diy solar

diy solar

Opinions on Eco-Worthy and Vestwoods 250+ah LifeP04 batteries?


Solar Enthusiast
Dec 28, 2020
I was looking hard at EG4 server rack batteries but recent complaints about SS, the eg4’s, and the shipping costs has cooled me on those.
I’m considering 2 to 4 of these for a power bank in my Sprinter van, eventually ending up with 10 to 12kwh or more.
I’d certainly prefer cold temp cut off, bluetooth, and internal heaters but it seems hard to find it all, and still have a relatively compact form factor in a 250ah + LifeP04 battery.

Thoughts on these?
$1050 / 280ah and relatively compact,10000-Certificates-Off-Grid/dp/B0BB1GD8QF/ref=pd_cart_vw_crc_1_1/141-7376304-0696657?_encoding=UTF8&content-id=amzn1.sym.01004c92-8f40-4f1a-bee8-08cb36dccac2&pd_rd_i=B0BB1GD8QF&pd_rd_r=a4d66ebe-0bb3-4200-b664-4a9757b7138a&pd_rd_w=MUbou&pd_rd_wg=oH2Fy&pf_rd_p=01004c92-8f40-4f1a-bee8-08cb36dccac2&pf_rd_r=JVGSF8D5K76J0MGJYZRP&psc=1&refRID=JVGSF8D5K76J0MGJYZRP

And less compact but has low temp cutoff and bluetooth, and
@Will Prowse gave a decent review after initial skepticism of the Vestwoods 100amp offering a while back.

$759 /250ah


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I ended up ordering a Vestwoods 250ah ($729), it should be here tomorrow.
High and low temp sensors with Bluetooth won out over the very small footprint of the $1050 Eco-Worthy 280ah.
That and $321 less. ?
1 to start, 3 more planned. Hopefully adding batteries later is not a problem.
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I ended up ordering a Vestwoods 250ah ($729), it should be here tomorrow.
High and low temp sensors with Bluetooth won out over the very small footprint of the $1050 Eco-Worthy 280ah.
That and $321 less.
1 to start, 3 more planned. Hopefully adding batteries later is not a problem.
$829 today… Crazy how these prices bounce all over the place. Analysis paralysis seems really expensive in this market.
So the Vestwoods 250ah battery arrived today via FedEx. I was a little concerned when I saw the box had a bit of a rough ride, but the battery ended up looking just fine.
Waiting on a Victron charge controller that should arrive tomorrow and then I’ll get it charged up.


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I’m planning on setting this up as an aux battery to charge my Bluetti AC200MAX for a few months, anyone have any tips for doing that?
Or connection tips to be able to charge the Bluetti through solar and the battery simultaneously?
There is another input, indicating it’s for 58.8vdc /8a.
I’m guessing I’d need a step up 12v to 58v converter? Have not found one (though it was a quick search).
Curiously, I did not find the weight spec on the amazon link, but just weighed mine, it’s 69.2 lbs.
From Amazon Questions, it seems 300ah is about 70lbs too. From energy density point of view, 250ah should be 20% lighter than 300ah. It’s a bit suspicious that 250ah may be grade B cells or they fill heavy stuff in the case.
From Amazon Questions, it seems 300ah is about 70lbs too. From energy density point of view, 250ah should be 20% lighter than 300ah. It’s a bit suspicious that 250ah may be grade B cells or they fill heavy stuff in the case.
That’s the spirit! ??
So the day after I took delivery I received an email from their customer service that the battery may be in sleep mode and it may need to be “woke”.
So they sent me a 20 amp smart charger which I received today. I’m pleased about that.
It is charging as I write this, and looks like it started at about 40% soc.


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It took about 40hrs to charge.
But hey they sent the charger free so I’m not complaining. ?
Downloaded the app and using the battery to charge my Bluetti AC200 Max currently along with solar.

Emailed Vestwoods cs asking how to change temp readings from C to F since I couldn’t seem to figure it out on my own. Also re how to rename it so it’s recognizeable, like Vestwood 250ah. Or maybe more accurately, Battery 1.

