diy solar

diy solar

Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

The best question to ask yourselves with regards to renewables is; "If fossil fuels didn't exist, would mankind be able survive or thrive?"
July 4th is more than just a date on the calendar; it’s a commemoration of the birth of our great nation, the United States of America. It’s the day we celebrate the tenacity, courage, and revolutionary spirit that drove our founding fathers to break free from tyranny and form a country based on the fundamental principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
WOW! That sounds wonderful.. well.. it sounds wonderful if you're a white male.. Not so much if you're a black person enslaved by the white person and forced to work to make the white person rich. And not so much if you're a woman and not allowed to vote.

The blinders of ignorance can be strong.

Today, however, there is an increasingly loud clamor to anchor this celebration not in the values of independence and freedom, but in the narratives of climate change and sustainability. This narrative posits that we are on the brink of a climate disaster, and only immediate, drastic action will save us. However, when we delve deeper, we find that these concerns may be less about safeguarding our environment and more about imposing policy preferences and controlling populations.

There are arguments for maintaining a balanced ecosystem, of course. We all want to breathe clean air, enjoy clear waters, and marvel at our stunning natural habitats. However, the alarmist narrative around climate change seems to ignore the strides humanity has made in managing and even reversing environmental damage, the progress made in clean and efficient energy, and the overall resilience of Mother Nature herself.

There is an obsession with apocalypse-like scenarios that posits an Earth that is doomed unless we implement stringent, often overreaching, policy measures that affect every aspect of our lives, from what we eat to how we commute. But the facts tell a different story.

Climate change, as a process, has been happening for millions of years, long before human intervention. While we do have a minor role to play in accelerating or decelerating this process, the assertion that a disaster is imminent seems to disregard the Earth’s extensive geological history and its proven resilience.

Technological advancements have also been key in addressing many of our environmental concerns. Meanwhile, efforts to clean our oceans, replenish our forests, and create more productive agricultural practices are also making significant headway. These strides have been possible due to the creative genius of free individuals, not because of draconian governmental interventions.

Sustainability has become a political buzzword, a shibboleth for a worldview that insists on controlling every aspect of human life under the guise of an environmental apocalypse. Yet, for all the noise and alarmism, there are numerous debates to be had around the precise trajectory of climate change, its impacts, and the need, if any, for responses.

In celebrating the 4th of July, let us not forget that the founding fathers fought for the freedom of choice, freedom of thought, and the ability to forge our own destiny. This includes how we choose to interact with and protect our environment.

Instead of succumbing to fear-mongering narratives, we should empower ourselves with knowledge and engage in fact-based discussions about the climate. More than ever, it is critical that we make balanced and informed decisions about the environment, guided by scientific evidence rather than politicized narratives.
Wow, the bullshit is so deep..

This Independence Day, let’s take a moment to appreciate the progress we’ve made, the beautiful planet we live on, and the power we have to shape our future.
YES! We have made progress, and a lot of it.
After all, our nation was built on the ideals of freedom and independence, and it is these values that will guide us as we navigate the future, climate change and all.

Happy 4th of July!
Our nation was originally built on the ideals of freedom and independence for the white man.. You seem to forget all the slaves, lack of women's rights, etc.

But we have made progress, that we can agree on. We had to have a civil war to force that progress, but it is progress.
WOW! That sounds wonderful.. well.. it sounds wonderful if you're a white male.. Not so much if you're a black person enslaved by the white person and forced to work to make the white person rich. And not so much if you're a woman and not allowed to vote.

The blinders of ignorance can be strong.

Wow, the bullshit is so deep..

YES! We have made progress, and a lot of it.

Our nation was originally built on the ideals of freedom and independence for the white man.. You seem to forget all the slaves, lack of women's rights, etc.

