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diy solar

diy solar

Anker Powerhouse 767 Solar input Challenge!


Solar Enthusiast
Jun 23, 2022
So I'm starting this thread for everyone doubting the capabilities of the Anker 767 and it's solar input. My current solar input record is 918 watts with 2 Qcell 480 watt bifacial panels wired in parallel (53.39VOC, 11.12ISC). 2 of these panels cost $576 which is only $27 more than 1 of Anker's 531 200 watt portable panels.

There are soooooooo many YouTube reviews of this unit without posting actual solar input results so I thought this might be helpful to people.

One of the reasons I did this is because it's fairly easy to overpanel and max out the 900 watt solar input of the Bluetti AC200MAX with only 3 350-400 watt panels wired in series but the Anker 767 is more restrictive with the 60V@20amp 1000watt limit. This was the best and least expensive setup I could come up with. I feel confident I can achieve the 1000 watt input limit with some additional albedo and the springtime sun.

Check out the YouTube video I did along with this and post your solar inputs and setups!



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So I'm starting this thread for everyone doubting the capabilities of the Anker 767 and it's solar input. My current solar input record is 918 watts with 2 Qcell 980 watt bifacial panels wired in parallel (53.39VOC, 11.12ISC). 2 of these panels costs only $27 more than 1 of Anker's 531 200 watt portable panels.


can you please share the EXCAT Qcell part number for the panels you ended up using

many thanks
Watchdog, been reading most of your posts concerning the 767. Learned a great deal ,thanks. Somewhere you had a post about a long run feed from your panels to the 767,you used something besides a xt60 extension…is there any reason no one sells a xt60 long extension? How did you configure yours? Found 80ft red black tinned copper, can I just add the xt60 connector? Thanks for all your info, learned a lot.
Watchdog, been reading most of your posts concerning the 767. Learned a great deal ,thanks. Somewhere you had a post about a long run feed from your panels to the 767,you used something besides a xt60 extension…is there any reason no one sells a xt60 long extension? How did you configure yours? Found 80ft red black tinned copper, can I just add the xt60 connector? Thanks for all your info, learned a lot.

Long story short.... Use 10awg wire for your MC4 cables and your XT60 adapter to minimize voltage loss.

The Anker has the ability to draw 20amps which is higher than most solar generators. I've recorded 20.5amps sustained. When you have long cable runs, voltage drop from your cables becomes more of a problem. In some of my initial testing, I was using an XT60 to MC4 adapter that was from the Ecoflow Delta pro that I had lying around. It was only 14awg. That adapter was a bottleneck and costing me 20-30 watts vs a 10awg XT60 adapter. This is all dependant on the amps available from your solar panels as well. In my case, the two Qcell 480 watt panels wired in parallel have no problem producing 20amps.
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Thanks so very very much for sharing everything Watchdoc, & for everyone else who has replied too, i wouldnt had gotten this far had it not been for everyone who gets involved with these forums, im so very grateful :) thank you
Im in London, UK, but it seems no matter where we are living, the cost of living is always increasing everywhere, but the amount its risen just as lately as this reply, 'paused for another year & few months' as its Risen that much for Electricity ? When there are Solar Panels 'on top' of the block of flats where i live, the pricing for electricity is past ridiculous now and its going to get idiotic if i dont do something by the time the next lot of price increases - start increasing again !!
Who is the company collecting the HUGE SAVINGS that 40 of these solar panels are generating? There are 40+ of these GIANT over-sized PANELS on top of 6 Blocks of Newly Created "Blocks of Flats" in my immediate Area, seen from using GOOGLE MAPS (Aerial View)
Fair enough, im running an Oxygen Concentrator machine, a 3D Printer only when i need it, but just as a test, for a month of continuous 3D Printing, Oxygen machine & everything else we usually need to live a life these days like fridge, cooker, microwave, kettle etc, my monthly pay as you go electricity bill came to just under £330 from 10th to the next 10th of the month. if i had both machines on for as~close~as 24 hours a day.
The only way this is going to get any better for individuals living in a block of flats or folks living from Rented Room to Rented Room, so far, this is by far a brilliant 1st Generation Device from Anker that can allow pretty-much as-close-to a Zero Electricity Bill per month, for being able to last all night into the hours of the morning then let the solar panels charge it back BUT everyones Fridge~Freezer is the BIGGEST DRAW on electricity in every household. MAJOR PROBLEM. Biggest Problem we all face. (Covered Lastly...)
The catch is for folks like me, is that one must buy all the Solar Module~Pieces by ourselves, especially if one is on low income in the beginning & also consider the UK Daytime Sun/Daylight with newly available Solar Panels on the markets, ive been reading about these BiFacial and PERC Solar Panels, the GUNK on AMAZON wont cut it !!!
my own insignificant opinion is that UK is still using near 100 year old technology to boil water to turn turbines to create electricity... and these OLD generators are 'very expensive' to maintain... but hey,ho, what do i know haha
i dont work for this website or earn anything off it, but this is a screenshot of a LOT of Solar Panel~Manufacturers in the UK
(it seems the UK doesnt have MANY of these websites that are LEGAL so as always, do your due diligences BEFORE buying from anywhere)
i have NOT personally bought anything from them yet, but just showing example of a solar panel, though 2.23 METERS IN HEIGHT, 1.13 Meters in width, 30mm Thick, these STATS would be PERFECT:

