diy solar

diy solar

Romex for dc mains cable

70 amps * 51.2 nominal volts = 3584 watts.
Should be fine to run a 3000 watt inverter.
NO! (Not code safe NEC -334.10 Uses Permitted. (

6 awg is good for 55 amp A/C, less for DC. The likely hood of you running 70 amps though is not very high.

I put 96 amps on my 48V setup, but that is on 1/0 welding cable which is for DC with very tiny strands, probably around 200 strands in a 1/2 inch thick piece of cable.

Reality: Wire is wire, it will work.
The 6/2 will work fine for a while, but I would not trust it for a long period. I average 10 to 20 amps on my 48V setup, divided between 8 battery packs.
If it's all you have, then use it. If you really like it and have enough, double it up.

If you buying it, then buy a multistrand thick wire for DC. 1/0, 2/0, maybe even 4/0.
Cool I don't see anything in NEC-334.10 prohibits the use of romex for DC.
Its just a question of amperage.
NEC - 334.10 list what you can (legally) use it for. That is it.

NEC - 334.10 doesn't mention AC or DC so either its not ok to use it for AC or it is ok to use it for DC.
I'm pretty sure its ok to use it for AC. ;)
For a stationary 48 or 96 volt setup can I use non-stranded copper?
Can I use 6/2 romex?
According to even derated for sheathing its should work.
Failing that can I use THHN?
I would read the wire manual you showed me it states do not use ac wire for d c wire . Do not use thick stranded either? Come on smoothjoey only use on ac side solid or thick stranded . Would it work yes for a while .is it safe ?no !
Turns out that 6/2 romex is all stranded anyway.
It would be a pita to wrestle solid core at that gauge anyway.
Turns out that 6/2 romex is all stranded anyway.
It would be a pita to wrestle solid core at that gauge anyway.
8 & 6 AWG wire is THICK stranded for AC Power.
Simply put, do NOT use AC Wiring for DC Applications. Do so at your own peril !
Never use AC Switches or Breakers either - There is a REASON why Mig Welders are DC as are small Arc Welders.
8 & 6 AWG wire is THICK stranded for AC Power.
Simply put, do NOT use AC Wiring for DC Applications. Do so at your own peril !
Never use AC Switches or Breakers either - There is a REASON why Mig Welders are DC as are small Arc Welders.
Yes... the reason is flexibility to permit easy welding.
There is no reason not to use stranded large strand, or solid cor copper wire with dc.

"At high frequencies, current travels near the surface of the wire because of the skin effect, resulting in increased power loss in the wire. Stranded wire might seem to reduce this effect, since the total surface area of the strands is greater than the surface area of the equivalent solid wire, but ordinary stranded wire does not reduce the skin effect because all the strands are short-circuited together and behave as a single conductor. A stranded wire will have higher resistance than a solid wire of the same diameter because the cross-section of the stranded wire is not all copper; there are unavoidable gaps between the strands (this is the circle packing problem for circles within a circle). A stranded wire with the same cross-section of conductor as a solid wire is said to have the same equivalent gauge and is always a larger diameter.

However, for many high-frequency applications, proximity effect is more severe than skin effect, and in some limited cases, simple stranded wire can reduce proximity effect. For better performance at high frequencies, litz wire, which has the individual strands insulated and twisted in special patterns, may be used."

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"At high frequencies, current travels near the surface of the wire because of the skin effect, resulting in increased power loss in the wire. Stranded wire might seem to reduce this effect, since the total surface area of the strands is greater than the surface area of the equivalent solid wire, but ordinary stranded wire does not reduce the skin effect because all the strands are short-circuited together and behave as a single conductor. A stranded wire will have higher resistance than a solid wire of the same diameter because the cross-section of the stranded wire is not all copper; there are unavoidable gaps between the strands (this is the circle packing problem for circles within a circle). A stranded wire with the same cross-section of conductor as a solid wire is said to have the same equivalent gauge and is always a larger diameter.

However, for many high-frequency applications, proximity effect is more severe than skin effect, and in some limited cases, simple stranded wire can reduce proximity effect. For better performance at high frequencies, litz wire, which has the individual strands insulated and twisted in special patterns, may be used."

And this has nothing to do with DC at all...
Which is why stranded has a larger diameter than solid same gauge...
Theres thick stranded and thin. Thin is for dc wireing and thick is for ac wiring. The current travel's around a wire not in it less strands less power more strands more flow on opposite end ? It can be done your way but is it smart to do . I say no and I'm not a great person to ask I just know from experience amp and flow is what going to change for you .
Theres thick stranded and thin. Thin is for dc wireing and thick is for ac wiring. The current travel's around a wire not in it less strands less power more strands more flow on opposite end ? It can be done your way but is it smart to do . I say no and I'm not a great person to ask I just know from experience amp and flow is what going to change for you .
With AC power at very high frequency, yes. DC has zero concerns for strands, vs solid. All dc cares about is cross sectional area, and conductive continuity.

I will repeat... ALL stranded wiring in household and dc use is stranded for FLEXIBILITY AND EASE OF ROUTING.
High tension power transmission and high frequency AC, the strands are for skin effect etc... but with under 240hz, or DC (zero hz) strands are only for flexibility.


diy solar

diy solar