But we have made progress, that we can agree on. We had to have a civil war to force that progress, but it is progress.

imagine being so disgusting have to purchase a foreign bride. White slavery - prostitution
How many more decades or centuries must pass before the following thoughts are understood:

“The average man does not want to be free. He simply wants to be safe.” —H.L. Mencken (1880–1956)

“Humanity does not care for freedom. The mass of the people realize that they are not up to it: what they want is being fed, led, amused, and above everything, drilled.” —Joseph Schumpeter (1883–1950)

“Persons who are afraid to take on independent responsibility that necessarily goes with liberty . . . want to be told what to do and when to do it; they seek order rather than uncertainty, and order comes at an opportunity cost they seem willing to bear.” —James M. Buchanan (1919–2013)

“Most people quite like being afraid of something, and many dislike freedom and the responsibility that comes with it.” —Peter Hitchens

My post was just on the reefs local to me, I don't know crap about the Great Barrier Reef. You can read more about it here:

The point still stands. Nothing that is coming out of the establishment climate alarmism can be trusted as the entire narrative is corrupt to the core.
The same narrative that has been saying that Florida will be under water since 1950. (Yet they all have oceanside property there, interesting)
...This narrative posits that we are on the brink of a climate disaster, and only immediate, drastic action will save us...
The narrative doesn't really call for drastic action. Capitalism will carry us most of the way through now that renewables with batteries are lower cost than fossil fuels. It's unfortunate we weren't a bit faster and we can't keep the temperature under 1.5°C. It's also unfortunate that irresponsible entities spread so much misinformation and argue so vehemently against it when they have no evidence to support those claims and argue the scientific data is nothing but lies.

Open Minded or on the Fence?
I'm not about to tell you what to think. I know it's a complicated subject with a lot of misinformation on both sides. If you're not sure but have heard reasons why it's a hoax you might find a good starting point is 200 climate myths With Explanations as to why they're wrong. While scientists do contribute to those explanations and they do provide citations to reputable sites, it's not a site with hard data. But it'll hopefully get you far enough with an explanation that you can research more in-depth from reputable sources such as NASA and NOAA and come to your own conclusions.

A great video to explain the global warming mechanism and how we know it's true is here. Global warming is just the starting point though, it's essentially old news from the 90s when the misinformation campaign got into full swing. Global Warming is the cornerstone of Climate Change, which is the study of "what happens if the temperature increases?" and is the focus of much science today. The IPCC is an international body whose mission is to assemble the science and produce reports.
The narrative doesn't really call for drastic action. Capitalism will carry us most of the way through now that renewables with batteries are lower cost than fossil fuels. It's unfortunate we weren't a bit faster and we can't keep the temperature under 1.5°C. It's also unfortunate that irresponsible entities spread so much misinformation and argue so vehemently against it when they have no evidence to support those claims and argue the scientific data is nothing but lies.

Open Minded or on the Fence?
I'm not about to tell you what to think. I know it's a complicated subject with a lot of misinformation on both sides. If you're not sure but have heard reasons why it's a hoax you might find a good starting point is 200 climate myths With Explanations as to why they're wrong. While scientists do contribute to those explanations and they do provide citations to reputable sites, it's not a site with hard data. But it'll hopefully get you far enough with an explanation that you can research more in-depth from reputable sources such as NASA and NOAA and come to your own conclusions.

A great video to explain the global warming mechanism and how we know it's true is here. Global warming is just the starting point though, it's essentially old news from the 90s when the misinformation campaign got into full swing. Global Warming is the cornerstone of Climate Change, which is the study of "what happens if the temperature increases?" and is the focus of much science today. The IPCC is an international body whose mission is to assemble the science and produce reports.
me thinks aenyc has already come to his conclusion. Me thinks you, svetz is trying to change his mind with double talk. Naive Nephew ??

when you have been at this a bit longer (life) and seen the assholes taking money and preaching with rattle snake religion you will get it. We grew up with diving under the school desk because of a nuke bomb ……told we would be blind if looked at the flash. Our school shooters and destroyers were USSR and any rogue country with nukes to include our own country nuking us. Doom and gloom for everything. We are suppose to been out of gasoline well before now. We are suppose to be headed into ice age where we all die. AstroidS were suppose to hit us. Sun was suppose to go super nova. On and on and on every week something new. Doomy gloomy.

