diy solar

diy solar

AI speculations and member vetting.

As for them being the in list of users I can ban every one of them but they serve a purpose attracting new members. Also its how google and the other search engines get their results. Its future whether we like it or not.
Nope nothing shared from here database wise but with that said those bots do crawl the site just like you do except they REMEMBER everything they read while scrapping the pages here.
That amazon bot was just shown in an inverter post. Wild. It stays here as do a bunch from china. They are more intense and privacy invasive now then ever. Of course have bought some things at amazon solar related but it is now going by recent things looked at here. Weird. Almost every internet website wants a cookie installed.

I advise privacy mode everywhere make it ask to put cookies on.

I don’t like being tracked. The owner of these botS and cookies would not want me tracking them. My robot vac app got dropped from android ..stopped working. Only get app from ios now. The vacuum robots map your home. 😀😂🤓
Actually the best way to keep from being tracked is to use text emails. As in no html. I use outlook for instance with all of the html stuff disabled so all I see is plain text. It works so well I keep getting emails from my credit card companies wanting me to prove my email address works since they can't tell if I read the emails they send or not. Most of the web tracking is done thru single pixel images. You can't see them on the pages as you surf or in emails but your browser loading them allows them to track you from site to site.

If you REALLY want get creeped out you need to be at one the car dealership software sale pitches. The stuff they show they can track on a person is beyond scary. I used to end of being there when they were presenting their software's abilities as a pitch to upgrade or switch to their stuff while I was fixing a server or something back in the day.
What about picking a random group, say members from Pennsylvania with over 1000 posts, and the potential newbie has to send each of them a dollar. :LOL:
On a serious note, sending the admin $10 bucks, with the top left corner dog-eared, on a hand addressed envelope using blue ink, could earn you a subtle check mark. Indicating non-bot likely to those who know. 😁. Ok, maybe not so serious.

@Will Prowse
Actually the best way to keep from being tracked is to use text emails. As in no html. I use outlook for instance with all of the html stuff disabled so all I see is plain text. It works so well I keep getting emails from my credit card companies wanting me to prove my email address works since they can't tell if I read the emails they send or not. Most of the web tracking is done thru single pixel images. You can't see them on the pages as you surf or in emails but your browser loading them allows them to track you from site to site.
can you expound upon this a little more? if you have the HTML stuff all shut off can you still read their emails?
can you expound upon this a little more? if you have the HTML stuff all shut off can you still read their emails?
Yep. Here is a santan email I just got. This is what it looks like to me when I read it.


This is what it would look like if I read it like most people :

In outlook you click "tools" at the top of the screen.

Then options and then e-mail options.

Then click read all standard mail in plain text.

Then click ok at the bottom of the panel your on.
guessing its something similar for hot mail and gmail. will have to look into my internet providers email page as well.
guessing its something similar for hot mail and gmail. will have to look into my internet providers email page as well.
Not sure on those as they WANT to track you so they are not exactly bending over backwards to help with these kinds of features :)

That's why I use outlook for an email reader locally for my main email stuff. I have gmail and such but its used as little as possible. Basically just for my phone and other google products.
aha ha ha ha Oh No they knowz mah secrets! well I hope they get a raging case of herpes from reading my drivel.
mine too. I just don’t like window peekers. 😀 so to speak.. when we had bulletin boards and dial up modems the internet was free. Mono Chrome Screens and ASCII ..... America Online - AOL messed all that up. Porn freaks loved it for freebies. Tell someone you had computer the first questions: "is there really free porn." 😀 down hill from there. Use to take long time to see a download on first dial ups. Almost instant now.

BTW if the bot sees you online here under the “current viewers feature” can probably see what you are looking at. Maybe turn that feature off here?. why is it needed? With it They will know X amount of viewers are looking at particular things just by that feature being on. The amazon bot was looking at the "fortress inverter" post for instance. Why would bot want an inverter…or was it bogo free for attraction? What data and who are they gathering for the market trending?

What really don't like is spell checkers saying a word is mis-spelled but offers nothing every time click to see. It is distracting asf. Cause loss and flow of thoughts. Then sometimes like it IOS devices the shit word prediction starts kicking in and changes stuff ....... "they" will often be changed to "the." This was noticed and talked about in 2020 on Facebook by bunch of iOS users. It also double taps words in sentences .... when reading post look for double out of place wording. Sometimes the word can be opposite and separated by another word. Example not exact but like it "those guys those ran to store"

Places like Facebook are monitoring your post as you are typing why they call it high tech..... then can ban you almost immediately when hit post button. Seen it got banned on purpose just to verify it .

