diy solar

diy solar

Abnormally high AC output voltage on Growatt SPF 6000 DVM-MPV


New Member
Nov 25, 2021

I have the following problem with my Growatt SPF 6000 DVM-MPV inverter, which is configured fully off-grid (no AC input except a backup generator).

It pulls its power from a 48V 16S EVE 280K pack running a JK BMS. It's been running fine for ~2 years.

But recently, it started acting weird :
- It's setup to deliver 208V split phase ( I live in Japan), that's 104V per phase
- Sometimes (I think the occurences are correlated with me running a rather dodgy AC window unit, which draws about 1.1kw. The problem begins after 1~2h of operation), the ouput voltage from the inverter goes all the way to ~120V per phase, at which point my main breaker board trips.
- Left alone, the inverter will gradually come back to 108V. It takes a couple of hours

During the whole time, the inverter thinks it outputs 208V as usual (see attached picture, taken at night so no panels are visible), but the actual voltage is way more than that (confirmed with 2 different meters). On the battery side, the JK BMS doesn't report anything suspicious.

- I still run an older firmware, and I'm a bit reluctant to update, even though I am also experiencing the 'invisible panels' issue as described in other threads.
- Nothing is grounded... it's partly the way it's done in Japan and partly me being lazy

Anybody else has experienced this ?

After some back and forth with some (quite helpful) support from Growatt, we've elected to reset the Inverter settings by pressing ESC+ENTER for a couple of seconds. This doesn't shut down the unit, but resets all the values to their default.

It seems that it actually did something, as the output voltage profile from the inverter changed as can be seen on the chart below. This data is captured using a smart plug connected to one of the two phases, downstream from the unit.

I'll monitor the situation for a couple more days, and I'm not getting these voltage spikes anymore, I'll declare the issue fixed.

So it's been 5 days after I reset my setings, and everything looks much better now. I now consider this issue fixed.

Only remaining issue is that I'll never know what was wrong in the first place.

Screenshot 2023-11-21 100420.jpg