diy solar

diy solar

BYE BYE Tucker...

All you have to do is look at the current Alzheimer's patient we have for president and the turnip that is his VP to validate that statement.

Trump said many cringeworthy things during his time in office and towards the end it was hard for me to watch him speak, and now Biden and Harris are just as bad if not worse.
You can thank the conservatives for our current political problems. They pushed all the way to the supreme court to allow corporations to donate unlimited amounts of money to campaigns.

Which means foreign money now has influence in our elections.
Yes. We call them Biden Voters to avoid hurting their feelings. ?
I no longer vote for the best candidate.. I wish I could do that, but they're all crap.

These days, I vote for the candidate I think will do the least amount of damage.
I no longer vote for the best candidate.. I wish I could do that, but they're all crap.

These days, I vote for the candidate I think will do the least amount of damage.
If you think mean tweets are damage i guess you wouldnt like trump.
Bidens pretty much fucked everything he has touched right into the ground, and hes going to campaign on the "finish the job" message.
China is walking all over us in that region, inflation is much worse than they admit, the financial cost of all the illegals and the loss of the dollars status as worlds currency is incalculable but a now developing catastrophe, and everything Biden does only hastens Americas demise.
It seems the primary focus of this White House is seizing sole power over our government indefinitely, and lying to us all that we arent heading to disaster.
Sure then he can pardon himself and proceed with cleaning house at the DOJ and having Bill Barr tarred and feathered.
Donald J Trump is a wonderful human being, a great patriot, and a national treasure and hero. The way he has been treated is disgraceful, we will be lucky to have him if he still wants to run.
You and I have a very different notion of the qualifications for a "wonderful human being"

All Trump has ever wanted is to make america great again
Your idea and my idea of what makes a nation "great" are very different...

and have it etched in stone in the annals of history that he was responsible.
He thinks he is smarter than he is.

You can call that vanity or ego or narcissm,
I do.

but its no different than a quarterback of a football team leading them to a championship. So what if he seeks personal glory. How stupid is it to not want to support him and share in the victory.
What does "victory" look like to you? (To me it is free people enjoying equal protection under the law)

I dont understand why the left cannot grasp this
It is because you do not understand what the left stands for.

but as self defeatism and not being happy until theyre grovelling in the dirt like our rivals and enemies is their ideology, I guess its to be expected.
You are so wrong...

All you Trump haters, please find another path to the failure you so desire.
I don't hate any one.

Let us win the championship, let us carry Trump on our shoulders as the hero he was destined to be.
Don't you think it is wrong to worship any man like that?

If you want to suck, to be the pond scum of humanity, Im sure north korea or russia would be happy to have you. Toil away in the gulags of siberia with that contented grin of misery on your pathetic face.
I think North Korea and Russia are terrible places to live, they even have similar views on limiting the freedom of LGBTQ people as some of the more extreme right wing politicians in the US.

Leave us out of your private hell.
Single payer health care, free higher education is not hell.

When its over we will have Trumps likeness carved on Mt Rushmore, as it should be. One of a handful of the greatest, most selfless, and humble Americans, a juggernaut facing irrational opposition unprecedented in our nations history.
Someday schools will be renamed in his honor, streets across America bearing his name as well. Our enemies will even rise in respect and awe when his name is mentioned. World Peace which has been so elusive will be realized under his expert diplomacy.
Donald J Trump. The Greatest American ever.
Tell me how you are not a cult?
If you think mean tweets are damage i guess you wouldnt like trump.
Bidens pretty much fucked everything he has touched right into the ground, and hes going to campaign on the "finish the job" message.
China is walking all over us in that region, inflation is much worse than they admit, the financial cost of all the illegals and the loss of the dollars status as worlds currency is incalculable but a now developing catastrophe, and everything Biden does only hastens Americas demise.
It seems the primary focus of this White House is seizing sole power over our government indefinitely, and lying to us all that we arent heading to disaster.

An example of stupidity:
Refusing to allow a drunk driver to get behind the wheel of a car while suggesting the blind guy should drive.
You can thank the conservatives for our current political problems. They pushed all the way to the supreme court to allow corporations to donate unlimited amounts of money to campaigns.

I don't buy that, in part because campaign money isn't everything or the biggest spender would always win. Take the 2016 presidential election for example where Hillary outspent Trump by 2x.

I wish I could do that, but they're all crap.

Now that seems more accurate in terms of the cause of current political problems. The best people we have want nothing to do with politics so we are forced to choose the best of the worst... and then we re-elect them!

