diy solar

diy solar

Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

Going go guess fake meet is a future investment for large corps.
Companies will sell you whatever you want to buy and persuade you, through advertising, that their product is superior, for the highest profit margins. They will pass on all costs they can, health, environment, etc to any one else.

In other words, lets say Campbells Soup will pay less carbon taxes or be able to sell their credits if they use fake meat in their soup.
That one of the reasons why giving away carbon credits are a dumb idea, if you wnt to go for carbon credits, then at least allow companies to bid for them in an auction. A revenue neutral tax is easier to administer and it would also apply to foreign made products shipped into the country.

It won't be on our BBQ's but it will be used in processed, prepackaged frozen/canned foods.
I have had vegie burgers before, couldn't tell the difference. But McDonalds style burgers are not something I would recommend anyway. I would certainly have fake meat if it tastes good and the price is reasonable.
Same here, tried Impossible Meats and Beyond Meat products. Tasted pretty good. I'm not that picky though. The "bean" burgers from the '70s...yeah... pass... maybe with a lot of hot sauce and pickles and onions, with cheese/lettuce. I do find it amusing how easily people are misled and become upset via click-bait articles designed to make them upset or put down specific things like plant-based or cultured proteins without thinking or knowing about what's used to grow their alternatives. That it is somehow polluted or less safe when we already get recalls on "traditional" foods contaminated with Mad Cow, Salmonella, Cyclospora, or whatever. That stuff (e.g., milk) isn't loaded with hormones. I also get the whole cruelty to animals reason to do away with "real" meats too, but I still eat "original generation" meat. When I shop for meats, I look for deals, but I admit I watch the macro and micronutrients balance in plant meats. I wouldn't mind a radiation food tester for fish I catch (live close to a nuclear reactor).
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Same here, tried Impossible Meats and Beyond Meat products. Tasted pretty good. I'm not that picky though. The "bean" burgers from the '70s...yeah... pass... maybe with a lot of hot sauce and pickles and onions, with cheese/lettuce. I do find it amusing how easily people are misled and become upset via click-bait articles designed to make them upset or put down specific things like plant-based or cultured proteins without thinking or knowing about what's used to grow their alternatives. That it is somehow polluted or less safe when we already get recalls on "traditional" foods contaminated with Mad Cow, Salmonella, Cyclospora, or whatever. That stuff (e.g., milk) isn't loaded with hormones. I also get the whole cruelty to animals reason to do away with "real" meats too, but I still eat "original generation" meat. When I shop for meats, I look for deals, but I admit I watch the macro and micronutrients balance in plant meats. I wouldn't mind a radiation food tester for fish I catch (live close to a nuclear reactor).
Svetz if you try to force a jew or an Islam or most christians to eat what you are suggesting ….with poo meat. then I can guarantee the muslim - islam will most likely cut your head off if given the chance. They revolted in a USA prison back in 1990’s think it was over swine flu vaccine and origin …. Ppl died. You start messing with kids and food most ppl will fight you on a physical basis.
Is that what you want as it sure seems last 20 yrs democrats snd msm have ramped it up?
Would you like to see ppl killing one another ?
Eventual martial law lock downs?

Lately that certainly seems to be the goal of the WEF The Elite have the police and Military to protect them. We won’t have that luxury. Are you super wealthy? If so might be safe I’d rather not get killed in a riot because you thought it is funny to feed someone a shit sandwich and they revolt.

So why does it take a pissed off billionaire to get to the truth. Or is this just click bait too. ?

Whenever a corporation lies as much as McDonalds best to steer clear. They say meat - beef comes from usa then say it is globally sourced… pass

If you ever been inside a chicken processing plant - enough make you never eat it again. Checken nuggets are scary….

Planet over population has been stated since most likely before you were even born. USA tried to comply…. We’d have an rxtra 70-80 million ppl if not for abortions. Just think we might have killed someone that would have a super mind - save the planet.

here is what Hawkings thought. He was interesting.

Svetz if you try to force a jew or an Islam or most christians to eat what you are suggesting ….with poo meat. then I can guarantee the muslim - islam will most likely cut your head off if given the chance.
You're hilarious! Since you interpreted my post to want to force people to do things when there's not the slightest suggestion of it, I can see why you are so deep in conspiracy theories.

