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Biden Articles of Impeachment Filed

@Ryujin you do not like facts? I think the problem is 100% in you then.
Personally i do not care one bit who does what and with whom in the privacy of their own bedroom as long as it is by mutual concent. (Except child molesters, these people deserve to be punched in the face).

However, lets look at what we have - Kamala, who can not even speak properly, somehow got into a position of power, and not only power but relatively high power. (Granted, she is a marionette, but still she is getting paid to do what she is told).

I think we all know the "somehow" when a completely "non-technical" (for any position) woman gets a position. There is only one way and we all know it. And in case of Kamala, its not even a secret. Why dont you research who she was married to and that history of her climbing the ladder.

But you believe whatever you want to believe.
well I believe you're a misogynist pig, as your posts show again, and again, and again
considering you only accuse me of non stop insults, and not the original insulters what you say really has no merit.
and none of these accusations you are talking about seem to occur in any media except those ones that are obvious right wing propaganda (to all of us that aren't under its spell)
so yeah, keep letting tucker carlson shit into your ears, believe what he says, then act bewildered when people that aren't as gullible as you disagree.
Wow .... what a surprise it is that almost all the media are in denial along with you. That's why if you actually want to know what's going on, you don't listen to what the media has to say, you bypass them and watch the hearing ... or at least clips of the hearings.
It's in the congressional record and there are video's of the hearings ..... but, I'm already well aware that you don't want to know the truth .... and knew you would have no answers. Your only choice is denial .... Well, you could admit the truth, but that's not going to happen is it?

There are no words that adequately describe the delusion you seem to be experiencing.
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well I believe you're a misogynist pig, as your posts show again, and again, and again

Democrats are nothing without their favorite labels. Labels are everything to them because what matters most to them is WHAT you are, not WHO you are.

Newsflash for people like the quoted poster: you can be black, female, trans, etc., etc., and also be stupid, a criminal, a liar, or an overall despicable person. WHAT you are does not excuse WHO you are.

As an aside, have you noticed that the same people who called Trump a xenophobe for wanting to control the border... now want to control the border? It was all well and fine until a couple of southern state governors gave them a taste of the problem in their own states, and now they are all crying about dealing with only 5-10% of the numbers these southern states are dealing with.

Kamala Harris climbed the ladder of success since 1994 with a lot of help from Willie​

Kamala allegedly got her start in 1994 while dating the married Mayor Willie Brown, who first served as California Assembly speaker and then went on to San Francisco mayor. That’s according to Willie Brown, and he basically says it’s just politics.

Brown admitted he advanced her career while she was canoodling with him but doesn’t see a problem with it.

The 84-year-old can’t understand the fuss of giving his young mistress state jobs while they slept together.

“Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago,” Brown wrote in the San Francisco Chronicle.

“Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was [California] Assembly speaker. And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco.”

Brown, 84, pointed out that he also helped the careers of other prominent California Democrats, such as U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom, and U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein.

“The difference is that Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I ‘so much as jaywalked’ while she was D.A.,” Brown wrote. “That’s politics for ya.”

American Greatness reported that Willie Brown appointed Harris to the state Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board, which paid $97,088 a year. She served six months, and Brown then appointed her to the California Medical Assistance Commission, which met only once a month but paid Harris $72,000. Call it “poontronage,” a politician’s appointment of his steady girlfriend, frequent companion, and main squeeze to a lucrative government position requiring little work.

Brown also raised money for Harris in her run for San Francisco district attorney in 2003.

Harris was desperate to win the Attorney General election in 2010, and when she turned up tens of thousands of votes short, that’s when she might have reached out to her friend California secretary of state Debra Bowen who was in charge of certifying ballots. That’s when tens of thousands of her opponent’s ballots disappeared. It was a miracle for sure!

Despite voter registration rolls that showed Democrats outnumbering Republicans statewide by some thirteen percent, she won with provisional ballots. Los Angeles District Attorney Steve Cooley led Harris by 34,000 votes after more than 7 million were counted. But after provisional ballots were counted, she was declared the winner by approximately 50,000 votes, claimed California Highway Patrol Officer Steve Dutton.

During her campaign for the Senate, she paid Maxine Waters’ daughter twice to appear on her endorsement mailers in a sketchy scheme, which allows Waters to exceed the maximum campaign contributions. Everyone gets wealthy off it.

Seems like you have no answers for the questions I asked .... So, in typical leftist fashion you pivot to name calling.
What name did I call you in the quote you responded to?
What name did I call you in the quote you responded to?
Apparently You are so used to doing personal attacks that you don't even know when you are doing it.

It's still just a diversion from the things you refuse to see. Why do you find it necessary to try to protect someone who doesn't deserve protection?
your logic and comprehension are consistent at least, about at the same level as your empathy, compassion and just being someone worth being around!
i'd say good luck, but if I did it would be insincere
says the person terrified of anyone not hetero cis...
I think it is you wanting a "safe" space

Those are just behaviors. Not identities.

No one here cares who you shove your dingus into or who shoves theirs into you so long as it's of legal age and consensual.

Since you're obviously gay, just know that I'm fine with you as a neighbor. If you're halfway into a batch of cookies and realize you're out of butter, you can come to my house and I'll give you butter. If you're getting your driveway paved and need a place to park your pink BMW, you can park it in my driveway. If you just left on vacation and freak out because you think you left the curling iron on, I'd be happy to go over and check it out and make sure it was off so you're not late for your plane.
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Those are just behaviors. Not identities.

No one here cares who you shove your dingus into or who shoves theirs into you so long as it's of legal age and consensual.

Since you're obviously gay, just know that I'm fine with you as a neighbor. If you're halfway into a batch of cookies and realize you're out of butter, you can come to my house and I'll give you butter. If you're getting your driveway paved and need a place to park your pink BMW, you can park it in my driveway. If you just left on vacation and freak out because you think you left the curling iron on, I'd be happy to government and check it out and make sure it was off so you're not late for your plane.
If he starts posting a bunch of meme's .... I'll start to wonder about his identity.
Those are just behaviors. Not identities.

No one here cares who you shove your dingus into or who shoves theirs into you so long as it's of legal age and consensual.

Since you're obviously gay, just know that I'm fine with you as a neighbor. If you're halfway into a batch of cookies and realize you're out of butter, you can come to my house and I'll give you butter. If you're getting your driveway paved and need a place to park your pink BMW, you can park it in my driveway. If you just left on vacation and freak out because you think you left the curling iron on, I'd be happy to government and check it out and make sure it was off so you're not late for your plane.
cool, thats a nice sentiment thanks.
I do give credit where its due
Those are just behaviors. Not identities.

No one here cares who you shove your dingus into or who shoves theirs into you so long as it's of legal age and consensual.

Since you're obviously gay, just know that I'm fine with you as a neighbor. If you're halfway into a batch of cookies and realize you're out of butter, you can come to my house and I'll give you butter. If you're getting your driveway paved and need a place to park your pink BMW, you can park it in my driveway. If you just left on vacation and freak out because you think you left the curling iron on, I'd be happy to go over and check it out and make sure it was off so you're not late for your plane.

This nails it.
We honestly don't care who you bang and who bangs you.
But please keep our children out of it, keep your sexual fantasies out of schools and to yourselves and away from public display where children are present. Keep your ideology to yourselves and people who feel the same. Do not force it on the rest of us via movies, books and other media.
And stop playing victim.

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diy solar