Kids did not shoot up schools because they had religion….. better raised.

did you grow up with parents that read you the old children's books: “king no clothes on“ but flim flammed thought he had on special garments where he was shocked when small child told him he was naked - everyone else pretended he had on nice clothes. Alibaba and the 40 thieves, Jack and bean stalk, lil red riding hood, Hansel Gretal, and my favorite the “piped piper”, it is not to late and there was valuable knowledge in those books. Parents cheated their children by not reading those stories. “Lord of the Flies “ was a good book for older kids. The book Fredrick Douglas in jr high was a good book about a freed slave that told it like it was. Sure beat this faggot lord of rings and harry pottery shit now. I remember seeing young ppl play “dungeons & dragons” and think wtf is wrong with them.

that fag Purple Barney ruined kids. Sesame Street was bs too. ‘’Conjunction whats your function” taught kids grade school civics.

why have we not been back to the moon in 50+ years? I’d say we could colonize the moon fairly easy vs going to mars. the planet Mars is not fit for mankind never will be…. No more then the moon. Why have we forgot how to shield in space from radiation Why did nasa plan to use chinese space launch capabilities - hire them? Chinese have only sent unmanned rover to moon. What are they waiting on. ???
So much off-topic opinion is posted in the thread that has nothing to do with anything. The younger generation isn't naive or weak, which is a good thing since they'll be dealing with the problems left behind by those too stubborn to acknowledge them or the problems they ignorantly created and then like children denied.

From Greta to the Great Reset. A relevant read to this discussion....
Can't disagree that activists often hurt their own causes and it dovetails nicely with what Murphey was saying.

Unfortunately, the opinion piece is colored by the authors beliefs and has two fundamental flaws. First, it assumes a perfect world where paid-for misinformation campaigns aren't actively out to discredit the people and the science. That does far more harm than any activist and should be more the focus of ire than a child stepping up because she thinks grown-ups need a reminder to be responsible adults.

Secondly, that there isn't a neutral international body (i.e., the IPCC) that assembles a huge swath of data from scientific reports to make sense of the data for the world. It's ridiculous that Terror is used to promote acceptance of censorship for the average person. When I was a denier I wasn't censored, and certainly, no one here checks a word they type or feels censored. The panic that believers might feel isn't about censorship, the panic is about the realization that the world is rapidly changing and why aren't we doing anything about it? Certainly from this thread, the people saying climate change is a hoax are far more numerous, vocal, and rude than those that believe it is real. They do that without any facts to promote their cause, and put down/disbelieve all actual facts as they "must be lies" since it goes against their world views. Yet they think they have open minds and doing people favors, such is the power of misinformation. There are quite a few papers on the phenomena.

Do scientists feel censored? Yes. A study finds that when Trump was in office they omitted keywords in the hopes their studies would be approved:
Scientists appear to be self-censoring by omitting the term "climate change" ref
It's also not just in the U.S.:
Environmental scientists in Australia say that they are under increasing pressure from their employers to downplay research findings or avoid communicating them at all. More than half of the respondents to an online survey thought that constraints on speaking publicly on issues such as threatened species, urban development, mining, logging and climate change had become worse in recent years1.

There's a third factor in the opinion piece I frequently see in thread, that somehow it's a hoax so the rich can make money off it or it gives them more control. The opinion piece says:
The price of carbon in Sweden in 2018 was USD $150/ton of CO2, producing a lucrative venue for investment in carbon offsets markets.
But compare that to the lucrativeness of the fuel burned to make that ton of CO2. There's literally no comparison in terms of profit.

