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The portrayal of Israel as innocent victims of palestinian animals is absurd.


Solar Wizard
Feb 25, 2021
Ill say right out that terrorist actions are wrong and so is targeting civilians. However we are seeing one side of this conflict portrayed with complete ignorance of the hundred year old backstory, and Ill title this rant as

The historical account of the Palestinians side can be found here:

We can see that the Palestinian people have been systematically reduced to virtually nothing. 2 million people have been herded into a small area in gaza and scrape out a living of appx $2 per day per capita. Every acre of land taken by Israel was alleged to be for their security but that is a patronizing lie.

Notice the Palestinian "terrorists" and their Iranian backers repeatedly refer to "the ZIONISTS".

Thats a term moderate Israelis dont want you to know about and pretend means nothing, but it means EVERYTHING about Israels motivations amd why they wont stop until Palestine and its people are wiped from the history books.

Zionism is a core of modern Judaism and simply believes that if modern Israel can reclaim the biblical boundaries of Zion, which includes Gaza and West Bank as well as the land theyve already stolen, then "Yahweh will fill the chosen people with all his power, and they will shine his light upon all four corners of the world".
Wiping out Palestine is required for them to please their God and become the predominate religion of the world.
This is how I understand it so forgive me if a detail is wrong but its almost criminal how the media omits discussion about what these people have been put through for a century now and how theyre fighting for their very existence the only way they know how.
For the record I think Sharia Islam is utter crap as well and recognize that culturally Israel is superior and more aligned with western ideals.
It certainly shouldnt give Israel a free pass for what theyve done in their quest to please their "imaginary friend".
There are two bad guys in this conflict. Israel claims to be a victim of terrorism but funny that every time it happens is right after another Israeli settlement went up and another Palestinian neighborhood vanished.
Terrorism is what the underdog does against a far superior enemy, you certainly cant say laying down and letting his jackboot crush you into the ground is more admirable.
Ill finish with a peculiar observation.
Nazis in WW2 had a firm belief that they were the "master race", or the "chosen people".
Zionists and even moderate Jews believe exactly the same thing and many make no bones about referring to gentiles as "goyas" or lower class people used as slaves.
The world supported giving Israel a homeland, and perhaps it was necessary. Did we expect those who lived there would have, or should have, just gone quietly?
The first casualty of war is the truth.
I take no sides in this conflict, but from what little of information i have it appears that the common folks on both sides have been sacrificed at the altar of the parasite class.

There is so much information out there but it is very difficult to determine how much of it is actually true (probably by design) and a lot of information designed to trigger our emotions to support whatever "solution" they have already planned for.

What scares me, is that they can very easily pull something like this in the US (there had to be nefarious agents slipped with the illegal waves over the last several years).

I hope i am wrong on this, but i can see an engineered crisis using this tangent to push people into lockdowns, digital biosecurity and cdbcs.

BTW, the civilians who get slaughtered are always innocent victims.
The first casualty of war is the truth.
I take no sides in this conflict, but from what little of information i have it appears that the common folks on both sides have been sacrificed at the altar of the parasite class.

There is so much information out there but it is very difficult to determine how much of it is actually true (probably by design) and a lot of information designed to trigger our emotions to support whatever "solution" they have already planned for.

What scares me, is that they can very easily pull something like this in the US (there had to be nefarious agents slipped with the illegal waves over the last several years).

I hope i am wrong on this, but i can see an engineered crisis using this tangent to push people into lockdowns, digital biosecurity and cdbcs.

BTW, the civilians who get slaughtered are always innocent victims.
Israel the nation has been portrayed as the innocent victim. They systematically oppressed and virtually imprisoned the Palestinians. They treated them like animals and now we should be surprised they act like animals.
Its one thing to say war should have rules and civilians are off limits. Palestinians are fighting for their existence with little tactical ability against a far superior enemy. They dont have a military, Israel hasnt allowed that and with compulsory military service in Israel I think the line is not so clear to draw. I used to side with Israel simply because they fought within the rules. I had no idea what kind of conditions they had the citizens of Gaza living under.

Think about the above point again. Palestinians arent allowed to have a military to fight their enemy- they are all civilians- but are expected to only attack military targets, not civilians like themselves.

