diy solar

diy solar

Am I leaving power on the table?

FWIW to anyone that stumbles upon this thread down the road, I have been seeing a pretty consistent 220W from this flat mounted, used, 315W panel. That is in the middle of the day with full sun.
Sounds like that's being limited by the SCC.
Sounds like that's being limited by the SCC.
It might be a little bit, but I'm good with it. It is twice what I need to replace what I use in the summer and in the winter when this camper will get the most use the solar output will be an entirely different story. I'm in the middle of installing a Victron Orion XS 50A DC-DC charger. I suspect this will do most of my heavy lifting on the days I'm driving and I carry a small 2200w Honda generator with me that I can top up with on days I'm not driving if I need to. Honestly, the solar is mostly there for experimentation and to get some hands on experience with it before I install my big(er) system up at a remote property. I figure if I do something stupid and let the magic smoke out of a $60 SCC, I can learn from it and avoid doing that to something larger and more expensive!