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diy solar

BATTERY SELLERS - THE GOOD, BAD, UGLY -- or Jenny (DOCAN) so far so good ...

Just one of the middle ones is a little swollen looks like. There should be a few mm gap normally. I wouldn't worry unless you see actual damage like a dent.
Hi, got my 16 cells from Jenny Wu (Dockan) after three months to Sweden. I pressed them together. Looks like swollen? Is it normal? View attachment 101646
I buy from docan in usa warehouse, and more or less they looks like this, i just discharge then to 2.6 volts and the swollen almost dissapear, i am compressing then 4 at a time and charge then.
Two packades was a litle damaged. And i can see at One cell it got a mark. Can it affect anything? IMG_20220629_233921438.jpgScreenshot_20220707-201636.png
Great thanks!!! I'm totally off grid in Cabo San Lucas, MX. Can run three mini-split 18000 AC's from 9 to 5 but....I'm lacking battery power (48v setup). I'm just glad prices have not gone out of control since January 2022.
Industry standard for capacity measurement for this type of battery has always been a ten hour discharge, or 0.1C if you prefer.

If you wish to fully discharge over only two hours, that is fine, but don't expect to be able to reach the published rated capacity measured over ten hours.
Try 28 amps discharge for testing a 280Ah rated cell and see how that goes.

If you are consistently discharging at 140 amps, it really requires a larger battery, if you expect a really long battery life, but that is a completely separate issue.
where did you get this test rate? Everyone that I have spoken to at EVE official store all said the battery test is done at .5 C when they are tested at the factroy.
I think their team rotates on Alibaba. I ordered through @Jenny Wu directly and did not have an Alibaba fee. There was a paypal fee, but I could have paid with a wire transfer to save that. I chose to use the credit card through paypal anyways. I think paying with a credit card on paypal does cost a business more, so I understand the fee. I started on Alibaba but it was confusing as to what product I was actually looking at. That is also why it's important that if you have been working with somebody directly, and then choose to order through Alibaba, you find their individual contact page or have them link it to you. Otherwise my understanding is the order basically goes to somebody that doesn't necessarily know what you've been working on with your contact.
How much is the shipping cost?
Hi, super New Guy here. I contacted Jenny from Docan and am set to by 4 230AH EVE cells. The invoice has a $25 PayPal fee and the paypal address listed is !! I don't want to ship $500 off to a scammer. Does that seem right to those of you that have bought from her?
Hi, super New Guy here. I contacted Jenny from Docan and am set to by 4 230AH EVE cells. The invoice has a $25 PayPal fee and the paypal address listed is !! I don't want to ship $500 off to a scammer. Does that seem right to those of you that have bought from her? or the dot com pulls up garbage. Wow how sketchy.
SparkyJJO is right, it's, not .com. I guess I'll go ahead with the order. I'm in I.T. and I would feel so disappointed in myself if I got scammed!!! :D
Alibaba is by far the safest bet, although you pay a premium.
They act as middleman, an agency to connect sellers with customers.

They receive the payment, and only release it to the seller when the buyer has received the goods.
The seller knows payment has been made and is being held.
The buyer knows they are guaranteed delivery.

If you buy direct from a seller over the internet, cash up front, all you can do is hope you actually receive something.
But why?

I used back in April. Granted I paid through alibaba, not PayPal.

I can only speculate that PayPal freezes their accounts, it appears that is what happened when I paid them. Originally they wanted me to wire them the funds because of an issue with their PayPal account and when I declined they got another PayPal account that I made my final payment to but when I paid PayPal said the funds would be released in 6 months (180 days), I got my batteries and either they worked out the issue with PayPal or got their funds released in 180 days.

PayPal does that sort of stuff, freezes and account and says they'll give you your money in 180 days and nothing you can do about it.
So people just create a new account and hope PayPal doesn't freeze that one too. PayPal won't tell you why
I figured it’d be something like that. They also commented they couldn’t process a PayPal payment.

I was able to use a CC via alibaba that had the same fee as a PayPal option I saw no difference in risk.

diy solar

diy solar