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diy solar

The portrayal of Israel as innocent victims of palestinian animals is absurd.

The United States voted Joe Biden into power and cowered under covid mask and vaccine rules.

The arrogance of such judgements against others is laughable.
And here I thought we were talking about Israel and the Gaza strip conflict. Unless I misunderstand your thoughts, the almost 3000 non military people that died during the 9-11 twin towers Terrorist attack was laughable?
And here I thought we were talking about Israel and the Gaza strip conflict. Unless I misunderstand your thoughts, the almost 3000 non military people that died during the 9-11 twin towers Terrorist attack was laughable?

You're like a women. You're trying to turn yourself into a whoa is me victim for some bizarre reason.
And here I thought we were talking about Israel and the Gaza strip conflict. Unless I misunderstand your thoughts, the almost 3000 non military people that died during the 9-11 twin towers Terrorist attack was laughable?
While I disagree with their actions, Al Qaedas stated grievances of their 1998 fatwa were completely justified. We starved a million Iraqis to death, mostly children, to support our policy. Left a country humiliated, begging in the streets, with 2/3 of its population living hand to mouth off UN rations.
It wasnt because "they hated our freedoms". It wasnt because we were "infidels". Its because of our fucked up policies, and support for Israels Zionist agenda.
Funny you cite 9/11 while unwaveringly supporting policies that caused it.
Bush knew all this and thats why we had to invade Iraq. The status quo was unsustainable.
While I disagree with their actions, Al Qaedas stated grievances of their 1998 fatwa were completely justified. We starved a million Iraqis to death, mostly children, to support our policy. Left a country humiliated, begging in the streets, with 2/3 of its population living hand to mouth off UN rations.
It wasnt because "they hated our freedoms". It wasnt because we were "infidels". Its because of our fucked up policies, and support for Israels Zionist agenda.
Funny you cite 9/11 while unwaveringly supporting policies that caused it.
Bush knew all this and thats why we had to invade Iraq. The status quo was unsustainable.

Al-Qaeda, the creation of the CIA and the globalists to jumpstart their agenda.
2001 is when the entire dystopian nightmare got its start (patriot act, creation of the TSA, etc etc etc)
Do you really believe that around the world "From the river to the sea" was spontaneous?

Can you please stop with the cryptic responses that require 20 questions to suss out and instead just say what you mean please.

Explain how joining the Israelis in their little holy war against the Arabs will make life more prosperous and free here in the United States.

We all know the story of bin Laden and Al Qaeda, the story that was repeated ad nauseam in the days, weeks and months after the catastrophic, catalyzing events of 9/11. So often was that story repeated that the hypnotized public forgot that it was, at base, just that: a story.

In the ahistorical fable of TV sound bites, terrorism is a modern invention—created out of whole cloth by Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda. And, at the same time, Islamic fundamentalism is a force of nature, something that has always existed in the Middle East—the product, perhaps, of some sandstorm on the Arabian peninsula in the distant past.

But this is a lie. In truth, the rise of Islamic fundamentalism in the modern era and the rise of terrorism as a political tool cannot be understood without confronting some very well-documented but long-repressed history.

Ever since the mid-18th century—when the British East India Company gained dominion over the Indian subcontinent—the history of Islam as a political and cultural force has been intimately tied to the fortunes of Empire and the aims of the Western powers. The British Empire, in particular, did much to shape the map of the modern-day Middle East and to influence the course of its religious and political forces.

This influence can be seen throughout the 18th and 19th centuries.

Britain's gradual takeover of the Indian subcontinent led to the British Empire becoming, in the estimation of Winston Churchill, "[T]he greatest Mohammedan power in the world."

The 19th-century "Great Game" between Victorian England and Tsarist Russia for control of Central Asia saw the British propping up unpopular Islamic rulers throughout the region as a buffer between Russia and the "crown jewel" of the British Empire, India.

Britain's desire to maintain its access to India led to the British conquest of Egypt in 1882, resulting in 40 years of British rule and a military presence in the country that was not removed until the Suez Crisis of 1956.

From Khartoum to Constantinople, Jerusalem to Jakarta, no part of the Muslim world could escape the influence of the British crown. Sometimes that influence was used to strengthen the rule of Islamic hardliners. Sometimes, as with the Mahdist rebellion in Sudan, that influence was used to put down Islamic uprisings. But in each case, the British Empire's goal was clear: to use whatever means at its disposal to undermine movements and governments unfavourable to its rule and to install and encourage those forces that were willing to cooperate with the crown.


This was confirmed two years later by Zbigniew Brzezinski, Carter's National Security Advisor, in a 1998 interview:

According to the official version of history, CIA aid to the mujahideen began during 1980, that is to say, after the Soviet army invaded Afghanistan on December 24, 1979. But the reality, closely guarded until now, is completely otherwise: Indeed, it was July 3, 1979 that President Carter signed the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. And that very day, I wrote a note to the president in which I explained to him that in my opinion this aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention.
The program that Carter signed off on—dubbed Operation Cyclone and billed as "the largest covert operation in history"—continued and expanded throughout the 1980s, leading to the rise of the Taliban and the encouragement of what Brzezinski called in that same interview "some agitated Muslims."

