diy solar

diy solar

America's melting pot

Typical libbie responce "I dont have to proof anything"
I used bob's idea to question my thinking.(asked an AI)

I asked: does a rogue planet or asteroid collision have enough energy for abiogenesis


A rogue planet or asteroid collision is a powerful event, but it likely wouldn't directly create life as we know it. Here's why:
Destructive nature of impact: A large impact would be incredibly violent. The immense heat and shockwaves could vaporize much of the surface and sterilize the environment, destroying any potential building blocks for life.
Conditions needed for life: Leading hypotheses for the origin of life require specific conditions:
* Liquid water
* A source of energy
* Building blocks of organic molecules (like carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen)

A giant impact might disrupt these conditions or even eject them entirely from Earth.
However, there's a chance a rogue planet collision could have played an indirect role:
  • Delivery of ingredients: A smaller impact from a comet or icy object could have delivered some of the essential elements for life, like water and organic molecules, to early Earth.
  • Triggering chemical reactions: The shock of an impact could have provided the necessary energy to jumpstart some of the chemical reactions needed to form the first organic molecules in the "organic soup theory."
Overall, scientists believe life on Earth arose from gradual processes over millions of years, not a single catastrophic event. A rogue planet collision might have played a minor, indirect role by delivering ingredients or providing a jolt of energy, but it wouldn't have directly created life itself.
*end cut/paste

it gave me an out (Triggering chemical reactions)(tornado analogy)

because the moon was closer to earth back then and with the speed of the asteroid and moon collision
it would take seconds for the ejected material to travel from the moon to earth.

crap, this AI stuff is BS
I asked a simple question.

best way to eliminate homelessness in the usa

There's no single "best" way to eliminate homelessness in the USA, but there are several approaches that have shown promise in reducing its prevalence. Here's a breakdown of some key strategies:
  • Affordable housing: Increasing the availability of safe, secure, and affordable housing is crucial. This could involve government subsidies, rent control measures, or programs to help people transition out of shelters and into permanent housing.
  • Supportive services: Addressing the root causes of homelessness, such as mental illness, addiction, or domestic violence, requires access to supportive services like counseling, job training, and childcare.
  • Rapid re-housing: Programs that provide short-term rental assistance and case management can help people experiencing homelessness quickly find stable housing.
Housing-First Approach:
  • Focus on permanent housing: This approach prioritizes getting people into permanent housing as quickly as possible, with supportive services offered afterwards. Studies have shown it to be effective in reducing homelessness in the long term.
Supportive Housing:
  • Combination of housing and services: Combining permanent housing with on-site or linked social services can help individuals experiencing chronic homelessness maintain stability.
Additional Considerations:
  • Living wage jobs: Jobs that pay a living wage can help people afford housing and avoid falling into homelessness.
  • Racial equity: Homelessness disproportionately affects minorities. Programs and policies should address racial disparities in housing access and affordability.
  • Public awareness: Raising awareness about homelessness and its causes can foster empathy and support for solutions.
It's important to remember that ending homelessness is a complex issue that requires a multi-faceted approach. By combining these strategies and tailoring them to local needs, communities can make significant progress in reducing homelessness and ensuring everyone has a safe and secure place to call home.

* end cut/paste
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because an AI said my hypotheses is possible, it should move to theory :unsure: tornado abiogenesis theory(TAT)
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because an AI said my hypotheses is possible, it should move to theory :unsure: tornado abiogenesis theory(TAT)
There are a few possible scenario's for the existence of life on earth, the matter is not an urgent one to resolve as it doesn't change anything for the future of life on earth. I am content in waiting for the evidence. It is likely that we will never be sure on what created life on earth as much, if not all, of the evidence will be most likely lost in time. I am not suggesting we should stop looking though.

The question is a far broader one for me and it has been since I was in second grade, why does anything exist? I have become quite comfortable not knowing, but it is still an interesting thing to muse about when I am marvelling at the beauty and saddened by the cruelty in nature. The problem I have with some religious people is that they claim to find the answers in holy books, or in the stories they heard from their great grandparents. They are nice stories, but that is all they are and they quickly fall apart when we interrogate the stories.
There are a few possible scenario's for the existence of life on earth, the matter is not an urgent one to resolve as it doesn't change anything for the future of life on earth. I am content in waiting for the evidence. It is likely that we will never be sure on what created life on earth as much, if not all, of the evidence will be most likely lost in time. I am not suggesting we should stop looking though.

