diy solar

diy solar

Can the electrical grid handle a boom in electric vehicles? couldn't even make it through high school. Take your lithium and get some sleep.
Ad hominem. Go away ankle biter.
Thats rich. You belittle my education but are consistently unable to offer any credible rebuttals, instead just take the same tired cheap shot personal attacks.
Obviously I learned more in 11 years than you and anything additional was money squandered by the public education system.
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Provide evidence for that allegation.

BTW are you are aware that there was a time that the US even sponsored the taliban?
What, you dont know how to use search engines?

This is all common knowledge for the last 20 years.
For anyone that has a clue and doesnt hate America that is. Whats your excuse?
Lets not allow Bradbills incompetent deflection derail the facts here. Im posting this solely to remind my fellow Republicans, that every time the Democrats assert the 2020 election was free and fair, that Republicans are the threat to democracy, that there has been zero evidence it was rigged, theyre LYING. GASLIGHTING. Beyond outrageous audacity.

In detail:

They even gloatingly admitted to the whole scheme, whitewashing their efforts to ensure only one candidate could win, as "saving democracy".

Now Ive posted this evidence before, the democrat corrupted media knows about it, but like Hunters laptop story theyve ignored it or outright lie and say it doesnt exist.

The bad actors in this coverup include all manners of democrats including a few people in this forum.

So, Republicans, consider the truly bad path the current white house occupant has us on as a direct result of their intentional policies-
Runaway inflation.
EV mandates they have no plans on supporting with infrastructure and will only serve the rich.
Weaker on the world stage than ever in our history.
China builds their military while our military gets woke and pays for sex changes for service members.
Rampant crime.
More racial division than ever.
A lawless border with services for illegals taking priority over homeless americans theyve displaced.
And much more.

Now consider the Democrats cheated to create all these disasters, and are lying and say the side that got cheated out of another term of prosperity, are the real threat... And conspire to cover it all up so their side can continue the destruction.

Get mad get really goddamn mad.
This is a good summary of the audacity of their gaslighting and hypocrisy:

Globally, our country has no greater enemy or threat to our future, like the enemy within.
Ad hominem. Go away ankle biter.
Thats rich. You belittle my education but are consistently unable to offer any credible rebuttals, instead just take the same tired cheap shot personal attacks.
Obviously I learned more in 11 years than you and anything additional was money squandered by the public education system.
LOL...Bullshit. How can you have rebuttals to such off the wall bullshit that you come up with. You will never believe anything rational because you live in an alternative universe.

It's not just Democrats the believe the election was NOT's most Republicans. Ask Bill Barr who was the freaking attorney general under Trump!

Get back on your manic depressive meds.

There is a reason you only finished 11 years in are a MORON! You believed people were after you with direct energy weapons for gods sake!
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I was at a softball game tonight. One of the umpires in the league is a crackpot conspiracy guy like Batvette. He was telling everyone on our team that in the first week of October, there is going to be a run on cash and food so he suggested we all go to the bank tomorrow and get a bunch of cash out and buy bulk food.

Of course this is around the 5th time he has come up with these proclamations which never come true. he also believes the election was stolen...he is anti-vax, thinks the China Virus was developed to keep Trump out of office and he thinks horse dewormer is the best thing to use to prevent the China Virus.
Ha. You have NOTHING. What report did legislaters have in their hands which would have greater significance than a NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE ESTIMATE?
Unless you have access to the national inteligence estimate, you and I can only look at what is in the public domain. Now there were no WoMD found in Iraq so even if the national intelligence estimate said something differently, we do know they were clearly wrong.

What, you dont know how to use search engines?
Really how old are you?

This is all common knowledge for the last 20 years.
For anyone that has a clue and doesnt hate America that is. Whats your excuse?
I did not say that Iraq was not a state sponsor of terrorism, I am asking you to back up your claim they were the largest state sponsor of terrorism.

Remember the (failed) Bay of Pigs Invasion? How about the Banana Wars? Or the Iran Contra Affair?
For anyone that has a clue and doesnt hate America that is. Whats your excuse?
Have you ever considered that people can have a clue and not hate America? Ever considered that all US administrations (and most nations) have made mistakes. And the question is if they should all be held accountable when they lie for the reasons to invade other nations, or only the ones you do not like?
I was at a softball game tonight. One of the umpires in the league is a crackpot conspiracy guy like Batvette. He was telling everyone on our team that in the first week of October, there is going to be a run on cash and food so he suggested we all go to the bank tomorrow and get a bunch of cash out and buy bulk food.
It looks increasingly likely that Russia is loosing their war in Ukraine and that they will resort to tactical nukes to inflict even more death and destruction on Ukraine before they are finally kicked out. It is likely that this will cause a panic (it shouldn't) and I have some cash and food at home to tie me over for a couple of weeks.

