diy solar

diy solar

I Made An App! - Solis\Ginlong Widgets Android


New Member
Jan 5, 2023
Figured this was the best place, I'm really impressed by my Solis Solar Inverter, the app and web interface is generally good, however it's a shame it doesn't have a desktop widget, therefore I wrote an app to do that! (using their access API).

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If anyone uses my Octopus referral link, I can additionally offer them a code for 100% discount (as in free) off the app above. Ping me a PM after completing the referral.

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Had a couple of new users, so now I know it's not too niche, and it's not just me that is the only person using this and it has value to others, I'm going to add some extra stuff.

  1. Customisations (plot colours)
  2. Power Use graph
  3. Some changes to improve battery optimisation
  4. Charge/Discharge battery storage display
  5. Optional Predicted battery drain on graph, estimated battery empty time based on drain/level/gen/weather forecast
  6. A feature limited free version (perhaps single widget to test API access).
If anyone else wants anything "widgety" feature-wise, wants to report bugs, etc, please post here.
Pushed quite a large update to the app today.

  1. Added Power Consumption widget
  2.  Added indicator to battery widget to show if battery is charging.
  3. Ability to set widget title bar colours and line colours.
  4. Ability to turn labels on and off on graphs.
  5. Ability to configure maximum value for power consumption graph.
  6. Ability to set widget opacity.

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Going to do some work on battery full predictions next. I think will be useful for my better half, so she knows when it's ok to put the washing machine on! ☺️

Going to put together a free version also with a single widget Power generation being the most useful, so adding that as the fully functional free widget.
Some weirdness on the solis end of the API over the last couple of days, it appears to have settled down now.

I have a question for users:

I currently use some code to get updates more frequently than 15 minute intervals, this means disabling battery optimization and results in higher battery usage and more complex code.

I'm pondering using the support route, but this would mean limiting the minimum update time to 15 minutes..

Q: would this impact anyone?
Q: would the benefits of better battery life outweigh this?
Great contribution.
I have a question. In Solis API settings What is Station ID?
The plant's name? The ID next to the plant's name? Inverter ID?
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The widget always shows the same message: Unable to load widget
In the app main window sometimes it does not show any data, you have to exit and re-enter to show data.
All in the free app.
There is a bug in the current app that updated too frequently, and this has several side effects. Graph fills too quickly, increases battery drain, and in extreme cases, the solis API will reject API calls.

I'm pushing an update today that will change to the workmanger api which fixes all this stuff.
Have an app update that I'm just testing. Fixed a few more bugs around not updating after a device reboot, and I also added a couple more widgets to the full (pay) version for reporting environmental savings (tree planted and co2 saved). No change in price of course, still less than the price of a Starbucks coffee!

Free version updated with the bug fixes.Screenshot_20230527-053006.png
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Congrats on your App!
I have been using it for a few days already. I really like that Battery Widget! :)
on a separate note, would anyone know why when I access the website i don't see the attributes "Energy from Battery" and "Energy to Battery"?
Picture below


  • Screenshot 2023-06-01 114402.png
    Screenshot 2023-06-01 114402.png
    45 KB · Views: 1
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Oh sorry - I pretty arbitrarily chose to build for android 11 because that was what the tutorial I was reading built on. I'll try to downgrade it and see if it's still happy - something for version 0.03 when I get some time

diy solar

diy solar