KENNETH BRANNAGH: US National Security Advisor Brzezinski flew to Pakistan to set about rallying the resistance. He wanted to arm the mujahideen without revealing America's role. On the Afghan border near the Khyber Pass, he urged the "Soldiers of God" to redouble their efforts.
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI (in Pakistan): We know of their deep belief in God and we are confident that their struggle will succeed. That land over there is yours. You'll go back to it one day because your fight will prevail. And you'll have your homes and your mosques back again, because your cause is right and God is on your side.
BRZEZINSKI (interview): The purpose of coordinating with the Pakistanis would be to make the Soviets bleed for as much and as long as is possible.
SOURCE: Soldiers of God (Episode 20)
News of the struggle began to spread throughout the Arab world, and soon the stories of the brave mujahideen fighting the communist infidels became a rallying cry for jihad. The Afghan resistance had made Peshawar, just over the border in Pakistan, their headquarters, and it was there that visitors from around the Muslim world heard first-hand the tales from the battles against the Soviets and saw for themselves the squalor of the refugees who had been forced from their homes by the Russian invaders.

One such visitor was Abdullah Azzam, a passionate young Palestinian whose militant activism had cost him his job as a lecturer at King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah and had prompted him to take a position in Islamabad so he could be closer to the Afghan jihad. But this was still not close enough, and he resigned his position to dedicate himself full time to the Afghan cause. He spent time in the refugee camps and mujahideen base at Peshawar, issued a fatwa arguing that Muslims had a duty to wage jihad in Afhganistan, and made frequent trips to Jeddah, where he recruited young Muslims for the cause. While in Jeddah, he stayed at the guest flat of a rich young Saudi named Osama bin Laden.
Can you please stop with the cryptic responses that require 20 questions to suss out and instead just say what you mean please.
The Ukraine war is loosing support. The Palestinian protests are being supported by communistic entities and antifa groups that are funded by the left. " the Great Reset" marches on....... Chaos is the order just like COVID....
Explain how joining the Israelis in their little holy war against the Arabs will make life more prosperous and free here in the United States.
I support Israel's response to a Terrorist attack. I do not support our sticking our nose/money into the conflict. A US warship stopped a pirate attempted take over of a Israel ship. During the event the Houthis fired 2 cruise missiles at the warship. Like it or not we are involved.
The Ukraine war is loosing support. The Palestinian protests are being supported by communistic entities and antifa groups that are funded by the left.

The same "left" that are the dual passport holders that thought it would be a good idea to travel to the middle-east and have a music festival along the border wall between Gaza and Israel

I support Israel's response to a Terrorist attack.

If by support you mean indifference, then ok.

I do not support our sticking our nose/money into the conflict. A US warship stopped a pirate attempted take over of a Israel ship. During the event the Houthis fired 2 cruise missiles at the warship. Like it or not we are involved.

Unrelated event.
The Ukraine war is loosing support. The Palestinian protests are being supported by communistic entities and antifa groups that are funded by the left. " the Great Reset" marches on....... Chaos is the order just like COVID....

I support Israel's response to a Terrorist attack. I do not support our sticking our nose/money into the conflict. A US warship stopped a pirate attempted take over of a Israel ship. During the event the Houthis fired 2 cruise missiles at the warship. Like it or not we are involved.
Apparantly its now been revealed the Israelis had detailed prior knowledge of the Hamas attack ONE YEAR before it happened.

Obviously the zionists wanted it to happen so they could commence with destroying Gaza.
Apparantly its now been revealed the Israelis had detailed prior knowledge of the Hamas attack ONE YEAR before it happened.
Even if that is true, Hamas decided to slaughter babies, raped and slaughtered women burned people alive. A Terrorist IS at Terrorist.
Obviously the zionists wanted it to happen so they could commence with destroying Gaza.
If I didn't know any better, your words seem to indicate that you are a anti-Semitic?
Even if that is true, Hamas decided to slaughter babies, raped and slaughtered women burned people alive. A Terrorist IS at Terrorist.

It's ok to blow up kids and women though.
If I didn't know any better, your words seem to indicate that you are a anti-Semitic?

There it is.

I wonder how many more women Harvey Weinstein got to rape and how much more Jeffrey Epstein was able to get away with because people like you would pop up out of the woodwork and accuse anyone who was critical of them as being antisemitic?

Nice try at virtue signaling and ingratiating yourself to power their grizz.?
Apparantly its now been revealed the Israelis had detailed prior knowledge of the Hamas attack ONE YEAR before it happened.