The question is a far broader one for me and it has been since I was in second grade, why does anything exist? I have become quite comfortable not knowing, but it is still an interesting thing to muse about when I am marvelling at the beauty and saddened by the cruelty in nature. The problem I have with some religious people is that they claim to find the answers in holy books, or in the stories they heard from their great grandparents. They are nice stories, but that is all they are and they quickly fall apart when we interrogate the stories.

Not knowing is fine.
The problem is instead of just not knowing and letting be (and having an open discussion) people like you are pushing stuff like this


I agree - that is what should be said - when the target of the statement isn't a snowflake who refuses to participate with data and facts.

It is especially painful for all of the Internet "Google University" (GU) degree holders to see true scientists breaking from the bullshit dogma and publishing actual data that shows how faulty Darwinism is, and how impossible abiogenesis is. Because the GU degree holders can't think for themselves, they are threatened by data that points to their "degree" being totally useless and awarded on fiction, as opposed to facts.

It is said you can't prove a negative. That assertion is correct - but only in a purist form. When you remove scientific research, mathematical probability and critical thinking from the process, you may as well just use any stat you want to try and prove your abstract. For example, I cannot prove that a communications satellite has never been created spontaneously by nature. I can, however, use science and probability to arrive at a very accurate estimation as to how many times it has occurred and, more importantly, how likely it is to ever occur. While this may seem a ridiculous analogy, it is EXACTLY like believing abiogenesis occurs. Yep, I can't prove it doesn't happen but I can definitely use science to analyze the components, derive the construction of those components, use modern tools and research to try to duplicate said components and then deduce how likely it is to occur "by accident" or by "chance" in the wild.

You cannot build a communications satellite just by constructing a box, affixing a few parabolic dishes to it and then putting it in space. You have to design it from the ground up for the intended purpose. What frequencies it will work with will determine many of the physical characteristics of the components. Cooling of those components will dictate what the housing structure will look like. All of the resistors, capacitors, diodes, transistors, integrated circuits, wiring, etc. will have to be created from raw materials. They will have to be assembled to perform very specific tasks and then inserted into the housing structure. Once all of these electrical design requirements are met, you will then need software for all of the the internal systems to communicate and transfer the data properly. Finally, you will need a power source for all of these components. Most likely a fuel cell and solar panel combination - which will have to be created from raw materials and assembled and also connected to the satellite.

Oh yeah - you also need to ensure the satellite can reproduce on it's own. After all, it won't work forever and all of the other spontaneously generated "things" in the universe that somehow depend on the satellite will need more of them. However, one need not worry about needing a computer to help with future design efforts. After a few billion years, some solar radiation, a few lightning strikes, some primordial "soup", etc. the spontaneously generated satellite will first evolve into a calculator, then a video game, then a personal computer. (Animals) However, somehow a CRAY supercomputer shows up in the mix - but paradoxically it does not have any peer machines associated with it. (Humans) However, even though all of these items share some common components, they will all have the same manufacturing date - yet you will still state the products have evolved over time - ignoring the date stamp on every device.

People who tout abiogenesis would have you believe that what I just described could happen by accident or chance out in nature. If we are discussing this possibility, you must acknowledge the elements required to construct everything I listed are found, in abundance, in the universe. By their definition there should be trillions of random systems and devices floating about the universe. After all, you have all of the materials and plenty of the Darwinians and abiogenesis advocates favorite "ingredient" - TIME. According to science over 14 billion years have elapsed since our universe came into being. Is that not enough time for the spontaneous creation of a satellite? They would have us believe this is EXACTLY what happened with an amoeba - even though the complexities and components for a single cell organism to function are BILLIONS of times more complex than a communications satellite. Oh yeah - we didn't even scratch the subjects of mobility or sexual reproduction.

To push the analogy a little further, I can give the entire stack of components to a congress of monkeys and then wait for them to build the satellite. Even if they were to somehow assemble the satellite, then we have to wait for the software to be written for it. Oh yeah - even if the monkeys did somehow assemble the device and write the required software, wouldn't that be an example of intelligence being used?