Plus consider that carbon capture isn't even lucrative. I'm not sure what the price was in 2018, but it's still over an average of $100/ton (ref):
As of September 2020, the cost of carbon capture by afforestation or reforestation was estimated between 50 to 500 U.S. dollars per ton of carbon dioxide.
That doesn't mean it couldn't become profitable. For example, the 2021 Forbes article on how it might someday be profitable as technology improves. But credits only exist to get the technology moving. Once they actually start making money it'll get capped.
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2021 in Review

Interesting article, upbeat/positive for the most part.

World's hottest day since records began

Scientists say the reading was the highest in any instrumental record dating back to the end of the 19th century. The high heat is due to a combination of the El Niño weather event and ongoing emissions of carbon dioxide.

‘Double agents’: how US cities, tech firms and universities use fossil fuel lobbyists

More than 1,500 lobbyists in the US are working on behalf of fossil fuel companies while at the same time representing hundreds of liberal-run cities, universities, technology companies and environmental groups that say they are tackling the climate crisis, the Guardian can reveal.

California: Enough snow pack HydroPower to make it through summer

Developing Wind Turbine Recycling Technology

The University of Edinburgh has secured a $160,000 grant securing funding for developing wind turbine recycling technology that turns old wind turbines into the coating for new ones.

The hope and hype of seaweed farming for carbon removal

Carbon removal has become an essential piece of our response to climate change, as the UN’s climate change committee pointed out in a report last year. Estimates of exactly how much carbon we’ll need to remove vary, but the consensus is that it will need to top a billion tons annually within the next few decades if we’re going to keep warming below 2 °C over preindustrial levels and avoid the worst effects of climate change.
So much off-topic opinion is posted in the thread that has nothing to do with anything. The younger generation isn't naive or weak, which is a good thing since they'll be dealing with the problems left behind by those too stubborn to acknowledge them or the problems they ignorantly created and then like children denied.

Can't disagree that activists often hurt their own causes and it dovetails nicely with what Murphey was saying.

Unfortunately, the opinion piece is colored by the authors beliefs and has two fundamental flaws. First, it assumes a perfect world where paid-for misinformation campaigns aren't actively out to discredit the people and the science. That does far more harm than any activist and should be more the focus of ire than a child stepping up to do her part because she thinks grown-ups need a reminder to be responsible adults.

Secondly, that there isn't a neutral international body (i.e., the IPCC) that assembles a huge swath of data from scientific reports to make sense of the data for the world. It's ridiculous that Terror is used to promote acceptance of censorship. When I was a denier I wasn't censored, and certainly, no one here checks a word they type or feels censored. The panic that believers might feel isn't about censorship, the panic is about the realization that the world is rapidly changing and why aren't we doing anything about it? Certainly from this thread, the people saying climate change is a hoax are far more numerous, vocal, and rude than those that believe it is real. They do that without any facts to promote their cause, and put down/disbelieve all actual facts as they "must be lies" since it goes against their world views. Yet they think they have open minds and doing people favors, such is the power of misinformation. There are quite a few papers on the phenomena.

Do scientists feel censored? Yes. A study finds that when Trump was in office they omitted keywords in the hopes their studies would be approved:

It's also not just in the U.S.:

There's a third factor in the opinion piece I frequently see in thread, that somehow it's a hoax so the rich can make money off it or it gives them more control. The opinion piece says:

But compare that to the lucrativeness of the fuel burned to make that ton of CO2. There's literally no comparison in terms of profit.