its technologies website.png

ABOVE: The Drop-Down menu shows how many Solar Panel manufacturers that are within our reach over here for folks that are in places like blocks of flats....
im simply going to use these panels on the insides of my windows... So all i would need to do is keep the outside of my windows on the balcony clean & just affix them to the windows as a "Permanent Temporary Fixture" so i will use some 3D Printing & other tools and services we all have within reach wherever we are in the world, worldwide.
Here are some Specs for the Solar Panel in the Screenshot:
-Rating: 555W
-Efficiency: 21.5%
-Weight: 27.3 kg
-Rated Power: 555 W

MCS Reference: BABT 8515-218-555W
-Length: 2,278 mm
-Width: 1,134 mm
-Depth: 30 mm
VMPP: 42.11 V
IMPP: 13.18 A
Isc: 14.07 A
Voc: 50.02 V

Temp. Coefficient (Mpp): -0.35 %
-Clamp position on panel: Long side only
-Connector Type: EVO2
-Pallet Size: Oversized

-The latest in JA Solar's 72-cell range.
-Higher power output
-Less shading
-Lower resistive losses
-Lower LCOE (Levelized Cost of Energy)
-The frame thickness for this module has been improved from 35mm to 30mm.
-This module is equipped with Staubli MC4-EVO2A connectors.
-The panel has a design life of 25 years and a 12-year warranty period.
Again i reiterate, i do not earn any money off these links and stuff, i just hope MORE PEOPLE can seriously start thinking about going OFF GRID themselves too, even if your just going room to room.
( Or as close to a ZERO BILL every month as possible, for Electricity alone )
in a day & age we can charge up a vehicle, have it AUTO~DRIVE us somewhere, then Auto~drive us back home again, all for the price of maintenance on an electric vehicle for those who work hard enough to be able to afford such awesomeness but mainly because we should be INVESTING money into things that will give us a better way of life. a less wasteful way of life, like why boil a whole kettle of water when you only want 1 cut of tea ?
im personally a sniff under 45 Years Old & watched my parents struggle with 50p electricity meters here in the UK.
We now have the technology in reach to make our tomorrow's so much better.
Anker 767 with Additional Battery making 4800W total to only last a 12hour night/half of a day is all we need it to do, where the panel im showing in my example is very large, its Specs are well worth looking into and one could very-well-theoretically charge the Anker during the day from just 1 window.
it will however take me the next 12-20+ months to save up anything even remotely close to what Anker is asking for its 767 PowerHouse Station, but seriously, look at the other hand if we went to just 1 seller for all installation, everything included, hassle free, and all setup = £20,000..... with battery storage, kinda obviously... minimum.
Crude Example;
Anker 767 is roughly 3200, in UK.
5 Solar Panels 1300 ( or roughly £200 each GBP ) do an online currency converter search w'google-fu :)
Cables, Misc, etc 400
Just Under £4900 or approx. £4200 for just 3 panels again approx.
Truth be told, i would only need a max of 3 of these panels in the example. i have floor to almost-ceiling windows in the livingroom/kitchen.
But still, the total is still well under £20K & bits can be bought in short stages, i will of course keep things updated here & apologise for the long reading, but these things really need to be done by individuals these days or the prices are just going to get WELL out of control. if it cost me just under £350 to run just One 3D Printer, how much for Two per month of continuous use ? its already out of control.
Renting just a Room has even gotten more expensive just due to the Electricity Hikes in Prices. We are very likely not alone.
