I did ask about the sequence as well before reverting to swap to overkill bms.
I'll be looking into this to try and find out if this was indeed the issue people were running into. I'll be honest - I've asked very specific questions to our manufacturer about these units with somewhat vague responses, and I've always done my best to answer on here with all the info I was given. We have recently taken to completely re-writing manuals (like for the new inverters) in house from the ground up, and going through a very structured testing process on site. This is something that will be going into more depth with the batteries as well. I've really pushed to have much better documentation and training available for tech support and customers - I hope you can all see that we are growing and getting better. I'm only one small part of a large team that is taking the helm for this process. Re-writing the battery manuals, learning everything about them down to the circuit boards and programming is next on our list.
I'll be looking into this to try and find out if this was indeed the issue people were running into. I'll be honest - I've asked very specific questions to our manufacturer about these units with somewhat vague responses, and I've always done my best to answer on here with all the info I was given. We have recently taken to completely re-writing manuals (like for the new inverters) in house from the ground up, and going through a very structured testing process on site. This is something that will be going into more depth with the batteries as well. I've really pushed to have much better documentation and training available for tech support and customers - I hope you can all see that we are growing and getting better. I'm only one small part of a large team that is taking the helm for this process. Re-writing the battery manuals, learning everything about them down to the circuit boards and programming is next on our list.
It's not an easy task, hence why it was first on our list. I know exactly where you are coming from.

It's true, you have got to know your product inside and out before you can even begin to attempt to support it let alone write a manual from the ground up.
I'll be looking into this to try and find out if this was indeed the issue people were running into. I'll be honest - I've asked very specific questions to our manufacturer about these units with somewhat vague responses, and I've always done my best to answer on here with all the info I was given. We have recently taken to completely re-writing manuals (like for the new inverters) in house from the ground up, and going through a very structured testing process on site. This is something that will be going into more depth with the batteries as well. I've really pushed to have much better documentation and training available for tech support and customers - I hope you can all see that we are growing and getting better. I'm only one small part of a large team that is taking the helm for this process. Re-writing the battery manuals, learning everything about them down to the circuit boards and programming is next on our list
Please do keep us updated. I'm very interested to see what you find about specific instructions for the pre-charge function.
I'll be looking into this to try and find out if this was indeed the issue people were running into. I'll be honest - I've asked very specific questions to our manufacturer about these units with somewhat vague responses, and I've always done my best to answer on here with all the info I was given. We have recently taken to completely re-writing manuals (like for the new inverters) in house from the ground up, and going through a very structured testing process on site. This is something that will be going into more depth with the batteries as well. I've really pushed to have much better documentation and training available for tech support and customers - I hope you can all see that we are growing and getting better. I'm only one small part of a large team that is taking the helm for this process. Re-writing the battery manuals, learning everything about them down to the circuit boards and programming is next on our list.
This is what i was to point out when i mentioned Midnite solar and Outback.
It does not look good when a company is clueless or appears clueless on issues with their product weather its the product itself or the customer.
This is what i was to point out when i mentioned Midnite solar and Outback.
It does not look good when a company is clueless or appears clueless on issues with their product weather its the product itself or the customer.
We are a Schneider partner now, their team flew down here with the lead engineer last week.
Since your here, do you have anything to add about how the function of the pre-charge circuit works on your batteries?
Well enough for practically everything so far. (Schneider trained off of 2 packs/inverter) and further professional discussion is going on about intentional adjustments as opposed to scatter-shot mods.
Well enough for practically everything so far. (Schneider trained off of 2 packs/inverter) and further professional discussion is going on about intentional adjustments as opposed to scatter-shot mods.
That doesn't answer my question. How do you initiate the pre-charge function on your lifepower batteries? Is it automatic?
That doesn't answer my question. How do you initiate the pre-charge function on your lifepower batteries? Is it automatic?
The Schneider tab on our website is kind of a real thing to tho
I talked with Eric their lead tech about your exact system and it was a baffler, we’re working on widening the settings and adding closed loop
It is auto,
Will is very independent and does not do his videos under directions, probably the reason why he stands out in the DIY YouTube space. We are going to have to mention this but it seems to do no harm the way he’s doing it.

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diy solar