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diy solar

Am I Crazy? Eco-Worthy tracker


Solar Addict
Dec 25, 2021
I purchased during the black friday deals an Eco Worthy Dual axis solar Tracker. In researching it I thought with a couple of updates it might be able to accept higher watt panels. First would be a change of actuators from the standard 330lb to a 660lb actuator. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BZP9JN3...CF1F2C06849EA84051C230B795EFC9D762D85341&th=1
They can be had in different lengths. The question before my “panel of experts” as my wife calls you is; would changing the actuators actually allow for heavier, higher watt panels. I am thinking 6 Longi 600w panels.
This would also be raised on a 3”(?) steel pipe to reach above roof line. I figure I would have to have a pipe long enough to be buried 6’(?) in concrete To accommodate the weight of the panels. I have a small lot that the house sits on and do not want to do roof mount. Your thoughts, ideas are appreciated.
I have 4 devices of eco-worthy, first u will need to change the struts to something stronger, I recommend using HD struts .
then there is a gap on the main pole and the horizontal pole, this gap making the system dance, I find that putting a peace of metal will close the gap, I will try to upload some picture of what im talking about, U need to test first, using stronger 12V actuator is good Idea but.. will the controller work with them ? I assume bigger actuator using more power and the question if that controller can provide the right Amp to those motors also .
how much amp each of of them using ?
There is someone on YouTube who tried to do 6x 450watt panels. He said he ended bending/damaging one of the actuators and that there was a problem with ground clearance. He didn't say anything about the integrity of the main mount pipe.. He ended going with 3 panels. Here are his videos: https://www.youtube.com/@1frenchdoughboy/videos

I'm thinking of doing something similar as him, i.e. using 2 of the trackers and mounting 3 on each. Based on some of the comments in those videos
I'm just starting a relationship with a company that makes high end actuators. I'm replacing the Ecoworthy actuators in my single axis ground mount system with Progressive Automations 400lb hall sensor actuators. They are a bit more expensive, but have positional control and are IP66 rated.

Progressive has actuators up to 2000Lbs. The 850lb industrial ones are in the $300 range. They have some 600lb actuators in the $130 range.
They have a lot of microcontroller support if you do your own controls (arduino/RPI)

I've been thinking about modding your ecoworthy system as well for another project.

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I'm just starting a relationship with a company that makes high end actuators. I'm replacing the Ecoworthy actuators in my single axis ground mount system with Progressive Automations 400lb hall sensor actuators. They are a bit more expensive, but have positional control and are IP66 rated.

Progressive has actuators up to 2000Lbs. The 850lb industrial ones are in the $300 range. They have some 600lb actuators in the $130 range.
They have a lot of microcontroller support if you do your own controls (arduino/RPI)

I've been thinking about modding your ecoworthy system as well for another project.

isn't that bit expensive , you will find 24V actuator much cheaper and there some controllers that get 12V input and change it to 24V
isn't that bit expensive , you will find 24V actuator much cheaper and there some controllers that get 12V input and change it to 24V
Yeah, I could have chosen 24v, and possibly should have. Everything is set to 12v right now, though, and the panel I"m using to charge the battery, is only a 17v panel, and the current diy battery is 12v.
Yeah, I could have chosen 24v, and possibly should have. Everything is set to 12v right now, though, and the panel I"m using to charge the battery, is only a 17v panel, and the current diy battery is 12v.
check Aliexpress, I think you cn find 12V 3000N actuator for much cheaper
I also bought one of those eco-worthy trackers while it was on a black friday sale.
Most ppl on youtube are running stock actuators even with heavier panels. EcoWorthy added anti-crush tubes inside the square tubing mount locations on newest versions. They added Some other mods like full welds too. Ecoworthy upgraded controller connections to quick connect. If you got the newest quick connections for controller then you have the most up to date version for complete kit mods.
Recommend you get 1 piece heavier gage Unistrut if going with heavier big panels. Just remember if you try to reinforce it to much that it is just more suspended weight. I think my tracker controller has 5 amp fuses. Does your controller have same 5 amp fuses?

I had bought 8 of the new Ecoworthy 195w bifacial panels … got 8 of them and in full sun around 79 degree getting ~224-~238w range for the panels. You are asking a lot from the tracker mounts because these 195w panels are much lighter - recommended. I think ecoworthy recommends running just 6 and I am adding 8 to mine. We always want more. ?

Am in holding pattern because of weather atm. Might be spring or warm spell before plant my base. I think some ppl recommended 450-600 pounds of concrete base for standard panels. There is a video of guy that setup 2-3 of these trackers with 4-5 ft metal tube in ground and bagged foam - designed for setting deck post. Think would go with your 6ft plans and lot of concrete. Is there a reason you are mounting it so high?