You are again being intellectually dishonest at best and shilling at worst. [from discussion about eating things grown from shit]
You live in such a small world and are eager to declare things impossible even when they are everyday things.
I'm not alone in having tilled manure into the soil (refs) and eaten the vegetables grown there.
Don't believe everything you see on those crackpot websites, ask questions about what you're hearing and use common sense. If a video is spending more time putting someone (or something) down instead of telling you facts, odds are it's just click-bait lies.
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Senate examines role of ‘dark money’ in delaying climate action

The Senate budget committee held a hearing .. to scrutinize the role of oil- and gas-linked “dark money” in delaying climate action – and tearing through local and federal budgets...In his opening remarks, Whitehouse described the well-documented misinformation campaign that fossil fuel interests have waged on the American public.

China’s new problem: climate misinformation driven by nationalism

... that included climate change, which, from about 2009-2011, was often depicted in Chinese books and popular TV shows as a Western hoax designed to torpedo China’s economic rise...After 2011, however, the messaging changed. These books and public statements disappeared amid growing public consciousness about climate change. ...However, online, climate denial lives on and remains strong.
That sounds very familiar!

China Climate land, sea temperatures break records

The target of keeping long-term global warming within 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 Fahrenheit) is moving out of reach, climate experts say, with nations failing to set more ambitious goals despite months of record-breaking heat on land and sea.
Click-baity article full of sensationalism. While I don't doubt China is seeing breaking record temperatures, any time I see "experts say" I feel fairly confident they're also being misquoted. Deeper in the article they say it is Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick (a heatwave expert) they're quoting, and filtering out the non-sense you get to the bit I quoted, which she isn't alone in saying that. What I'm not sure of is how much of that is based on existing and projected government policy without taking economics into account. It's also disingenuous to compare a localized peak against a global average.

Why Floridians Can't Drive

Canadian researchers found that American adults 65 years and older were far more likely to have serious vision impairment if they lived in warmer regions compared to their peers who lived in cooler ones.
Another click-baity climate article based on actual Canadian research.

Tesla lowers EV Prices to compete with other EV makers

Bees helping remote Pacific communities in fight against climate change

Solar spares Texas grid​

Amid scorching temperatures, clean power helped Texas maintain energy reliability and prevent rolling blackouts. Because the state doubled its solar capacity since early 2022, solar played a key role, accounting for a significant portion of Texas’ energy supply during the heatwave.

New York launches landmark congestion pricing program​

A plan to cut traffic, improve public transportation and reduce air pollution in New York City is moving forward with its final approval from the U.S. Department of Transportation.

Solar Sails and Batteries; Cruise Ship Operator Hurtigruten is Going Green

Norwegian cruise ship company Hurtigruten is going green. The company has debuted plans to hybridize its existing fleet and create a new design for a fully electric cruise ship to enter service in 2030.
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You're hilarious! Since you interpreted my post to want to force people to do things when there's not the slightest suggestion of it, I can see why you are so deep in conspiracy theories.

You live in such a small world and are eager to declare things impossible even when they are everyday things.
I'm not alone in having tilled manure into the soil (refs) and eaten the vegetables grown there.
Don't believe everything you see on those crackpot websites, ask questions about what you're hearing and use common sense. If a video is spending more time putting someone (or something) down instead of telling you facts, odds are it's just click-bait lies.
Hahahah “conspiracy” is a big word and a broad paint brush. Got any examples? ??

Your side of the argument wants to take money and force ppl where as my side is forced to comply as if you know what is best for everyone…. Admit it. You need to have a talk with the crazies - billionaires on your side. Fact every scheme aka Climate Change does not entail them losing any money. Matter of fact every single climate change scheme has them making tons of money while we grow poorer.
A smart person such as yourself should see it.

Fact over conspiracy China BYD EV auto maker - major pusher is Warren Buffet. Fact over conspiracy Biden shut down pipeline that would have stopped Warren Buffet’s BNSF Railroad from hauling that oil? FACT Lot less pollution from oil FLOWING in pipeline then trains hauling it. FACT so Warren Buffet is making money both ways.
Fact over conspiracy the Billionaires have a club and we’re not in it.?

Fact over conspiracy I’ve shown you who bought up farms - Bill Gates and Soros. Fact they own majority of them so can now ramp down production and control ppl with food sourcing. No conspiracy …. They wasted tons and tons of food every single year while USA has starving ppl. Fact They are in it for maximum profit not so much global climate change which they claim. Kind of obvious.

