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diy solar

The portrayal of Israel as innocent victims of palestinian animals is absurd.

Well thats one side of the story.

I can't watch that stuff. It's so irrelevant to the United States and my personal liberty and freedom that I just can't.

All getting engaged in that crap will do is import Arab/Jew violence into the United States just as it did on 911. Nothing good comes from getting involved.
I can't watch that stuff. It's so irrelevant to the United States and my personal liberty and freedom that I just can't.

All getting engaged in that crap will do is import Arab/Jew violence into the United States just as it did on 911. Nothing good comes from getting involved.
So you believe that if you ignore what is going on that you will not be affected? It is VERY relevant. As a example look at all the programmed collage age kids over this issue.and how many border "got-a-ways" have terrorist aims? Like it or not "It is what it is"
It would not surprise me if there factions in there government that would "look the other way" . But with that said Iran and all it's proxies want ALL Jews eliminated and the US is in there sites as well in the name of religion.
If we do not look at the past we risk repeating it.........

"Tens of thousands of Muslims fought for the Nazis in World War Two. DW spoke with historian David Motadel about whether pragmatism or anti-Semitism drove Adolf Hitler's overtures and why some Muslim leaders backed him."

14 US troop camps in the middle have been attacked sense the start. 14 soldiers injured.
China now has 6 warships in the area to match our 6.........
It would not surprise me if there factions in there government that would "look the other way" . But with that said Iran and all it's proxies want ALL Jews eliminated and the US is in there sites as well in the name of religion.

Jews or Israel and tell us about the U.S. oil embargo in 1973.
If we do not look at the past we risk repeating it.........

"Tens of thousands of Muslims fought for the Nazis in World War Two. DW spoke with historian David Motadel about whether pragmatism or anti-Semitism drove Adolf Hitler's overtures and why some Muslim leaders backed him."

Were Jews the only people killed during WWII?
It would not surprise me if there factions in there government that would "look the other way" . But with that said Iran and all it's proxies want ALL Jews eliminated and the US is in there sites as well in the name of religion.
Is it really religion or just disapproval of their behavior? Theres this illusion of the Israelis being more civilized thats been pushed and I dont think its the case. Watch this:
This is in stark contrast to Shapiros version.
Which is why we shouldn't get involved.
We shouldnt get involved because Israel can handle it just fine. Watching Bidens actions has been cringeworthy, its like he wants another 9/11. He goes over there and kisses Israels ass and gets kicked to the curb by Arab allies. Just like Carter did with the Shah.
What does Israel do for us? Nothing but a liability. Meanwhile the dollar is backed by Saudi oil, but probably not much longer.
Were Jews the only people killed during WWII?
What kind of question is that? Lots of people died/murdered during the WW2 war. However the Jews were rounded up, worked, starved then gassed or made into lampshades? Or experimental poisoning? ( This is where chemotherapy was born ) It is truly sickening to see the apparent loss of reality.
We shouldnt get involved because Israel can handle it just fine. Watching Bidens actions has been cringeworthy, its like he wants another 9/11. He goes over there and kisses Israels ass and gets kicked to the curb by Arab allies. Just like Carter did with the Shah.
What does Israel do for us? Nothing but a liability. Meanwhile the dollar is backed by Saudi oil, but probably not much longer.
There are two global factions growing on this earth. The Globalist's and the nationalist's. Who do you hope comes out on top?
I agree that we should not get involved. We have plenty of issues we need to fix in the USA.
Israel is more than capable of handling their own problems.

Going further we should not get involved anywhere. World will be a much better place.
Always remember, that War is Racket, and all wars are bankster's wars. But the banksters are real good at propaganda to make people choose side and fight amongst each other, while the banksters laugh all the way to the bank.
What countries were involved?
"Tricky" Dick" was the US pres at the time. There is to much to cover for me type. October 7th was a key date back then. Fuel prices escalated clear into the early 80's odd and even plate fuel fill ups. Running out of allotted fuel.

Many countries were involved on both sides.
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Oh and thanks for asking your question. I was amazed at how much I had forgotten.
On Border crisis and how it relates to the Israel-Palestine thing. Things we really need to paying attention to as it is already almost too late

Oh and thanks for asking your question. I was amazed at how much I had forgotten.

I don't even remember why I asked it.


Now I do. You said Iran wanted all jews eliminated.

No. All Muslims want the state of Israel eliminated. The war of 1973 proved that.
I don't even remember why I asked it.


Now I do. You said Iran wanted all jews eliminated.

No. All Muslims want the state of Israel eliminated. The war of 1973 proved that.
So who runs Israel, what prevalent religion is there. Have you read the

Stop, O people, that I may give you ten rules for your guidance in the battlefield. Do not commit treachery or deviate from the right path. You must not mutilate dead bodies. Neither kills a child, nor a woman, nor an aged man. Bring no harm to the trees, nor burn them with fire, especially those which are fruitful. Slay not any of the enemy's flock, save for your food. You are likely to pass by people who have devoted their lives to monastic services; leave them alone.

— Abu Bakr

Now here is Hamas charter

The original, 1988 version of the charter emphasize four main themes:[18]

  1. Destroying Israel and establishing an Islamic theocracy in Palestine is essential;[18]
  2. Unrestrained jihad is necessary to achieve this;[18]
  3. Negotiated resolutions of Jewish and Palestinian claims to the land are unacceptable;[18]
  4. Historical anti-semitic tropes that reinforce the goals.[18]
The Covenant proclaims that Israel will exist until Islam obliterates it, and jihad against Jews is required until Judgement Day. Compromise over the land is forbidden. The documents promote holy war as divinely ordained, reject political solutions, and call for instilling these views in children.[18]

The updated 2017 charter moderates Hamas's position by stating that Hamas is not anti-Jewish but anti-Zionist, but retains the goal of completely eliminating Israel.[18]

Now we define what is a Zionist?

Zionism, Jewish nationalist movement that has had as its goal the creation and support of a Jewish national state in Palestine, the ancient homeland of the Jews (Hebrew: Eretz Yisraʾel, “the Land of Israel”). Though Zionism originated in eastern and central Europe in the latter part of the 19th century, it is in many ways a continuation of the ancient attachment of the Jews and of the Jewish religion to the historical region of Palestine, where one of the hills of ancient Jerusalem was called Zion.

Word play by any other name..........

diy solar

diy solar