Do you have lot of high winds? There is a video that shows all the controller setup too. Software adjustment flattens the panels out faster in windy areas.

Recommended panel dimensions …. Ecoworthy only recommends 6 of these…. x 20.48 pounds ~123 pounds vs your panels 6x60 ~360 pounds
Size: 52.6 x 26.4 x 1.4 inches (1335*670*35mm), weight 20.48 Lbs.

you are going to add a lot more stress with bigger dimension and added weight …moment arm …. I think your 600w panels are around 60 pounds each - that will be significant with bigger spans due to additional panel sizing. The pivot stress points mentioned by another poster will really be stressed. It would be a shame if it failed and damaged those 600w panels due to over load at a pivot point . I would insure the hardware is grade 5 or better. I am setting mine up as a toy… emergency minimum ~ 1600w setup.with 8 panels ~144 pounds suspended panel weight. I am worried - wondering if it can take that. I will probably be adding 1 piece Unistrut vs their shorter connected unistrut sections to try trim weight. Each of those connecters - hardware adds weight. ?




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D71, You could be right, and I could be crazy. I had thought of welding extra support before adding the panels. I am looking at the expanse that 6 600 watt panels would cover as well as the weight. 180" and 420lbs might be stretching the possibilities a bit.
D71, You could be right, and I could be crazy. I had thought of welding extra support before adding the panels. I am looking at the expanse that 6 600 watt panels would cover as well as the weight. 180" and 420lbs might be stretching the possibilities a bit.
i figure those 600w panels probably about size of sheet plywood - each? I figured they were at least 60 pounds. Again ecoworthy only recommend 6 of their 195w panels. They are lighter and smaller. Some of youtube videos look like that 8 x 195w panels might be about as much as can take. The video with bigger panels looks real sketchy when moving. I get winds here. That is another factor for WING SIZE. ?

Btw I don’t think these ecoworthy panels will take a decent hail storm… So am not recommending them until see for myself.
this is just what I am doing.

These bifacial panels are real light weight. This one in picture was damaged in shipping - 0w output now. Done. Ecoworthy sent me a replacement panel but now I am stuck with disposing of this broken panel. I’ve had zero problems with their service otherwise. Their shipping packaging needs to be upgraded for their solar panels. This Ecoworthy tracker and panels are just a hobby time for me. Again This thing in wind storm will be like a wing. I am setting it away from house so if by chance topples then it won’t land on anything.

I have a small ground mount array of commercial grade panels too. They survived a small hail storm. Here hail storms might be followed with tornado - tornado force winds. My power rarely goes out in good weather. ?

I do like the concepts of tracking solar with limited yard - property space. I don’t want them on my roof either.

good luck with it.


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D71, You could be right, and I could be crazy. I had thought of welding extra support before adding the panels. I am looking at the expanse that 6 600 watt panels would cover as well as the weight. 180" and 420lbs might be stretching the possibilities a bit.
the actuators can't handle huge amount of weight, fr that u need bigger ones
lot of flexing….going on ….this is guy that I think is running his stock actuators… but think his panels are smaller 400w vs 600w panels that you mentioned. It took me a bit to find these videos. Have you seen these videos? ?

this earthship guy on youtube has been using this setup for over year and had failures. Several mods have been made since he made his purchase.
Mods were made to newest units being shipped… he has high winds and small array. He has had actuator fuses blow with his system.
I watched this guy for a year or so to see how his system held up. To my knowledge he posted first video about the Ecoworthy tracker.





I think some of these ppl could live with just the output of a AAA battery. Joke. ??
If they built it to a certain tolerance, I'd stick to it, especially factoring in wind. Perhaps if you have space you could spread the panels across two trackers. I know, more money, but hey at least one can keep going during maintenance or other problems.
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I agree with chilly2.

this guy in video is a stress tester and hahaha pushing it to the max. When something is pushed beyond recommendations if it fails he will have no one to blame but himself. I do think if he had stronger winds might see more problems. The upgraded one piece Unistrut do take weight off and probably make a bit of difference for supporting the weight. Again if it fails it is all good as long as he says he pushed it to extremes. He is using the power to charge commercial trucks for his business. Probably money to burn. ??