Hey if you can’t read Hawking’s emotional mental screw in previous post for what it is then you will never see. Hawkins although brilliant was a nut case. Lot of smart ppl through out history were nutty. But to tell ppl they have until 2600 or so then simply lower that to 100 years because USA pulled out of Paris is nutty. Fruit Cake. Especially when China just keeps building so many coal fired electrical plants - admits they are never going to hit their goal that way. ? Sweden the once noble hallmark of Leftist has crumbled not going to meet goals…… ? Clown World

Fact: What will Greta do now since her home country of origin bailed on Climate Change goals? ? little self Clown World re-direction. Well the nut job Greta will get into the Ukraine War…… hahahaha Regular Ralph Nader type just looking for next “economy car“ to murder. Maybe we should in fact spend another~$210 billion dollars there. Zelensky and Greta can play dress up while spending our money that ppl in Washington DC gave them. USA can keep ignoring our own Americans - suffering and infrastructure collapsing while giving more money we don’t have.
Have you looked at what is happening to America lately? Seriously have you looked here? It is a huge mess we are basically border line 3rd World. Fact Your Agenda 2030 plan is just making it worse with our open borders.

Hawking did say the World population is run away and greatest threat. Look back at previous post. Got any plans to fix his #1 complaint of over population? “Come on man” How do you plan to deal with human over population?

Again because of USA - pull out with USA as only ~5% of World population it is reduced just 100 years before lights out per Hawking prediction. What a joke….. guilt trip for unstable minds. Fact we ~5% of World Population can’t save the World we are broke and our GDP is way lower then our debt. So the fact is we are broke.

You need to go watch the con men on side walks run their fleecing in NYC …. Shell game.

“‘”The shell game (also known as thimblerig, three shells and a pea, the old army game) is often portrayed as a gambling game, but in reality, when a wager for money is made, it is almost always a confidence trick used to perpetrate fraud.[1] In confidence trick slang, this swindle is referred to as a short-con because it is quick and easy to pull off.[2””” wiki

This Climate Change is a long game but you can see the origin from the old Shell Game by the tricksters. NYC was a real shit hole last time was there. Very very unsafe.

If you like doom and gloom hang on it will come along shortly…. If they want you to spend money …. ?? when the phone rang did you buy the extended car warranty? That is a doom and gloom. ?

My so-called conspiracies come from a life time of watching these tricksters. Life time of experiences. It has also been a hobby to look at all this bs. Having been in military - combat vet have seen more bs then most ppl will ever dream. I have an excellent bs detector.

If had my life to live over would be a trickster….the average person is stupid and easy to trick. For long time could not figure out why they could not see these common con games being run on the majority. My best observation “most ppl are stupid.” No wonder Bernie Madoff got so many ppl.
You know you are right over the target when they use their ultimate defense - labeling you a conspiracy theorist.
You know you are right over the target when they use their ultimate defense - labeling you a conspiracy theorist.

Please check all that apply:

911 inside job
Fake Moon landings
Government hiding aliens
Election was stolen
Moon landings fake
Global Warming consipracy
Jewish Space Lasers
Covid conspiracy

Conspiracy beliefs are a form of mental illness and seem to come in clusters. Of course, those who suffer from such conditions are not capable of rationalizing such observations. Such is the nature of irrational thought processes.
You know you are right over the target when they use their ultimate defense - labeling you a conspiracy theorist.
You are right look at the russian ukraine wife man….. he is hitting that crack pipe hard.

remember when he was calling everyone russian trolls? Bahahaha haha I am fairly certain Leo is chinese…. By way he uses that translator. Maybe french. …… bahaha Leo is self admitted hard extreme leftist and select few ppl suck right up with him. Him and Murphy are no doubt swapping spit in the shower and dropping the soap.

Leo did admit he is suicidial and smokes pot for relief but won’t admit cdc says pot makes ppl suicidal CLOWN WORLD 101

Negative Pricing Happens​

Cross checks: Ref1, ref2, ref3 .... seems real...

It's free now, but eventually, it'll settle out as there should always be a charge based on grid maintenance costs. That is electricity may not have a cost, but the delivery system will (at least until we work out wireless power).
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Negative Pricing Happens​

Ref1, ref2, ref3 ....

It's free now, but eventually, it'll settle out as there should always be a charge based on grid maintenance costs. That is electricity may not have a cost, but the delivery system will (at least until we work out wireless power).
Click bait… ??