So, while I can't PROVE communication satellites don't spontaneously get created all over the universe, I can make a reasoned assertion that it is not possible for it to happen - and I can assert that we have never witnessed it happening.
I cannot prove that a communications satellite has never been created spontaneously by nature. I can, however, use science and probability to arrive at a very accurate estimation as to how many times it has occurred and, more importantly, how likely it is to ever occur.
B-ManFX4, this analogy speaks to me(because we have proof it happened at least once). but when you start churching the numbers
I can see a path for a natural process even without adding multiple universes :unsure: because I got a quick glance at the shear magnitude of our universe :oops: and the problem is only getting worse because they say it's still getting bigger :oops: what math works for that I don't know. :unsure:
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I agree - that is what should be said - when the target of the statement isn't a snowflake who refuses to participate with data and facts.

It is especially painful for all of the Internet "Google University" (GU) degree holders to see true scientists breaking from the bullshit dogma and publishing actual data that shows how faulty Darwinism is, and how impossible abiogenesis is. Because the GU degree holders can't think for themselves, they are threatened by data that points to their "degree" being totally useless and awarded on fiction, as opposed to facts.

It is said you can't prove a negative. That assertion is correct - but only in a purist form. When you remove scientific research, mathematical probability and critical thinking from the process, you may as well just use any stat you want to try and prove your abstract. For example, I cannot prove that a communications satellite has never been created spontaneously by nature. I can, however, use science and probability to arrive at a very accurate estimation as to how many times it has occurred and, more importantly, how likely it is to ever occur. While this may seem a ridiculous analogy, it is EXACTLY like believing abiogenesis occurs. Yep, I can't prove it doesn't happen but I can definitely use science to analyze the components, derive the construction of those components, use modern tools and research to try to duplicate said components and then deduce how likely it is to occur "by accident" or by "chance" in the wild.

You cannot build a communications satellite just by constructing a box, affixing a few parabolic dishes to it and then putting it in space. You have to design it from the ground up for the intended purpose. What frequencies it will work with will determine many of the physical characteristics of the components. Cooling of those components will dictate what the housing structure will look like. All of the resistors, capacitors, diodes, transistors, integrated circuits, wiring, etc. will have to be created from raw materials. They will have to be assembled to perform very specific tasks and then inserted into the housing structure. Once all of these electrical design requirements are met, you will then need software for all of the the internal systems to communicate and transfer the data properly. Finally, you will need a power source for all of these components. Most likely a fuel cell and solar panel combination - which will have to be created from raw materials and assembled and also connected to the satellite.

Oh yeah - you also need to ensure the satellite can reproduce on it's own. After all, it won't work forever and all of the other spontaneously generated "things" in the universe that somehow depend on the satellite will need more of them. However, one need not worry about needing a computer to help with future design efforts. After a few billion years, some solar radiation, a few lightning strikes, some primordial "soup", etc. the spontaneously generated satellite will first evolve into a calculator, then a video game, then a personal computer. (Animals) However, somehow a CRAY supercomputer shows up in the mix - but paradoxically it does not have any peer machines associated with it. (Humans) However, even though all of these items share some common components, they will all have the same manufacturing date - yet you will still state the products have evolved over time - ignoring the date stamp on every device.

People who tout abiogenesis would have you believe that what I just described could happen by accident or chance out in nature. If we are discussing this possibility, you must acknowledge the elements required to construct everything I listed are found, in abundance, in the universe. By their definition there should be trillions of random systems and devices floating about the universe. After all, you have all of the materials and plenty of the Darwinians and abiogenesis advocates favorite "ingredient" - TIME. According to science over 14 billion years have elapsed since our universe came into being. Is that not enough time for the spontaneous creation of a satellite? They would have us believe this is EXACTLY what happened with an amoeba - even though the complexities and components for a single cell organism to function are BILLIONS of times more complex than a communications satellite. Oh yeah - we didn't even scratch the subjects of mobility or sexual reproduction.

To push the analogy a little further, I can give the entire stack of components to a congress of monkeys and then wait for them to build the satellite. Even if they were to somehow assemble the satellite, then we have to wait for the software to be written for it. Oh yeah - even if the monkeys did somehow assemble the device and write the required software, wouldn't that be an example of intelligence being used?

So, while I can't PROVE communication satellites don't spontaneously get created all over the universe, I can make a reasoned assertion that it is not possible for it to happen - and I can assert that we have never witnessed it happening.