Plus consider that carbon capture isn't even lucrative. I'm not sure what the price was in 2018, but it's still over an average of $100/ton (ref):

That doesn't mean it couldn't become profitable. For example, the 2021 Forbes article on how it might someday be profitable as technology improves. But credits only exist to get the technology moving. Once they actually start making money it'll get capped.
Almost every young generation think their parents or grand parents failed them and or were stupid. ?
The harder they rail on it the funnier it can be. There was an abortion option. Children learn from watching their parents. Why familiy units were so vital for maintaining established society. Also why they - family units have been attacked and destroyed. Same with immigration and naturalization process to teach current society influences to new ppl wanting citizenship here. If that process is skipped it can be a negative. The ppl born here are lucky because foreigners have been lined up to come live here since this Country was founded. Schools teaching civics is how ppl born here learned about this country and readon it is rarely taught now. The only way we became a unique place that other ppl wanted to join is we had our society for good or bad…. IF PPL WERE ALLOWED TO JUST COME HERE AND LIVE LIKE THE PLACE THEY LEFT THEN WHY COME HERE. That is called invading and negative change will follow. It is relative. Are you following me? Allowing World opinion to form one goal such as Climate Change Agenda 2030 is a move to remove individual countries and form 1 World Govt. That is the real climate change goal. The real climate change will happen with or without your efforts. I talk to ppl just like would do if in same room.

I’ve yet to see why you think the 5% of world population has such an impact on other 95% unless you subscribe to USA Supremacy and Racism. I posted a internet chart showing continent - country IQ and you immediately started trying to defend low iq stats. Hahahaha If USA is such racist why does everyone want to come here. Are you white privileged? That is false racist manipulation - control being forced over you and only works if you allow it. You would most likely protest if done unfairly or falsely accused over other things. Why do they want USA to back them. So much that we are now at 6 yr mark? Let China do it. See how far that gets you. Call them racist if the Chinese don’t do as you demand. BTW The Chinese don’t do loan debt forgiveness. Although your planned expenditures for Agenda 2030 will greatly enrich China. At our current point we have probably lost the USA it happened on your watch. They felt you were ripe and prime to exploit and so they have begun. Wonder why they didnt try destroy USA on boomer watch? @6-1776…. That is why. They did test the waters…. Like they have done through out history. The hot dogs and hamburgers yesterday were respectful of past practices that lead you and I to be here right now.

If you don’t get this a relevant just Keep living long enough and you will see that you are thought of that exact same way ….. at that moment you have become your parents. ?

To take over and majorly change a society without firing a shot it is simple: take the children and corrupt them …. Without a family structure the govt can train children to grow up and do their bidding. Been done over and over in history. Same as immigrants if not naturalized will never be integrated into existing society to continue it. They - immigrants will in fact destroy current society as invaders in the process of turning it into the place they just left. How the Native Americans got replaced. Exactly how WEF want to replace current USA society - destroy it. Communism sounds great until the boot is put to you. Think you will see.

This was the real price for those hot dogs and hamburgers served up yesterday. If this had not been done then the rest of the World would not be concerned with mere 5% of the World Population. Stop projecting like a GUILTY white supremacist. Unless you like the guilt trip.… ~158 years is a long time ago for slavery. Some Ppl never mind all the change won’t move on from that either. King Charles has given you 6 years but remember Hawking had stated you had until 2600 yet when USA PULLED OUT it dropped to 2123. Wheel chair dead Racist …. Him wanted you dead “ to much over population”

You trying to manipulate ppl just like this post doesn’t work so go scorched earth to save the planet Bring on Nuke winter. ???? That was the crazy logic.

This convicted mass murderer use to dress up like a clown to get access to children. It is relative too….clown world. Agenda 2030 is published mass murder manifesto.

the real clown part the way you want to save your post is exactly feelings and way some ppl want to save USA
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This admin, completely controlled by the parasite class (lets be honest, Biden is a complete mindless puppet) is slowly but very surely is pushing the great reset agenda forward.


EVs that don't need the Grid​

Someday EVs won't need the grid or charging stations. Aptera and Toyota are working on it and have prototypes that gain 35 to 40 miles range per day now simply by sitting in the sun. While that's practical for some, we'll need a lot of improvements for EVs with unlimited range. There's also wireless power, something that's still in its infancy but could allow for unlimited range transport on the ground, sea or air. It could do away with wire transport failures (e.g., storms) and maintenance costs. It might also mean no net-metering as there may not be a way to retransmit renewable energy from homes (although, I'm fairly sure it won't happen until my panels are long retired).