It is often stated Tesla wanted ppl to have free power all over the World. I’m not sure that is correct. However nothing is really ever free. But back in his time and day there were lot less things requiring power in homes. Basic lighting.

The obama free cell phones meant everyone with cell phones got hit with new unknown surcharge to offset carrier loss to give those phones out. I know because asked my carrier and that was their statement. Same for Internet services went up to cover FREE INTERNET. Of course remember when Internet was originally claimed to be free for all all needed was computer modem and telephone land line. The it went to purchase America Online really screwed things up. They made a fortune then used their money to buy up everything msm they could grab. Just couple examples but when see “Free” have learned there are strings attached. These energy supply companies have ppl working for them and are not going to foot the cost by themselves.
We wll also see ppl abuse this and not conserve energy like if they were metered and paying for it.

Example Drive by housing projects - see the ac units running wide open- see doors windows wide open- Christmas decorations- lights still up and on. When ppl don’t have to be responsible they won’t. Almost everyone when working will raise their living to or above their income …. Get a new better job raise living standards vs saving. Seen it Over and Over. So FREE electric will mean the ppl using it won’t conserve as much. You’ll see. ????
Great summary here on actual current energy requirements and how little solar+wind can actually produce.

We’re spending far more on solar than the real-world sale price … “cheapest form of energy”, my okole …

Here’s another way to consider the insanity. According to the Manhattan Institute, we’ve spent $5 trillion on wind, solar, and biofuels in the last two decades. That works out to $0.18 per kilowatt-hour (kWh) of wind + solar + biofuel energy consumed …

That subsidy alone is more than the US electricity sales price, which itself is jacked up by useless renewable sources. Many US states that run on coal and gas charge about $0.11 per kWh for electricity. Here in California, with lots of renewables, I pay $0.28 per kWh … grrrr.

Conclusion? We’re paying through the nose for useless, intermittent, unreliable renewable energy. After spending literally trillions of dollars on solar and wind, their combined contribution to the world energy situation is under two percent.

Under. Two. Percent.

Trivially small. Meaningless. Makes no difference. Lost in the noise.

Great summary here on actual current energy requirements and how little solar+wind can actually produce.

We’re spending far more on solar than the real-world sale price … “cheapest form of energy”, my okole …

Here’s another way to consider the insanity. According to the Manhattan Institute, we’ve spent $5 trillion on wind, solar, and biofuels in the last two decades. That works out to $0.18 per kilowatt-hour (kWh) of wind + solar + biofuel energy consumed …

That subsidy alone is more than the US electricity sales price, which itself is jacked up by useless renewable sources. Many US states that run on coal and gas charge about $0.11 per kWh for electricity. Here in California, with lots of renewables, I pay $0.28 per kWh … grrrr.

Conclusion? We’re paying through the nose for useless, intermittent, unreliable renewable energy. After spending literally trillions of dollars on solar and wind, their combined contribution to the world energy situation is under two percent.

Under. Two. Percent.

Trivially small. Meaningless. Makes no difference. Lost in the noise.

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If the information came from whatsupwiththat dot com, then it is almost a sure bet that it has been either faked or manipulated.

As for the cute picture, I just went to and used their graphing app and it looks nothing like the picture you posted. That tells me that someone downloaded some data and put it through their own washing machine.
Considering the information you are posting comes from a climate change denying source, I suspect you are posting misinformation. Whether you're smart enough to realize this is another issue.

What's even more interesting is that you keep posting garbage from this one website over and over.

So I have to ask.. when shopping for something.. hmm.. Lets say a new car.. Do you ask General Motors if they make the best cars on the market? Or maybe you ask Ford who makes the best cars?

Or do you visit "other" sources that rate all cars to see what they have to say? Us old timers call this "Asking the fox to guard the hen house".. I suspect the current generation is never taught this kind of stuff.

Getting climate and energy information from this misinformation website wattsupwiththat, is like walking into a church and asking if god is real.

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and we're not sure about the universe.. _Einstein.

this bs is why no one wants to participate. Now it is “6 years”

‘’’’King Charles Activates “Climate Clock” – Warns There is 6 Years Left to Limit Global Warming (VIDEO)
By Cristina Laila Jun. 28, 2023 7:45 pm1458 Comments
King Charles III and London Mayor Sadiq Khan on Wednesday activated a ‘climate clock’ warning there are about 6 years left to limit global warming.
More like 6 years left until global Communism, New World Order, and a one world currency.