Its definitely not rocket science and my own skills are pfffft, what skills ? lol so i really thank the original post user, Watchdoc, once again, gives us all the hope that we can literally be self sufficient in otherwise roofless conditions & Anker has many sizes of their PowerHouse 767.
This Anker 767 looks like a really great option & even though its still only just a first generation, im sure if Anker did it, they would do very well making one of these all in one units for the entire home & not just for Portability.
Takes a lot of the hassle out of acquiring all individual components of a battery bank solar system. As one needs: YOUR_SIZE Lithium Battery Bank, Lithium Battery Bank Protection, Lithium Battery Bank Charger Controller, Wifi/Bluetooth Module Compatible with Charger, the high-end folks use SUPERCAP_BANKS the Solar Panels feed first before getting to the Charger Controller, YOUR_SIZE Inverter (the device part responsible for producing mains electricity from a 50v battery bank which is DC voltage), all cables, adapters, fuses, diodes, safety equipment like surge protection & whether or not its going to be tied in with your ON GRID System, so theres a DAUNTING list of Major workhorse components needed to be bought Separately.
The Anker 767 Combines the Battery Bank, Charge Controller, Bluetooth/wifi & the Inverter all into one nice neat little suitcase-sized pack ! lol
One only needs the Solar Panel/s to be within Anker's Voltage, Amp & Wattage Restrictions & to be fair, with everything we have online these days, looks like a very nice wide array of panels that could be easily compatible :)
Due Diligence & SAFETY FIRST, if you havent read anything to do with safety, you shouldnt even be thinking of buying these heavy-duty components !!!
Lastly my fridge is the worst culprit in my house & everyone elses too. These are the bane of all households because we all need one.
Anker have just rolled out a Solar Refrigerator, naturally for portability but it ALSO takes a solar input & has its own internal power battery bank too. This is what we need nowadays, to have MORE technology like this that takes full advantage of the Era that we are now in, why are we paying so damn much for electricity these days ? lol
dont get mad, get even !
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I just picked up the anker767 and have one of their portable panels as part of a bundle deal, and I plan on following what you did since I don't intend on paying the comically high price for 4 more of the Anker panels. I was really glad to come across this thread and your YouTube video. I'm looking to do the same set up as you with the Qcell panels (still waiting on them to get back to me with a qoute) and I had some questions.

Bear with me, my solar experience is sun=energy and my electrical is not much better. I understand that 2x 480 watts should be safe because it's under the 1000watt limit of the Anker767. The panels you linked look like they draw 20amps each. When running in parallel, my understanding is that the amps get added, which would equal a 40amp draw. It looks like the specifications show that the input is a 20amp max. Obviously, I'm missing something, so I was hoping that you should shed some light on the topic.


XT60 Input11-32V⎓ 10A; 32V-60V⎓ 20A (1000W Max)
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I just picked up the anker767 and have one of their portable panels as part of a bundle deal, and I plan on following what you did since I don't intend on paying the comically high price for 4 more of the Anker panels. I was really glad to come across this thread and your YouTube video. I'm looking to do the same set up as you with the Qcell panels (still waiting on them to get back to me with a qoute) and I had some questions.