And we judge them for that in the comfort of our civilian homes in a country where our military protects us from invaders doing the same thing that happens to the Palestinians every day.
Israel the nation has been portrayed as the innocent victim. They systematically oppressed and virtually imprisoned the Palestinians. They treated them like animals and now we should be surprised they act like animals.
Its one thing to say war should have rules and civilians are off limits. Palestinians are fighting for their existence with little tactical ability against a far superior enemy. They dont have a military, Israel hasnt allowed that and with compulsory military service in Israel I think the line is not so clear to draw. I used to side with Israel simply because they fought within the rules. I had no idea what kind of conditions they had the citizens of Gaza living under.

Think about the above point again. Palestinians arent allowed to have a military to fight their enemy- they are all civilians- but are expected to only attack military targets, not civilians like themselves.

And we judge them for that in the comfort of our civilian homes in a country where our military protects us from invaders doing the same thing that happens to the Palestinians every day.

They are not innocent either.
If you study history, there has been many offers of Palestinian State. It was always rejected because according to their leaders themselves, they will not agree to anything unless Israel is completely destroyed.
They are not innocent either.
If you study history, there has been many offers of Palestinian State. It was always rejected because according to their leaders themselves, they will not agree to anything unless Israel is completely destroyed.
Nobody has been in a position to completely destroy Israel though, have they?
Lets not pretend that since 1948 Israel has not been expanding its territory and swallowing Palestine. I dont think portraying history as blaming Palestinians for not accepting all the great deals offered to them is accurate.
I judge them for their sub-human behavior during the initial attack and thereafter.
Wars are fought within rules and with compassion, only by those with superior firepower and little risk of losing.
Doing what they need to do to win can be done without barbaric acts.
An inferior oppressed force who isnt even allowed to build or have a military, would be expected to take more desperate measures.
And remember youre judging their acts as barbaric by our standards here. A powerful western country with a military protecting us and weve never had to fight for our very existence. You can do that but its hardly relevent to most people in that part of the world.
Nobody has been in a position to completely destroy Israel though, have they?
Lets not pretend that since 1948 Israel has not been expanding its territory and swallowing Palestine. I dont think portraying history as blaming Palestinians for not accepting all the great deals offered to them is accurate.

Palestine leaders have stated many times that they will accept nothing less than complete destruction of Israel.
Straight from the horses mouth. They teach hate from childhood. They refused Palestinian state at least two times to my knowledge.

No sympathy for them.

Not to say that Israels leaders are guiltless. They are just as corrupt as all other globalist puppets and enrich themselves on wars.
All wars are banksters wars.
People's only fault in this is their complacency.

As someone said - Tyrrany is people's punishment for their indifference.
And remember youre judging their acts as barbaric by our standards here. A powerful western country with a military protecting us and weve never had to fight for our very existence. You can do that but its hardly relevent to most people in that part of the world.

Shooting and beheading babies in front of the parents and then killing the parents is Nazi level behavior that serves no military or defense purpose. There is no defense for sub-human behavior like that.
I do not believe the leaders of either side.
This entire event stinks to high heavens. Too much simply does not add up. But it sure does benefit the usual suspects, perfect timing too.
Shooting and beheading babies in front of the parents and then killing the parents is Nazi level behavior that serves no military or defense purpose. There is no defense for sub-human behavior like that.
Since 1948. Is real has killed thousands of Palestinians many of them were children do you think it really matters to the dead child whether it was by a bullet or a sword?
I doubt the beheadings were widespread.
Israel is blowing up this propaganda to justify its Zionist genocide which you obviously have no problem with. Who are the real barbarians here?
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Who are the real barbarians here?

Hamas and similar groups, and those who condone their actions.

do you think it really matters to the dead child

It matters to the parents, and it is is used to torture the parents prior to killing them as well. Such actions are indefensible, and I am amazed that any normal person would attempt to do so.
Hamas and similar groups, and those who condone their actions.

It matters to the parents, and it is is used to torture the parents prior to killing them as well. Such actions are indefensible, and I am amazed that any normal person would attempt to do so.
Since the original posts first sentance was:

"Ill say right out that terrorist actions are wrong and so is targeting civilians."

