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Biden Articles of Impeachment Filed

Inquiry, not impeachment.

Bidens handlers have had soooo much time to cover his tracks I don't expect much.

At best they'll simply say, yes he did take bribes but they had no affect on his policy decisions.
You are right, the inquiry, my bad.
If he goes down it will likely be the coverup......
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ask all you want. might want to ask yourself the same question
Funny how when I look at all your postings they are all political in a DIY Solar forum?

You are the definition of a Leftist Troll or a sock puppet of one of the other troll accounts.

I’m sending you a Tree to plant to replenish the oxygen you stole last month.

Don’t bother with the snarky comments.
Already on ignore.
This isn't the burn you think it is. It's sadly the truth. But the republican doesn't realize its a lie.
No that was a non topical jab. The burn is what you avoided responding to:

The lawsuits were filed within days of the election. They had to be. It took months until they uncovered what Zuckerbucks had done, too late to do anything in court about it. The election could not be overturned now so to claim it must be proven in court when there is no possible legal avenue to have cases heard and democrats waged a systematic censorship blanket when cases were being filed, is just more democrat dishonesty.
Biden talks about low unemployment for ... African Americans, Hispanics, and Veterans ... You know ... people without high school educations.

Today's democrats do not like blue-collar people.

Blue collar people are only blue collar because they are dumb and uneducated. They grossly look down on workers but are too afraid to tell them how they really feel for fear of getting their ass kicked.
"Biden Inc." is now actively sabotaging this country on behalf of its globalist masters. Interesting that both Rs and Ds are silent (in action), proving that the entire govt structure is captured.

Biden Orders Border Patrol To Cut Barbed Wire Fences Holding Back Masses Of Migrants​

Only five days ago, the Mayor of Eagle Pass, Texas issued an emergency order due to a huge influx of illegal immigrants crossing into the US from Mexico, and only a few days after that the latest border numbers revealed record migrant crossings in 2023 (over 2.2 million so far). Despite the multitude of warnings since Joe Biden entered the White House, there has been no discernible effort on the part of the federal government to stop the tide.

In fact, more and more evidence suggests the Biden Administration is deliberately thwarting all efforts to secure the southern border while consistently lying about their intentions.

Case in point, Biden fought to end Title 42, which was the only legal recourse keeping abuse of the asylum option in check. Biden has filed a lawsuit asking courts to stop Texas efforts to fence off the Rio Grande with bright orange razor wire buoys, which have proven very effective. Biden and Democrats have tried to stop Texas Governor Greg Abbott from relocating migrants to blue leaning "sanctuary cities" (they've been given a taste of their own medicine and they don't like it). Biden has ordered border patrol agents to "process" illegal immigrants for asylum status, instead of using their energies to send them packing back across the border. And, Biden has ordered those same agents to open border fences against the wishes of state governments so that migrants can easily pass through.

Now, it appears the White House is taking things a step further, ordering border patrol to cut barbed wire fences put in place by Texas DPS as the only effective means for preventing mass migrations. They are actively welcoming in large groups of illegals and opening a path for them.

Eagle Pass, Texas just moments ago:

Under Biden's direction, Customs and Border Protection cuts Texas DPS barbwire barrier keeping out the hordes of illegals.

Invasion by design.
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) September 25, 2023
There has been a clear dereliction of duty when it comes to Biden and his actions on the border. It is also obvious that his relocation of more border agents and national guard to the region is meant to keep migrants moving into the US while preventing state governments from establishing any form of protection. What happens next is predictable - A massive surge in third world population, even beyond what the US has witnessed so far, followed by rising crime, rising economic instability, rising poverty and a rising homeless population.

Unless state governments and the public step in, the crisis will only expand.
"Biden Inc." is now actively sabotaging this country on behalf of its globalist masters. Interesting that both Rs and Ds are silent (in action), proving that the entire govt structure is captured.

Biden Orders Border Patrol To Cut Barbed Wire Fences Holding Back Masses Of Migrants​

Only five days ago, the Mayor of Eagle Pass, Texas issued an emergency order due to a huge influx of illegal immigrants crossing into the US from Mexico, and only a few days after that the latest border numbers revealed record migrant crossings in 2023 (over 2.2 million so far). Despite the multitude of warnings since Joe Biden entered the White House, there has been no discernible effort on the part of the federal government to stop the tide.

