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diy solar

Can the electrical grid handle a boom in electric vehicles?

What does left and right have to do with the facts?

In 2011, Colin Powell told Al Jazeera he regretted providing misleading intelligence that led the U.S. invasion, calling it a “ blot on my record.” He said a lot of sources cited by the intelligence community were wrong.

Head of the UN weapons inspectors Hans Blix said.

"Blix accused U.S. President George W. Bush and U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair of acting not in bad faith, but with a severe lack of "critical thinking." The United States and Britain failed to examine the sources of their primary intelligence - Iraqi defectors with their own agendas for encouraging regime change - with a skeptical eye, he alleged. In the buildup to the war, Saddam Hussein and the Iraqis were cooperating with U.N. inspections, and in February 2003 had provided Blix's team with the names of hundreds of scientists to interview, individuals Saddam claimed had been involved in the destruction of banned weapons. Had the inspections been allowed to continue, Blix said, there would likely be a very different situation in Iraq today. As it was, America's pre-emptive, unilateral actions "have bred more terrorism there and elsewhere."

The invasion was based on falsehoods and the invasion objectively made things worse in the region and all you can do is call people names.

I am still waiting for evidence of your assertion that Iraq was the "largest state sponsor of terrorism".
I am not interested in what sources say after the war.

Show us a source which asserted before the war, that Saddam had disarmed.

Blix is lying. His own interim report of March 2003 stated that Iraq had atrached conditions to its cooperation and that it had not been immediate.

I provided that document to you already.

Based on what falsehoods? I provided the sole written document which stated our justifications AND NOTHING IN IT WAS PROVEN FALSE. NOT ONE WORD.
Show us a source which asserted before the war, that Saddam had disarmed.
All indications were that Sadam had disarmed as no W0MD were found during the inspections. But normal people know that you can no more prove that a country has disarmed than police can prove you don't rape babies. The way evidence of alleged wrongdoing works is that the accusers have to provide evidence of wrongdoing.
Blix is lying.
Of course, any one who doesn't go along with your conspiracy theory, is evidence of them lying.

His own interim report of March 2003 stated that Iraq had atrached conditions to its cooperation and that it had not been immediate
Sadam was not a nice guy and resisted the inspections, especially those that targeted his palaces. But inspections were carried out right up to the time Bush told the inspectors to leave.
I provided that document to you already.
Remind what document provides evidence that Iraq was the largest state sponsor of terrorism.

While you are at it, have a look at the 1953 Iranian coup d'état (In August 2013 the U.S. government formally acknowledged the U.S. role in the coup by releasing a bulk of previously classified government documents that show it was in charge of both the planning and the execution of the coup, including the bribing of Iranian politicians, security and army high-ranking officials, as well as pro-coup propaganda. The CIA is quoted acknowledging the coup was carried out "under CIA direction" and "as an act of U.S. foreign policy, conceived and approved at the highest levels of government")
Remind what document provides evidence that Iraq was the largest state sponsor of terrorism.

While you are at it, have a look at the 1953 Iranian coup d'état (In August 2013 the U.S. government formally acknowledged the U.S. role in the coup by releasing a bulk of previously classified government documents that show it was in charge of both the planning and the execution of the coup, including the bribing of Iranian politicians, security and army high-ranking officials, as well as pro-coup propaganda. The CIA is quoted acknowledging the coup was carried out "under CIA direction" and "as an act of U.S. foreign policy, conceived and approved at the highest levels of government")

While you are at it look up in the dictionary the word IRRELEVENT.

Thats very interesting though it seems you buy into the notion that the CIA was able to overthrow the government of a country with 21 million people by paying $10k to a collection of prostitutes, circus acrobats, and petty criminals.

I have forgotten more than you will ever know about operation ajax. It didnt happen. It was convenient for the CIA to take credit for the impossible in the mid 60s when they were about to be abolished by congress after bay of pigs and JFKs assassination. Isnt it convenient that they destroyed any documents rhat supported this claim.
The fact is mossadegh himself admitted later his downfall was entirely due to his communist policies.
This conspiracy theory is always promoted by pinko subversives like you, who are upset that yet another transition into communism by a countrys misguided fools resulted in the inevitable failure.
Mossadegh ground the countrys economy to a halt when he nationalized the industry that British Petroleum had solely financed and constructed. The people were left starving and begging in the streets. Why wouldnt they want to overthrow Mossadegh?
This stupid effort you commie pinko subversives go to in making Iranians blame America for all their problems serves no purpose for them or us and only benefits your own desire to see people fail for your own sick pleasure.
Communism sucks. Thats was true in 1953 and true today. Any questions?
The legacy of one of your ideological idols:

Just a few thousand of the tens of millions he killed in his genocide. The same wiki editors that enforce operation ajax's fantasy account of history are usually at Stalins page trying to whitewash his mass murders as acceptable because they were necessary for communism to work.