Update 9/28/22
Several emails back and forth with seller, they do respond and seem to agree with my “suggestions” for a better app experience, but no app update yet. This will keep me from buying additional batteries from them to build out my Sprinter to 12.8kwh.
I‘ll give it another week then if no app improvement I may end up contacting amazon to return this battery.

I'm not a techie, but is it that hard to make an app that allows the consumer to name their item, and have the app remember it and put it at the top of the list since that’s the only thing it’s synced with? Once the app is connected it’s fine, it just needs a few tweeks. Effort harder Vestwoods!


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Considering ordering a 2nd battery, Just looked on Amazon and it’s a no show.
Just happened to discover this revue, it came up a bit short on amp hrs.
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Wow, that's a bummer. Ignore crazy old grandpa's advice here who likes to yell at clouds... :)

It seems like this is a losing game of getting manufacturers to hold to their stated Ah capacity. Some make it, but many don't, despite exposure. Will has helped, but overall.. It is nice that they sent you a charger afterwards!

But this isn't new in the consumer-level battery game. Maybe it would be best when deciding upon a battery, to automatically de-rate them yourself by 10-15% when calculating your application needs, and if they come out over that, it's a bonus!

Have you cycled this battery at all to see if balancing improves the test? I see plenty of videos of people taking it out of the box for it's first cycle test, and the batt has never been balanced. They certainly don't do that at the factory since that takes manpower, energy, and time which would add to the cost. They are counting on non-battery nerd consumers to simply cycle them to do that job.

And of course once the manufacturer sees the equipment used to measure things with, even if they *were* accurate, have blue-red disco lights on them. See what I'm saying?

A new twist is if the app doesn't live up to expectations, but the battery overall, if tested the old way when batteries didn't come with "apps", does meet spec? Yet nevertheless gets returned for that? Wow.

So please don't take this as a dig on you. I totally understand. But I'm not sure that the 5 people that any of these reviews or expose videos is going to influence really make that much of a difference to the vast majority of the purchasers.

Do you actually *need* exactly 250ah for your application? Yes, you should have it, but one could spend a whole lotta' time shipping back and forth with returns at this consumer-level. That's why I say one should *always* de-rate ANY battery claimed Ah rating by at least 10-15%. Less gray hairs. Less videos.

Ok, rant at cloud over. :)
I only understood about 2/3 of what you said.
And I am a newb at this stuff.

Like the reviewer mentioned, it seems most battery reviews I’ve seen come in at or slightly higher than claimed ah.
I’m actually not too concerned about the shortage and will test mine at some point and if it’s low I’ll deal with it then.
It was 23 cents a watt. Still a lot of power even if it tests 10% short of claimed.
But I certainly am of the opinion it should be what the manufacturer claims it is.
Maybe the reviewer result is a statistical outlier, maybe not.

Mine is charging currently as I cycled it down to 16% Sunday using it to run a small 250w heater.
Yes I need 250ah/3.2kwh and will add another 250ah in increments to get to either 750 or 1000ah. The goal is to get in the 10 to 12kwh range.
In a Sprinter van.
If this battery turns out to be no longer be available I’ll use it in my garage/man cave and likely buy server rack batteries. Though the eco worthy 280ah batteries are still of interest to me. Love the compact form factor, but no low temp protection. Lame.
I do not understand why high AND low temp protection is not a standard minimal practice on all LifeP04 batteries. Might as well add Bluetooth to that as well.
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I get ya. Welcome to the world of consumer batteries. It's always been this way.

Heck, even back in another application using nimh AA's, the world's most well-regarded consumer cells are 2000mah rated Eneloops. Let's not get into that war...

However, when discharge tested on even a consumer level analyzer they helped design (!), nearly all come out to 1955ma instead of 2000. :)

Hey, at least you have an actual application! Many of the reviewers don't. Just a garage bench, time, money, and maybe some freebies from the vendor for some online buzz.
Maybe give it some time it may come back. Or write the company directly to see their response.
Maybe give it some time it may come back. Or write the company directly to see their response.
Yes, I emailed the company, they said they should be back on Amazon in a week or so.
Also said work is going on to improve the app.
We’ll see.
I will say they do respond to emails, typically within 24hrs.
So there’s that ?