diy solar

diy solar

240v inverter on class a rv off grid with ac


Redneck Engineer
Aug 9, 2021
I recently purchased some land to attempt the start of going off grid but with the faint hope of keeping at least 1 ac unit going on the rv. it is a 2012 Thor hurricane 34t amd has a 50amp hookup. I was hoping to build a shed to store the batteries as I plan to build a house in a couple years where the rv will be parked and use my system to then power the house. was hoping to use the standard 50amp hookup outside the rv to just simply plus into to power it as if it were hooked up at an rv camp. problem I'm running into is figuring out which inverter setup would be best for the job. (future house will be 6-800 square ft so i assume I can get by with the same setup when the time comes) any help would be great and my budget is with batteries panels and all hoping to stay under 20k. so far I plan to get 8 200ah so batteries and 10 410w bifacial panels. thanks
Take a look at this thread by @Firetodd. He did something similar to what you are trying to do.
