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diy solar

Phase 1 Complete. Sol-Ark 15k, 30kW Pytes, 2kW Array


Solar Enthusiast
Nov 21, 2023
Private USA
Hello solar fans. Long time lurker, first time poster.

I have been working on this solar plan for some time now. The whole thing is definitely a learning process. The whole project is split into two phases, mostly because I'm busy and want to do a good job.

The picture below is phase 1 complete: It is a sol-ark 15k. A bit over 30kW of Pytes 48100r batteries in the forest RB enclosure, and associated cabling. The extra small conduit on the left is an existing generator inlet that is now piped into the sol-ark. The other is an outside emergency stop button. Worked with a great local electrician on the install. I went with a disconnect after the main meter, then right into the sol-ark. The load terminal feeds the main house panel. So all ports on the sol-ark are in use (gen, grid, load, battery, pv).

I only have 2kW of panels, just to make sure I had something, and could fully install and test the unit. Phase 2 (this spring) is to add a 19.5 kW ground mount array. That maxes out the DC side input on the sol-ark. I am trying to use everything efficiently. The battery was sized using the same thought process to be capable of 300 amps of discharge so that the sol-ark can pull the full 275 amps it is capable of. 6 Pytes batteries, and some 4/0 copper to the bus bars. Basically maxing out the capability, while not breaking the budget completely.

I left room for more batteries and another sol-ark but I'm hopeful I never need it. I have seen some of the stories on this forum how people keep on adding on, so I wanted to at least leave room to expand my newest addiction.

I have questions about the battery yet. After some consulting with Sol-Ark (good support, but they are busy lately) I am using a full time of use schedule, to make sure I am using the batteries at night, and can fully capture the sun I get during the day. I am not grid tied until phase 2.

My experience with the Sol-Ark and Pytes? Both pretty top-notch. Also, practical preppers was good to work with when purchasing. I realize that there are limitations on the equipment. There is a small flicker if I flip off the main breaker from the meter, but as far as I can tell, only when I am not already running primarily off the battery. I have not had a trip or fault yet, but I'm also not a huge power user, and anything large is already a 240v draw. It has been running the well pump, fridge, lights, septic, occasional stove/oven/microwave use, ceiling fans, etc. The setup on the sol-ark can be a bit confusing. I thought I knew things from reading the documentation and videos, then when I went to actually do it, things were not so clear. CT's, using a portable generator occasionally with time of use settings, and those type of things can be confusing. Our install took several days. It wouldn't take that long if I was not so picky about looks.

Battery question : I have it set to use the battery until 70%, then use grid. That means I get to around 85% on a sunny day, then burn that and then some at night. Should I set it up so that I get a full 100% charge from grid once a week? I could also set it to draw it down farther. I want to be good to the batteries, and make them last a long time. If it is not a concern, great! It will no longer be an issue once the big ground mount array is in.

On the flip side, should anyone have questions about this install, or if I can help in return. Chime in.

What type of structure is this in? Metal shed on slab? Can you expand on your design considerations? You mentioned it could have been quicker if you weren’t picky on looks, in saying that what’s the reason for the batteries in front of the window?
Seems like a nice set up
What type of structure is this in? Metal shed on slab? Can you expand on your design considerations? You mentioned it could have been quicker if you weren’t picky on looks, in saying that what’s the reason for the batteries in front of the window?
Seems like a nice set up
Hi Goose. Thats funny. Good point on the batteries. Sometimes you work with what you have.

This is in a nook in the attached garage. About an 8x8 space with the electrical and low volt panels for the whole house. Made sense to put everything there so it is close to the service panels. The garage is lined with metal, but it is a 2x6 framed structure.

The battery basically ended up there since I didn't want to wall mount 800 lbs of battery, and also wanted to save room for a second 15k inverter should the need arise. Otherwise I could have tried to push it all into the rightmost corner better. It's not an egress window, and the garage has 4 other windows. One other method I considered is to get a bunch of smaller battery boxes so they would be lower, then bus them all together, but I like function over form, so this is the route I took. I was interested in getting everything in conduit. Battery cables, coms, and everything so it is safe, and a clean install.
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Thanks for expanding. I love hearing the planning/thoughts behind a layout. ?
Nice, was this inspected? I'm looking at something similar and for UL9540 may go with something like this setup.

If you do plan on installing a second sol-ark how will you do AC combiners?

edit: The install guide shows loading the batteries from the side, were you able to load from the front? That'd make it hard to install a second 'forest' unit next to the existing one I'd imagine.
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Hi. Server update nuked several posts on this thread unfortunately.

To state again, but shorter: It is inspected. If I do install another I would likely do polaris type connections in the large raceway if inspector would give it the thumbs up.

The batteries are indeed side load, then the wiring is in the front. If I add more it would likely just be two more 100ah batteries since 8 is the max battery count with Pytes before you get into extra hardware to manage the batteries. I don't like the added complexity in this case.

The other question posted here was about the battery wiring. I used 4/0 from the battery box bus bars to the Sol-Ark. I added a homegrid battery bus bar into the Sol-Ark to combine the two battery inputs. Battery cables USA was good to order from, and they made me a custom 8ft cable with two different size holes on the terminations. Since the HomeGrid bus bar and the battery cabinet were different. Matched the studs exactly.

The batteries from Pytes in the box itself were wired in pairs. Two batteries are paralleled, then ran to the bus bar. There are 3 groups of paired batteries that each used 4 gauge wire to the bus bars, provided with the batteries.
Nice, I just Commissioned my own system with the same configuration. I have 11.84kw of panels feeding it.

When you inputed the battery charge voltage settings did they stay once you hit okay and then selected "lithium" and 00?

Mine just go back to what seems to be a Sol-Ark default value which is different from what Pytes says to set them at and IIRC, grey out.
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Nice, I just Commissioned my own system with the same configuration. I have 11.84kw of panels feeding it.

When you inputed the battery charge voltage settings did they stay once you hit okay and then selected "lithium" and 00?

Mine just go back to what seems to be a Sol-Ark default value which is different from what Pytes says to set them at and IIRC, grey out.
Hi Rodney,
I set them according to a pytes/sol-ark integration guide I found. After setting all the voltages manually like explained in several Sol-Ark videos (in case the BMS loses coms I gueses), then I selected BMS Lithium Battery and left it at 00. That made the coms work fine, but greyed out and reset to default most of the settings I changed.

One that I did change once more after that, was the equalize setting. I set that to zero minutes.

Things are working pretty well, but I rarely get a full charge since I have a small starter array 2kW until this spring. I get some odd SOC numbers that I have some info on in another thread.

Good luck with everything. Let me know how yours is charging, and if you have any other questions. I have only been running for a short time, so what I did is pretty fresh in memory.

diy solar

diy solar