The fact youre repeatly trying to make this an ad hominem argument against me is a cheap tactic and not a productive discussion.

To the other point, when the bodies are stacked up after Gaza is destroyed and their heads and other body parts are blown off and the cadavers are unrecognizable, we will let their parents decide if they care how they died. Not the promoters of propaganda for Zionists and their genocide.

Its not as if beheading people wasnt the standard way of killing people for many thousands of years, now Zionists say this is what should give them a green light to continue genocide, but the fact is much of the middle east still is culturally stuck in the past where barbaric actions are a daily occurance.

Judging them by our standards as barbaric will have zero influence on the situation there.

The short argument is that two wrongs dont make right, and you cannot consider this Hamas attack first blood against Israel. The blockade against Gaza since 2005 has caused immense suffering on all its residents, it shouldnt be a surprise they waged this attack.
I agree with this general take.

“The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous. Hierarchical society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. In principle the war effort is always planned to keep society on the brink of starvation.”

George Orwell, 1984
In case you haven’t noticed, your overlords want you to replace your virtue signaling “I Support Ukraine” message in your social media with their new “I Support Israel” messaging for their latest war.

Driving home from work two days ago, I look up at an electronic billboard and see an enormous PRAY FOR ISRAEL message on I-476. They don’t waste time on the propaganda front.

After wasting $160 billion on character actor Zelensky in their futile attempt to bleed out Russia and Putin, they are about to throw in the towel on that debacle and move on to their next debacle. Of course, they don’t consider it a debacle. Their arms dealers and their financiers on Wall Street have satiated their profit hunger at the pig trough of continuous war.

How convenient that just as the Ukraine war is about to be lost, the most militarized country on earth, with the most glorified surveillance state mechanism in history, was suddenly surprised by a bunch of 3rd world Muslims, using pickup trucks, hang gliders, and improvised missiles. It almost seems like this entire episode was a coordinated theatrical production, with innocent civilians used as the cannon fodder to generate outrage and hate. The innocent die, while the creators of chaos profit.

No one will win this Israel vs. Hamas war, because no one is meant win this war. Biden is already doling out the 1st $8 billion to Israel, on top of the billions we already dole out to Israel, which they use to bribe U.S. politicians to give them even more money, contracts and influence over our country. No one will win the Syrian war. No one won the Libya civil war. They won’t allow a true end to the Ukraine war. Iraq and Afghanistan are just on the back burner, until they need to ignite those powder kegs again.

War is a racket, always was a racket, and always will be a racket. The Deep State uses all their propaganda power, through control of the regime media, politicians on both sides of the aisle, social media conglomerates, and Wall Street to keep festering anger, discontent, outrage, and hate in order to keep the profits flowing into their coffers. The masses are manipulated into supporting the latest war through sophisticated techniques preying on their emotions and feelings, knowing they have been dumbed down by decades of government school indoctrination, disguised as education.

So here we are, with our overlords generating the newest war. Next up will be another false flag to ignite outrage against Iran. Our military industrial complex and their spokesperson Lindsay Graham, can’t wait for that one. Just because these lords of war are greedy psychopaths, doesn’t mean they are intelligent or capable of seeing what happens when they go too far. Once the missiles start flying across the Middle East, the world will be forced to take sides, and then all hell will break loose. If we allow these war pigs to initiate their agenda, Armageddon is a distinctly possible outcome.
War is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength.”

George Orwell, 1984
I’ve been trying to work out how Hamas attacking Israel in such a savage way makes any sense as a strategy, since it inevitably will provoke a massive military reaction which threatens to wipe them out, or at least remove their ability to operate in Gaza while killing many of their fighters.

Even allowing for the fact Hamas clearly care nothing for the civilian population of Gaza, who they are meant to govern, just from their own self interest, provoking a full on war with a much more powerful foe doesn’t make sense.

The only way it might start to fall into place is if others (Hezbollah, Iran, etc) are going to join in and widen the conflict area once Israel commits their land forces to Gaza. Is that why Western nations have sent Naval forces, anticipating a wider war? They would not be needed only for the operation Israel is carrying out in Gaza.