In fact, more and more evidence suggests the Biden Administration is deliberately thwarting all efforts to secure the southern border while consistently lying about their intentions.

Case in point, Biden fought to end Title 42, which was the only legal recourse keeping abuse of the asylum option in check. Biden has filed a lawsuit asking courts to stop Texas efforts to fence off the Rio Grande with bright orange razor wire buoys, which have proven very effective. Biden and Democrats have tried to stop Texas Governor Greg Abbott from relocating migrants to blue leaning "sanctuary cities" (they've been given a taste of their own medicine and they don't like it). Biden has ordered border patrol agents to "process" illegal immigrants for asylum status, instead of using their energies to send them packing back across the border. And, Biden has ordered those same agents to open border fences against the wishes of state governments so that migrants can easily pass through.

Now, it appears the White House is taking things a step further, ordering border patrol to cut barbed wire fences put in place by Texas DPS as the only effective means for preventing mass migrations. They are actively welcoming in large groups of illegals and opening a path for them.

There has been a clear dereliction of duty when it comes to Biden and his actions on the border. It is also obvious that his relocation of more border agents and national guard to the region is meant to keep migrants moving into the US while preventing state governments from establishing any form of protection. What happens next is predictable - A massive surge in third world population, even beyond what the US has witnessed so far, followed by rising crime, rising economic instability, rising poverty and a rising homeless population.

Unless state governments and the public step in, the crisis will only expand.

It's a deliberate flooding.

We need to have a candid talk about what group literally hates and is trying destroy the United States and why.
It's a deliberate flooding.

We need to have a candid talk about what group literally hates and is trying destroy the United States and why.
It's clear that Biden is a puppet and what we have right now is a shadow government. This is why none of the Democrats are concerned about his mental condition .... They know he isn't calling the shots.
How much proof of Joe's family bribery business do they have on him? He is owned and protected at the same time.

There's an old but interesting article here ..... People like Obama actually believe the globalists are going to save us from ourselves.
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It's clear that Biden is a puppet and what we have right now is a shadow government. This is why none of the Democrats are concerned about his mental condition .... They know he isn't calling the shots.
How much proof of Joe's family bribery business do they have on him? He is owned and protected at the same time.

There's an old but interesting article here ..... People like Obama actually believe the globalists are going to save us from ourselves.
Follow the money. If you remember Susan Rice ( A Obama Minion ) quit the Whitehouse the day before Biden announced that he would be running again for President. The left is tossing Biden " Into the wind" Remember Biden was washed up as Vice President. No hope of advance due to the already decided Hillery Clinton Presidential plan. So to pad his retirement "The Influence Peddling Scheme" Was implemented. Trump "Upset the Apple Cart" When he won the Presidency from under Hillery. I am personally thankful that this happened due to the Left ( Deep State and Global ) showed there cards. I believe that there bullshit that has been going on has opened many eyes but make no mistake if there is no consequences for they're actions it WILL come back.
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Is the civil war going to start with a confrontation between Border Patrol and the Texas National Guard?
Lets hope not. That would give the government an excuse to create a Government Police. Why do you think that lawlessness is allowed in left Controlled Super Cities?
I have a feeling this balloon is going to pop sometime before the election next year.

I am going to be interested on how they are going to spin all this.
I have a feeling this balloon is going to pop sometime before the election next year.

I am going to be interested on how they are going to spin all this.
these morons will keep trying to impeach Biden for his son receiving 500k. meanwhile not giving a shit about Jared getting 2 billion.
idiots gonna idiot, yell about people not providing evidence while ignoring all evidence.
no point interacting with them
Lol reading about the hearing today, ALL of the republicans witnesses, when asked if there are any grounds for impeachment, say "NO"
Republicans are such tools. I mean fuck the corporate democrats too, but seriously republicans have set the bar so low. In recognizing some political intellegence though, they have been defunding education for decadesm so it shows they at least have some sense of what to do to stay in power.

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