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diy solar

AC-OUT to an outlet connection & wall plug to AC-IN - MultiPlus-II 12V/24V 3kVA 2x120V


New Member
Nov 20, 2023
Corvallis, OR
I am curios how people made the interface between an outlet for their appliences and this inverter. LIkewise a plug that goes to 'shore' for the AC-in. Maybe some Nema-15 pigatil I heard? What if I need the AC-out to have a higher amperage rating. Any suggestions would be awesome.


There are better ways to do the conduit than how I did it, but just use a common small breaker panel of appropriate size for the ouput.
Usually these would be hard wired as shown in the picture. distribution panel would have breakers to limit power to the smaller circuits.
Otherwise a 50 amp outlet and a 50 amp inlet should serve you well.
I am wondering what might one do if this were an off grid system, for instance in a van. I did look up
Otherwise a 50 amp outlet and a 50 amp inlet should serve you well
But i am still a little unclear. Perhaps you might point me in the direction learn about this or elaborate.
I would like to have 12 total 5-15 outlets. I would like to go from AC-OUT to 5-15 outlets. You mention utility power, sorry but Im still getting confused by your explanation, what do you mean by utility power? I am using the unit in the title with the termials I have in the picture. So in summary I want to go from the ac_out terminal to 12 regular plugs. Its okay if you feel I have too little knowledge or you have done what you can. I will keep looking.
You could just take 12-2 Romex, wire it directly to the output terminal to an outlet, then daisy chain off it each outlet for your 12 outlets and then set the inverter for a max discharge of 15a and be done.
I would like to have 12 total 5-15 outlets. I would like to go from AC-OUT to 5-15 outlets. You mention utility power, sorry but Im still getting confused by your explanation, what do you mean by utility power?
The inlet would be for an outside power source. Usually this would be utility power at an RV park, a buddy's house, or possibly a portable generator. If that is not the intended use maybe a smaller and simpler inverter would be easier.
You probably want some kind of breaker panel. Since this is in a van, an RV or boat panel might be what you are looking for.
You could just take 12-2 Romex, wire it directly to the output terminal to an outlet, then daisy chain off it each outlet for your 12 outlets and then set the inverter for a max discharge of 15a and be done.
You suggest 12-2 Romex, which I believe is 12 AWG. Part of my confusion is that it says minimum 6 AWG wire. Nema 12 seems to be standard for outlets and such, the gauge are mismatch. We would like the abilty to go over 15A too.
You would go with 6 AWG (or whatever is appropriate) up to the breaker panel, then use smaller wire (again, whatever is appropriate) for each branch circuit.
You suggest 12-2 Romex, which I believe is 12 AWG. Part of my confusion is that it says minimum 6 AWG wire. Nema 12 seems to be standard for outlets and such, the gauge are mismatch. We would like the abilty to go over 15A too.
The 6awg it to take into account the full capability of the unit including the power assist feature.

12-2 can carry 20a, I only mentioned 15a as a quick a dirty solution.

As your needs increase including utilizing power assist (up to50a supply) then you’d need to increase the complexity of your wiring.

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