diy solar

diy solar

Lithium prices dropping.

Yeah, unfortunately the higher costs have set a new bar for what pricing the market will bear.
Somebody is ready to bring to market sodium ion batteries, I can't remember who. That would be very interesting overall.
There you go .... competition is what will bring the prices down.
There you go .... competition is what will bring the prices down.
Plus they are safer....salt doesn't explode and burn. We can feel safe putting them in the garage instead of having to build a barn to put them in.
Somebody is ready to bring to market sodium ion batteries, I can't remember who. That would be very interesting overall.

For now, its pipe dream
This article has a decent summary, but pay attention to the keywords of "maybe, potentially, in the future"

In other words TODAY its a dud.

This pretty much sums it up without the rose colored dreams

"My conclusion is relatively pessimistic. I don't think sodium-ion batteries can replace lithium-ion batteries in electric cars alone or storage facilities for replacing lead-acid batteries. At most, it is a means of reducing cost, and it can be used in conjunction with lithium-ion batteries to reduce the cost of the entire battery pack.

An important point of view is that the core of the competition between power batteries must be performance rather than cost. It must be performance first and then cost reduction, rather than reducing cost first and then improving performance. Giving up performance just for cost is putting the cart before the horse."