diy solar

diy solar


Much better today. This makes me realize I need to rethink my redundancy plans on backup power or just cover the backyard in used panels.
You know I've thought about something like that. Put back a few or maybe more than a few used panels then in a jam I could just lay them out on the lawn and run some cables. Just as a temporary solution if I had no grid and a bunch of low production days. It would have to be the little guys. I'm too old to be toting around these 50+ lb panels. Something I might suggest for stocking stuffers next Christmas.
Depends on the nature of the apocalypse. If it's one of the really bad ones, like a world wide shortage of Pop Tarts, you'll probably be fine. Other than no Pop Tarts.
Well, Paul Harrell has already got that solved..I wouldn’t want to try and take his Pop Tarts..


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I'm in Southern Oregon and we get wild-fire smoke often. A couple of years ago it was really bad / looked like this for several weeks in a row.... day after day like this. This is from Sept 2020. It was pretty wild. Some comes from Oregon (of course) but also from Northern California.
PV production was down ~40% that September.
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I'm in Southern Oregon and we get really wild-fire smoke often. A couple of years ago it was really bad / looked like this for several weeks in a row.... no kidding, day after day like this. It was pretty wild. Some comes from Oregon (of course) but also from Northern California.
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I’m mostly concerned about the zillion critters tryin to get away to safty…Go fast critters… wish I could help.…
You know I've thought about something like that. Put back a few or maybe more than a few used panels then in a jam I could just lay them out on the lawn and run some cables. Just as a temporary solution if I had no grid and a bunch of low production days. It would have to be the little guys. I'm too old to be toting around these 50+ lb panels. Something I might suggest for stocking stuffers next Christmas.
Interesting idea. Get a bunch of used panels and preplan the wiring. Store them in the shed for extended grid down days.
Here in South East Michigan, the haze is noticeable but not debilitating. Can't really tell if solar production is down or not because the weather has been cloudy and it hasn't rained for over a month so the panels are coated in a bit of pollen.

But we can certainly see the haze if we look at something distant.
MI is one of the worst states for cloud cover. My solar collection is down about 25%.
Our area cleared out mostly today, actual sunshine is visible, first time in over a week. Once the winds shift to more from the NW we should clear out what's left. Hoping for a good charge today!
Friggen smoke is killing my solar production. These are the months I looked forward to after putting up with winter's shorter days
For the past couple of days despite very low humidity we've had an odd amount of cloud cover. Come to find out it is caused by those fires. Yuck.
I was getting close to the same output as the panels were not getting near as hot but the smoke wasn't nothing like it was in New York.

It was a perfect storm of several fires all starting at the same time and the weather patterns. Almost like someone planned it.
Very smokey in north centeral Minnesota today. Production is down around 2000w today from what it should normally be without this haze.
I was getting close to the same output as the panels were not getting near as hot but the smoke wasn't nothing like it was in New York.

It was a perfect storm of several fires all starting at the same time and the weather patterns. Almost like someone planned it.


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diy solar

diy solar