“Today with His Majesty King Charles III we launched the Climate Clock — a visual reminder of the urgency of the climate crisis. The climate emergency poses a threat not only to the future of our city but to the future of our world and that is why it must remain a key priority.” Sadiq Khan said.

Mean while king charles

What a hand maiden. Servant….. You will fix my tie as a sign of dominance. Bill Clinton has done same thing.

Look out former Venezuela communist leader here we come Remember these claims that climate change and the resulting short showers. “ El Nino” blah blah :)

Think him dead now.…..bye bye dict taster.. usually, only way to get the communist dictators to quit.

Biden - Dictator pervert Why aren't you mad at Biden for blocking China's - Warren Buffet's BYD EV auto from USA?
If Trump had done that BLOCK the LEFTIST would still be talking about it. Just a notice and I don't like neither Trump nor Biden. Who is pulling Biden's puppet strings? Tell them you want an EV that never catches on fire like the BYD

more safety issues BYD

think billionaire, Warren Buffet is going to lose money on his BYD EV investment? Speaking of billionaires - China has most billionaires on the planet.

Not on Track

... a UN-sanctioned climate change conference there, Espinosa told the Reuters news agency that the goals set in Paris by almost 200 nations in 2015 are proving difficult to meet. First and foremost among those goals was "keeping a global temperature rise this century well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase even further to 1.5 degrees Celsius."

Speaking to Reuters, Espinosa said that “1.5 is the goal that is needed for many islands and many countries that are particularly vulnerable to avoid catastrophic effects. In many cases it means the survival of those countries. With the pledges we have on the table now we are not on track to achieve those goals."

Atmospheric carbon dioxide levels jump again

Measurements of carbon dioxide (CO2) obtained by NOAA’s Global Monitoring Laboratory averaged 424.0 parts per million (ppm) in May, the month when CO2 peaks in the Northern Hemisphere. That is an increase of 3.0 ppm over May 2022, and represents the fourth-largest annual increases in the peak of the Keeling Curve in NOAA’s record.
July 4th is more than just a date on the calendar; it’s a commemoration of the birth of our great nation, the United States of America. It’s the day we celebrate the tenacity, courage, and revolutionary spirit that drove our founding fathers to break free from tyranny and form a country based on the fundamental principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Today, however, there is an increasingly loud clamor to anchor this celebration not in the values of independence and freedom, but in the narratives of climate change and sustainability. This narrative posits that we are on the brink of a climate disaster, and only immediate, drastic action will save us. However, when we delve deeper, we find that these concerns may be less about safeguarding our environment and more about imposing policy preferences and controlling populations.

There are arguments for maintaining a balanced ecosystem, of course. We all want to breathe clean air, enjoy clear waters, and marvel at our stunning natural habitats. However, the alarmist narrative around climate change seems to ignore the strides humanity has made in managing and even reversing environmental damage, the progress made in clean and efficient energy, and the overall resilience of Mother Nature herself.

There is an obsession with apocalypse-like scenarios that posits an Earth that is doomed unless we implement stringent, often overreaching, policy measures that affect every aspect of our lives, from what we eat to how we commute. But the facts tell a different story.

Climate change, as a process, has been happening for millions of years, long before human intervention. While we do have a minor role to play in accelerating or decelerating this process, the assertion that a disaster is imminent seems to disregard the Earth’s extensive geological history and its proven resilience.

Technological advancements have also been key in addressing many of our environmental concerns. Meanwhile, efforts to clean our oceans, replenish our forests, and create more productive agricultural practices are also making significant headway. These strides have been possible due to the creative genius of free individuals, not because of draconian governmental interventions.

Sustainability has become a political buzzword, a shibboleth for a worldview that insists on controlling every aspect of human life under the guise of an environmental apocalypse. Yet, for all the noise and alarmism, there are numerous debates to be had around the precise trajectory of climate change, its impacts, and the need, if any, for responses.

In celebrating the 4th of July, let us not forget that the founding fathers fought for the freedom of choice, freedom of thought, and the ability to forge our own destiny. This includes how we choose to interact with and protect our environment.

Instead of succumbing to fear-mongering narratives, we should empower ourselves with knowledge and engage in fact-based discussions about the climate. More than ever, it is critical that we make balanced and informed decisions about the environment, guided by scientific evidence rather than politicized narratives.

This Independence Day, let’s take a moment to appreciate the progress we’ve made, the beautiful planet we live on, and the power we have to shape our future. After all, our nation was built on the ideals of freedom and independence, and it is these values that will guide us as we navigate the future, climate change and all.

