diy solar

diy solar

Begin to swim

Unless your health issue is being comatose, then learning never stops. Most theories are bs......mine works for me.
When you get older and have the various issues that come with age, you might understand. I'm not saying older people are useless, just that everything slows down. Energy, both physically and mentally, changes. Priorities and focus changes.

Add to that that there are people who get thrown into situations that they never wanted. If I died tomorrow, my wife would be on here asking a lot of questions. As much as she has paid attention and even helped in our solar adventure, she doesn't know all the details. The last thing she will need to hear is buck up.
I understand this to some extent. However sometimes asking for help is a step to solving a problem. Any problem in life. Screaming for help after going overboard, versus calmly treading water quietly as the ship steams out of sight, would be a wise thing to do when it came to survival.
Tarzan did not tread water, he started swimming for shore....I realize how impractical this is, it is just a mind set people need to have. If you are always looking for someone to save you, you will oft times need to be saved.
When you get older and have the various issues that come with age, you might understand. I'm not saying older people are useless, just that everything slows down. Energy, both physically and mentally, changes. Priorities and focus changes.

Add to that that there are people who get thrown into situations that they never wanted. If I died tomorrow, my wife would be on here asking a lot of questions. As much as she has paid attention and even helped in our solar adventure, she doesn't know all the details. The last thing she will need to hear is buck up.
But wont she need to buck up? Or give up? Buck up and ask some questions.......It is all a mindset.....
Tarzan did not tread water, he started swimming for shore....I realize how impractical this is, it is just a mind set people need to have. If you are always looking for someone to save you, you will oft times need to be saved.
There is a biblical story of a man swimming - treading water - drowning awaiting help directly by and from God. It has been told many times and in several version.

‘’”While out to sea, a large boat became shipwrecked and there was only a single survivor. This man prayed and asked God to save his life. Soon thereafter, another boat came by and offered the man some help.
“No thanks,” he said. “I'm waiting for God to save me.”
The men on the boat shrugged their shoulders and continued. As the man became more deeply concerned, another boat came by. Again, the people aboard offered this man some help, and again he politely decline. “I'm waiting for God to save me,” he said again.
After some time, the man began to lose his faith, and soon after that he died. Upon reaching Heaven, he had a chance to speak with God briefly.
“Why did you let me die? Why didn't you answer my prayers?”
“Dummy, I sent you two boats!”
The author of this spiritual story is unknown and greatly appreciated. If you know who wrote this, or can provide a source that we can cite then please contact us and let us know!”’
this quoted version is same.

The Bible and Religion often teaches life lessons and provides moral compass for some ppl. However everyone fails at times… myself included.

I use to tell young ppl learning that most everything is “Easy once you know how.” I had heard that somewhere but don’t remember the source. We often forget where we came from, where we are at, and where we are going. It is not a crime to be nice to ppl sometimes. It is also okay to be critical and we - all have hard time accepting that when criticism is directed back at us. Some ppl feel entitled because of their journey here. ??

Imagine if some of those ppl on here cancelled, Will Prowse and banned him from his own forum then stated he had to pay to keep the lights on after their take over. That is the time we are living in right now. Not out of realm of crazy possibilities.

I am going to play with my new rc car. These young kids have got it made …. There were no such toys when I was a kid. If there were they would have been way to rich for me to afford. Of course the recent price paid would of been unobtainum back then. Inflation Boiled frog. BTW The rc motors are brushless and it will darn near fly…… 4 wheel drive …. that is my hobby. If take it easy battery should provide 40 minutes of fun. If I wreck it then the battery will last longer ?.
Tarzan did not tread water, he started swimming for shore....I realize how impractical this is, it is just a mind set people need to have. If you are always looking for someone to save you, you will oft times need to be saved.
Reminds me of how my Mother taught me to swim. When I was a very young child she took me out in a boat on a large lake. Without a word she tossed me in to the lake. Later, after I got back to shore, she pretended amazement , but I could see how proud she was. I had learned to swim! Several other teaching incidents happened afterwards but I kept making my momma proud of me.
There is a biblical story of a man swimming - treading water - drowning awaiting help directly by and from God. It has been told many times and in several version.

‘’”While out to sea, a large boat became shipwrecked and there was only a single survivor. This man prayed and asked God to save his life. Soon thereafter, another boat came by and offered the man some help.
“No thanks,” he said. “I'm waiting for God to save me.”
The men on the boat shrugged their shoulders and continued. As the man became more deeply concerned, another boat came by. Again, the people aboard offered this man some help, and again he politely decline. “I'm waiting for God to save me,” he said again.
After some time, the man began to lose his faith, and soon after that he died. Upon reaching Heaven, he had a chance to speak with God briefly.
“Why did you let me die? Why didn't you answer my prayers?”
“Dummy, I sent you two boats!”
The author of this spiritual story is unknown and greatly appreciated. If you know who wrote this, or can provide a source that we can cite then please contact us and let us know!”’
this quoted version is same.