Reminds me of looking through the pile of lumber at Home Depot for supplies for a project and having to go through it multiple times, each time lowering standards in order to get enough boards to complete the project [ok, I don't want any boards with knots in them... ok, I will accept one knot... ok, I will accept 2 knots... etc.]
I don't buy that, in part because campaign money isn't everything or the biggest spender would always win. Take the 2016 presidential election for example where Hillary outspent Trump by 2x.

Now that seems more accurate in terms of the cause of current political problems. The best people we have want nothing to do with politics so we are forced to choose the best of the worst... and then we re-elect them!

Reminds me of looking through the pile of lumber at Home Depot for supplies for a project and having to go through it multiple times, each time lowering standards in order to get enough boards to complete the project [ok, I don't want any boards with knots in them... ok, I will accept one knot... ok, I will accept 2 knots... etc.]
Reasonable normal ppl won’t put up with all the crap…. The rewards are not enough at 1 tiny screw up or even FALSE ALLEGATION you are toast if not selected.… by the hidden powers that be and are present. We really don’t get any honest elections. When trump won in 2016 you seen the results for 4 years.

the main stream media is heavy Left so is the fbi and so on
I don't buy that, in part because campaign money isn't everything or the biggest spender would always win. Take the 2016 presidential election for example where Hillary outspent Trump by 2x.
Why do you think the winner is relevant? When an entity funds your political ambitions, they own you. They fund both the winners and losers.

Lets look at a practical example:
You're the owner of Pepsi and you want to push your product on race car fans.. So you fund a series of race car drivers for the Indy 500, but their contract states they are to remain quiet about your money. You fund all three of the most promising and successful teams.. When team 2 wins, the driver is contract bound to do a commercial for you telling everyone how Pepsi gave him the refreshing taste he needed to win the race...

Does it really matter if driver one, two, or three wins? Nope...

And that's racing.. Picking the most likely winners of a presidential or governing campaign is even easier.

And when a multi-national corporation is involved, all a foreign state has to do is to use a backroom handshake deal. They sign a contract to purchase 100 Million in some product the company produces in exchange for a backroom deal that the company will then put a certain amount of money into a super pac for their favorite candidate..

Reminds me of looking through the pile of lumber at Home Depot for supplies for a project and having to go through it multiple times, each time lowering standards in order to get enough boards to complete the project [ok, I don't want any boards with knots in them... ok, I will accept one knot... ok, I will accept 2 knots... etc.]

Our political system is now heavily influenced by foreign nations.. If they don't reverse it within the next two or three elections, the USA will most likely collapse under its own political infighting.

Our laws need to be changed. If the supreme court wants to give corporations a voice, fine.. but like most other freedoms, including that of speech and religion, guns, etc., those freedoms need to come with some rules.

Rule 1) Only domestic corporations with exclusively domestic sales may have person-level freedom of speech. If your company does more than a certain trivial dollar amount of international sales, then your political campaign donations must abide by the old rules.. which limited campaign donations to some very small figure I can't recall at this moment.

It is the SCOTUS ruling (FEC vs Citizens United) that allowed this foreign interference, and now that foreign interference is using a "divide and conquer" strategy. Do you see it working?

Our country is a nation of ignorant morons.. Our national average IQ level is something like 6 or 8 points BELOW China.. Do you really think we can win against a country that is more intelligent than we are?

There's a member in this forum who thinks we might be contaminating our galaxy with life from our space probes.. And if you think that doesn't ring the gold prize for stupidity and ignorance, he has more than one comrade arguing in support of him. The citizens of our country have become arrogant, entitled, ignorant, and have somehow acquired a hyper level Dunning Kruger affliction that makes them think they're smart if they can spell GOOGLE. Its not just a bad combination, its a dangerous one.
Changing the subject is just one of the things a narcissist will do when loosing an argument.

Oh, and I guess I should clue Murphy in ..... I REALLY like it when he keeps makes reference to an argument he clearly lost .... it shows me that it is still eating at him and I love it. He can never officially admit he was sooooo wrong, it is too embarrassing for a narcissist to admit, but his subconscious knows ... and it's obviously really eating at him.
I seriously hope he isn't taking his frustration out on his family.

If we could measure the number of things Murphy has been wrong about as a batting average it would be at least 800 ..... with 1000 being wrong about everything.
Has the mouse ended up winning? No, and the attendance at Disney World over the 4th was absolutely devastating.
Has Tucker's career been decimated? Obviously not.
Have probes left our solar system? Yes, as referenced from many credible sources.
Just to name a few.

How can one person be wrong so often?
I was going to leave you out of that one .... but you maybe be the only one who is wrong more often than Murphy ..... You are batting about 950.

I'm just going to leave this attachment here so everyone can see the stupid.


