diy solar

diy solar

BYE BYE Tucker...

You're so ignorant you don't understand there's a difference between the objects in our solar system orbiting our Sun and the galaxy..

Damn.. That level of stupid is hard to describe.
We shouldnt be surprised your rebuttal to your dishonest trolling and persistent harassment of another user fails to refute or even acknowledge any of it and consists of a mere feeble personal attack after erroneus assumptions about my knowledge of astronomy.
Hey dipshit, since our solar system lies with the galaxy, hasnt it dawned upon you that spreading life within our solar system would still mean its being spread throughout the galaxy? Of course it does, denying that would have you asserting that our solar system does not fall inside the galaxy, and can be excluded from its boundaries.
Is that why you think his statement was worth ridiculing?
Throughout the galaxy doesnt mean it has to fall outside our solar system. Jupiter is in the galaxy. Our moon is in the galaxy. The klingons on uranus, are in the galaxy. It would be bad for us to contaminate any of these bodies.

This is what happens when you troll with bad intentions. You paint yourself into corners. The straws you grasp with the sole goal of being a self important asshole, arent strong enough to support a reasonable position.
What bob said, the boundaries of the solar system, the oort cloud... Really arent going to be remembered as this thread eventually dies. What will be is one more example of you being as lovable as a porcupine as you lie and insult people with no desire for constructive dialogue.

Why are you here? Is it because you need an outlet of discussion you dont get at home, because your family finds you so repulsive?
Are we your surrogate family to abuse?
Welcome to the club .... I generally don't like clubs, but this one is kinda fun ..... I just don't have much time to invest in it right now.
Prove Murphy wrong and then sit back and watch him go berserk and embarrass himself even further. His NPD won't allow him to remember that he has been proven wrong over and over and over again.
I'm sure you are well aware, but don't have any expectation that laying out the facts in a logical manner will have any effect on his thinking.

If he weren't so condescending and mean .... I would feel sorry for him.
He just comes up with another stupid statement and starts over again ..... or keeps repeating the ones where he has already been proven wrong.
Funny enough many of the things you offered up for discussion in covid threads and were ridiculed for, are being revealed to be somewhat valid, and in some cases completely true.
Scientific arguments aside, its obvious now the lockdowns werent really necessary, in some aspects causing irreperable harm, in so many ways we WERE being lied to and the admirable ones were the ones questioning what we were being told.
Leaving people who worked overtime censoring them and ridiculing them for not being sheeple, the "deplorable" ones.
Fauci was involved with funding the research that most likely was the source of the virus. And as it spread, he gave Trump constantly shifting advice and even made him look bad saying something else later while denigrating Trump for relaying his previous advice.
In the midst of it he releases his book...
And we find out he has financial stakes in the vaccine companies.
And you were harassed for merely questioning his actions at various times.

WTF. Not a question.
Hey dipshit, since our solar system lies with the galaxy, hasnt it dawned upon you that spreading life within our solar system would still mean its being spread throughout the galaxy?
No you f*cking moron.. Not even close.

Holy SHit! I bet you and the other fruitcake spent hours and hours googling all this stuff and you still haven't learned a damn thing.

Religion or drugs? Those are the only two things I know of that can make someone so f*ing stupid.

There is something seriously SERIOUSLY defective about you.
The slave shippers and sellers were your type. :? want to see modern slavery look at the slaves that work to pay their usury debts…. Want to lay around and fuck all the time move to Africa, India, or China. White ppl will work hard and send more money. If you dance around like Zelensky white ppl will send you $210 billion dollars.
You are a friggin idiot.
Crashes the economy, open borders allowing massive drugs into the country and all kinds of child crimes.... left many people behind in Afghanistan, decimates the oil industry, dumps the oil reserves to buy votes. attempted loan forgiveness, more buying of votes. breaking the constitution by influencing media bias, furthering lies. Puts the country into war and tosses money we do not have at it. And you believe Trump is the problem????
Crashes the economy,
You mean like Bush did by allowing the housing crisis to happen?
Like Trump did by allowing the pandemic.

You might want to get your facts straight and go find a chart for the various economic indicators and then compare them to presidential terms.

open borders allowing massive drugs into the country
What do "open borders" have to do with allowing massive drugs into the country? The overwhelming vast majority of drugs are smuggled through commercial transport vehicles like trucks, and they smuggle them right through the gates at the point of entry.

You should really look up your facts before opening mouth.

and all kinds of child crimes....