Poor Mossadegh, evil America foiled his plan to emulate Joseph Stalins vision of a society where people sit around doing nothing but wait for the government to come throw them crumbs.

Yet there you sit in the frigid wasteland of Canada, protected from Soviet invasion solely by the harsh elements and a common border shared with the US. 90% of your population is within 100 miles of our border. They couldnt survive without us.
While you are at it look up in the dictionary the word IRRELEVENT.
Why are you shouting and why do you think I need to look it up?

Thats very interesting though it seems you buy into the notion that the CIA was able to overthrow the government of a country with 21 million people by paying $10k to a collection of prostitutes, circus acrobats, and petty criminals.
It is amazing how little money it takes, Russia did the same in the US and other countries. China is starting as well.

I have forgotten more than you will ever know about operation ajax. It didnt happen. It was convenient for the CIA to take credit for the impossible in the mid 60s when they were about to be abolished by congress after bay of pigs and JFKs assassination. Isnt it convenient that they destroyed any documents rhat supported this claim.
The fact is mossadegh himself admitted later his downfall was entirely due to his communist policies.
This conspiracy theory is always promoted by pinko subversives like you, who are upset that yet another transition into communism by a countrys misguided fools resulted in the inevitable failure.
Mossadegh ground the countrys economy to a halt when he nationalized the industry that British Petroleum had solely financed and constructed. The people were left starving and begging in the streets. Why wouldnt they want to overthrow Mossadegh?
This stupid effort you commie pinko subversives go to in making Iranians blame America for all their problems serves no purpose for them or us and only benefits your own desire to see people fail for your own sick pleasure.
Communism sucks. Thats was true in 1953 and true today. Any questions?

I have plenty of questions, for example, the evidence that Iraq was the largest state sponsor of of terrorism.

I will ignore your claim you know more about the coup. The point remains that if you support your government sponsoring of terrorist, than you can not complain about other countries doing it. (well you can, but that would be hypocritical, right?)

Here we go again, the term communism is like a dog whistle for (stupid) people. As for pure communism, it is a beautiful economic system in theory, just like pure capitalism. The problem is that they both suck in practice and require heavy regulation to make them work. However, some parts work reasonable well together, for example roads are state owned, while car manufacturing is done on a for profit basis. privately owned roads would a administrative nightmare if there was real competition and governemt making cars would be boring and they'd only provide the minimum. In the US, claiming single payer health care is communism is a sure fire way to make sure that Americans will continue to pay more on average for health care while getting less for it. From what I hear, the politicians opposing it, enjoy the best tax funded health care... It would be hilarious if that was true...
When did
Why are you shouting and why do you think I need to look it up?

It is amazing how little money it takes, Russia did the same in the US and other countries. China is starting as well.

I have plenty of questions, for example, the evidence that Iraq was the largest state sponsor of of terrorism.

I will ignore your claim you know more about the coup. The point remains that if you support your government sponsoring of terrorist, than you can not complain about other countries doing it. (well you can, but that would be hypocritical, right?)

Here we go again, the term communism is like a dog whistle for (stupid) people. As for pure communism, it is a beautiful economic system in theory, just like pure capitalism. The problem is that they both suck in practice and require heavy regulation to make them work. However, some parts work reasonable well together, for example roads are state owned, while car manufacturing is done on a for profit basis. privately owned roads would a administrative nightmare if there was real competition and governemt making cars would be boring and they'd only provide the minimum. In the US, claiming single payer health care is communism is a sure fire way to make sure that Americans will continue to pay more on average for health care while getting less for it. From what I hear, the politicians opposing it, enjoy the best tax funded health care... It would be hilarious if that was true...
When did I say I supported my government supporting terrorists?
When did I say I supported my government supporting terrorists?
Given how outspoken you are on everything else, including the invasion of Iraq under false premisses, I see your silence on your own government support for terrorism over the years as tacit support.
Given how outspoken you are on everything else, including the invasion of Iraq under false premisses, I see your silence on your own government support for terrorism over the years as tacit support.
Thats special since youve never proven that there was evidence Saddam had disarmed.