This is an excellent analysis.
Early on i tried to reason with these people, but i quickly realized they are just shills.
However, most of my posts are not aimed at them - you can not undo shills. I aim my stuff at occasional lurker who comes here with an open mind, and also to counter the gaslighting that the likes of "Svetz" and "Bongbong" post over and over again.
With this in mind, posts like above are absolute excellent material for people who are interested in actual thinking for themselves
People who tout abiogenesis would have you believe that what I just described could happen by accident or chance out in nature.
B-ManFX4, yet here we are, in a natural universe :unsure: maybe, as 42OhmPA has pointed out :unsure: (simulation, simcity)

IMO it was a chain reaction that starting the ball rolling to a CRAY supercomputer, not one spontaneously generated thing.
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that guy can think and express his thoughts with words :love:
Svetz is also someone I marvel at their wordsmithing talents

you also when you put in the effort :love:

The big difference is that some "orators" present BS and gaslight using their "orator skills".
Others present facts.
Others present facts.
aenyc, which in my mind is how it should work, I take in information, then come to some understanding in my head.
if I only take in information with the images in my head, I'm not learning anything IMO (so I should thank you :) )

IMO without different sides to any coin, there would be no need to flip it.
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aenyc, which in my mind is how it should work, I take in information, then come to some understanding in my head.
if I only take in information with the images in my head, I'm not learning anything IMO (so I should thank you :) )

IMO without different sides to any coin, there would be no need to flip it.

I generally agree.
The problem is that the authoritarians and shills want to silence anyone not going along with their bs narrative
This is an excellent analysis.
Early on i tried to reason with these people, but i quickly realized they are just shills.
However, most of my posts are not aimed at them - you can not undo shills. I aim my stuff at occasional lurker who comes here with an open mind, and also to counter the gaslighting that the likes of "Svetz" and "Bongbong" post over and over again.
With this in mind, posts like above are absolute excellent material for people who are interested in actual thinking for themselves

You demonstrate true wisdom in not engaging with shills. I'm trying to do better...

I help moderate an electrical forum and we have been criticized for editing or deleting posts that include blatantly wrong assertions. The purpose of that editing is to ensure the integrity of the data that a casual visitor might ingest. It is unreal how many "GU graduates" show up and try to argue with those of us who carry EE, ESET, EC, etc. degrees and have decades of work experience.

Kind of like how Bongbong believes he knows more than Dr. Tour regarding the probability of abiogenesis of even a single cell organism, let alone a human being. :rolleyes:
Kind of like how Bongbong believes he knows more than Dr. Tour
crap! if bongbong is an "authoritarians and shills" then I most be also :sick:

because the conventual thinking is that the potential difference in clouds(lightning) are caused by water molecules banging
together, but in my head it's because of the increased moisture content(vaporized ground water) forms a semiconductor
moving through a magnetic field, the reason stationary clouds produce lightning also is because our magnet in as liquid
and moves around 🤪

I'm thinking if it was a conductor not a semiconductor it's be a tesla coil 🤪

but not sure I'd say that out loud :unsure:
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You demonstrate true wisdom in not engaging with shills. I'm trying to do better...

I help moderate an electrical forum and we have been criticized for editing or deleting posts that include blatantly wrong assertions. The purpose of that editing is to ensure the integrity of the data that a casual visitor might ingest. It is unreal how many "GU graduates" show up and try to argue with those of us who carry EE, ESET, EC, etc. degrees and have decades of work experience.

Kind of like how Bongbong believes he knows more than Dr. Tour regarding the probability of abiogenesis of even a single cell organism, let alone a human being. :rolleyes:

I agree with you fully on the whole GU phenomenon. (I love the term, will be using it a lot!!!) Its really pretty scary in the long term, as these people act the same way in their profession causing wheels of an airplane to fall off and God forbid they have to do diagnosis without their computer
crap! if bongbong is an "authoritarians and shills" then I most be also :sick:

I would not put you both in the same bucket. You are willing to admit "you just don't know" so therefore many possibilities exist for answers. Bongbong completely denies intelligent design the same courtesy, yet he offers nothing as a potential alternative THAT HAS A BETTER LEVEL OF PROOF. Essentially, abiogenesis has equal or less "proof" than intelligent design, yet he readily accepts it and disparages intelligent design.

That is classic liberal / snowflake behavior. When you can't think for yourself, parrot "the experts" - even when there are plenty of other "experts" with equal or better credentials, telling us that they see serious fault with the suppositions made by those endorsing abiogenesis or Darwinism. Then attack those who ask simple, pointed questions of you - that way you don't have to actually demonstrate any command of the subject matter at hand.