Legal immigrants and native born Americans are two times more likely to commit violent crimes, 2.5 times more likely to commit drug crimes, and 4 times more likely to commit property crimes, than illegal immigrants.
The study found that undocumented immigrants had substantially lower crime rates than native-born citizens and legal immigrants across a range of felony offenses

Once again, you spew things backwards and inside out.

left many people behind in Afghanistan,
They were warned. Even when hurricanes hit, people need to be rescued after days of warnings. Some people are just stupid.

decimates the oil industry
, dumps the oil reserves to buy votes.
more propaganda horse crap.

attempted loan forgiveness,
Ok.. I'll give you that one. First accurate thing you've said so far.

more buying of votes. breaking the constitution by influencing media bias,
Nothing in the constitution says anything about influencing the media.

furthering lies. Puts the country into war and tosses money we do not have at it. And you believe Trump is the problem????
Yup.. Trump is the problem. Sometimes we must fight to stop dictators, if you don't understand that, then you should go back to grade school and pay attention in history class this time.
What Trump should have done about the pandemic was water board several ppl. They would have confessed.

The housing crash happened because Govt wanted everyone to have a home even if they could not afford it.

Murphy is on drugs
You mean like Bush did by allowing the housing crisis to happen?
Like Trump did by allowing the pandemic.

You might want to get your facts straight and go find a chart for the various economic indicators and then compare them to presidential terms.

What do "open borders" have to do with allowing massive drugs into the country? The overwhelming vast majority of drugs are smuggled through commercial transport vehicles like trucks, and they smuggle them right through the gates at the point of entry.

You should really look up your facts before opening mouth.

Legal immigrants and native born Americans are two times more likely to commit violent crimes, 2.5 times more likely to commit drug crimes, and 4 times more likely to commit property crimes, than illegal immigrants.
The study found that undocumented immigrants had substantially lower crime rates than native-born citizens and legal immigrants across a range of felony offenses

Once again, you spew things backwards and inside out.

They were warned. Even when hurricanes hit, people need to be rescued after days of warnings. Some people are just stupid.


more propaganda horse crap.

Ok.. I'll give you that one. First accurate thing you've said so far.

Nothing in the constitution says anything about influencing the media.

Yup.. Trump is the problem. Sometimes we must fight to stop dictators, if you don't understand that, then you should go back to grade school and pay attention in history class this time.
Over a hundred million Americans are eligible to run for president and you guys had to choose between Biden and Trump...

Now I will agree that Biden is not as bad as Trump, but come on, why is no one talking about serious problems, like income inequality, health care, schooling, infrastructure failing.... Who cares if Bob likes wearing dresses or not?
Over a hundred million Americans are eligible to run for president and you guys had to choose between Biden and Trump...

Now I will agree that Biden is not as bad as Trump, but come on, why is no one talking about serious problems, like income inequality, health care, schooling, infrastructure failing.... Who cares if Bob likes wearing dresses or not?
Leo does Murphy sniff your crack.
Leo does Murphy sniff your crack.
Oh for crying out loud.. I clicked the "show ignored content" one time and you're still behaving like a child.

Let me guess, mom's a crackhead, dad's a drunk, and you didn't get enough hugs?

Feel free to reply, I won't be clicking that "show ignored content" again so I won't see it. Learned my lesson.. Once an ignorant pinhead, always an ignorant pinhead.

Oh for crying out loud.. I clicked the "show ignored content" one time and you're still behaving like a child.

Let me guess,?

Feel free to reply, I won't be clicking that "show ignored content" again so I won't see it. Learned my lesson.. Once an ignorant pinhead, always an ignorant pinhead.

View attachment 158175
That explains a lot.

murphy: mom's a crackhead, dad's a drunk, and didn't get enough hugs
What a fart blossom
Over a hundred million Americans are eligible to run for president and you guys had to choose between Biden and Trump...

Now I will agree that Biden is not as bad as Trump, but come on, why is no one talking about serious problems, like income inequality, health care, schooling, infrastructure failing....
People are talking about the serious problems, the bought media isn't... Keep the masses dumb and distracted.
Remember you don't live here and don't have the balls to disclose where you live so your opinions and irreverent stupid means don't mean shit.