  • BobB.jpg
    93.4 KB · Views: 4
Changing the subject is just one of the things a narcissist will do when loosing an argument.

Oh, and I guess I should clue Murphy in ..... I REALLY like it when he keeps makes reference to an argument he clearly lost .... it shows me that it is still eating at him and I love it. He can never officially admit he was sooooo wrong, it is too embarrassing for a narcissist to admit, but his subconscious knows ... and it's obviously really eating at him.
I seriously hope he isn't taking his frustration out on his family.

If we could measure the number of things Murphy has been wrong about as a batting average it would be at least 800 ..... with 1000 being wrong about everything.
Has the mouse ended up winning? No, and the attendance at Disney World over the 4th was absolutely devastating.
Has Tucker's career been decimated? Obviously not.
Have probes left our solar system? Yes, as referenced from many credible sources.
Just to name a few.

How can one person be wrong so often?
Says the idiot who wonders if we could be "spreading life thru the galaxy with our space probes"


  • tenor.gif
    63.1 KB · Views: 1
Says the idiot who wonders if we could be "spreading life thru the galaxy with our space probes"
I think it's hilarious too ..... Only for a different reason than you. WE ALL know you are wrong .... Your delusion on display is hilarious. I love to see how badly it is torturing you.

Why don't you and Leo throw out a few more strawman arguments that you can bounce off each other. Kinda like 2 peas in a pod.
I think it's hilarious too ..... Only for a different reason than you. WE ALL know you are wrong .... Your delusion on display is hilarious. I love to see how badly it is torturing you.

Why don't you and Leo throw out a few more strawman arguments that you can bounce off each other. Kinda like 2 peas in a pod.


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To be called stupid by you is a badge of honor .... Of course, there are VERY few posts you have made where you didn't call someone stupid ... so it is by no means an exclusive club.
To be called stupid by you is a badge of honor .... Of course, there are VERY few posts you have made where you didn't call someone stupid ... so it is by no means an exclusive club.
I think Murphy is a Tucker fan…. He lives in middle of christian conservatives Wait a minute He is a tucker fan …..
Here is Tuckers latest video.
I didn't know anything about Andrew Tate before this interview ... but now I'm going to find out more.
Instead of going after the real scumbags that traffic human beings .... They are trying to use the law to get Tate. They are slandering him in the press and using peoples hatred of human traffickers to try to bring him down.
If things are as he says .... we can see how far "they" are willing to go to take down a message they don't like .... and the video is about a lot more than that. I can't believe it, but I watched almost all of it at normal speed. He has some unique perspectives that are very interesting.

Here is Tuckers latest video.
I didn't know anything about Andrew Tate before this interview ... but now I'm going to find out more.
Instead of going after the real scumbags that traffic human beings .... They are trying to use the law to get Tate. They are slandering him in the press and using peoples hatred of human traffickers to try to bring him down.
If things are as he says .... we can see how far "they" are willing to go to take down a message they don't like .... and the video is about a lot more than that. I can't believe it, but I watched almost all of it at normal speed. He has some unique perspectives that are very interesting.


View attachment 157102

So when foreign election influencing was going on in 2020 did you, Leo …..get paid like the rest of the foreign influencers or did you work for free?

How does it feel to have special privilege like that?

I bet your Twitter account as a foreigner was not taken nor in danger of being shut down when you railed against Trump’s re-election.
You were the exact kind of named foreign influencer account the FBI were after but again bet you were never censored suspemded.

I’d bet you wear the admin out here on chit chat asking for ppl to be censored…. You’ve already admitted it in another post that you plead with admin to censor ppl here ….. over your false accusations. You are privileged. Do you really work for free? The FBI get a good retirement and cadillac govt insurance plan when they retire.

You realize foreigners like wrote Steele dossier for Clinton’s got paid. Hillary Clinton and the DNC were given a slight slap on the hand. Kid gloves was used on them while this lead to trumped up charges on everyone because of it. Entrapment from the FBI and such to make Trump look bad. Of course you don’t care about all the millions of dollars the democrats like Nancy Pelosi wasted nor our federal govt here investigating all this and doing their false trumped up impeachments.

well for everyone else the actual citizens let’s look at injustice once again….. like Hunter Biden ….Hillary and the DNC are allowed very light sentencing with very little public publication for offenses. If roles were reversed how would this have went down for Trump? We already know the FBI entrapped ppl in situations that they would never have been in if not for Clinton and her lies…. Aka FALSE - MANUFACTURED - FABRICATED EVIDENCE. Criminal Conspiracy was carried out most likely from Obama down.

Does this seem fair for punishment?

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diy solar

diy solar