diy solar

diy solar

24v 4000w


New Member
Mar 11, 2020
Is the 24v 4000w system on the website too much for my 1st attempt at creating a solar system?

Should I be starting smaller to get the feel for it?
Usually you go the other way around: figure how big of a system do you need, what are your power requirements, your autonomy requirements, etc. and then decide if the one you're looking a is suitable or needs something extra, or is too big.
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I live off-grid and power my place with 2kw of solar, 24V batteries & a Samlex EVO 4024 Inverter (120V only) and it's fine. "For me & my uses" Everyone's needs & uses are unique, so... BTW: I started with 3kw inverter 5 yrs ago and found I needed to upgrade to 4kw, which was more costly than if I have bought the bigger to start with.... Also had to change my wiring from 2/0 to 4/0 and that's not cheap either... lessons learned. Now I am adding more battery (converting from Lead Acid to LifePo4) & this spring more panels & another solar controller because I am also doubling my usable stored capacity.
If you're staying on-grid and you want to start small to get your feet wet and expand later, take a look at microinverters. Basically you can grow one panel at a time if you need to.
Choose a bigger charge controller and inverter, use smaller battery, if feel need more battery, just add battery.
Choose a bigger charge controller and inverter, use smaller battery, if feel need more battery, just add battery.

BUT before you do any of that you need to conduct a power budget. There are millions of power spreadsheets on the web to use. BUT figure out your requirements first. THEN construct a system around your present (and future) requirements.... Preaching to the choir but lately there has been so many ppl bitching that they bought a system that Will or someone recommended and that it doesn't do anything what they thought it would do ... sooo to best help you get the right system you first need to do a power-audit of what you need to run ... and also figure out all the stuff you need to run at one time .. I can run everything out here at work all day with the small system we have in the office -- BUT if I turn on the coffee maker, vacuum cleaner, and microwave all tat the same time - i am suddenly sitting in the dark
Is the 24v 4000w system on the website too much for my 1st attempt at creating a solar system?

Should I be starting smaller to get the feel for it?

Depends what you are trying to accomplish. What are you building? What is your goal?

The size of your system (at the scale you are talking about) shouldn't increase the complexity of things very much.

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diy solar