diy solar

diy solar

Any way to monitor OTHER than the web page?


New Member
Jul 8, 2023
I'm in the US.

I would like to see whether the system is up, but I don't want to do it interactively. I've tried various text-only browsers to fetch the monitor page, but between javascript and images and ... none of them will let me access the power being produced. I'd like to tie this in to nagios, ultimately. I tried a couple of android emulators but it turns out you can't install the app on anything except a phone. I can't, anyway.

Ideally, I'd like to be able to run a command line like:
wget <URL> -O foo.html
and then I could just parse the html file for what I need. But wget does not execute the javascript (I guess that's what it is). I can't use that output -- that I know of.

I'm starting to get the feeling that what I want is impossible.
As @Zapper77 suggests - each piece of equipment may or may not provide access and the ones that do use a variety of protocols - some of which are documented and some are not.

For example, an iotawatt unit has a simple, direct, documented, API Query feature that let's you do wget(s) like this example - where I'm returning 10 values at Jan 29th, 2023 at 6:46pm for the 2 legs of my 240v/120v inverter output
So yes, it's possible to use wget if the data source supports http/https queries. One can setup their own web server for wget use - but you'd have to enable the web server to extract data from the equipment you want to monitor via URLs you setup.

One of the key criteria for the equipment I buy is how data can be extracted and if it meets my goals. For example, I will not buy equipment that requires the cloud or phone apps. But I can parse text files (Batrium output) or documented wifi broadcasts (Batrium output) and modbus over internet data (Midnite Classics) and http based data (Iotawatt API Query access) which is how I extract data to a dashboard that I use to monitor my system.
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