This situation, terrible as it already is, could be about to get a lot worse.
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I’ve been trying to work out how Hamas attacking Israel in such a savage way makes any sense as a strategy, since it inevitably will provoke a massive military reaction which threatens to wipe them out, or at least remove their ability to operate in Gaza while killing many of their fighters.

Even allowing for the fact Hamas clearly care nothing for the civilian population of Gaza, who they are meant to govern, just from their own self interest, provoking a full on war with a much more powerful foe doesn’t make sense.

The only way it might start to fall into place is if others (Hezbollah, Iran, etc) are going to join in and widen the conflict area once Israel commits their land forces to Gaza. Is that why Western nations have sent Naval forces, anticipating a wider war? They would not be needed only for the operation Israel is carrying out in Gaza.

This situation, terrible as it already is, could be about to get a lot worse.
It headed off the peace deal that was about to take place between the Saudi's and Israel. Neither of them like Iran .... Iran used Hamas a pawns.
Hamas is totally driven by their hate of Israel, so they will jump at any chance to kill Jewss
I’ve been trying to work out how Hamas attacking Israel in such a savage way makes any sense as a strategy, since it inevitably will provoke a massive military reaction which threatens to wipe them out, or at least remove their ability to operate in Gaza while killing many of their fighters.

Even allowing for the fact Hamas clearly care nothing for the civilian population of Gaza, who they are meant to govern, just from their own self interest, provoking a full on war with a much more powerful foe doesn’t make sense.

The only way it might start to fall into place is if others (Hezbollah, Iran, etc) are going to join in and widen the conflict area once Israel commits their land forces to Gaza. Is that why Western nations have sent Naval forces, anticipating a wider war? They would not be needed only for the operation Israel is carrying out in Gaza.

This situation, terrible as it already is, could be about to get a lot worse.

No. Israel will respond by killing innocent Arabs, further incensing their hatred.

They have defeated the Russians and Americans, their final enemy is the Israelis. They want a bigger war because they know they will win.

If we support Israel, all we will do is import Arab/Jew violence into the United States. The resulting violence will result in lower quality of life and be used as an excuse by government to further erode our freedom's and civil liberties here at home just as it was after 911.

This is why they wanted Trump out.

As soon as he was ejected, they successfully restarted War with Russia and the Arab world within less than 1 presidential term.
It headed off the peace deal that was about to take place between the Saudi's and Israel. Neither of them like Iran .... Iran used Hamas a pawns.
Hamas is totally driven by their hate of Israel, so they will jump at any chance to kill Jewss

The entire Muslim world hates Israel.

They lie and say it's only "Muslim Extremists" to make it seem like a problem that can be managed and then defeated.
Shooting and beheading babies in front of the parents and then killing the parents is Nazi level behavior that serves no military or defense purpose. There is no defense for sub-human behavior like that.

Getting involved in the details of the cruelty in order to keep from seeing the big picture.

So what? They are savage and wanted to inflict maximum pain.

Here in the United States we have had adult children go into elementary schools and shoot little kids.

I would like to solve that problem before virtue-signaling about how gross you think it is that some people involved in a religious war in a land far far away were as sadistic as possible to people they view as heretics.
Getting involved in the details of the cruelty in order to keep from seeing the big picture.

Details are important. Without them, there can be no "big picture".

Here in the United States we have had adult children go into elementary schools and shoot little kids.

I would like to solve that problem

The solution is obvious but since it is painful to admit the cause and difficult to make large societal changes, we will continue to address the symptom rather than the problem.
Details are important. Without them, there can be no "big picture".

The solution is obvious but since it is painful to admit the cause and difficult to make large societal changes, we will continue to address the symptom rather than the problem.

Whether kids get blown up with a missile or shot and then beheaded is not relevant to the big picture.

We cannot imvolve ourselves in that war. There is no benefit to us and mind you, the southern border has been wide open for almost 3 years.

I'm curious what the people in the United States who are concerned about beheading plan on doing about it? What exactly will you do to martyrs who have don't have two pennies to run together?
About the beheaded babies... The story may not be true at all.

Oh and Biden lies again.

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