Obviously the zionists wanted it to happen so they could commence with destroying Gaza.

Possibly. Trouble is you'll never know.

Same thing with prior knowledge of 911.

Many times action isn't taken due to incompetence.

This does happen to be a nice distraction to the Hunter Biden / Joe Biden bribery corruption scandal though, of which Israel and Israeli officials are fully involved.
The oxford definition is:

the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

What Israel is doing to gaza now qualifies.

So, I guess there is a definition of the term "terrorism"...

Is there a difference in your mind between targeting someone specifically, versus warning them to leave and then having them become collateral damage when they choose to stay?

Is torture "violence and intimidation"? If so, then doesn't the inclusion of torture in an attack fit the definition of terrorism?
So, I guess there is a definition of the term "terrorism"...

Is there a difference in your mind between targeting someone specifically, versus warning them to leave and then having them become collateral damage when they choose to stay?

Is torture "violence and intimidation"? If so, then doesn't the inclusion of torture in an attack fit the definition of terrocommon?

This take is almost as bad as Grizz's.

You guys are jockeying are both attempting to moral preen which is why liberal tactics work so well.

The Israelis can kill as many people as they want in order to do what they feel is necessary.

The only problem I have is the United States shielding them from the consequences.

The Israeli lobby and dual passport holders in government are a corrupting force that insures the United States giving a stamp of approval to whatever the Israelis want to do as well as the U.S. funding it.

This has to stop.
It's ok to blow up kids and women though.
I disagree. If a Terrorist using hospitals to hide behind, putting there people at risk and you know it is war shows how much they care about there people.
There it is.
Really? I ask a question and you do not answer. I am left to assume that you are.
I wonder how many more women Harvey Weinstein got to rape and how much more Jeffrey Epstein was able to get away with because people like you would pop up out of the woodwork and accuse anyone who was critical of them as being antisemitic?
Not relevant. You want to talk rape? The Terrorists did.
Nice try at virtue signaling and ingratiating yourself to power their grizz.?
F#$*k virtue signaling, bunch of manipulated punks that do not respect the law in many cases.
I disagree. If a Terrorist using hospitals to hide behind, putting there people at risk and you know it is war shows how much they care about there people.

Really? I ask a question and you do not answer. I am left to assume that you are.

Not relevant. You want to talk rape? The Terrorists did.

F#$*k virtue signaling, bunch of manipulated punks that do not respect the law in many cases.
The only people who fight wars within civilized rules are those who have no chance of losing.
Even if that is true, Hamas decided to slaughter babies, raped and slaughtered women burned people alive. A Terrorist IS at Terrorist.

All of which are tactics used in wars throughout history.
Israel has killed 13,500 palestinians. Many of them women and children. Do you think they werent slaughtered? Do you think bombs and phosphorus dont burn people alive?

Clearly youre missing that Israel has engineered this whole thing to continue their genocidal quest to please their God. Theyre sick and delusional.
If I didn't know any better, your words seem to indicate that you are a anti-Semitic?
Antisemite? No Im calling out people engaged in outrageous behaviour. It doesnt matter who they are. Are you saying a certain people deserve special protection from that because they think theyre "gods chosen people"?
I disagree. If a Terrorist using hospitals to hide behind, putting there people at risk and you know it is war shows how much they care about there people.

Really? I ask a question and you do not answer. I am left to assume that you are.

Not relevant. You want to talk rape? The Terrorists did.

F#$*k virtue signaling, bunch of manipulated punks that do not respect the law in many cases.

You're desperate to claim the moral high ground for 1 side.

This is leftist behavior.

Dual passport holder Harvey Weinstein's favorite hobby was Rape. Israelis helped him cover that hobby up.

I fully understand why you're afraid to call this out.
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So, I guess there is a definition of the term "terrorism"...

Is there a difference in your mind between targeting someone specifically, versus warning them to leave and then having them become collateral damage when they choose to stay?

Is torture "violence and intimidation"? If so, then doesn't the inclusion of torture in an attack fit the definition of terrorism?
Gaza residents couldnt simply evacuate and there are reports IDF attacked them anyway.

This whole operation has all the appearances of Israel wiping gaza off the map in its agenda of zionist genocide. Israel intends to force all gaza refugees into tent cities in Sinai and not return to gaza. Its bullshit and if they do that the west bank is next. Zionists will have their dream but spend the next thousand years playing victim while "terrorists" justifiably attack them there and wherever in the world they travel.
You're desperate to claim the moral high ground for 1 side.
You sure like to "tell" people what they are thinking...... incredibly manipulative behavior.
This is leftist behavior.
Na...... The left chants " From the river to the sea"
Dual passport holder Harvey Weinstein's favorite hobby was Rape. Israelis helped him cover that hobby up.
There you go again deflecting.
I fully understand why you're afraid to call this out.
There you go again "Telling" how a person feels. Projecting at its finest.

diy solar

diy solar