Who cares if Bob likes wearing dresses or not?
Why are you even thinking about Bob in a dress?
Serious question Leo, do you squat to piss?
You mean like Bush did by allowing the housing crisis to happen?
Like Trump did by allowing the pandemic
Here we go again Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump. You really should go see someone about you obsessive behavior.
You might want to get your facts straight and go find a chart for the various economic indicators and then compare them to presidential terms.
I have the most accurate method available to me, now be careful this may be hard for you to follow.......ready?? My wallet tells the truth and if you are blind to it then so be it.
What do "open borders" have to do with allowing massive drugs into the country?
Good grief are you kidding. The border patrol is to busy with the influx of people and the bureaucratic hoops (paperwork) that the cartels find it much easier to bring drugs. Come on Murphy I thought you are smarter then this?
The overwhelming vast majority of drugs are smuggled through commercial transport vehicles like trucks, and they smuggle them right through the gates at the point of entry.
There are many open doors to bring drugs in.The border patrol needs to get to back patrolling then the free for all at the border.
You should really look up your facts before opening mouth.
I could say the same about you.......
Legal immigrants and native born Americans are two times more likely to commit violent crimes, 2.5 times more likely to commit drug crimes, and 4 times more likely to commit property crimes, than illegal immigrants.
The study found that undocumented immigrants had substantially lower crime rates than native-born citizens and legal immigrants across a range of felony offenses
I was talking about all the under age kids and what happens to them...........
Once again, you spew things backwards and inside out.
I could say the same about you........
They were warned. Even when hurricanes hit, people need to be rescued after days of warnings. Some people are just stupid
In order to get the locals help the government promised them that they could come here not to mention citizens that were left there. I take you do not believe in " No one is left behind" then?
Trash the economy and your good with,it. Figures.

Protecting America’s Emergency Oil Reserves​

February 7, 2023
Weekly Columns
Last month, House Republicans passed a crucial bill that holds the Biden Administration accountable for its assault on North American energy production. Since assuming office, President Joe Biden has taken actions that have dangerously and significantly reduced our nation's energy independence and caused energy prices to reach unprecedented prices. Even worse, while trying to reduce high fuel and energy prices caused by his own doing, the president has wrongfully and dangerously drained our Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) to its lowest level in 40 years for political expedience rather than meaningful effect.
This unwise decision has only increased the United States' risk if an emergency or natural disaster were to occur, emboldened our adversaries and has certainly not provided a long-term or significant relief to the American people. During his time in office, President Biden has sold nearly 40 percent of this emergency stockpile including to some refineries owned by adversarial countries including Communist China, and we must have a plan in action to reverse course.
The Strategic Production Response Act would limit non-emergency drawdowns of the SPR and require increases in oil and gas production on federal lands to offset future drawdowns of this reserve. America's SPR was created for emergencies, not for artificial market manipulation to score political points during a crisis. This legislation holds this administration accountable for its careless actions.
There is no question that Americans are struggling financially, and soaring prices at the gas pumps as well as to cool and heat homes does not help matters. The nation has the resources to end this energy crisis and lower prices for the American people including in my own state of Oklahoma which is rich with energy resources. Currently, the Biden Administration is sitting on over 4,700pending applications for permits to drill. And according to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), in just Oklahoma, there are approximately 1,386,900 acres of BLM-administered federal mineral real estate open or open with stipulations to oil and gas leasing, development or production.
House Republicans are committed to pursuing an all-of-the-above energy strategy to ease this crisis and put the American people first. By unleashing American energy independence, restoring the depleted SPR and untying the hands of American energy producers, our nation will be safer and certainly in a better place economically.
The Biden Administration's ongoing war on American energy is the root cause of our current energy crisis and until it reverses course and starts using the resources we have here at home, nothing will change. While we still have much more work to do, the Strategic Production Response Act is a great first step to getting back on track. And for this reason, I was certainly proud to support it.

more propaganda horse crap.

Ok.. I'll give you that one. First accurate thing you've said so far.

Nothing in the constitution says anything about influencing the media.
Really suppressing free speech?
Yup.. Trump is the problem. Sometimes we must fight to stop dictators, if you don't understand that, then you should go back to grade school and pay attention in history class this time.
You are truly blinded by your own bitterness.
Here we go again Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump. You really should go see someone about you obsessive behavior.
I see the problem.. I only said Trump once. Please see a doctor.
I have the most accurate method available to me, now be careful this may be hard for you to follow.......ready?? My wallet tells the truth and if you are blind to it then so be it.
Your wallet doesn't mean jack squat.. especially judging from the ridiculous statements you've made here. You know what does mean something? The unemployment rate, which skyrocketed under trump.. The stock market, and the manufacturing indexes.

If your head is that far up your ass, you might have an oxygenation problem.. Maybe pull it out?

