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Growatt SPF 3000TL LVM-ES 250v or 300v voc mppt?


New Member
Mar 26, 2022
I purchased a Growatt SPF 3000TL LVM-ES and am trying to figure out what the solar mppt max voc is. In the manual on page 4 it says the mppt range is 150v - 250v and a voc of 300v. But on page 12 it says max PV array open circuit voltage is 250v. If the unit can handle it I would like to set my strings up to have 258.3v voc and an optimal operating voltage (vmp) of 208.6v. However, I don’t want to mess up my inverter. I’m fairly new to this stuff and might be interpreting something wrong in the manual.
If any can give me some insight it would be greatly appreciated.
Have you done any temp adjusted Voc calculations? If you live where it gets cold, you have to take that into account.

I would check with Growatt if the document contradicts itself.
I have not done any temp adjustment calculations yet but will when I figure out the max voc so that I leave plenty of headroom. I wasn’t sure if the manual was contradicting itself because the verbiage is written differently on each page. Just hoping someone else had come across this before that could share some wisdom.
I couldn't find the -ES manual on the Growatt Americas web site. The image below is from the manual that Watts24/7 have on their web site (might be older manual version). I would go with that is in the Specifications section above what is written elsewhere in the manual, or ask Growatt to confirm. I would comment that it is not uncommon that the top of the MPPT range is below the max Voc, so the 300VDC is impossible to believe.

I purchased it from signature solar and the manual is available on there website. Here’s a screen shot from page 4 of features that states 300v voc.


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I purchased it from signature solar and the manual is available on there website. Here’s a screen shot from page 4 of features that states 300v voc.
close to the end of the book, can you find the Specifications section? Does it agree with the Features section?
The technical section at the end of the book says max PV open circuit voltage is 250vdc, which is also what is says on page 12. I’m guessing they made a mistake in the features section of the manual, which is probably something they need to fix.
The technical section at the end of the book says max PV open circuit voltage is 250vdc, which is also what is says on page 12. I’m guessing they made a mistake in the features section of the manual, which is probably something they need to fix.
2 out of 3 wins!
I spoke to signature solar and didn’t really get a clear answer. I was told the 300voc referenced in the manual is for when panels aren’t hooked up and have a open circuit(voc) but the inverter’s voc is 250vdc. So my next question was why is 300voc referenced in the manual. Answer: because that’s the panels voc, the inverters voc is 250v. I’m glad I received clarification………….
I spoke to signature solar and didn’t really get a clear answer. I was told the 300voc referenced in the manual is for when panels aren’t hooked up and have a open circuit(voc) but the inverter’s voc is 250vdc. So my next question was why is 300voc referenced in the manual. Answer: because that’s the panels voc, the inverters voc is 250v. I’m glad I received clarification………….
Boy that is not a good answer if someone planned to connect the panels to the inverter. Sounds like someone is making stuff up, like some answer is better than no answer.
Boy that is not a good answer if someone planned to connect the panels to the inverter. Sounds like someone is making stuff up, like some answer is better than no answer.
Yep. To be fair, the gentleman I spoke with for technical support said he was fairly new to the solar industry. I would have preferred for him to say: that’s a good question, I’ll send our engineers a message and see if I can get get clarification.
The lack of correct and proper documentation in Growatt's manuals border on the edge of negligence. Good luck on figuring it out. Generally, Ian from Watts2417, is very well informed. Just my $.02, but SigSolar appears to be in a state of rapid growth, hope they keep things under control as out of control growth often leads to things going the wrong direction.
Yep. To be fair, the gentleman I spoke with for technical support said he was fairly new to the solar industry. I would have preferred for him to say: that’s a good question, I’ll send our engineers a message and see if I can get get clarification.
How was your SPF 3K LVM-ES from Signature Solar so far? I just had it delivered one 2 weeks ago.
Or they have been great so far. I have two of them running with solar assistant.
Boy that is not a good answer if someone planned to connect the panels to the inverter. Sounds like someone is making stuff up, like some answer is better than no answer.
The best answer they could give you is "consult an electrician".
Put it this way, product manufacturer should specified how and what should be done, and the electrician would followed the instruction, he just make sure that something, for example, a GFCI outlet must be used when you plug your unit to one receptacle within 3' of a waterbody etc. The electrician doesn't detect how an electrical device should be installed, the manufacturer does!
The best answer they could give you is "consult an electrician".
Put it this way, product manufacturer should specified how and what should be done, and the electrician would followed the instruction, he just make sure that something, for example, a GFCI outlet must be used when you plug your unit to one receptacle within 3' of a waterbody etc. The electrician doesn't detect how an electrical device should be installed, the manufacturer does!
No, that is not the best answer they could have given.

It is fairly common knowledge that Growatt does not have the best customer service and that is why we buy from a supposedly reputable retailer vs ebay or Amazon. When the customer has questions, the retailer provides an answer, and if a suitable answer cannot be provided, the retailer acts as a liaison with the manufacturer until the questions are suitably answered.

As many of us have discovered, Growatt's manuals often lack documentation. Documentation that is critical for a diy installer, or electrician, to perform their job of safely installing certain units. Couple a lackluster manual with retailers who do not force the issue of attaining answers with their supplier, and we have the recipe for property damage, or injury.

The correct answer was for SigSolar to say we will contact the manufacturer and find out, or as @TURMIRE says, " ... that’s a good question, I’ll send our engineers a message and see if I can get get clarification. ".
No, that is not the best answer they could have given.

It is fairly common knowledge that Growatt does not have the best customer service and that is why we buy from a supposedly reputable retailer vs ebay or Amazon. When the customer has questions, the retailer provides an answer, and if a suitable answer cannot be provided, the retailer acts as a liaison with the manufacturer until the questions are suitably answered.

As many of us have discovered, Growatt's manuals often lack documentation. Documentation that is critical for a diy installer, or electrician, to perform their job of safely installing certain units. Couple a lackluster manual with retailers who do not force the issue of attaining answers with their supplier, and we have the recipe for property damage, or injury.

The correct answer was for SigSolar to say we will contact the manufacturer and find out, or as @TURMIRE says, " ... that’s a good question, I’ll send our engineers a message and see if I can get get clarification. ".
What I should do is put an open and closing quotation marks or write "best" on my earlier comment! You just said it! They (retailer) should act as a liaison between the customers and manufacturers. When retailer approach the manufacturer, manufacturer knows what model they talk about and is committed to provide the answers.
There is a specification sticker on the side of the inverter. I think that wins. My sticker says Max. PV input voltage (VOC): 250 VDC and MPPT voltage range: 120-250 VDC.

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