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diy solar

Is This Normal? EG4 6500EX-48 Split Phase


New Member
Aug 18, 2023
Southern California
I have Two EG4 6500EX-48 in Split Phase

Inverter 1: One String of 7 panels
Inverter 2: Two Strings of 7 panels each

Not sure if this is normal or not but, I was testing out my system to see if it was working correctly and I saw that inverter 1 was producing much more power compared to inverter 2 which has 2 strings of solar panels (should produce more power).

On inverter 2 the Voltage on both strings of solar panels were the same but the current was pretty low.

My eg4 server rack battery was at 97%

And also I didn't have an AC load.

Not sure if inverter 2 was throttling itself since It didn't have any ac load, plus my server rack battery was pretty much full.

Is this normal?

I keep thinking that my panels are about to burst into flames since I have used solar panels.

I'm at bit paranoid hahahaha

I would love your input!

Thank you!
If your batteries are full, then pv production will throttle down.

You could test by disconnecting the PV on Inverter 1. PV on Inverter 2 should increase.

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diy solar