You... Are the most delusional, dishonest POS I have encountered on the internet in quite some time. Just an asshole. Im blocking you youre just a time sink.

Eat me.
You... Are the most delusional, dishonest POS I have encountered on the internet in quite some time. Just an asshole. Im blocking you youre just a time sink.
Said by the biggest conspiracy theorist I have ever come across...that's saying a lot! You are one crazy M'Fer.

Hey John...when are you selling your 20 year old honda mini van and buying an EV?
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Thats special since youve never proven that there was evidence Saddam had disarmed.
You do know that you can not prove something does not exist, the fact that the weapons inspectors did not find WoMD before the invasion indicated that Iraq did not have them. The fact that none were found during the occupation indicated that Iraq did not have them.

You... Are the most delusional, dishonest POS I have encountered on the internet in quite some time. Just an asshole. Im blocking you youre just a time sink.
Stick and stones....

Thanks, but no thanks.
Said by the biggest conspiracy theorist I have ever come across...that's saying a lot! You are one crazy M'Fer.

Hey John...when are you selling your 20 year old honda mini van and buying an EV?
What conspiracy theory have I posted here in thus forum?? Be specific, and copy and paste my words from my posts.. No summaries or paraphrasing.

Why would I buy an Ev? Just to pretend for the world I give a shit about the environment, when the fact is it would be better for the planet to maintain and drive my existing vehicle 10 more years than allow some multi billion dollar multinational corporation to sell me an overly complex, expensive vehicle I would have no reliable way to charge?

Your idiot party is going to have to walk back almost all of their foolish policies as the chickens come home to roost.. Idiot Bidens strategy to ease gasoline issues is a bandaid to get his party through the midterms, not actually solve the problem.. After november the march will be back on and we will see $10 a gallon gasoline before the end of Bidens first term BECAUSE THATS THEIR PLAN.

Any talk of lower gas prices are lip service to keep their grip on power, because if their real plans were revealed theyd be run out of town by the mob with pitchforks.

When confronted by the press about high gas prices both idiot joe and his energy secretary responded about an amazing/wonderful transition away from fossil fuels. They have every intent to destroy America and our economy, in their quest to "save the planet". With no proof or logic whatsoever that making all Americans drive EVs, if it were even possible, would put a dent in climate change.

At this time California doesnt generate enough power in the summer months with current demand. Yet he has provided magnets for illegal immigrants, banned gas stoves, furnaces and water heaters, gas generators and lawn equipment, mandated EV only sales by 2035, ALL THE WHILE PLANNING ZERO NEW ELECTRICAL POWER GENERATION.

Obviously its all goong to turn to shit and you people support this madness.
You do know that you can not prove something does not exist, the fact that the weapons inspectors did not find WoMD before the invasion indicated that Iraq did not have them. The fact that none were found during the occupation indicated that Iraq did not have them.

Stick and stones....

Thanks, but no thanks.
This is what Blix actually said on 19.march as he left the country:

"I naturally feel sadness that three and months of work carried out in Iraq have not brought the assurances needed about the absence of weapons of mass destruction or other proscribed items in Iraq, that no more time is available for our inspections and that armed action now seems imminent," Mr. Blix told the Council at the outset of its meeting, which was chaired by Foreign Minister François Lonseny Fall of Guinea."

Did you catch that?

Have NOT brought the assurances needed about the absence of WMD.

Indeed, they had spent the entire previous month destroying proscribed weapons they discovered that Iraq claimed they.didnt have.

Iraq war critics talk about "false pretenses" when the facts they allege support theîr position are false themselves.
All the UN resolutions since 1991 required Saddam cooperate with the UN. and allow them the assurance and determination of his disarment. Blixs own statements even after the war starts prove this had not happened.
At no time before or after the war were we obligated to show anyone WMD.
This is what Blix actually said on 19.march as he left the country:

"I naturally feel sadness that three and months of work carried out in Iraq have not brought the assurances needed about the absence of weapons of mass destruction or other proscribed items in Iraq, that no more time is available for our inspections and that armed action now seems imminent," Mr. Blix told the Council at the outset of its meeting, which was chaired by Foreign Minister François Lonseny Fall of Guinea."
For some people, even after 700 inspections and never finding weapons of mass destruction, it is still not enough to assure people like you that there are no WoMD.
Did you catch that?