The Bible and Religion often teaches life lessons and provides moral compass for some ppl. However everyone fails at times… myself included.

I use to tell young ppl learning that most everything is “Easy once you know how.” I had heard that somewhere but don’t remember the source. We often forget where we came from, where we are at, and where we are going. It is not a crime to be nice to ppl sometimes. It is also okay to be critical and we - all have hard time accepting that when criticism is directed back at us. Some ppl feel entitled because of their journey here. ??

Imagine if some of those ppl on here cancelled, Will Prowse and banned him from his own forum then stated he had to pay to keep the lights on after their take over. That is the time we are living in right now. Not out of realm of crazy possibilities.

I am going to play with my new rc car. These young kids have got it made …. There were no such toys when I was a kid. If there were they would have been way to rich for me to afford. Of course the recent price paid would of been unobtainum back then. Inflation Boiled frog. BTW The rc motors are brushless and it will darn near fly…… 4 wheel drive …. that is my hobby. If take it easy battery should provide 40 minutes of fun. If I wreck it then the battery will last longer ?.
When I was in the Navy going to Avionics A school at NAS Memphis in 1980, I ponied up several months worth of discretionary income for a big fast RC car at the base exchange. IIRC it was about $200 which was a lot of money then. Top speed was actual (not scale) about 40 mph. If memory serves it was about 16" long which would be around 1/12 scale I guess?

Needless to say I destroyed it in less than a week.

Did I learn my lesson? No. About 8 years later spent a similar amount on a similar toy. Best one they sold at toys r us. We lived in a house with hardwood floors. It was blazing fast. Didnt last a day.

I have managed to restrain my desire to buy an RC plane all these years.

Video games are fun.
Broken RC vehicles don't respawn in 30 seconds. :fp2

I let my nephew drive one of my nitro truggies in a huge school field. He manage to run it into a goal post. He's that kind of kid.
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When I was in the Navy going to Avionics A school at NAS Memphis in 1980, I ponied up several months worth of discretionary income for a big fast RC car at the base exchange. IIRC it was about $200 which was a lot of money then. Top speed was actual (not scale) about 40 mph. If memory serves it was about 16" long which would be around 1/12 scale I guess?

Needless to say I destroyed it in less than a week.

Did I learn my lesson? No. About 8 years later spent a similar amount on a similar toy. Best one they sold at toys r us. We lived in a house with hardwood floors. It was blazing fast. Didnt last a day.

I have managed to restrain my desire to buy an RC plane all these years.

Video games are fun.
When you flip the cars up side down in a wreck the batteries take longer to run down because have to go set them back on wheels. Shiny side up. They need a remote turtle like flipper … lever to set - flip them back on wheels. ?? there is an idea for more remote - lazy fun. Probably already been done. ?

RC are a fun hobby. Electric is huge improvement over old noisy messy fuel versions. Brushless motors are great but can’t “ plug “ them like old brush motor versions for braking effect with my new rc. Second childhood is great. ???

I had a Cox fueled airplane - controlled with fishing line. Went round and round in circles until get dizzy and crash it. Hard plastic shattered into pieces. I stayed away from rc helicopters and rc airplanes after that. To fly rc helicopter had to be extraordinary lucky - they were a handful. Most ppl never flew the old rc helicopters because - crash and destroy them. The rc helicopters were just shelf trophies. ?

Now govt is trying to cancel all hobby drones - first for themselves then most like for us. The small indoor drone rc versions are a blast. Easy to fly. Be a sad day if the hobby smaller indoor mini drones get banned too. ? The govt - police were abusing ppl’s rights with DJI like drones and spying - recording citizens on their private property ….. violating Rights so laws were suppose to be passed regarding drones and - the citizens are the usual targets yet again. Typical. ?

just can’t swim with govt sharks.
When you get older and have the various issues that come with age, you might understand. I'm not saying older people are useless, just that everything slows down. Energy, both physically and mentally, changes. Priorities and focus changes.

Add to that that there are people who get thrown into situations that they never wanted. If I died tomorrow, my wife would be on here asking a lot of questions. As much as she has paid attention and even helped in our solar adventure, she doesn't know all the details. The last thing she will need to hear is buck up.
If I croak tomorrow or today My wife would be alright running the system but if it broke or altered behavior then she would be lost.

Fortunately my kids have a pretty good idea what’s going on.

I don’t think anyone of them would know how to fix one of the DIY batteries but they could swap them out for server rack ones.

diy solar

diy solar