Flying EV gets U.S. Approval

... Model Z flying sedan that’s scheduled to debut in 2035 with a starting price of $35,000, a driving range of over 300 miles, and a flying range of over 220 miles.
The approved model is quite expensive, but from the above they have dreams of a low-cost model. Hopefully, it'll be self-flying too ; -)
This admin, completely controlled by the parasite class (lets be honest, Biden is a complete mindless puppet) is slowly but very surely is pushing the great reset agenda forward.

It is not a “ reset” it is “complete change“ DESTRUCTION OF OLD. A “reset” is like turning computer off then back on to clear a fault….. the criminals in charge want to completely permanently change things per Agenda 2030. They want to replace old computer with 100% AI. ….as an example:
Who programmed that AI? An AI should not see discrimination like displayed…. It should be board equal… White ppl only make up 6-7% of entire World population. Why is a minority called racists? Because they won’t give out their personal credit card freely…. ??? Clown world.

No wonder svetz wanted to defend the tested low iq. Typical TRAINED REFLEX behavior. He has been assimilated into the Change Club……. Where if you don’t support things like climate change are called a racist. Or don’t give - send money for “We are the World” resulted in 3x population explosion for Africa. OBVIOUSLY We are not VERY smart…. WE ARE STUPID as a Clowned ppl where words like “ racist” ”conspiracy” ”baseless” control ppl with damning mental and physical results.

That is their written public manifesto…Agenda 2030 …they are not trying to hide that part the rest is domino theory.
Why they want the USA to fail and fall into it so much for Global Warming. The USA did not learn a damn thing from 9-11. Most ppl here like to think they are smart…. Hahaha They get manipulated all the time because they want to be dominated… like a gimp. ? It really is pathetic to watch and see it. Mob mentality mixed with fake social justice warriors.
Without that then they have lost their Military World power. Be honest that is our 1 and only major asset left. Why they used it so heavily. Like Trump hate trump he did not get us into foreign wars. Our trillionaires - billionaires here have become accustomed to using our military for profit.

Obama set this country up for failure and the rotten fruits of his labor are just being used - handing it over without a fight. They will suffer and learn a hard lesson…. . about being conned.

Piped Piper took the kids just like took the rats society can and will prosper without rats why Brits love cats….that ate the rats which had ate the grains which fed the Military which allowed them to dominate. Take away the kids and it collapses in 1 generation. Same reason queerness does not work. Why societies that want to continue shun perversions. Also why piped pipers like pipes - perversions destroy societies.


EVs that don't need the Grid​

Someday EVs won't need the grid or charging stations. Aptera and Toyota are working on it and have prototypes that gain 35 to 40 miles range per day now simply by sitting in the sun. While that's practical for some, we'll need a lot of improvements for EVs with unlimited range. There's also wireless power, something that's still in its infancy but could allow for unlimited range transport on the ground, sea or air. It could do away with wire transport failures (e.g., storms) and maintenance costs. It might also mean no net-metering as there may not be a way to retransmit renewable energy from homes (although, I'm fairly sure it won't happen until my panels are long retired).

Flying EV gets U.S. Approval

The approved model is quite expensive, but from the above they have dreams of a low-cost model. Hopefully, it'll be self-flying too ; -)

For the time being, this is pure pipe dream.
I am a big fan of letting free markets (truly free markets, no the "play favorite" socialism for the rich we have today) letting decide the outcome and truly feasible and economically viable tech win.
But with current tech, we are far off from having EV replace ICE (and even HEV) cars for the 3 reasons i stated many many times, mainly 1. battery tech not being sufficient, 2. grid not being sufficient, 3. not enough capacity to generate required electricity if 1 and 2 were solved.
Everything else is would be should be could be pipe dream. Should the research be continued? Absolutely, but with today's science and scientists being completely captured by politics and powers that be (the parasite class) i am not holding my breath that they will let any truly amazing (and freeing) tech being released to the people.
This admin, completely controlled by the parasite class (lets be honest, Biden is a complete mindless puppet) is slowly but very surely is pushing the great reset agenda forward.