For another example - we can simply quote Thomas Edison, pointing out he was a great inventor - and disparage Nikola Tesla, even though Edison has been proven dead wrong in his battle to make power plants and distribution direct current. Tesla (with George Westinghouse) correctly asserted alternating current could cover much greater distances far more efficiently and it is easier to generate. People like Bongbong hitched their cart to the Edison horse because, after all, Edison was the famous acknowledged "expert". He was such an "expert" the asshole actually went so far as to round up stray animals and use AC to electrocute them in front of journalists. He did this in order to demonstrate that AC was more dangerous than DC.

As history has shown, Edison didn't understand electricity anywhere near as well as Tesla did and, without Tesla and Westinghouse making AC power a reality, power production would not have spread as easily and quickly as it did. It would have proved to be far "dirtier" because of the tremendous losses incurred in transmitting DC power as well. Had everyone been like Bongbong, the DC system would have been deployed and everyone would swear how great it is, how anything else is stupid, etc. - all the while the proof was sitting right there, for everyone to see.

The problem is most people lack the knowledge to understand the fundamental differences of the power system - they are simply looking at their light bulbs - if they light up then electricity works. In much the same way, people do not educate themselves on the incredible complexities of the molecular biology present in every living thing on this planet. They simply look and see the trees - and wrongly conclude that they are all basically identical in makeup.

Ignorance is bliss - as long as you remain surrounded by others as ignorant as yourself. When a Tesla type shows up at the Edison party, there is going to be a perceived threat because they have not the education or experience to understand what Tesla was doing and proving. His ideas and theories were ridiculed, all the way until they were proven correct. He was literally light-years ahead of Edison in his knowledge of electricity. Edison was a better salesman. Tesla was eccentric by most standards. Which type of person do most people more easily relate to?
B-ManFX4, yet here we are, in a natural universe :unsure: maybe, as 42OhmPA has pointed out :unsure: (simulation, simcity)

IMO it was a chain reaction that starting the ball rolling to a CRAY supercomputer, not one spontaneously generated thing.

Tommy - your assertion about the chain reaction is your idea of the assembly of the parts. You haven't shared your idea on how the parts are actually created. I attribute this to two things - I am not understanding your descriptions or I am not phrasing my question properly. My family often tells me I overthink things so I am quite comfortable with criticism - you won't hurt my feelings.

Using the satellite analogy, we can say that DNA / RNA / amino acids / proteins are very much like integrated circuit semiconductors (ICs). Each is incredibly complex and is designed to do a specific function - just like ICs.

My question to you is how did the actual ICs get created? How did the silicon slabs get produced, etched, stacked, interconnected and then packaged - and then get interfaced with other ICs to perform the desired functions of the satellite?

Or, as it pertains to life - how did the specific DNA molecule get created? We know it is a dual-helix spiral ladder-type structure, with the ladder rungs comprised of combinations of adenine, thymine, guanine and cytosine. The different combinations of these bases, coupled with the specific order in which the rungs of the ladder are assembled, determine the genetic coding information contained within the DNA molecule.

Chemical Structure Of DNA.png

From the book Molecular Biology Of The Cell the following is an excerpt that describes just how much information is contained in our DNA:

The complete set of information in an organism's DNA is called its genome, and it carries the information for all the proteins the organism will ever synthesize. (The term genome is also used to describe the DNA that carries this information.) The amount of information contained in the human genome is staggering: for example, a typical human cell contains 2 meters of DNA. Written out in the four-letter nucleotide alphabet, the nucleotide sequence of a very small human gene occupies a quarter of a page of text, while the complete sequence of nucleotides in the human genome would fill more than a thousand books the size of this one. In addition to other critical information, it carries the instructions for about 30,000 distinct proteins.

For reference - the book mentioned in that bolded sentence has over 1,400 pages - and the human genome carried in our DNA would fill more than 1,000 books of this size - that is over 1,400,000 pages of code.

This is a link to the description and coding present in just a single nucleotide of the human β-globin gene. This gene carries the information for the amino acid sequence of one of the two types of subunits of the hemoglobin molecule, which carries oxygen in the blood.

