diy solar

diy solar

America's melting pot

yes, my bad

but there is a workaround
View attachment 228031

For the record, I wasn't suggesting you or anyone else should buy that book. I linked it so you could see how large the book is so the quote about the genome encoding size would have more significance. It is incredibly detailed but I find it difficult to grasp a lot of the subject matter due to it's extreme technical make up.

BTW - What is TAT theory?
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the way my mind works, the first semiconductor or even a 555 Timer are connected in all these images :oops:
only difference is the packaging/moisture content . :oops:

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View attachment 227937

You missed a critical difference between "Joe" and the other objects - life. Joe is able to repair himself. Joe is able to procreate. Joe is able to learn, albeit in a very limited fashion. Joe is able to metabolize food for energy. The other objects are products of, you guessed it, intelligent design. They can perform exact, specific tasks as they were designed to do. They cannot learn a new task, they cannot reproduce, they cannot repair themselves, they cannot think. In short, they are, and will remain, exactly as they were designed.

my best guess is it started at RNA, once the divisions started, god only know where it'll end up
given enough time. if I wanted to change RNA to DNA I would use some radiation. :unsure:

So, using your idea about radiation, there should be all kinds of "evolved" humans coming from Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Chernobyl and Fukushima. All were exposed to very intense levels of radiation. Many people were exposed to lower levels of radiation. I'm not sure how radiation re-arranges the nucleotides in a DNA strand? The only thing happening to DNA when exposed to radiation is destruction, as far as we have observed. The only "evolution" witnessed when DNA is damaged by radiation is cancer - and it eventually kills the host. It does not create a new life form - it mutates the existing life form into something that cannot sustain itself. When the host dies, it dies too.

why is fossil records so incomplete, IMO it's because fossilization requires certain things to happen in a certain order, which countless generations of all types of life has lived here fossil records do show that, most never fossilize because of no hard mass, even when there are horns fossil records are very limited because of the other requirements, covered quickly as to not become food, mineralization requires fixed resources present, then pressure and lots of time. all the above renders fossil records incomplete and a rare occurrence.

Sorry Tommy - you can't have it both ways. There are definite fossils of millions of types of flora and fauna, spread across millions of years. If there is a fossil of Rev. 1 of dogs, and we are supposedly at Rev. 25 of dogs, there should be a fossil record of at least some of Rev. 2 - 24. But there isn't.

It is interesting - you said this: "it's because fossilization requires certain things to happen in a certain order".

So, during the millions of years of elapsed time, you believe that no transitional fossils occurred because "fossilization requires certain things to happen in a certain order", yet you also believe that something as complex as DNA which, by the way, requires exponentially more things to happen in a certain order, did manage to happen billions of times across the planet? Do you see the contradiction in that thinking?

I have enjoyed the interaction and input from most everyone in this thread but I think the conversation has run its course. Thank you for your considerate interaction and polite demeanor. It is refreshing to see people can still talk and agree to disagree without insulting one another.
BTW - What is TAT theory?
B-ManFX4, tornado abiogenesis theory(TAT), assumes in a universe as large as ours's with
100 billion stars in one galaxy and 100 billion and counting galaxies, at least once a random
series of natural events lead to Abiogenesis. the only proof for TAT is that we are here.

play on the junkyard tornado sometimes known as Hoyle's fallacy
So, using your idea about radiation, there should be all kinds of "evolved" humans coming from Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Chernobyl and Fukushima.
B-ManFX4, while connected not a one on one comparison IMO , each of the above events may have caused multiple examples of
birth defects, but only defects that improve the human condition or turns on chicks are considered "evolved"(hairless apes get laid more)

The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 caused birth defects in children of survivors, including:
The most common defects seen at birth were anencephaly, cleft palate, cleft lip with or without cleft palate, club foot, polydactyly (additional finger or toe), and syndactyly (fusion of two or more fingers or toes). These abnormalities accounted for 445 of the 594 (75%) malformed infants
You missed a critical difference between "Joe" and the other objects
while we are some time away from skynet, as we have seen AI is just now coming online :oops:

I have tried AI but found it wanting.
example: I asked what's the fastest way to end homelessness in the USA.
it came back with: there is no one answer to homelessness in the USA then listed things that could make a difference.

while I'm not AI I would think if you made homelessness a crime with jail time, it would end real fast.

Sorry Tommy - you can't have it both ways. There are definite fossils of millions of types of flora and fauna, spread across millions of years.
maybe, how many life forms walked on this planet in it's life span :unsure: the number would be in the Sextillions, but with
only millions of fossils we could end up with a spotty picture. because of this DNA sequencing may be our best tool for
finding common ancestors for each animal group.