Ukraine has no option but to continue the fight and the developed world has no sensible option but to support Ukraine as Russia will repeat it if they win in other nations. Putin is fighting for his political life and dictators tend to increase their use of violence near the end of their reign, which is why I think he will be using tactical nukes even when it doesn't have a clear advantage.

Of course this is around the 5th time he has come up with these proclamations which never come true. he also believes the election was stolen...he is anti-vax, thinks the China Virus was developed to keep Trump out of office and he thinks horse dewormer is the best thing to use to prevent the China Virus.

Let him take it, at least he won't have worms lol.
I was at a softball game tonight. One of the umpires in the league is a crackpot conspiracy guy like Batvette. He was telling everyone on our team that in the first week of October, there is going to be a run on cash and food so he suggested we all go to the bank tomorrow and get a bunch of cash out and buy bulk food.

Of course this is around the 5th time he has come up with these proclamations which never come true. he also believes the election was stolen...he is anti-vax, thinks the China Virus was developed to keep Trump out of office and he thinks horse dewormer is the best thing to use to prevent the China Virus.
Funny you wasted the time with a dumb straw man story concerning alleged predictions by someone who isnt here...

When you could have had backbone and integrity and attempted a credible rebuttal against the FACTUAL EVENTS THAT DID HAPPEN that I supported in detail with numerous credible references..

What a slimy pusillanimous POS.
Really how old are you?

I did not say that Iraq was not a state sponsor of terrorism, I am asking you to back up your claim they were the largest state sponsor of terrorism.

Remember the (failed) Bay of Pigs Invasion? How about the Banana Wars? Or the Iran Contra Affair?
I said in the years preceding the Iraq invasion Saddam was the largest state sponsor of international terrorism.
Nobody else was even close.

What the fuck does bay of pigs have to do with that you fucking idiot. Stop trolling me you moron. Virtually everything you post here is stupid, wrong, or based on lies, and when proven so you deflect with completely irrelevent bullshit.
Unless you have access to the national inteligence estimate, you and I can only look at what is in the public domain. Now there were no WoMD found in Iraq so even if the national intelligence estimate said something differently, we do know they were clearly wrong.

The summary judgements of the NIE were declsssified long ago, and the fact that no WMD were found after the war has absolutely nothing to do with this discussion which has focused on your repeated blatant lies about officials knowledge of pre war intelligence provided to them.
I lost count of how many outright lies you have posted about this in this thread yet you still keep doubling down on them.
In light of the number of US veterans plagued with PTSD symptoms, surely worsened by countless ideologue hacks like you questioning the validity of their mission using outright lies, I find the propaganda youre peddling to be repulsive and sickening.
Not that I sxpect that to bother you, nausea seems to be like lifes blood to your ilk.

If you ever care to bring your bullshit account of history towars the truth, read the final CIA report on the search for weapons after the invasion.
It makes clear many things but the one thing it never asserts which has been completely fabricated by leftists, is that failing to find WMD stockpiles in any way means that they didnt exist, werent moved, or that Saddam wasnt a continued threat toward our allies.
In fact it judges firmly that Saddam intended to restart his programs as soon as sanctions relaxed.

Here is the joint resolution. Identify a single false claim within.

I said in the years preceding the Iraq invasion Saddam was the largest state sponsor of international terrorism.
Nobody else was even close.
And I asked for evidence for your assertion, which you failed to provide.
What the fuck does bay of pigs have to do with that you fucking idiot. Stop trolling me you moron. Virtually everything you post here is stupid, wrong, or based on lies, and when proven so you deflect with completely irrelevent bullshit.
Depending on your point of view, the bay of pigs, supported by the CIA was state sponsored terrorism. Blowing up a passenger plane is state sponsored terrorism. Just because your side does it, doesn't make it "good".
The summary judgements of the NIE were declsssified long ago, and the fact that no WMD were found after the war has absolutely nothing to do with this discussion which has focused on your repeated blatant lies about officials knowledge of pre war intelligence provided to them.
I lost count of how many outright lies you have posted about this in this thread yet you still keep doubling down on them.
In light of the number of US veterans plagued with PTSD symptoms, surely worsened by countless ideologue hacks like you questioning the validity of their mission using outright lies, I find the propaganda youre peddling to be repulsive and sickening.
Not that I sxpect that to bother you, nausea seems to be like lifes blood to your ilk.

If you ever care to bring your bullshit account of history towars the truth, read the final CIA report on the search for weapons after the invasion.
It makes clear many things but the one thing it never asserts which has been completely fabricated by leftists, is that failing to find WMD stockpiles in any way means that they didnt exist, werent moved, or that Saddam wasnt a continued threat toward our allies.
In fact it judges firmly that Saddam intended to restart his programs as soon as sanctions relaxed.

Here is the joint resolution. Identify a single false claim within.

Here you go "Iraq had large stockpiles of chemical weapons and a large scale biological weapons program" None were found after the invasion.
Funny you wasted the time with a dumb straw man story concerning alleged predictions by someone who isnt here...