After reading the description of just this single function and how incredibly complex it is, we must now factor in a staggering fact - this sequence and the information contained within it is replicated and modified over 6 billion times in the human genome, comprising the entirety of what makes you "you". Every single thing on this planet is unique - there are no duplicates. Did you realize that a DNA strand in every cell of your body is literally over 6 feet in length? Length And Weight Of The Human Genome

Keep in mind - although science believes they have cracked the DNA code, they readily admit they have virtually zero understanding of how many of the functions within cells actually work. The research continues to unlock the complexities of just the cell. Think about the complexity of human memory, reasoning and thought processing. Science has unlocked areas of the brain that appear to handle various aspects of our functions - yet they have exactly ZERO explanation of how you actually remember anything - at the cellular level. They have identified "complex interactions" (their wording, not mine) in the brain between certain chemicals and neuronal receptors. These synapses map out in the brain and are ever changing, based on what you experience in life. Think about this - there are roughly 100 billion nerve cells in your brain - and each of those cells can have 10,000 connections to other nerve cells - and that "mapping" is what comprises you. No other animal on the planet is close to this density and complexity in their brain.

So, now that I've bored the reader with all of this dry material, I hope it is a little more apparent how incredibly complex the basics of our cells are. With that said, can you now understand the context of my question when I ask for data that answers this:

"How did a single strand of DNA, for ANY living thing, happen by accident?" Can a rational, thinking being really consider all of the information included in the texts included in just this post and then arrive at the conclusion that DNA is accidental and was not designed for it's specific purpose?
How did the silicon slabs get produced
B-ManFX4, the same way we get them now, they are grown. granted to get the properties needed for the first 555 timer
a mixture is required and environmental conditions are needed , kind of how nature does it also(comets/asteroids) ,
but with nature you end up with all types of results, from bugs to bats and even whales with the right mixture. while
we use lapping machine to get the packaging needed, nature has a more random/diverse way(first image below).

I do get why some would think of a god/designer in our image, because I can see myself in 10 years in the first
image below. :oops: (I'll call that one Joe)

the way my mind works, the first semiconductor or even a 555 Timer are connected in all these images :oops:
only difference is the packaging/moisture content . :oops:

IC package arrangements
  • Through-hole packages: These are older packages with pins that extend through the PCB. Examples include DIP (Dual In-Line Package).
  • Surface mount packages:These are soldered directly to the PCB surface. Common types include:
    • SOP (Small Outline Package)
    • QFP (Quad Flat Package)
    • BGA (Ball Grid Array)
    • CSP (Chip Scale Package)
    • LGA (Land Grid Array)
life form packaging arrangements
  • Known Species: Scientists have identified and named around 1.7 million species.
  • Estimated Total: Estimates for the total number of species range from 3 million to 100 million or even more.
  • Microscopic Life: The vast majority of Earth's biodiversity is microscopic, making it extremely challenging to count.
  • Rapid Extinction: Species are disappearing at an alarming rate, making it even harder to accurately assess biodiversity.

*end copy/paste

Capture705.PNG Capture706.PNG Capture707.PNG


how did the specific DNA molecule get created?
my best guess is it started at RNA, once the divisions started, god only know where it'll end up
given enough time. if I wanted to change RNA to DNA I would use some radiation. :unsure:

"How did a single strand of DNA, for ANY living thing, happen by accident?"
my best guess: a geode crystal formed from the stuff delivered here by comets over a large time frame.
then at random a asteroid with a large content of radioactive material hit the geode
sending it flying and cracking it, it landed in a year round large body of liquid water
that's how nature would make RNA IMO.

* off reading, lots of information to digest. the bar is now way over my head :oops:

is this a amazon Brian fart :unsure:

damn! my first Encyclopedia set didn't cost that much :oops:
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B-ManFX4, while I do see how complex life seems to be, and I think we will be looking a very long time
for life that started on some other planet just in our galaxy, for all I know it could only happen once in
each galaxy out there, but even that gives billion of possibilities.
there are at best guess 100 billion planets in our galaxy alone, one out of 100 billion :oops: .
just on this one planet(earth) 48 tons are added each day by comets/asteroids. :oops:
what we get is anybody's guess(seems random).
just food for thought. but it does dismiss TAT theory, crap.

why is fossil records so incomplete, IMO it's because fossilization requires certain things
to happen in a certain order, which countless generations of all types of life has lived here
fossil records do show that, most never fossilize because of no hard mass, even when there
are horns fossil records are very limited because of the other requirements, covered quickly
as to not become food, mineralization requires fixed resources present, then pressure and
lots of time. all the above renders fossil records incomplete and a rare occurrence.
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diy solar

diy solar