Have NOT brought the assurances needed about the absence of WMD.
He did, just not enough for the warmongers.

Indeed, they had spent the entire previous month destroying proscribed weapons they discovered that Iraq claimed they.didnt have.
Surely you are trolling...

The UN did not believe Sadam had WoMD at the time, Some member nations, like the US, believed they did, so Iraq agreed to inspections in the hope to stave of an invasion. The United Nations Secretary-General said in September 2004 that: "From our point of view and the UN Charter point of view, it (the invasion of Iraq) was illegal."

And after the invasion it became clear that Sadam did not have WoMD at the time of the invasion, so those dead American, British and Iraqi soldiers and Iraqi civilians are on the head of Bush, Blair and even you.
You are such a fucking moron. No wonder you never finished high school!
He says without addressing a single point of my post OR providing the requested proof of conspiracy theories posted here.

Youve got a lot of audacity repeatedly hurling insults about my intelligence when your only contributions to the discussion are ad hominem attacks, and you cant be bothered to prove my position is moronic.

Youve got to provide a credible rebuttal, not just engage in childish name calling.

As I side note I passed the GED and joined the military to get out of a shitty little town with soaring Carter era unemployment. Id completed all prerequisite courses anyway. The moron would be the one who would languish another year taking electives like pottery and crafts. i scored a 98 on the ASVAB, hardly what a moron would do.
"The UN did not believe Sadam had WoMD at the time,"

Prove that assertion, with a reliable reference.

"And after the invasion it became clear that Sadam did not have WoMD at the time of the invasion"

Show us where the CIA's final report on the disposition of Iraqs WMD states that unequivocably.

The only thing that can be asserted as fact is that no WMD were found after the invasion, period.

The Duelfer report judged that there was a possibility that WMD had been removed from the country right before the invasion. Fact.
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He says without addressing a single point of my post OR providing the requested proof of conspiracy theories posted here.

Youve got a lot of audacity repeatedly hurling insults about my intelligence when your only contributions to the discussion are ad hominem attacks, and you cant be bothered to prove my position is moronic.

Youve got to provide a credible rebuttal, not just engage in childish name calling.

As I side note I passed the GED and joined the military to get out of a shitty little town with soaring Carter era unemployment. Id completed all prerequisite courses anyway. The moron would be the one who would languish another year taking electives like pottery and crafts. i scored a 98 on the ASVAB, hardly what a moron would do.
Nothing like blaming a president for his own failings. I totally agree with Brad. You are a moron and a conspiracy idiot. Just your direct energy weapon theory shows you are a moron.
"The UN did not believe Sadam had WoMD at the time,"

Prove that assertion, with a reliable reference.
"Since we arrived in Iraq, we have conducted more than 400 inspections covering more than 300 sites. All inspections were performed without notice, and access was almost always provided promptly. In no case have we seen convincing evidence that the Iraqi side knew in advance that the inspectors were coming."

"And after the invasion it became clear that Sadam did not have WoMD at the time of the invasion"

Show us where the CIA's final report on the disposition of Iraqs WMD states that unequivocably.
That is not how it works sunshine, you have to prove that those WoMD existed. You can not prove something does not exist.

The only thing that can be asserted as fact is that no WMD were found after the invasion, period.
You can assert that the UN report showed that no WoMD were found by the inspectors before the invasion, that no WoMD were found after the invasion and that there were serious shortcomings in the intelligence gathering.

There were instances of outright lying, for example ambassador Joseph Wilson had to go public on the false allegation that Iraq tried to buy uranium from Niger.

His wife, a covert CIA agent (and her colleagues) was exposed by the Bush administration in retaliation.

The Duelfer report judged that there was a possibility that WMD had been removed from the country right before the invasion. Fact.
It is possible that pink unicorns exist. Fact.

"That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence." -- Christopher Hitchens.
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He says without addressing a single point of my post OR providing the requested proof of conspiracy theories posted here.

Youve got a lot of audacity repeatedly hurling insults about my intelligence when your only contributions to the discussion are ad hominem attacks, and you cant be bothered to prove my position is moronic.

Youve got to provide a credible rebuttal, not just engage in childish name calling.

As I side note I passed the GED and joined the military to get out of a shitty little town with soaring Carter era unemployment. Id completed all prerequisite courses anyway. The moron would be the one who would languish another year taking electives like pottery and crafts. i scored a 98 on the ASVAB, hardly what a moron would do.
Name calling is about all he has towards the issues at hand.

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diy solar