Good grief are you kidding. The border patrol is to busy with the influx of people and the bureaucratic hoops (paperwork) that the cartels find it much easier to bring drugs. Come on Murphy I thought you are smarter then this?
Once again, your ignorance shows in your statement. Do you have any comprehension of how many POUNDS of drugs come from Mexico? You obviously don't if you think they're carrying it on foot by walking across an "open boarder".. Damn, your comprehension level is almost ZERO..
I'm guessing religion and drugs for you too?

In March of 2023 (I just looked this up), they seized a peak of 176,000 lbs.. And you think some foot soldier is carrying that? Oh my.. that's precious, and an excellent example of how stupid people are.

Drug are brought in by truck, right through the port of entry.. I suppose some idiot will occasionally carry a backpack, not saying it doesn't happen, but that's a few pounds, not 170 thousand...

There are many open doors to bring drugs in.The border patrol needs to get to back patrolling then the free for all at the border.
No, not really.. They just need to check more trucks.. and probably stop taking bribes (I'm guessing on the bribes part)

I could say the same about you.......
Judging from all the stupid and ridiculous things you say, you could say anything about anything.. that doesn't make it a fact... except maybe in your pot head world where your brain struggles just to keep your body functions working.

I was talking about all the under age kids and what happens to them...........
Oh right.. sure you were.. The illegal immigrants have a much lower rate of crime in every category except child crimes? Are you stupid enough to actually believe that or is this an oxygen problem again?

I could say the same about you........

In order to get the locals help the government promised them that they could come here not to mention citizens that were left there. I take you do not believe in " No one is left behind" then?
I don't have irrational beliefs. If you want me to support or object to something, you'll have to prevent factual information, and I will check those facts, and if even one significant fact is wrong, I reject you and your report.

I don't have irrational beliefs...

Trash the economy and your good with,it. Figures.
Maybe your economy is trashed.... Which again, judging by the stupid statements you make, kind of makes sense for someone in your position of ignorance... the rest of us are doing just fine. Why do you think inflation was so high genius? Do you have any concept of the phrase "Supply and demand" ??

You think the economy is trashed?? ROFLMAO.. The ignorance is stunning.. we're talking BOB level stupid.

May 2023 was the biggest jump in new residential housing in 30 years...

Facts matter.. making sure you pull your head out of your ass to get some oxygen matters..

Unemployment rate:
Notice it spiked at 15% under trump because HE crashed our economy..

Protecting America’s Emergency Oil Reserves​

February 7, 2023
Weekly Columns
Last month, House Republicans passed a crucial bill that holds the Biden Administration accountable for its assault on North American energy production. Since assuming office, President Joe Biden has taken actions that have dangerously and significantly reduced our nation's energy independence and caused energy prices to reach unprecedented prices. Even worse, while trying to reduce high fuel and energy prices caused by his own doing, the president has wrongfully and dangerously drained our Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) to its lowest level in 40 years for political expedience rather than meaningful effect.
This unwise decision has only increased the United States' risk if an emergency or natural disaster were to occur, emboldened our adversaries and has certainly not provided a long-term or significant relief to the American people. During his time in office, President Biden has sold nearly 40 percent of this emergency stockpile including to some refineries owned by adversarial countries including Communist China, and we must have a plan in action to reverse course.
The Strategic Production Response Act would limit non-emergency drawdowns of the SPR and require increases in oil and gas production on federal lands to offset future drawdowns of this reserve. America's SPR was created for emergencies, not for artificial market manipulation to score political points during a crisis. This legislation holds this administration accountable for its careless actions.
There is no question that Americans are struggling financially, and soaring prices at the gas pumps as well as to cool and heat homes does not help matters. The nation has the resources to end this energy crisis and lower prices for the American people including in my own state of Oklahoma which is rich with energy resources. Currently, the Biden Administration is sitting on over 4,700pending applications for permits to drill. And according to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), in just Oklahoma, there are approximately 1,386,900 acres of BLM-administered federal mineral real estate open or open with stipulations to oil and gas leasing, development or production.
House Republicans are committed to pursuing an all-of-the-above energy strategy to ease this crisis and put the American people first. By unleashing American energy independence, restoring the depleted SPR and untying the hands of American energy producers, our nation will be safer and certainly in a better place economically.
The Biden Administration's ongoing war on American energy is the root cause of our current energy crisis and until it reverses course and starts using the resources we have here at home, nothing will change. While we still have much more work to do, the Strategic Production Response Act is a great first step to getting back on track. And for this reason, I was certainly proud to support it.
The house republicans are a bunch of pandering liars who tricked the most gullible, most vulnerable, and dumbest demographic of our nation into thinking the election was stolen.