I see a day when we are able to image each major transition of all the animal groups from DNA sequencing
I'm going to put $10 on a banana being in all of them
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I have enjoyed the interaction and input from most everyone in this thread but I think the conversation has run its course. Thank you for your considerate interaction and polite demeanor. It is refreshing to see people can still talk and agree to disagree without insulting one another.
B-ManFX4, you have raised the bar, Thanks!

and for the record I do see value in the intelligent design theory for those that recognizes the shear complexity of life
but feel left out when the talk turns to life started on the back of giant turtles, eternal life, 1000 year old people, or the lights
in the night sky are there so we don't stub our toes or get lose in the night, or even people walking on water.

considerate interaction and polite demeanor
I just had an encounter(online) that highlighted my need to try harder.

and IMO would be a topic I could get value from. (not projecting our base believes/values on others, yet responding when they do conflict)
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Springfield ohio ~population ~60000 flooded by about ~20000 Haitian immigrants - illegals

The great replacement. Think it was mostly white. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see it.

Several other websites concur. I read where ~10 Haitians are in hotels per room. Govt screaming we have housing crisis. The are doing a replacement.

Sooner or later you might figure out who is doing this has done this across the World.

Hias. Most ppl will look see who is behind it toss hands in air say God says it is ordained. 😀🤓 his chosen ppl. If the only ppl that survived the great flood were on the ARK what and where did you come from.? HIAS. 🤓 you won’t talk about the ppl like Mayohas …. he’ll yap yap holocaust story like his impeachment and he will keep destroying America. With our tax dollars. When you flood a country it is not ppl coming to live in our life styles they are coming in mass and taking over. …simple it is an invasion.

The haitian ppl will murder them. They have a reputation for rebelling killing and destroying. 🤓 Hug your kids good bye if you live there. They will vote too. Corrupt asf.
while mother nature continues to test my ground mount setup.
five times sense I pasted it up :oops:


while having a smaller foot print the my current AIO with transformer, the split phase inverter
is much bigger then the add image implied.

there is only a few watts difference between AIO/step down transformer and the new split phase inverter, for efficiency .
the inverter is drawing about 1Amp less.
good thing this inverter is in my garage, when the fans kick on it makes its self known. more so then the AIO.
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My latest battery build. Look at that cell volt diff. Can’t ask for much better. ~14.3k ~$2200

The jk bms logs fault alarm until reset password. The SOC is not as accurate as the VIP bms.

EVE is doing cya with cells V3 Putting the money on ppl’s back to record entry for cell testing now.
Guess they don’t want to be sued.


Suppose to do this too.
EDIT: Mine is suppose be here Monday

Tommy it took 30 days. I do not recommend this case it is a tipster on wheels unless elephant feets are scrubbing smooth concrete floor. Was super easy to build per instructions though. Gobel and Seplos has bettery looking box. I think long term mounting of cells would be better with different box where vents are on top. Took less then 45 minutes once began ….. charging it up initially took around 8 hours. My little mpp 3048 inverter was cranking. Getting warm too so had throttle back. After got it basically charged hit it with ebc-a40.

Was glad batteries had some charge.

Going to see that on this month’s electric bill…. Big batteries take long time to charge and use a lot of electricity. Negatives.

It was easy-fast to top the cells off when basically charged . Number 14 cell was a bit stubborn . Other wise am happy I was originally worried there was to much weight on that bottom cell but my numberS and the recommended 300kgf force are in my favor. They have the included foam between them too.

I broke my old cells out of the factory packs and in process of balancing and capacity checking a few of the runners hoping to save them. I stopped to do this NEW pack with reported storms coming in wanted emergency power set back up .

Will Prowse was correct when break down factory packs they stink something awful. If you ever unpack your batteries be prepared for smell. It goes away after set outside for while…I left garage door up let air in.
I used the square foam and a big clamp to put some pressure on them like the factory box These type cells basically have no compression… the bms on the end and cells are fiberglass strap taped still intact. The blue shrink wrap is only thing off. The cells are positioned on their side in the factory cases. I’m taking the VIP bms out…. There are no adjustable parameters for using the factory heaters with JK BMS you can turn it on or off in settings. Took me forever to find some documentation for Chinese to english about that part. so will probably strip them out when making my nominal 48volt pack It is really 51.2v. 😀 they will be built back with strap tape wood ends,thread all with pex , and angle aluminum ….JK BMS. Having control over the bms is nice. There were no comm cables included and no instructions now for anything. New or old. 😀 Search hunt and figure it out.

Kapton tape is what am using too. Using it and fiber glass strap tape on old cells. The kapton am using to hold temp sensors on too. Need to test them first. They indicated ~right temps. Just need make sure they trip charging out on new build and old build. They actually sell minifire extinguisher on aliexpress for the battery boxes…$100-$200.
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diy solar

diy solar