SIRI and ALEXIS are AI. Both record us. SIRI has open statement admitting as much.


Marker Zuckerberg was shown at his personal laptop with piece of tape over his built-in camera. ABOVE was hacked long ago and so were other programs to tap the video camera. The guy named McAfee - Mcafee antivirus said "safest way to use the internet was never turn on a computer."

During covid they were illegally using our paid services on devices we bought to track and trace us for covid. They got busted. They are track tracing everything connected. It can and will be used against you if ever get charged for anything. You by paying for a service will get convicted. I have yet to see it with 2020 voter mules which were shown but it was used to get some 6 jan 2021 rioters. They should have left their phones at home and only used cash kept face covered like ANTIFA.. Whoops best not to drive modern car with tracking in them either. Toyota got busted for low jacking their new vehicles which is crazy since they already have Toyota onboard. Seems some dealers wanted to locate to repossess cars. :)

I suspect the OP 42Ohms had a different direction for this post we have moved it from there with "drift" but it was about AI and BOTS which are here now. AI is possibly here talking too. AI is only as smart as the person that programmed it.

Anyone that thinks they should be only ppl talking might need to be avoided. I've learned a lot of things from everyone. Somethings ppl want to refute because of Cognitive Dissonance.

Does AI suffer from Cognitive Dissonance?

Humans make grammar and spelling checks other humans that want to be considered smart like on forums will wait and jump at any chance to correct and be smartest person in the room. Sometimes it is good sometimes it is not. There are a lot of forum monkey on these forums common among all popular forums. They don't have a hobby so have picked this one up. if a new person shows up here they want to act like dogs and sniff ...... in same room they would be dealt with.

I suspect and will be direct this was in reference to a guy that came here and "claimed be phd with major lifepo battery experiences". He seemed up and up to me. I generally take ppl at their word until see otherwise. That is the behind the scenes for post origin. Some ppl felt challenged like might lose their supposed superiority complex over others. Humans have fragile emotions some dish but can't take it back. AI is like that too. It terminates discussions abruptly too. CRUSHED :unsure:
I have computers dating back from the 70's.

Ive owned probably 50 of those message balls and not a one survived. I honestly have no clue what happened to them. I think they roll off under their own when they reach a certain level of AI :)

NOOooo they mate with stray socks and conspire to steal all the ink pens in the world so they can have a party
NOOooo they mate with stray socks and conspire to steal all the ink pens in the world so they can have a party
stealing Ink Pens is the mark of a LCpl or PFC... that was a right of passage to move up in rank... see how many times you could swipe the 1st Sgt or Co. Gunnies Pens... I got the Battalion SgtMaj's one time... I was god int he squad bay for about three days until someone squealed on me.
stealing Ink Pens is the mark of a LCpl or PFC... that was a right of passage to move up in rank... see how many times you could swipe the 1st Sgt or Co. Gunnies Pens... I got the Battalion SgtMaj's one time... I was god int he squad bay for about three days until someone squealed on me.

I walked around the hanger one day and swiped every single ink pen I could get my hands on, even some from the officers desks - they have zero sense of humor - left the Warrant Officer alone - he deserved the respect - ... I bet I had over a hundred pens before noon -- then came the intercom call to send someone to the maintenance office with all the missing pens _or else_
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I walked around the hanger one day and swiped every single ink pen I could get my hands on, even some from the officers desks - they have zero sense of humor - left the Warrant Officer alone - he deserved the respect - ... I bet I had over a hundred pens before noon -- then came the intercom call to send someone to the maintenance office with all the missing pens _or else_
Well Played, well played ha ha ha.
Hot mail is still a thing?
I have multiple emails from over two decades ago that I keep up and alive. I never had to give up my real name for any of them when I created them. I use one that has my real name for 99.9% of my life.... that other .1% is when I desire to anonymously screw with someones head. Gmail accounts, hotmail accounts, hotmail accounts under live... for instance, and yes even a couple of AOL accounts. some of them were made via now defunct japanese dial up providers but the email accounts being with microsoft and google are still valid and I light them off about one a month to clear out spam and keep them valid

remember, fun is where you find it.

diy solar

diy solar