I am surprised when I see people install these and then add a battery and small solar panel to drive the motors. I have a Bluetti AC300 and bought the RV cable with the XT60 to Anderson cable. I cut the Anderson end off and exposed the 2 wires and ran an outdoor lighting wire along the PV cables back to the tracker to power it. Using the same route as the PV cables. The tracker has the panels to charge the Bluetti and it also powers the tracker, BAM, no addition gear needed. If you are using it on an MPP or other all in one, you can add a fuse box and convert it down to 12v back out to the tracker. I do this for my yard lights, but could be the tracker as well. I will post pictures after I get it cleaned up and tuned. Bluetti wants a blog about the setup as well as I asked them about what I was doing and they loved the idea. It works perfectly.

Snicker he broke the big heavy one with 400w panels on it - probably overloaded ~ 3x with the extra weight. The actuator on big one broke . His inverters went out too.. Things usually show up with time. He was using these systems daily heavily think he says for a year. Funny he just realizes the money invested in solar equipment will never be paid back in a fast way. Hmmmmm think his business is installing EV Battery chargers. He was using the solar to charge his EV Service trucks. 😎😁‼️.

Well he did take credit for over stressing the big system. 😁☑️ breaking it. Notice the smaller system seems fine. Of course his conclusion is just add more panels in different arrangements vs the tracker in the comments. 😁👀 Hmmmm….. interesting.
I had the same discussion with my son today when was wanting me to invest some of the crypto I'm producing to buy trackers for my panels. I explained to him while I thought they were ideal for small systems for people with limited space since it would maximize what they got during the day it wouldn't be worth it for me.

I explained to him that with the 2 acre field I'm setting mine up in I could have a bunch more production packing as many panels in that area vs the tracker since it took up so much ground space in comparison.
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lot of flexing….going on ….this is guy that I think is running his stock actuators… but think his panels are smaller 400w vs 600w panels that you mentioned. It took me a bit to find these videos. Have you seen these videos? ?

this earthship guy on youtube has been using this setup for over year and had failures. Several mods have been made since he made his purchase.
Mods were made to newest units being shipped… he has high winds and small array. He has had actuator fuses blow with his system.
I watched this guy for a year or so to see how his system held up. To my knowledge he posted first video about the Ecoworthy tracker.





I think some of these ppl could live with just the output of a AAA battery. Joke. ??
You see the video of him where his bigger setup fell apart and got destroyed by a storm. His second one with lighter panels survived. The strut was all bent up and the panels fell.
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As I own 2 of these with one having 3-365w panels, I had to add 6” C channel extensions to each member and I am only at 1095 watts. Also I am only a few inches from the ground at full east or west. If you use the Rich Solar 200w panels you can get 6 panels, so 1200w, thus no advantage with bigger panels. My 2nd has 5-200w BourgeRV N type bi-facial panels for 1000w. I can't fit 6 of these as they are 30+” wide vs the Rich Solar 27”. So BIGGER panels will not necessarily get you more solar since you can't fit more than 3. The speed of the actuators also matter as the new version is 6mm/s vs older ones that are 10mm/sec, so slower is better to reduce the jerk that happens and my bigger panels do jerk. Total weight of bigger panels being less panels will be roughly the same of more smaller panels, so weight should be similar. I also am thinking of replacing the 1x2 C channel with 2x2 C channel to make it more rigid. The C channels are only 5’ wide, so you only have 10’ of width minus 1” between each panel for brackets. My pics below. My 4 Rich Solar are the ones on the ground that connect to my EG4 mini-split and can move with me on my 4x8 trailer where they will power my Bluetti AC 300 and my DC fridge/ freezer. I would strongly recommend 6 200w Rich Solar for 1200 watts, or any panel that is no wider than 27” or you can’t fit 6, length is not as much of an issue. The tracker is just not designed for anything more. Since I had the bigger panels and the Tornado destroyed one, I use the 3 on the tracker that feeds the Bluetti daily. I also HIGHLY recommend replacing the cotter pins with R clips and adding nylon washers to all pivot points. Add nylon/teflon tape to the inside joints too if you can find some to reduce friction and wear that will rust, pic as well. I also power mine with 12v wire to a fuse box on the BourgeRV unit and 12v output RV cable for the Bluetti one with big panels, no additional panel or battery needed or care for. It is just outdoor lighting wire, way easier and less maintenance. I am pulling 830+ watts too off those 3 panels.


