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diy solar

How many cycles have you done with your lithium bank?


Solar Enthusiast
Mar 19, 2022
All the talk by manufacturers of numbers of cycles. Who has actually done a few?
I am new on the lithium scene. I built my 24v 280Ah bank for my boat 3 months ago. We have done a massive 23 cycles?
Is there anybody out there that has done a few thousand?
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I unfortunately lost cycle counts when I changed BMS on my system, I estimate in 12 years (full time off-grid house system) I’m at around 2500 cycles.
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That's very good. Your batteries are living a good life.
Since I built my system as a backup the batteries were babied the first year or so. I added more panels and have been using the excess power to run an A/C during the day, but still the batteries don't get worked very hard unless the power goes out.
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Since I built my system as a backup the batteries were babied the first year or so. I added more panels and have been using the excess power to run an A/C during the day, but still the batteries don't get worked very hard unless the power goes out.
Mine are now living the good life. Since I added more.
The first one was pushed hard last year. But now it has plenty of friends. lol
Mine are now living the good life. Since I added more.
The first one was pushed hard last year. But now it has plenty of friends. lol
I have been thinking about getting a couple more friends here too. And more panels. And maybe another inverter.
All the talk by manufacturers of numbers of cycles. Who has actually done a few?
I am new on the lithium scene. I built my 24v 280Ah bank for my boat 3 months ago. We have done a massive 23 cycles?
Is there anybody out there that has done a few thousand?
Hard to calculate cycles.
True 100% cycles are rare with some of us.
The BMS usually only calculates close to full discharge/charge as a cycle.

Most of us cycle our batteries daily but it’s no where near 100% so BMS doesn’t register it.

Mine personally for 2 years has been“cycled” 700+ times but the BMS doesn’t record that.
Running a 48v 16s4p power-wall made of 64, 304ah cells with Batrium BMS. Set to 90% as my max full charge and 20% as my minimum. So far NO full cycles in 11 months off grid. However, the lowest SOC I’ve recorded is two nights, one at 53% and one at 56%. However, my average nightly draw down is typically between 65% and 75% so far, and that depends on the time of year.
Being off grid, I’m mindful of my usage. I could use my batteries more, but we’re living comfortably at current usage levels.

So, for a cycle count would you guys add up the partials until it equals one full cycle? That’s my assumption but curious of others thoughts?
Whatever your BMS cycle count says.
I have found through testing , that unless my 712 Vic goes below 50 % and the I run it back to to over 95%ish % it doesnt show a cycle…….
I have purposely tried to fool it…but it’s smarter than me evidentally…as I can’t …

take it below 50 and take it back near the top and you got a cycle..

less than that , at least with my gear ,then it doesn’t show a cycle…

but what’s in a word …? And its true meaning…?
Most, but maybe not all BMS's . Total up the partial cycles. And calculate for the equivalent of total cycles.
All that we have to go by is what the BMS reports.
Anything else is just a guess, on our part.
Had a solar garden light that lasted a few years daily full cycle.


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Most, but maybe not all BMS's . Total up the partial cycles. And calculate for the equivalent of total cycles.
All that we have to go by is what the BMS reports.
Anything else is just a guess, on our part.
Do JK BMS calculate partials for a cycle?

Seems unlikely.

Mine only report 60 cycles in 2 years.
I use the system daily.
Full-time in a RV - In just over 2 years my Victron Smartshunt says I have 144 cycles and 2 full discharges. The 2 full discharges are correct - capacity tests. I would have thought I have way more than 144 cycles - because I usually use 25 to 35% a night.

My battery wants a friend too - but my wife says NO!!!
125 full cycles in four months or so. Almost every night from 100% to 6% (BMS won't allow lower than 6%). 15kWh lifepo and 30kWh FLA, so ~30kWh usable capacity. ATM building busbars to my additional 6x10kWh lifepo rack battery set. On-grid system so probably no need for more batteries.
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125 full cycles in four months or so. Almost every night from 100% to 6% (BMS won't allow lower than 6%). 15kWh lifepo and 30kWh LFA, so ~30kWh usable capacity. ATM building busbars to my additional 6x10kWh lifepo rack battery set. On-grid system so probably no need for more batteries.
I’m coming up on 3 years so over 1000 cycles of.depletion to 20% nightly followed by charging to average of 90% in summer, 75% in spring / fall and 50% in winter…
My system has been online since 11/2021 give or take. IT transitions to grid at about 20% battery and I have yet to see it hit top voltage and shut down charging as i dont have enough PV to charge the bank I have. so say it runs between 20% and 95%

It cycles almost every day. Some days in the spring/fall I might go several days off grid, there are days at time in winter when I dont go on solar. Lets say I avg 300 cycles a year.

Its been ~20 months so about 500 cycles give or take.
Total throughput relative to capacity is easier for most to assess. Cycles is not well defined.

e.g. in nearly 12 months I have discharged ~2.86 MWh from my battery.

My three BMSs report a cycle count of:

The first two were put into service 19 August 2022 (340 days) and the third went in 6 May 2023 (80 days).

AFAIK the BMS increments the cycle count when accumulated partial discharge reaches 80% of battery capacity.

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