Bear with me, my solar experience is sun=energy and my electrical is not much better. I understand that 2x 480 watts should be safe because it's under the 1000watt limit of the Anker767. The panels you linked look like they draw 20amps each. When running in parallel, my understanding is that the amps get added, which would equal a 40amp draw. It looks like the specifications show that the input is a 20amp max. Obviously, I'm missing something, so I was hoping that you should shed some light on the topic.


XT60 Input11-32V⎓ 10A; 32V-60V⎓ 20A (1000W Max)

The 1000 watt limit isn't the one you need to worry about. It's the 60v VOC limit that complicates things. My goal is to stay under 60v VOC with a margin for temp compensation but to produce as much wattage as possible for the least amount of money. It really wouldn't matter if your panels made more than 1000 watts which is referred to as "overpaneling". The Anker 767 is only gonna draw slightly more than 20amps. You can spend hours coming up with panel combinations to try and max out the 767 and honestly, I was hoping someone would come up with a better and cheaper combination than I did but thus far, I haven't seen one.

The Qcells are nice panels but they are big and heavy and fairly cumbersome to move around for one person. They are also bifacial and won't work well on a roof. Mine have worked very well with the simple ground mount I built.

BTW, the Anker "draws" the AMPs not the panels. They also make 485 and 490 watt versions of this panel but I was unable to locate them. I purchased my panels from CED Greentech and picked them up in person. It's very expensive to ship panels. Greentech has locations across the country and many of them offer counter sales (some are wholesale only).
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Thanks for the info! My main goal is to get 800w+ out of solar panels that I could store in the garage and take out when needed. Greentech is taking quite a while to come up with a quote, so I'm going to try and find other options. I do have a couple more questions though.

When wiring in parallel, I don't have to be focused on the adding the solar panel amperage together because the 767 will only ever draw slightly more than 20amps?

Also, is the 60v VOC the 60V in the specs I posted before?
XT60 Input11-32V⎓ 10A; 32V-60V⎓ 20A (1000W Max)

Below is the spread sheet for the panels that you linked above. I'm guessing that when I find a panel's VOC it's not a number that gets added together with each panel that's being used? Like how voltage and amperage gets added based off of series vs parallel.
solar specs.png

Sorry for all the questions, you just seem like the guy to ask.

I see what you mean regarding shipping costs. Do you think the specs from these panels would well with the Anker 767? I could have these shipped to a HomeDepot store and avoid shipping costs all together.

Yes, the 60v input limit refers to the max VOC of the panels you are looking at.

I like the renogy panels but they are very expensive. If your local Greentech has a counter sales department, I would go up there in person and find out what they have in stock. I see you are in North Carolina as well. If you are in the Raleigh area, just email Seth and he will take care of you. They still had the Qcells in stock last time I checked.

Keep in mind, these panels are huge and heavy and hauling them in and out of your garage will not only be a pain in the ass but you will likely damage the panels by doing this on a regular basis. Either build a stand that you can roll around and strap down or stick with smaller/lighter panels.

BTW, what do you plan to use your 767 for?
Okay, thanks. I'm seeing that shipping for panels like this is usually $300+, so being able to pick them up from a HomeDepot would make the cost slightly less than purchasing $600 panels and having them delivered.. I'm about 2.5-3 hours away from Raleigh, near the coast.

I do plan on building a rig with wheels and ideally I'd only be moving it about 30 feet from the garage to the location I would intend on using them in.

I'm in a hurricane prone area and plan on staying for a weak CAT 3 or below. I'm about 15-20 miles inland, so I'm not prone to storm surge and winds have about a 20% drop off by the time they reach me. My main issue will be power outages and I already have a gas generator with 5+ days of gas in storage without considering solar. I plan on using the 767 for essentials when the power initially goes out and the weather is still too poor for the gas generator. Blue skies usually follow a hurricane, so I'll charge the 767 during the day while I'm running the gas generator and then use the 767 for the fridge and fans at night. Having the 767 to supplement my power needs will extend my gas quite a bit, and will allow for some comforts even in the event that a power outage continues after I've run out of gas. I eventually plan on buying the additional 767 battery as well.