You're probably one of them..
Really suppressing free speech?
The government did not suppress any one's free speech, as is evident by the wack a doodle statements made here in this forum and thousands of others.
What they did was to entice the biggest social media companies to do it.. that's on the social media companies, not the government.. even though they shouldn't be doing that either.

You are truly blinded by your own bitterness.
That's called psychological projection.. Please google it.. you're as transparent as a window..

The only bitterness I have is that I'm alarmed and dismayed that our nation is being destroyed by idiots with their heads so far up their asses that they can't even acknowledge the most basic of factual information.

I'm retired remember? I retired at just after turning 40 because I made enough money.. I don't need to be super rich, I'd rather live in peace and quiet doing what I want to do. Right now, I want to build a barn.. then I'm going to install an underground bunker.. after that, I'm thinking of buying a small plane... or maybe a boat to cruise the great lakes.

I'm not the one who is bitter, you are.. and it shows like red on rice.
I see the problem.. I only said Trump once. Please see a doctor.

Your wallet doesn't mean jack squat.. especially judging from the ridiculous statements you've made here. You know what does mean something? The unemployment rate, which skyrocketed under trump.. The stock market, and the manufacturing indexes.

If your head is that far up your ass, you might have an oxygenation problem.. Maybe pull it out?

Once again, your ignorance shows in your statement. Do you have any comprehension of how many POUNDS of drugs come from Mexico? You obviously don't if you think they're carrying it on foot by walking across an "open boarder".. Damn, your comprehension level is almost ZERO..
I'm guessing religion and drugs for you too?

In March of 2023 (I just looked this up), they seized a peak of 176,000 lbs.. And you think some foot soldier is carrying that? Oh my.. that's precious, and an excellent example of how stupid people are.

Drug are brought in by truck, right through the port of entry.. I suppose some idiot will occasionally carry a backpack, not saying it doesn't happen, but that's a few pounds, not 170 thousand...

No, not really.. They just need to check more trucks.. and probably stop taking bribes (I'm guessing on the bribes part)

Judging from all the stupid and ridiculous things you say, you could say anything about anything.. that doesn't make it a fact... except maybe in your pot head world where your brain struggles just to keep your body functions working.

Oh right.. sure you were.. The illegal immigrants have a much lower rate of crime in every category except child crimes? Are you stupid enough to actually believe that or is this an oxygen problem again?

I don't have irrational beliefs. If you want me to support or object to something, you'll have to prevent factual information, and I will check those facts, and if even one significant fact is wrong, I reject you and your report.

I don't have irrational beliefs...

Maybe your economy is trashed.... Which again, judging by the stupid statements you make, kind of makes sense for someone in your position of ignorance... the rest of us are doing just fine. Why do you think inflation was so high genius? Do you have any concept of the phrase "Supply and demand" ??

You think the economy is trashed?? ROFLMAO.. The ignorance is stunning.. we're talking BOB level stupid.

May 2023 was the biggest jump in new residential housing in 30 years...

Facts matter.. making sure you pull your head out of your ass to get some oxygen matters..

Unemployment rate:
Notice it spiked at 15% under trump because HE crashed our economy..

The house republicans are a bunch of pandering liars who tricked the most gullible, most vulnerable, and dumbest demographic of our nation into thinking the election was stolen.

You're probably one of them..

The government did not suppress any one's free speech, as is evident by the wack a doodle statements made here in this forum and thousands of others.
What they did was to entice the biggest social media companies to do it.. that's on the social media companies, not the government.. even though they shouldn't be doing that either.

That's called psychological projection.. Please google it.. you're as transparent as a window..

The only bitterness I have is that I'm alarmed and dismayed that our nation is being destroyed by idiots with their heads so far up their asses that they can't even acknowledge the most basic of factual information.

I'm retired remember? I retired at just after turning 40 because I made enough money.. I don't need to be super rich, I'd rather live in peace and quiet doing what I want to do. Right now, I want to build a barn.. then I'm going to install an underground bunker.. after that, I'm thinking of buying a small plane... or maybe a boat to cruise the great lakes.

I'm not the one who is bitter, you are.. and it shows like red on rice.
I got to laugh. Your "mirroring" is as transparent as it gets Mr. "psycho babbler"

diy solar

diy solar