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As I own 2 of these with one having 3-365w panels, I had to add 6” C channel extensions to each member and I am only at 1095 watts. Also I am only a few inches from the ground at full east or west. If you use the Rich Solar 200w panels you can get 6 panels, so 1200w, thus no advantage with bigger panels. My 2nd has 5-200w BourgeRV N type bi-facial panels for 1000w. I can't fit 6 of these as they are 30+” wide vs the Rich Solar 27”. So BIGGER panels will not necessarily get you more solar since you can't fit more than 3. The speed of the actuators also matter as the new version is 6mm/s vs older ones that are 10mm/sec, so slower is better to reduce the jerk that happens and my bigger panels do jerk. Total weight of bigger panels being less panels will be roughly the same of more smaller panels, so weight should be similar. I also am thinking of replacing the 1x2 C channel with 2x2 C channel to make it more rigid. The C channels are only 5’ wide, so you only have 10’ of width minus 1” between each panel for brackets. My pics below. My 4 Rich Solar are the ones on the ground that connect to my EG4 mini-split and can move with me on my 4x8 trailer where they will power my Bluetti AC 300 and my DC fridge/ freezer. I would strongly recommend 6 200w Rich Solar for 1200 watts, or any panel that is no wider than 27” or you can’t fit 6, length is not as much of an issue. The tracker is just not designed for anything more. Since I had the bigger panels and the Tornado destroyed one, I use the 3 on the tracker that feeds the Bluetti daily. I also HIGHLY recommend replacing the cotter pins with R clips and adding nylon washers to all pivot points. Add nylon/teflon tape to the inside joints too if you can find some to reduce friction and wear that will rust, pic as well. I also power mine with 12v wire to a fuse box on the BourgeRV unit and 12v output RV cable for the Bluetti one with big panels, no additional panel or battery needed or care for. It is just outdoor lighting wire, way easier and less maintenance. I am pulling 830+ watts too off those 3 panels.
I should add the Tornado near miss in May with 120mph winds did set my panels flat and NONE were damaged, nor the tracker and with golf ball+ sized hail. Any more load… yeah thinking C channel would fail. You could strap them down to some ground mount loops to help stop upwards flex, but not downwards, C channels would give, why maybe square C channels might be stronger. Maybe use a single axis home made teeter totter E W tracker and you just add height to match your panel desired widths.
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As I own 2 of these with one having 3-365w panels, I had to add 6” C channel extensions to each member and I am only at 1095 watts. Also I am only a few inches from the ground at full east or west. If you use the Rich Solar 200w panels you can get 6 panels, so 1200w, thus no advantage with bigger panels. My 2nd has 5-200w BourgeRV N type bi-facial panels for 1000w. I can't fit 6 of these as they are 30+” wide vs the Rich Solar 27”. So BIGGER panels will not necessarily get you more solar since you can't fit more than 3. The speed of the actuators also matter as the new version is 6mm/s vs older ones that are 10mm/sec, so slower is better to reduce the jerk that happens and my bigger panels do jerk. Total weight of bigger panels being less panels will be roughly the same of more smaller panels, so weight should be similar. I also am thinking of replacing the 1x2 C channel with 2x2 C channel to make it more rigid. The C channels are only 5’ wide, so you only have 10’ of width minus 1” between each panel for brackets. My pics below. My 4 Rich Solar are the ones on the ground that connect to my EG4 mini-split and can move with me on my 4x8 trailer where they will power my Bluetti AC 300 and my DC fridge/ freezer. I would strongly recommend 6 200w Rich Solar for 1200 watts, or any panel that is no wider than 27” or you can’t fit 6, length is not as much of an issue. The tracker is just not designed for anything more. Since I had the bigger panels and the Tornado destroyed one, I use the 3 on the tracker that feeds the Bluetti daily. I also HIGHLY recommend replacing the cotter pins with R clips and adding nylon washers to all pivot points. Add nylon/teflon tape to the inside joints too if you can find some to reduce friction and wear that will rust, pic as well. I also power mine with 12v wire to a fuse box on the BourgeRV unit and 12v output RV cable for the Bluetti one with big panels, no additional panel or battery needed or care for. It is just outdoor lighting wire, way easier and less maintenance. I am pulling 830+ watts too off those 3 panels.
Would you guys recommend upgrading to a steel strut if we were gonna try to push 4 400watt panels? Tried to piece one together just buying parts, and this kit seems like a good value just for the mounting poles. The same controller by itself is around $72, and welding steel is just a pain. $300 extra bucks for welding, steel mounts, hardware, and aluminum strut i can use elsewhere seems like a good value.
Would you guys recommend upgrading to a steel strut if we were gonna try to push 4 400watt panels? Tried to piece one together just buying parts, and this kit seems like a good value just for the mounting poles. The same controller by itself is around $72, and welding steel is just a pain. $300 extra bucks for welding, steel mounts, hardware, and aluminum strut i can use elsewhere seems like a good value.
You would have to raise it off the ground several feet to fit 4 of those panels across, mine has 3 and inches from the ground, they are just not designed for big panels. You could not get 2 panels north south and 2 east west either as there isn't long enough C channels to allow this.

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