Happy 4th of July!

Corals reveal remarkable persistence in a challenging environment

According to a new study in Nature’s Scientific Reports by researchers with NOAA’s Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML), the University of Miami Cooperative Institute of Marine and Atmospheric Studies (CIMAS) and other partners, the corals within this urbanized environment have demonstrated great resilience against unfavorable conditions, such as poor water quality, excess nutrients, high temperatures, high salinity, and low pH levels. These corals have built strong and diverse communities on man-made substrates, such as seawalls and discarded objects.
This is big relief, the last El Niño did a number on the corals in the area.

Skipping classes, getting up at 11 a.m., gluing oneself to the asphalt and blocking streets with your mates all day to save the planet is a really tough and important job, climate activists believe. And so exempting themselves from the rules they want imposed on the rest of society is understandable. After all, they are more important than the rest.

So important, in fact, that activists like Max Voegtli of Renovate Switzerland believes flying to Central America by jet plane for a couple of months of R & R is totally okay. The working class, however, should not fly at all and freeze in the wintertime.'

Activists cry they are being harassed!

Now that Voegtli’s hypocrisy has been exposed, the embarrassed activists justify all their globe-trotting by claiming they travel as “private persons” and so no one should be photographing them.

AUF !: “Spokesperson Cécile Bessire castigated the ‘media hounding against the climate movement and the people who campaign for it. I find it incomprehensible that citizens are following our activists and taking photos. These are private individuals.'”

At Twitter, the thin-skinned Voegtli defended himself: “Shows again how the @CH_Media cares more about feeding the hate media cycle further instead of talking about the crisis.”

Voegtli’s Renovate Switzerland group added: “Getting politically involved against the climate crisis often goes hand in hand with changing one’s own life. However, it is not a prerequisite to do so. […] No matter if you separate your rubbish, if your house is renovated, if you work for a bank, if you eat meat or if you fly. All you should do is wish for a livable future and get involved in the climate movement.”

AUF 1 summarizes the infantile behavior of the activists such as Voegtli: “It means the climate activists can demand anything from citizens without having to do it themselves.”

In a nutshell, according to the climate activists: it’s “incomprehensible” that citizens would take photos of activists at airports, yet it’s perfectly fine for activists to block major roadways and to harass people who are trying to make a living. That’s how they want it.


They all know its BS. Watch what they do, not what they say. THis is exact same mentality as USSR ruling class had - they were stealing millions in funds and selling country's vast resources, while sending their kids to the west to "study", while a poor working class sob who worked at the grocery store was disciplined (sent to rot in jail for 20 years) and made example of for taking a jar of sourcream to their hungry kids.
Its the same shit over and over again, and useful idiots who fall for this scam are the enablers.
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In between the reading, I emailed Jordan Shanks, that was a week ago. You can read the note I sent as a recent blog post. I invite this popular faux champion of all that is true and fair to actually visit the Great Barrier Reef and see for himself.

Of course, at the very same time that John Brewer Reef was being reported around the world as dead and dying – bleached stark white from global warming – I visited and found an unusually colourful reef. Remember, Stuart Ireland and I made a film about it, funded by the Institute of Public Affairs.

To be clear, the Great Barrier Reef doesn’t need saving. The mainstream media uncritically report propaganda from aerial surveys/from flybys by faux scientists who have also bought into the popular narrative.

And John Brewer reef was reported by Graham Readfearn in The Guardian as the worst of the worst bleached, and then there were the official aerial surveys that also reported on the bleaching.

Last year, there was even the United Nation’s UNESCO people who visited – but not John Brewer Reef. They said it was all dead and dying.

But guess what: the assessment team never actually visited any of the reefs that were reported as bleached/dead and dying. The experts relied for their stories about the bleaching from the flybys that score the state of the corals out an aeroplane window from an altitude of 150 metres.

I’ve tried that. You can’t see much. To know the state of the corals you need to get in and under-the-water.

John Brewer Reef is just off Townsville, a large port that is now receiving so many wind turbines.

To be sure, the wind turbines necessary to solve the faux climate emergency are so many, and so large, that now they are having to be redirected from the port of Gladstone to Townsville.

I’m wondering, where are they being made. Who is being paid for them?

Is it Denmark, with Vestas the largest producer of wind turbines in the world?

diy solar

diy solar