When you could have had backbone and integrity and attempted a credible rebuttal against the FACTUAL EVENTS THAT DID HAPPEN that I supported in detail with numerous credible references..

What a slimy pusillanimous POS.
Sometimes, you sound like an 11th grader....
Here you go "Iraq had large stockpiles of chemical weapons and a large scale biological weapons program" None were found after the invasion.

As it appears in the document:

Whereas in 1990 in response to Iraq’s war of aggression against
and illegal occupation of Kuwait, the United States forged a
coalition of nations to liberate Kuwait and its people in order
to defend the national security of the United States and enforce
United Nations Security Council resolutions relating to Iraq;
Whereas after the liberation of Kuwait in 1991, Iraq entered into
a United Nations sponsored cease-fire agreement pursuant to
which Iraq unequivocally agreed, among other things, to eliminate
its nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons programs and the
means to deliver and develop them, and to end its support for
international terrorism;
Whereas the efforts of international weapons inspectors, United
States intelligence agencies, and Iraqi defectors led to the discovery
that Iraq had large stockpiles of chemical weapons and
a large scale biological weapons program, and that Iraq had
an advanced nuclear weapons development program that was
much closer to producing a nuclear weapon than intelligence
reporting had previously indicated;
Whereas Iraq, in direct and flagrant violation of the cease-fire,
attempted to thwart the efforts of weapons inspectors to identify
and destroy Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction stockpiles and
development capabilities, which finally resulted in the withdrawal
of inspectors from Iraq on October 31, 1998;

The document describes a timeline, they meant before 1998. Its expected you as a war critic leftist will do anything dishonest to make a point.
Here you go "Iraq had large stockpiles of chemical weapons and a large scale biological weapons program" None were found after the invasion.
This is what is asserted about WMD at the time of its draft.

Whereas Iraq’s demonstrated capability and willingness to use
weapons of mass destruction, the risk that the current Iraqi
regime will either employ those weapons to launch a surprise
attack against the United States or its Armed Forces or provide
them to international terrorists who would do so, and the extreme
magnitude of harm that would result to the United States and
its citizens from such an attack, combine to justify action by
the United States to defend itself;
Whereas United Nations Security Council Resolution 678 (1990)
authorizes the use of all necessary means to enforce United
Nations Security Council Resolution 660 (1990) and subsequent
relevant resolutions and to compel Iraq to cease certain activities
that threaten international peace and security, including the
development of weapons of mass destruction and refusal or
obstruction of United Nations weapons inspections in violation
of United Nations Security Council Resolution 687 (1991), repression
of its civilian population in violation of United Nations
Security Council Resolution 688 (1991), and threatening its neighbors
or United Nations operations in Iraq in violation of United
Nations Security Council Resolution 949 (1994);

Nothing about stockpiles or producing them for amyones satisfaction.
Depending on your point of view, the bay of pigs, supported by the CIA was state sponsored terrorism. Blowing up a passenger plane is state sponsored terrorism. Just because your side does it, doesn't make it "good".
Happened 40 years prior to the period under discussion

My statement again.

Saddam was the largest state sponsor of international terrorism in the years preceding the war. (In context with one of the rationales for the war being stopping international terrorism)

Look asshole. Your bias against the US has nothing to do with a discussion about how our government arrived at policy decisions in 2002. When they were discussing the pros and cons of removing Saddam Hussein, bay of pigs was not part of the discussion.
Amused at your defense of Fidel Castro.
Youre a fucking commie.

For the record:

"Under Saddam, Iraq was for decades one of the principal state sponsors of terrorism. "

Go eat a big bag of dicks.
The document describes a timeline, they meant before 1998. Its expected you as a war critic leftist will do anything dishonest to make a point.

What does left and right have to do with the facts?

In 2011, Colin Powell told Al Jazeera he regretted providing misleading intelligence that led the U.S. invasion, calling it a “ blot on my record.” He said a lot of sources cited by the intelligence community were wrong.

Head of the UN weapons inspectors Hans Blix said.

"Blix accused U.S. President George W. Bush and U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair of acting not in bad faith, but with a severe lack of "critical thinking." The United States and Britain failed to examine the sources of their primary intelligence - Iraqi defectors with their own agendas for encouraging regime change - with a skeptical eye, he alleged. In the buildup to the war, Saddam Hussein and the Iraqis were cooperating with U.N. inspections, and in February 2003 had provided Blix's team with the names of hundreds of scientists to interview, individuals Saddam claimed had been involved in the destruction of banned weapons. Had the inspections been allowed to continue, Blix said, there would likely be a very different situation in Iraq today. As it was, America's pre-emptive, unilateral actions "have bred more terrorism there and elsewhere."

The invasion was based on falsehoods and the invasion objectively made things worse in the region and all you can do is call people names.

I am still waiting for evidence of your assertion that Iraq was the "largest state sponsor of terrorism".

diy solar

diy solar