In theory, the single 200 watt Anker solar panel could give me a full charge if I had perfectly sunny conditions for 10.5+ hours. But being able to fully charge the generator in 2.5 hours would be much more favorable, especially if i'm down to only using the 767 for power.
We live in Greenville and also have a boat slip in Beaufort so I'm familiar with the area. Building a stand like mine would take up alot of space in your garage and would still be a bear to push around your yard. In the event of a hurricane power outage, the 767 would be great for critical loads such as fridge, freezer, a few lights, TV, and coffee maker. Personally, I would opt for more portability in your panels whether it be flexible panels or just smaller rigid panels that you can easily move around. You should definitely look into the expansion battery.

The AC charging is very fast on the 767. You can take a small generator and recharge it in 90 minutes. Then just use a couple panels to supplement the loads during the day.

You should also practice your emergency power outage routine and take notes on how long you can run your critical loads.
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Those are good points. If going with smaller and more mobile panels, like a few 200watt ones, I'd like to be able to buy some rigid panels that would play nicely with the 200watt Anker panel. Do you happen to know if there would be any major issues using 2-3 of these same 200watt panels in conjunction with the Anker solar panels, or any other options that could be used together?

Here's the 200watt ones from Renogy: https://www.homedepot.com/p/Renogy-...ouse-Cabin-Sheds-Rooftop-RSP200D-G1/314332390

They have a VOC of 21.6v.

Here are the spec sheets for the Renogy (Top) and the Anker (Bottom) panels:


Since you already have a Anker 200 watt panel, I would just add a second panel and call it done. Your emergency use scenerio with a generator available will make recharging easy and the portable panels won't take up much space. I'm not sure what your budget is or how your budget vs convienience scale weighs. Anker is pretty good about giving discounts. I bet if you called and ordered the expansion battery and another panel, they would give you a good discount. (especially if you are still within your return period). I'm also of the opinion that the expansion battery would be more important to you than the extra solar panel.

If you're gonna do a rigid panel setup, just borrow a truck and go to Greentech and buy the 2 Qcells. It's gonna be really tough to beat that setup without spending nearly double the money. The Renogy panels are nice but overpriced. Don't forget used panels. Facebook marketplace and craigslist usually have some good deals on panels.

Yes, you can mix and match different panels but you have to be careful in your selection. The Anker panels will not play nice with most other panels because of their low amperage/ high voltage. Several good videos on youtube explaining mixing panels.

Another great way to recharge your Anker is with your car. You can simply use the 12v plug or buy a cheap 12 to 36 volt step up converter and charge wayyyy faster. Jasonoid did a great video on this on youtube that's worth watching.

If you haven't already done it, you need to be doing run down tests on your fridge and freezer to make sure the Anker will power them easily overnight.

Thanks for all the info! I really appreciate it. Sticking with Anker panels sounds like it might be a good idea. If I can apply a discount I'll consider adding more of their panels and expansion battery. Nearly 600$ for a single 200watt panel seems quite steep considering that 900watts for under $800 is achievable. Even when considering the portability factor, it seems a bit overpriced. Lots of factors to consider. Thanks again!
Those are good points. If going with smaller and more mobile panels, like a few 200watt ones, I'd like to be able to buy some rigid panels that would play nicely with the 200watt Anker panel. Do you happen to know if there would be any major issues using 2-3 of these same 200watt panels in conjunction with the Anker solar panels, or any other options that could be used together?

Here's the 200watt ones from Renogy: https://www.homedepot.com/p/Renogy-...ouse-Cabin-Sheds-Rooftop-RSP200D-G1/314332390

They have a VOC of 21.6v.

Here are the spec sheets for the Renogy (Top) and the Anker (Bottom) panels:

View attachment 154100

View attachment 154101
From the PV parameters you have provided, this product is not suitable for use with our 200W product

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