All administrations and politicians are now controlled by big business.. as you describe as "the parasitic class".

You can thank the conservative republicans for this. If you don't understand why, let me know and I can explain it in one, very clearly defined, statement.
All administrations and politicians are now controlled by big business.. as you describe as "the parasitic class".

You can thank the conservative republicans for this. If you don't understand why, let me know and I can explain it in one, very clearly defined, statement.
I would like him to explain how President Teddy Roosevelt is responsible for everything going on. .
If he blamed Woodrow Wilson might agree - democrat

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Earth’s average temperature matches record high set a day earlier

Deadly heatwave envelops Mexico and southern US

At least 14 heat-related deaths have been tallied in Texas and Louisiana, while Mexico clocks 112 fatalities this year.

Desperation grows in Iraq water crisis

Parched communities, once displaced by the ravages of ISIL, can barely survive the decimation of their water supplies.

Canada launches first-ever national climate adaptation strategy

Plan seeks to address needs related to increased flooding, wildfires, melting permafrost and other climate-relate risks.

Flying cars could save us from climate change

According to the new study, fully loaded with a pilot and three passengers, flying electric cars would have about 52% lower greenhouse gas emissions than traditional cars and would generate 6% lower greenhouse gas emissions than electric cars over trips of 100 kilometers, about 62 miles

NASA’s Newest X-Plane: Net-Zero

The X-66A is the X-plane specifically aimed at helping the United States achieve the goal of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions...The new X-plane seeks to inform a potential new generation of more sustainable single-aisle aircraft – the workhorse of passenger airlines around the world.
‘’The term “ecocide” may be an unfamiliar one to many, but there has been a long-running fight to get large-scale environmental destruction recognized as an international crime, prosecutable at the International Criminal Court (ICC).”

Moldy insanity.

remember kids only Climate Savers can determine Climate Change vs Weather for when where how it will be used for agenda 2030

Putin did not start Ukraine ….. we did when Lindsay and McCain financed over throw of legal govt during Obama admin and then installed small hat - Zelensky. Strange how so many small hats are involved with this Ukraine operation hence why we need dreaded NAZI to appear. If you see NAZI then you won’t see small hats. Greta is a small hat. Zelensky small hatter has the full support of Israel so AIPAC and IPAC control our govt with our own tax payer money. Israel was our first major money laundering kick back country of favoritism. Why our Govt always gives heavily to Israel every single time because Congress - Govt knows lobby monies are headed back to them every time they vote for giving more money to Israel. Look it up. Might want to pay more attention to why 2.3% of the population wearing small hats control pull so many strings.

Now we have been getting majority vote send money to ukraine and we know it is turning around and coming right back as lobbying or bribe monies as in case of Biden’s scandals. You can either figure this out or you can not. We did same with Iraq and Afghanistan ….. We allowed our Govt to steal ~$27 trillion dollars since 9-10. Rumsfeld announced Military lost $2.4 trillion dollars that day and could not would not account for it. So next day 9-11 was unleashed and on like donkey kong.
The covid response was a $5 trillion dollar money printing theft festival. Suckers.

If had my life to live over would fleece the sheep ….. ppl so stupid that say thank you sir may I have another. Exactly why the small hats screw you all the time. Hahaha suckers Unlike…. Bernie Madoff ….. they are rarely punished. You’d think the small hatters were in charge…. They are… Meyer Lansky small hatter ran murder Inc in USA then during break up they joined the govt.
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diy solar

diy solar